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Skim milk was concentrated to 17–18% solid non-fat (SNF) by reverse osmosis and then stored at ?20 ± 2°C. Samples were thawed, reconstituted, and manufactured into rennin curds. Breaking stress and syneresis of curds increased with calcium or magnesium, and decreased as pH values increased. Breaking stress and syneresis of curds prepared from skim milk reconstituted from a frozen concentrate (SMRFC) were lower than of curds from raw or heated skim milk. The formation of curds results from a three-dimensional network of protein chain and clusters, and the addition of calcium chloride resulted in partial disintegration of the micelle, producing larger particles. Curds from raw milk showed more protein aggregatiom curds from SMRFC, and also had a more open matrix.  相似文献   

该研究以脱脂乳和豆乳为原料,马克斯克鲁维酵母、嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳酸杆菌作为发酵剂,以滴定酸度和感官评分作为指标,通过单因素试验及响应面试验,优化脱脂乳豆乳体积比、白砂糖添加量、发酵剂接种量及发酵温度,并对优化后的复配发酵乳在贮藏期间的质构、持水力、滴定酸度、感官评分和活菌数进行测定。结果表明,最佳发酵条件为脱脂乳与豆乳体积比82 ∶18、白砂糖添加量7.25%、发酵剂接种量3.92%,在42 ℃发酵4.5 h,所得复配发酵乳的感官评分最高,为94.85;在该优化条件下制备的发酵乳后熟12 h,硬度为99.39 g,滴定酸度为97.52°T,活菌数为2.7×109 CFU/mL,发酵乳颜色呈乳黄色、组织状态均匀、酸甜适口、口感柔和润滑、具有复配发酵乳独特的豆香味和浓郁的奶香味,在14 d 贮藏期内具有良好的风味、质构及感官接受度。  相似文献   

脱脂奶粉勾兑牛奶酒工艺中pH值的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
探讨了以脱脂奶粉为原料勾兑奶酒的工艺条件,主要研究了牛奶蛋白在乙醇存在下影响其稳定性的一个重要因素——pH值.实验表明,在以脱脂奶粉为原料勾兑奶酒时,酒精应该先进行适量的稀释再加入到复配奶中;随着复配奶pH值的升高,其牛奶蛋白的乙醇稳定性也随之升高.复配奶的pH值决定着勾兑奶酒的pH值,其最适pH值为6.5~7.3,但是酒精的pH对于勾兑奶酒的pH并没有决定性的影响.实验还研究了勾兑奶酒在储存过程中其体系的pH值的变化.  相似文献   

羊毛酸的提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张珏  华聘聘 《中国油脂》2000,25(3):56-58
研究了二步调酸提取羊毛酸的工艺方法,并了提取过程中各工序的工艺参数。采用本工艺,羊毛酸得率可达92.4%,产品达到国外同类产品质量指标。  相似文献   

Heating milk at 120°C at pH 6.55 or pH 6.85 caused the denaturation of whey proteins and increased their association with the casein micelles. The dissociation of K -, β-, and αs-caseins (in that order by extent) from the casein micelles increased with severity of heat treatment. The effect was greater at higher pH. Gel filtration chromatography followed by gel electrophoresis of fractions showed the dissociated protein was composed of disulfide-linked k -casein/β-lactoglobulin complexes of varying composition, casein aggregates of varying sizes and some monomeric protein. When reconstituted concentrate was prepared from NFDM made from heated milk the non-sedimentable (88,000 ± g for 90 min) caseins or whey proteins/heating time profiles were altered and the rate of aggregation, as measured by turbidity of heated milks, was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Two commercial strains of Bifidobacterium spp (Bf ‐1 and Bf ‐6) were cultured in 12% (w/w) reconstituted nonfat dry milk (NDM) containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, or 5.0% (w/v) fructooligosaccharide (FOS), galactooligosaccharide (GOS), and inulin. Inoculated samples were incubated anaerobically at 37° for 48 h. Growth and activity of the cultures in the presence of FOS, GOS, and inulin were determined. Viability of each strain was assessed after 4 weeks of refrigerated storage at 4°. Growth promotion, enhancement of activity and retention of viability were greatest when Bifidobacterium Bf‐1 and Bf‐6 were grown in the presence of FOS followed in a descending order by GOS and inulin. The effects of oligosaccharides and inulin increased with increasing carbohy drate concentration and was maximal at 5% (w/v).  相似文献   

