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With the recent advances in Internet and mobile technologies, there are increasing demands for ubiquitous access to tourist information systems for service coordination and process integration. However, due to disparate tourist information and service resources such as airlines, hotels, tour operators, it is still difficult for tourists to use them effectively during their trips or even in the planning stage. Neither can current tourist portals assist tourists proactively. To overcome this problem, we propose a Collaborative Travel Agent System (CTAS) based on a scalable, flexible, and intelligent Multi-Agent Information System (MAIS) architecture for proactive aids to Internet and mobile users. We also employ Semantic Web technologies for effective organization of information resources and service processes. We formulate our MAIS architecture for CTAS further with agent clusters based on a case study of a large service-oriented travel agency. Agent clusters may comprise several types of agents to achieve the goals involved in the major processes of a tourist’s trip. We show how agents can make use of ontology from the Semantic Web to help tourists better plan, understand, and specify their requirements collaboratively with the CTAS. We further illustrate how this can be successfully implemented with Web service technologies to integrate disparate Internet tourist resources. To conclude, we discuss and evaluate our approach from different stakeholders’ perspectives.
Patrick C. K. HungEmail:

The reuse of existing systems is an important objective of High Level Architecture (HLA) based collaborative product development systems. However, in order to reuse an existing system, its interoperation interface has to be modified so as to comply with the objective and interaction representations defined in a corresponding Federation Object Model (FOM). Such modifications imply added time and effort, which diminishes the efficiency of system reuse in collaborative product development. This paper presents a heavy-weighted ontology-based construction method for interoperation models to support the reuse of subsystems in various collaborative contexts. In this method ontologies are used to specify the semantics of object classes and interaction classes in subsystems in a formal and computer readable fashion. In doing so, a Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) like construction method is introduced to establish the original interoperation ontology from scratch. An automatic transforming method from Simulation Object Model (SOM) into interoperation ontology is also described to make existing HLA based systems easy to adopt this approach. Then a consistency verification method is introduced to guarantee the consistency of the interoperation ontologies. A case study is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method. As a human-friendly modeling method, compared with existing interoperation modeling methods the proposed method is more flexible, efficient and reliable.  相似文献   

Processes are a central entity in enterprise collaboration. Collaborative processes need to be executed and coordinated in a distributed computational platform where computers are connected through heterogeneous networks and systems. Life cycle management of such collaborative processes requires a framework able to handle their diversity based on different computational and communication requirements. This paper proposes a rational for such framework, points out key requirements and proposes a strategy for a supporting technological infrastructure. Beyond the portability of collaborative process definitions among different technological bindings, a framework to handle different life cycle phases of those definitions is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The main difficulty associated with a collaborative design process is understanding the product data exchanged during the design. Efficient and effective coordination of design activities relies on a thorough understanding of the dependencies between shared product specifications throughout the entire development cycle. This paper explores the linkages between the design process features and product specification dependencies, and suggests ways of identifying and managing specification dependencies to improve collaborative process performance. Using a UML (Unified Modeling Language) specification, we propose a process traceability tool to track the design process in an ongoing manner. Based on the information captured, the dependencies between specifications involved in the tracked process are identified and inserted in a dependency network, which is maintained throughout the design process. A set of mechanisms is then proposed to qualify the identified dependencies. Extracting and qualifying specification dependencies could be useful in many design situations; for example, during an engineering change management process to assess impacts and study change feasibility, or during a conflict management process to assist designers in resolving conflicts and maintaining the coherence of the design process (knowing that change management is a tool to conduct conflict management). Special attention is paid to the conflict management process. By means of a case study, we show how the solution we propose can assist designers during the conflict management process.  相似文献   

