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Different lines of evidence indicate that low birth weight and insufficient intrauterine nutrition may represent significant risk factors for the development of late onset non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The evidence includes epidemiological studies, animal studies and metabolic studies of non-diabetic subjects with low birth weight. Insufficient intrauterine nutrition may induce a variety of abnormalities of metabolism in different tissues including muscle, liver, pancreas and adipose tissue; which can all in turn be related to known defects of glucose metabolism involved in the development of hyperglycaemia in NIDDM. Future studies should address the important question as to which roles genetics versus intrauterine and postnatal factors play in the etiology of late onset NIDDM in the general population. This may have important implications for which initiatives that should be applied to prevent NIDDM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated a correlation between first-trimester size and birth weight. It is not known, however, whether low birth weight is related to first-trimester growth. We sought to determine whether the risk of low birth weight and birth weight that was low for gestational age is related to the size of the embryo or the fetus in the first trimester. METHODS: From a data base of ultrasound records of more than 30,000 pregnancies, we identified women who had no important medical problems, a normal menstrual history, and a first-trimester ultrasound scan in which the crown-rump length of the embryo or fetus had been measured. We examined the relation between the outcome of 4229 pregnancies and the difference between the measured and the expected crown-rump length in the first trimester, expressed as equivalent days of growth. RESULTS: A first-trimester crown-rump length that was two to six days smaller than expected was associated with an increased risk (as compared with a normal or slightly larger than expected crown-rump length) of a birth weight below 2500 g (relative risk, 1.8; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 2.4), a birth weight below 2500 g at term (relative risk, 2.3; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.4 to 3.8), a birth weight below the fifth percentile for gestational age (relative risk, 3.0; 95 percent confidence interval, 2.0 to 4.4), and delivery between 24 and 32 weeks of gestation (relative risk, 2.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 4.0), but not with delivery between 33 and 36 weeks (relative risk, 1.0; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.7 to 1.5). CONCLUSIONS: Suboptimal first-trimester growth may be associated with low birth weight, low birth-weight percentile, and premature delivery.  相似文献   

Since our population is aging, patients will present to our offices with more medications than in the past. Although these medications may benefit their general health, they may adversely affect their dental health. Although most medications discussed increase the risk for caries and periodontal disease, a few may actually decrease the risk.  相似文献   

The author presents an up-dated review of the literature on the effects of professional work on the incidence of diseases of the circulatory system in women, and the incidence of ischaemic heart disease and arterial hypertension in particular. An analysis of health effects of professional work revealed that a limited influence on the final effect of own work (a limited control of own situation at work) and subordination to superiors, belong to these factors which exert the most detrimental effect on the circulatory system. A negative effect frequently manifested by the level of blood pressure is also related with heavy physical burden. The literature data also reveal that the professional work, itself, does not contribute to an increased incidence of diseases of the circulatory system or to the profile of risk factors. A possible reason for this observation lies in similar responsibilities faced by women acting only as housewives and those faced in occupational work. The review presented also stresses the role of endogenic risk factors in women related with the number of pregnancies/deliveries as well as with menopause.  相似文献   

To determine whether maternal risk factors associated with the delivery of very low birth weight infants under 1501 g are different from those associated with low birth weight infants of 1501 to 2500 g, prenatal data on 12,247 deliveries were evaluated. The sample contained 302 very low birth weight infants. Maternal race, age, height, weight, gravidity, parity, past pregnancy performance, and pregnancy complications were analyzed. Factors related to very low birth weight but not to low birth weight infants were previous abortions, previous fetal deaths, and hypertensive vascular disease. Race, maternal height, and prepregnancy weight were not related to very low birth weight but were associated with an increase in low birth weight. There was no significant difference in the rate of very low birth weight or low birth weight by maternal age from 14 to 40 years. These results contradict the concept of a uniform set of predisposing factors for birth of all infants weighing 2500 g or less.  相似文献   