研究了不同添加量的高聚合度菊粉型果聚糖-菊粉和低聚合度菊粉型果聚糖-低聚果糖对含双歧杆菌BB-12发酵乳品质的影响。基于扩散波光谱学理论(DWS)分析了这两种菊粉型果聚糖发酵乳发酵期微观黏度因子的变化,并测定发酵时间以及贮藏期发酵乳黏度、乳清析出率、滴定酸度、活菌总数与双歧杆菌活菌数。结果表明,菊粉与低聚果糖影响发酵乳的凝胶过程,延长发酵时间,而在贮藏期可减缓活菌数的降低,增加黏度,降低酸度与乳清析出率,从而改善发酵乳的品质。其中菊粉的作用效果优于低聚果糖。分析表明,菊粉与低聚果糖对发酵乳的影响方式不同,未来可结合微生物代谢及其与蛋白质的相互作用进行探究。  相似文献   

目的:采用肠道微生物体外模拟批式发酵的方法,探究人体肠道微生物对氨基酸代谢特征及其代谢产物对上皮细胞通透性的影响.选取27位年龄在20~55岁健康人的粪便样本,利用常见的20种氨基酸并对照小牛血清蛋白、NaCl培养基,进行24 h体外批次发酵,采用气相色谱检测发酵液中短链脂肪酸的含量.然后,测定氨基酸的短链脂肪酸对Ca...  相似文献   

研究比色法测定菊粉含量的方法,并采用正交设计优选了从新鲜菊苣根中热水浸提菊粉的提取工艺条件和脱蛋白以及脱色的最佳条件。实验结果表明,菊粉提取的最佳工艺条件为:料液比1∶1,浸泡时间40 min,加热浸提温度为100℃,加热浸提时间40 min,菊粉的提取率达14.74%;脱蛋白时菊液与活性炭的最佳比例为1∶1.5;提取液最佳脱色工艺条件为:脱色温度70℃,脱色时间50 min,活性碳用量为30 g/L,脱色率为74.36%。  相似文献   

A fermented milk model system was employed to investigate the volatilities of butyric, caprylic, and caproic acids as affected by low, intermediate, and high levels of carrageenan, guar and xanthan gums. Carrageenan exhibited no effect on fatty acid volatility. Intermediate levels of guargum increased the volatility of caprylic acid. Low and high levels of guar gum had no effect on free fatty acid volatility. At low and high levels, xanthan gum had no effect on volatilities of fatty acids. The intermediate level of xanthan gum increased volatilities of caproic and caprylic acids. The effects of viscosity were potentiated with increased fatty acid chain length.  相似文献   

菊粉对Labneh浓缩酸乳微观结构和质构的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了添加菊粉对脱脂乳制备的Labneh(一种浓缩酸乳)物理和感官性质的影响。将市售菊粉按不同比例( 1%、3%、5 %和7% )加入至复配脱脂乳粉(reconstitutedskimmilkpowder,RSMP)制作Labneh样品。通过对酸乳宏观和微观结构的分析发现,添加菊粉后,Labneh凝胶结构和凝胶强度都有所改善。实验表明,与未加菊粉的酸乳相比,含有脂肪替代品的酸乳的微观结构比较均匀、疏松且开放度较高。感官评定的结果表明,5 %菊粉复配脱脂乳粉制作的酸乳与全脂牛乳制作的Labneh相比具有相似的特征,对全脂牛乳制作的样品和添加3%、5 %、7%菊粉的样品的统计分析结果没有显著的差别  相似文献   

With the aim of preparing high nutritional dietary supplements containing oligopeptides from skim milk, an Aspergillus protease, papain and pepsin, separately or in association, were used in different enzyme:substract ratios (1%, 2% and 4%). The fractionation of peptides according to their size was used to evaluate the nutritional quality of protein hydrolysates. The hydrolysates were fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography in size-exclusion mode and the rapid method of Correct Fraction Area was used for the quantification. In general, the isolated action of the enzymes produced better peptide profiles than their simultaneous use, especially in terms of a higher amount of oligopeptides, which reached 56%.  相似文献   

以水提醇沉工艺,采用单因素实验和正交实验设计方法研究料液比、提取温度、提取时间以及提取次数对牛蒡菊糖提取率的影响,得到牛蒡菊糖提取的最佳因素组合:料液比1∶15(g∶mL),提取温度80℃,提取时间90 min,提取2次,提取率为90.86%。比较不同的脱色、脱蛋白方法,得到纯度较高的均一多糖。  相似文献   

《Food Biotechnology》2007,21(1):45-56
With the aim of preparing high nutritional dietary supplements containing oligopeptides from skim milk, an Aspergillus protease, papain and pepsin, separately or in association, were used in different enzyme:substract ratios (1%, 2% and 4%). The fractionation of peptides according to their size was used to evaluate the nutritional quality of protein hydrolysates. The hydrolysates were fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography in size-exclusion mode and the rapid method of Correct Fraction Area was used for the quantification. In general, the isolated action of the enzymes produced better peptide profiles than their simultaneous use, especially in terms of a higher amount of oligopeptides, which reached 56%.  相似文献   