Shared understanding about both the design content and the design process has significant meaning for collaborative design, which influences the quality of final products. Existing approaches have difficulties in supporting designers to structure and share their design thinking while they are performing practical tasks. In this paper we propose Shared Design Thinking Process Model (S-DTPM) to support collaborative design, which is based on co-evolutionary design theory and existing design rationale frameworks. Two principles for S-DTPM have been considered. The elements and representation schema of S-DTPM have been discussed in detail. Based on S-DTPM, a prototype system has been developed for supporting collaborative thinking and capturing shared design rationale. An example, collaborative design is taken to validate the proposed model. S-DTPM can help designers to create shared understanding about the design as well as record shared design thinking process for future use such as design review, design change and redesign.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the collaborative environment reference architecture (CERA) with the aim of supporting collaborative work environment (CWE) interoperability. The vision of CERA is to support users who are engaged in common collaborative spaces with similar work processes to work and collaborate seamlessly together, despite their use of proprietary CWE tools and systems. The underlying CERA concepts, design principles, and models are discussed, as well as the architectural decisions made as a result of the extended requirements analysis exercise. Furthermore, we present results from the Ecospace () project as an example of a CERA instantiation which focuses on facilitating users collaborating across different CWE systems, namely BSCW, NetWeaver, and BC. We conclude with future research and implementation directions.  相似文献   

E-learning systems provide a variety of instructional aids and communication methods, and offer learners great flexibility as to the time and place of instruction. Given these advantages, it is not surprising that business and educational institutions are making substantial investments in e-learning systems. In military, the military scenario is a tool or environment that supports the classroom training in collaborative decision-making and problem solving. It offers a method to train officers by simulating battlefield situations to analyze situations, generate plans, make decision, and acquire knowledge and experience from the scenario training procedure. This article is an example on implementing a military e-training system on military training institute in the Taiwanese Military. For this, this paper proposes a knowledge-based system architecture that incorporates the functions of military training materials, scenario case base, database, and geographical information systems (GIS) in terms of integrating web-based and collaborative problem solving methods in military collaborative scenario training. A scenario case is presented as an example of system implementation and some issue discussion are also described.  相似文献   

In a manufacturing system, we need to capture collaborative processes among its components in order to clearly define supporting functions of a system. However, pervasive process modeling techniques, including IDEF3, Petri Nets, and UML, are not sufficient for modeling collaborative processes. Therefore, we have developed a novel modeling method referred to as collaborative process modeling (CPM) to describe collaborative processes. CPM models can be transformed into marked graph models so that we can use the analysis power of Petri Nets. In this paper, we first briefly discuss these process modeling techniques. Then, we illustrate the CPM method and transformation rules with illustrative examples. CPM allows us to develop collaborative process models, understand and facilitate the realization of collaboration, and verify models before moving onto development.  相似文献   

Enterprises need to be responsive to meet dynamic businesses and requirements. Service-oriented architecture and Web services can improve e-Business systems to be integrated and flexible. This paper proposes a multi-model driven collaborative development platform for service-oriented e-Business systems. The platform provides engineers/consultants with three views, i.e., business view, process view, and service view to support service-oriented software engineering, top-down business design and bottom-up service composite and development. The views are kept consistent through model-driven translation mechanisms. The platform employs three models, i.e., service meta-model, process model and business model to implement the translation. On the platform, business and technical consultants/engineers can use the views designated for their roles to collaborate for a service-oriented e-Business system based at the distributed sites of, e.g., IT vendors and their clients. The collaboration is featured with visual development and rapid demonstration. Comparingly, most of the mainstream development environments focus on object-oriented application development other than service-oriented business process modeling. The platform has been developed and deployed in an innovation centre to be evaluated by visiting customers.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a workflow distribution methodology for rationally deploying workflow models onto a distributed workflow system running on cloud computing environments, and we particularly lay a stress upon that those workflow systems operable on cloud computing environments are dubbed collaborative workflow systems, which are not only built upon the collaborative workflow architectures proposed in the paper, but pursuing the so-called collaborative computing paradigm characterized by focusing collaboration over cloud computing environments. The essential idea of the workflow distribution methodology is about how to fragment a workflow model and how to allocate its fragments to each of the architectural components configuring the underlying collaborative workflow architecture and system. As a reasonable solution to realize the essential idea, the paper proposes a model-driven workflow fragmentation framework, which provides a series of fragmentation algorithms that semantically fragmentate a workflow model by considering the semantic factors - performer, role, control-flow, data-flow, etc. - of the ICN-based workflow model as fragmentation criteria. The algorithms are classified into the vertical fragmentation approach, the horizontal fragmentation approach, and the hybrid approach of both. Conclusively, this paper conceives a possible set of collaborative workflow architectures embedding the collaborative computing paradigm, and describes the detailed formalism of the framework and about how the framework works on those collaborative workflow architectures and systems.  相似文献   

