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Induction based fluidics (IBF), a new, simple patented approach for transporting liquids in the micro and the macro world, is discussed. Electric fields are shown to energize liquid/s in a container/s to execute an array of purposes. IBF is shown uniquely to energize N liquids in simple off the shelf devices, inductively. We discuss calibration and other issues, as we demonstrate how simple devices can dispense nanoliters and microliters with high precision and accuracy. Furthermore, we show preliminary single and eight channel data for the Zip Tip™ made by Millipore where the device transports liquids “electrically.” We briefly consider how such new devices, “electric” Zip Tips™, might automate desalting and the placement of digests for MALDI TOF analysis.  相似文献   

The threat of cyber attacks motivates the need to monitor Internet traffic data for potentially abnormal behavior. Due to the enormous volumes of such data, statistical process monitoring tools, such as those traditionally used on data in the product manufacturing arena, are inadequate. “Exotic” data may indicate a potential attack; detecting such data requires a characterization of “typical” data. We devise some new graphical displays, including a “skyline plot,” that permit ready visual identification of unusual Internet traffic patterns in “streaming” data, and use appropriate statistical measures to help identify potential cyberattacks. These methods are illustrated on a moderate-sized data set (135,605 records) collected at George Mason University.  相似文献   

The problem of maximum depth of monotone Boolean functions is investigated when k-input AND and OR gates are used for realisation.  相似文献   

Consider a binary image containing one or more objects. A signed distance transform assigns to each pixel (voxel, etc.), both inside and outside of any objects, the minimum distance from that pixel to the nearest pixel on the border of an object. By convention, the sign of the assigned distance value indicates whether or not the point is within some object (positive) or outside of all objects (negative). Over the years, many different algorithms have been proposed to calculate the distance transform of an image. These algorithms often trade accuracy for efficiency, exhibit varying degrees of conceptual complexity, and some require parallel processors. One algorithm in particular, the Chamfer distance [J. ACM 15 (1968) 600, Comput. Vis. Graph. Image Process. 34 (1986) 344], has been analyzed for accuracy, is relatively efficient, requires no special computing hardware, and is conceptually straightforward. It is understandably, therefore, quite popular and widely used. We present a straightforward modification to the Chamfer distance transform algorithm that allows it to produce more accurate results without increasing the window size. We call this new algorithm Dead Reckoning as it is loosely based on the concept of continual measurements and course correction that was employed by ocean going vessel navigation in the past. We compare Dead Reckoning with a wide variety of other distance transform algorithms based on the Chamfer distance algorithm for both accuracy and speed, and demonstrate that Dead Reckoning produces more accurate results with comparable efficiency.  相似文献   

Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) is creating unexpected problems for a growing number of manufacturing companies. Manufacturers are finding it especially difficult to attract programmers who are both willing and able to develop the highly complex software that integrates existing accounting, sales, production, engineering, and quality control information subsystems. Consequently, many companies abdicate their responsibility for manufacturing information systems and seek third party support ranging from consulting assistance to a total takeover of the company's information resources and operations. Companies that “give away” their internal information system capabilities to third parties will ultimately lose control of their enterprise information, a danger to be avoided. Off-the-shelf software for desktop computers has become sufficiently powerful to help solve a major portion of this serious problem. We hypothesize that manufacturing engineers (and others) can be trained to use packaged software to leverage their company's systems programming capabilities. In effect they would become “paraprogrammers” who would help design, develop, and maintain manufacturing information systems. This new type of professional would not require a computer science or similar educational background, but could be trained to satisfy many specialized programming needs in a manner similar to how paramedics and paralegals are trained and used in the medical and legal professions, respectively. This paper reports on the early stages of research to determine whether or not product design engineers can use a desktop relational database management system and its various command languages to develop a master bill of material information system (BOMIS). The purpose of the research is to evaluate the amount of programming complexity reduction and increased operational effectiveness that can be achieved through paraprogramming by manufacturing engineers.  相似文献   

By manipulating the imaginary part of the complex-analytic quadratic equation, we obtain, by iteration, a set that we call the “burning ship” because of its appearance. It is an analogue to the Mandelbrot set (M-set). Its nonanalytic “quasi”-Julia sets yield surprizing graphical shapes.  相似文献   

Problems that are non-quantitative and not bound to a narrow knowledge domain have been served unsatisfactorily by decision support and expert systems. Alternative techniques that address this type of problem are explained here using two key concepts: problem type dependent process support and domain related knowledge. Process support refers to the program steps and the data items useful in finding the solution. Domain related knowledge is knowledge drawn from a specific domain, yet through abstraction applicable to a wider range of problems. Results of preliminary empirical analyses suggest that both concepts are useful.  相似文献   

Eight VDTs of different trademarks were analysed in relation to the following properties:

( a) Contrasts of luminance between the screens on the one hand and source documents, as well as other surfaces of the VDT, on the other.

(b) Oscillation degree, sharpness and stability of characters.

( c) Face and legibility of characters.

( d) Dimensions, mobility and reflection degrees of the keyboards.

Special equipment was developed and standardized conditions were applied to the measurements.

The eight VDTs showed essential differences for all the parameters, which might be partially responsible for eye strain and postural complaints. It can be concluded that customers should pay more attention to ergonomic qualities when choosing a VDT. But such an endeavour remains useless if the customer does not, at the same time, look for a proper design of the whole workstation including the working environment.  相似文献   

We present a calculus for modelling “environment-aware” computations, that is computations that adapt their behaviour according to the capabilities of the environment. The calculus is an imperative, object-based language with extensible objects, equipped with a labelled transition semantics. A notion of bisimulation, lifting to computations a correspondence between the capabilities of different environments, is provided. Bisimulation can be used to prove that a program is “cross-environment”, i.e., it has the same behaviour when run in different environments.  相似文献   

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