AB Berenson  CM Wiemann  TF Rowe  VI Rickert 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,176(6):1220-4; discussion 1224-7
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to identify behavioral markers for inadequate weight gain (< 20 pounds) during pregnancy among adolescents < 18 years old. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 337 adolescents who were delivered of a term infant at our institution between March 10, 1992, and November 28, 1994 participated in this study. A comprehensive structured interview conducted at the first prenatal visit elicited demographic information and behavioral risk factors. Maternal weights, reproductive history, evidence of sexually transmitted disease, and infant birth weight were extracted from medical records. Logistic regression and chi 2 analyses compared characteristics and infant birth weights between those who gained < 20 pounds with those who gained > or = 20 pounds. RESULTS: A total of 11.6% (39/337) of the total sample gained < 20 pounds during the pregnancy. Adolescents who gained < 20 pounds compared with > or = 20 pounds were delivered of significantly lighter (2942 gm vs 3392 gm) infants and were more likely to be delivered of infants weighing < 2500 gm (13% vs < 1%). Stepwise logistic regression revealed that adolescents who were battered (odds ratio 5.3) or had a sexually transmitted disease (odds ratio 2.3) or an unplanned pregnancy (odds ratio 8.1) were at increased risk for insufficient weight gain during pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that behavioral risk factors are important in the identification of adolescents at greatest risk for inadequate weight gain. Early identification during pregnancy is essential to modify nutritional practices and thus minimize poor obstetric outcomes.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent medical research on the relationship between young maternal age and the incidence of low birth weight infants. One line of research, "nature," emphasizes biological factors in early adolescence such as immaturity of the female reproductive system and inadequate prenatal weight gain. "Nurture," another research focus, stresses sociocultural attributes of teen mothers such as poverty and minority status. Young maternal age alone does not explain the higher rates of low birth weight infants born to adolescent females. Both biological and sociocultural factors, plus lifestyle choices made by adolescents, combine to raise or lower the risk of delivering a low birth weight infant. School health personnel need to link their health promotion efforts to those of other community organizations serving adolescents and their families.  相似文献   

The rapid evaluation method (REM) was developed by WHO in order to assess the performance and quality of health care services, identify operational problems, and assist in taking managerial action. It was tested in five developing countries (Botswana, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Uganda and Zambia) between 1988 and 1991. REM consists of a set of observation- and survey-based diagnostic activities, carried out mainly in health care facilities. The article describes the various steps of REM, methodological issues such as setting objectives and using an issue-information matrix, preparation of survey instruments, use of computer software (Epi Info), data quality control, fieldwork, and the use of data to produce useful information for decision-makers. REM aims at bringing prompt and relevant information to planners and decision-makers who need it for a specific purpose. In the present examples, REM provided information for preparing a programme proposal for external funding, for establishing baseline data for a situation analysis, and for assessing staff performance after extensive training in order to improve the curriculum.  相似文献   

The prematurity is still an important problem for either pediatricians and neuropediatricinas. All the mechanisms that can produce lowbirth weight, are not known, although many of them are related to genetics and environmental intra-uterine factors. Having in mind tha study of the development of such type of children, a group of investigators has been working for 9 years now, envolving aspects related to the Pediatry, Social Pediatry, Neuropediatry, Psychiatry, Otorhynolaringology, Ophtalmology and Odontology. In this study they are trying to envolve all the possible aspects on growth and development of children with lowbirth weight. In 189 children, 129 were followed during several years. Most of them were observed up to 5 years of age and few of them up to 9 years of age. The children were divided into three groups as follow: Group I-Children with weights under 1.750 g; Group II-Children with weights between 1.751 and 2.000 g; Group III-Children with weights over 2.001 g and under 2.500 g. The neurol-gical tests were done according to the used system at the Neurologic Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine (University of S?o Paulo). The present work starts with a general revision on the most important existent papers on the prematures neurological evolution. After presenting his own results, the authors make a correlaction of the neurologic evolution with the developmental quotient (DQ), which were gotten through Gesell's tests and its variations, in order to verify the existence of what is known as "continuum of lesion" of Knobloch and col.  相似文献   

Using a successive set of chromatographic methods, a low molecular weight factor inhibiting leukemic cells proliferation has been isolated from an aqueous extract of regenerating hematopoietic tissue. This factor inhibits DNA synthesis in leukemic cells about 1000-fold more effectively than the original extract. The factor activity does not change after treatment by proteinase K; however, successive action of endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactose aminidase and proteinase K significantly decreases the efficiency of the factor action. This factor whose molecular mass is less than 3 kDa seems to be of glycopeptide origin.  相似文献   