Advances in distributed technologies have enabled engineers to communicate more effectively, collaborate, obtain, and exchange a wide range of design resources during product development. Shared internet-based virtual environments allow experts in remote locations to analyze a virtual prototype, together and simultaneously in centers in which the product is being developed.This paper presents a system for distributed and collaborative environment which could assist manufacturing enterprises and experts in discussing, suggesting, evaluating and selecting best process plans for family of manufacturing parts. The represented e-CAPP system enables the implementation of expert knowledge in an appropriate knowledge repository. The knowledge from this repository is integrated into intra-company CAPP systems and used while generating process plans for new products. The proposed internet-based collaborative environment, dedicated to distributed process planning, is yet another step in the direction advancing of distributed manufacturing.  相似文献   

Interorganizational systems are expected to provide opportunities for various stakeholders, often competitors, to collaborate. At the moment, there is a great need for research evidence on the factors facilitating or impeding the achievement of collaborative advantage between interorganizational systems stakeholders. A recent contribution has been the use of a health-information network case to derive lessons for policy makers in this respect. The development and use of the NHSnet in the United Kingdom provides an opportunity to review these lessons in a different context of health-information exchange. Combined with the use of stakeholder analysis, these lessons can enhance our understanding of the context, the stakeholders involved and affected by the network, their interests and their perceptions of collaborative advantage. It, therefore, provides useful insights in the lessons that healthcare policy makers can apply in the development and use of a collaborative network. Further theoretical and practical research is, however, needed to improve our understanding of success and failure factors for the achievement of collaborative advantage in different environments.  相似文献   

Organizations must protect their information systems from a variety of threats. Usually they employ isolated defenses such as firewalls, intrusion detection and fraud monitoring systems, without cooperating with the external world. Organizations belonging to the same markets (e.g., financial organizations, telco providers) typically suffer from the same cyber crimes. Sharing and correlating information could help them in early detecting those crimes and mitigating the damages.The paper discusses the Semantic Room (SR) abstraction which enables the development of collaborative event-based platforms, on the top of Internet, where data from different information systems are shared, in a controlled manner, and correlated to detect and timely react to coordinated Internet-based security threats (e.g., port scans, botnets) and frauds. In order to show the flexibility of the abstraction, the paper proposes the design, implementation and validation of two SRs: an SR that detects inter-domain port scan attacks and an SR that enables an online fraud monitoring over the Italian territory. In both cases, the SRs use real data traces for demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In the first SR, high detection accuracy and small detection delays are achieved whereas in the second, new fraud evidence and investigation instruments are provided to law enforcement agencies.  相似文献   

Modern business process management expands to cover the partner organisations’ business processes across organisational boundaries, and thereby supports organisations to coordinate the flow of information among organisations and link their business processes. With collaborative business processes, organisations can create dynamic and flexible collaborations to synergically adapt to the changing conditions, and stay competitive in the global market. Due to its significant potential and value, collaborative business processes are now turning to be an important issue of contemporary business process management, and attracts lots of attention and efforts from both academic and industry sides. In this paper, we review the development of B2B collaboration and collaborative business processes, provide an overview of related issues in managing collaborative business processes, and discuss some emerging technologies and their relationships to collaborative business processes. Finally, we introduce the papers that are published in this special issue.
Xiaohui Zhao (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper presents a multi-agents system called agent-based collaborative mold production (ACMP) system. ACMP supports the collaborative and autonomous mold manufacturing outsourcing processes. The mold manufacturing outsourcing processes involve not only many manufacturing sequences but also many collaboration partners. ACMP provides autonomous features to handle three major tasks in outsourcing. They are vendor selection, task selection, and real-time outsourcing task progress tracking. This research applies the analytic hierachy process (AHP) decision models to solve the vendor selection and task selection problems. In addition, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is adopted to provide a real-time tracking capability for remote collaboration, control and monitoring among outsourcing partners.  相似文献   