本文以农家干酪生产使用的乳脂乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis ssp.cremoris)为研究对象,从细菌总数(CFU),pH值和滴定酸度三个指标对本实验室分离得到的乳脂乳球菌CH5在脱脂乳中的生长特性和4℃下保存过程中的活力变化进行了研究。结果表明乳脂乳球菌CH5在脱脂乳中的延滞期短,能较快进入对数生长期,6h时进入稳定期,活菌数达109CFU/ml,Tdg约为1.03h,Tda约为2.87h,这表明乳脂乳球菌CH5细胞增长速度快于产酸速率。乳脂乳球菌CH5在4℃下保存时,稳定性较好,前11d活菌数和最大产酸速率(μacid)基本保持不变,此后逐渐下降,表明CH5发酵剂在前11d的活力比较稳定,可以确定生产农家干酪的CH5母发酵剂的最佳传代时间为11d,冷却保藏第3d为最佳生产使用时间。  相似文献   

The extractability of palmitic and other common fatty acids from inclusion complexes with potato amylose was studied using a wide range of common lipid solvents. At ambient temperature negligible yields were obtained with light petroleum or diethyl ether, and yields were low with most other solvents except those containing methanol or water. At 100°C, methanol, ethanol and propanol and all alcohol-water mixtures gave good yields. Complexes of amylose with 1-O-palmitoyllysophosphatidylcholine also gave good yields when extracted with propanol-water (3:1) at 100°C. Since more rigorous conditions are required for extraction of lipids from native cereal starch granules, it seems that the barrier to lipid extraction is the structure of the granule rather than the resistance to lipid extraction of any possible inclusion complexes in the granules.  相似文献   

为了改善玉米淀粉的加工特性,提升产品品质,研究了黄原胶和3种不同链长的脂肪酸(肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸和硬脂酸)的组合对玉米淀粉糊化性质、流变性质、凝胶性质、热性质和凝胶微观结构的影响。快速黏度分析结果表明,添加黄原胶-棕榈酸和黄原胶-硬脂酸组合后玉米淀粉糊的峰值黏度和最终黏度分别增加了123~131 m Pa·s和64~94 m Pa·s,回生值降低了16~18 m Pa·s,而添加黄原胶-肉豆蔻酸组合的淀粉糊峰值黏度和最终黏度降低,回生值增加。静态流变结果表明,加入黄原胶和3种不同链长脂肪酸组合的玉米淀粉均表现出非牛顿剪切稀化行为(流动行为指数n1)。动态流变结果显示,加入黄原胶-棕榈酸和黄原胶-硬脂酸组合后,玉米淀粉的储能模量G′和损耗模量G″增加,表明加入这两种组合可有效的改善玉米淀粉的黏弹性,而加入黄原胶-肉豆蔻酸组合的玉米淀粉的G′和G″值降低。添加黄原胶和3种不同链长脂肪酸组合后,玉米淀粉凝胶硬度降低了65~77g,差示扫描量热仪结果显示在89~110℃出现吸热峰,表明形成了直链淀粉-脂肪酸复合物;扫描电镜观察到淀粉凝胶网络结构断裂程度增加,呈现碎片化结构,表明加入黄原胶和脂肪酸的组合后,淀粉的凝胶结构被弱化。  相似文献   

以新鲜脱脂牛乳为原料,采用分光测色仪、电子舌及氨基酸自动分析仪等分析酶解处理对脱脂牛乳感官品质、游离氨基酸含量及组成的影响.结果 表明:经风味蛋白酶处理的脱脂牛乳水解度高,达到24.61%;蛋白酶处理会导致其感官性状的改变,与脱脂牛乳相比,3种酶解产物L*值均显著(P<0.05)下降,a*(负值)显著上升(P<0.05...  相似文献   

Candida cylindracea or Rhizopus arrhizus lipase was entrapped in polymer gels prepared from photo-cross-linkable resin prepolymers. The immobilized enzyme was used in milk fat hydrolysis and effective in enhancing the release of short-chain fatty acids compared with free enzyme. The molar percentage of short-chain fatty acids (butyric acid to capric acid) released in the reaction increased significantly after enzyme immobilization. The gel composed of hydrophobic long-chain prepolymer gave the highest increase, with 5.9-fold and 4.5-fold increases for C. cylindracea and R. arrhizus lipase, respectively. Difference in substrate diffusion rate between milk fat triglycerides may be responsible for this behavior.  相似文献   

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