Long-term developmental outcomes of low birth weight infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advances in neonatal medicine have resulted in the increased survival of infants at lower and lower birth weight. While these medical success stories highlight the power of medical technology to save many of the tiniest infants at birth, serious questions remain about how these infants will develop and whether they will have normal, productive lives. Low birth weight children can be born at term or before term and have varying degrees of social and medical risk. Because low birth weight children are not a homogeneous group, they have a broad spectrum of growth, health, and developmental outcomes. While the vast majority of low birth weight children have normal outcomes, as a group they generally have higher rates of subnormal growth, illnesses, and neurodevelopmental problems. These problems increase as the child's birth weight decreases. With the exception of a small minority of low birth weight children with mental retardation and/or cerebral palsy, the developmental sequelae for most low birth weight infants include mild problems in cognition, attention, and neuromotor functioning. Long-term follow-up studies conducted on children born in the 1960s indicated that the adverse consequences of being born low birth weight were still apparent in adolescence. Adverse sociodemographic factors negatively affect developmental outcomes across the continuum of low birth weight and appear to have far greater effects on long-term cognitive outcomes than most of the biological risk factors. In addition, the cognitive defects associated with social or environmental risks become more pronounced as the child ages. Enrichment programs for low birth weight children seem to be most effective for the moderately low birth weight child who comes from a lower socioeconomic group. Continued research and attempts to decrease the rate of low birth weight and associated perinatal medical sequelae are of primary importance. Ongoing documentation of the long-term outcome of low birth weight children needs to be mandated, as does the implementation of environmental enrichment programs to help ameliorate the long-term consequences for infants who are born low birth weight.  相似文献   

This study examines areal variations in low birth weight, using the census tract as the unit of analysis. Reports from the 1980 U.S. census were used to develop summary indicators of environmental and socio-economic conditions, including poverty, employment, education and crowding, for 155 census tracts in the state of Hawaii. Maternal socio-demographic, prenatal care utilization, and medical risk indicators and low birth weight percentages for resident, single live births were extracted from the Hawaii 1979-1987 vital record live birth files and aggregated by census tract. Multiple regression analysis was used to develop a model that predicted 61% of the variation among census tracts in the percentage of low birth weight. Patterns of low birth weight were primarily associated with ethnic patterns of maternal residence and single marital status. There was no association between inadequate prenatal care and low birth weight at the census tract level.  相似文献   

Rapid migration in Latin America is settling rural women and their families next to those of urban origin in sprawling urban settings. Those born and reared in rural areas bring with them knowledge and skills learned and adapted to rural areas; those same skills may be maladaptive in urban areas. Hypothesized is that urban women of rural origin are more likely to have poorer health outcomes for themselves and their children than lifelong urban counterparts. Identification of specific risk factors affecting child and/or maternal health status in peri-urban barrios can assist health workers to target limited resources to those least likely to access available services.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a matched case-control study to investigate the effects of caffeine intake during pregnancy on birth weight. From January to November 1992, in the first 24 hours after delivery, 1,205 mothers (401 cases and 804 controls) were interviewed and their newborns were examined to assess birth weight and gestational age by means of the method of Capurro et al. (J Pediatr 1978;93:120-2). The cases were children with birth weight < 2,500 g and gestational age > or = 28 weeks. Cases and controls were matched for time of birth and hospital of delivery and were recruited from the four maternity hospitals in Pelotas, southern Brazil. Daily maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy for each trimester was estimated. To assess caffeine intake, 10% of the mothers were reinterviewed at their households and samples of reported information on drip coffee and maté (a caffeine-containing drink widely used in South America) were collected and sent to the laboratory for caffeine determination through liquid chromatography. When instant coffee was reported, the weight of powder was measured using a portable scale, and caffeine intake was estimated from a reference table. Caffeine intake from tea, chocolate, soft drinks, and medicines was estimated from a reference table. Analyses were performed by conditional logistic regression. Crude analyses showed no effect of caffeine on low birth weight, preterm births or intrauterine growth retardation. The results did not change after allowing for confounders.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relationship between paternal weight and height and birth weight, 355 middle class patients with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies who booked within the first trimester were recruited from a homogenous obstetric population from a teaching hospital unit. Maternal height and prepregnant maternal weight were recorded at the booking visit. Paternal height and weight were recorded when the fathers entered the labor ward or visited the postnatal ward at or shortly after the time of delivery. These data were then correlated with the birth weight of the babies. There was a significant correlation between paternal height and weight and the corresponding maternal parameters (correlation coefficients 0.21, p<0.001 and 0.21, p < 0 > 0.01). When the crude birth weight was adjusted for the gestation at delivery, and then controlled for maternal height and weight with the use of a regression model, analysis of variance tests showed that paternal height was significantly correlated to the adjusted birth weight (p<0.01), while paternal weight only showed a marginal correlation (p = 0.05). There was a significant correlation between maternal and paternal height and weight, indicating that couples tend to be of similar sizes. When controlling for maternal size, paternal height was significantly correlated to birth weight, while paternal weight showed only marginal significance. The data suggested that paternal genetic influence could be a significant determinant of in utero fetal growth and thus birth weight.  相似文献   

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