Software modernization is critical for organizations that need cost-effective solutions to deal with the rapid obsolescence of software and the increasing demand for new functionality. This paper presents the XIRUP modernization methodology, which proposes a highly iterative process, structured into four phases: preliminary evaluation, understanding, building and migration. This modernization process is feature-driven, component-based, focused on the early elicitation of key information, and relies on a model-driven approach with extensive use of experience from the previous projects. XIRUP has been defined in the European IST project MOMOCS, which has also built a suite of support tools. This paper introduces the process using a case study that illustrates its activities, related tools and results. The discussion highlights the specific characteristics of modernization projects and how a customized methodology can take advantage of them.  相似文献   

ContextIn many organizational environments critical tasks exist which – in exceptional cases such as an emergency – must be performed by a subject although he/she is usually not authorized to perform these tasks. Break-glass policies have been introduced as a sophisticated exception handling mechanism to resolve such situations. They enable certain subjects to break or override the standard access control policies of an information system in a controlled manner.ObjectiveIn the context of business process modeling a number of approaches exist that allow for the formal specification and modeling of process-related access control concepts. However, corresponding support for break-glass policies is still missing. In this paper, we aim at specifying a break-glass extension for process-related role-based access control (RBAC) models.MethodWe use model-driven development (MDD) techniques to provide an integrated, tool-supported approach for the definition and enforcement of break-glass policies in process-aware information systems. In particular, we provide modeling support on the computation independent model (CIM) layer as well as on the platform independent model (PIM) and platform specific model (PSM) layers.ResultsOur approach is generic in the sense that it can be used to extend process-aware information systems or process modeling languages with support for process-related RBAC and corresponding break-glass policies. Based on the formal CIM layer metamodel, we present a UML extension on the PIM layer that allows for the integrated modeling of processes and process-related break-glass policies via extended UML Activity diagrams. We evaluated our approach in a case study on real-world processes. Moreover, we implemented our approach at the PSM layer as an extension to the BusinessActivity library and runtime engine.ConclusionOur integrated modeling approach for process-related break-glass policies allows for specifying break-glass rules in process-aware information systems.  相似文献   

Process planning activities are critical in manu- facturing distributed environments where different companies need to collaborate in product development. In this work, we propose a workflow model for a collaborative process planning environment in which original equipment manufacturer and suppliers companies interact with the help of Product Lifecycle Management and CAD/CAM tools. The proposed workflow model establishes the different activities, the information flows and the different stages that must be followed by all the participants. A pilot implementation has been made in order to validate the model in a realistic industrial scenario.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a computational interaction analysis approach for extraction of emergent patterns and organization structures during collaborative and distributed design process based on its emergent state-problems. A better source of information on both collaborative and distributed design process as a time-based activity and the agent-agent interactions during the design process will allow design researchers to develop richer models of designing which in turn will provide the basis for a better understanding of collaborative and distributed design process and developing intelligent tools to support this process. Therefore, the proposed approach consists of discerning from the real interactions the different state-problems characterizing the mentioned process. The modelling of interactions corresponding to state-problems, permitted to observe the emergent patterns of collaborative and distributed design process: micro-groups and pivot agent. The collaborative and distributed design process is characterized by the new micro-group formation on the one hand, and by their evolution in the time on the other. Based on the properties of interaction, the approach has discerned three types of cooperation: complete, bilateral and quasi null. Results from some real collaborative and distributed design process, allow us to observe certain properties related to micro-groups, such as self-organization, dynamics and self-similarity. Self-organization results from interaction among adaptive human agents. It is an emergent structuration in response to non-linear collaborative and distributed design process. Dynamics results from the variation of micro-groups formation and the collaborative and distributed design process seems to articulate around one or several pivot agents. Self-similarity results from the similar emergent pattern in every discussion. This research served as core for developments of multi-agents system ISIAD (Intelligent System for Interactions Analysis in Design).  相似文献   

In order to utilize the potential advantages of replicated collaborative CAD system to support natural, free, fast and less-constrained multi-user human-to-human interaction, a local-locking mechanism, which can provide fast modeling response, is adopted as concurrency control mechanism for a replicated on-line collaborative CAD system. A human–human interactive modeling is achieved by immediate local execution of modeling operations and exchange of modeling operations across all collaborative sites real-time. In particular, an approach to achieve topological entity correspondence across collaborative sites during modeling procedure, which is critical to guarantee the correctness and consistency of collaborative modeling result, is proposed. A prototype system based on the ACIS geometric modeling kernel is implemented to verify availability of the proposed solution.  相似文献   

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