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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between training-induced alterations in plasma volume (PV) and changes in fluid and electrolyte regulatory hormones during prolonged exercise. METHODS: Seven male subjects (VO2peak 49.2 +/- 2.4 mL.kg-1.min-1, X +/- SE) performed a cycling test before (C) and after (T) 6 d of training and after 6 d of detraining (DT). Training was conducted for 2 h.d-1 at 68% VO2peak at a room temperature between 26-28 degrees C. The 60-min exercise challenge included 20 min at 50%, 65%, and 75% VO2peak workloads. RESULTS: Training resulted in a calculated 13.8 +/- 1.6% PV expansion (P < 0.05) which recovered to C levels with DT (1.8 +/- 2.3%, P > 0.05). Compared with that at C, training resulted in a reduction of aldosterone (ALDO) concentration at all exercise intensities (P < 0.05) which normalized to C levels with DT. With T, epinephrine (EPI) concentrations were reduced at the highest power output only (365 +/- 51 vs 113 +/- 22 pg.mL-1; P < 0.05) and returned to C levels with DT. Arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations were also reduced at the highest workload only (20.2 +/- 3.2 pg.mL-1 vs 10.4 +/- 0.7 pg.mL-1; P < 0.05) and remained depressed after DT (11.8 +/- 1.3 pg.mL-1; P < 0.05). Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and norepinephrine (NOREPI) were not affected by T or DT. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that concentrations of ALDO, and to a lesser extent EPI, during exercise are related to PV levels, whereas ANF and NOREPI concentrations are not. AVP concentrations are related to other adaptive factors, the effects of which persist for a longer time course than do PV changes.  相似文献   

Bacillus strain QC1-2, isolated from a chromium-polluted zone, was selected by its high ability to both tolerate and reduce hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] to less-toxic trivalent chromium [Cr(III)]. Cell suspensions of strain QC1-2 rapidly reduced Cr(VI), in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, to Cr(III) which remained in the supernatant. Cr(VI) reduction was dependent on the addition of glucose but sulfate, an inhibitor of chromate transport, had no effect. Studies with permeabilized cells and cell extracts showed that the Cr(VI) reductase of strain QC1-2 is a soluble NADH-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Paclitaxel, a natural product from Taxus brevifolia, is a microtubule stabilizing agent, which has been shown to block different cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle and consequently, to modulate their radioresponsiveness. Our aim was to test the cytotoxic and radiosensitizing potential of paclitaxel, with respect to different gynecological tumors with varying radiosensitivities. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We performed clonogenic assays and flow cytometry on 2 cell lines, MCF-7 (breast) and CaSki (cervix) cells, and on 2 primary ovarian tumor samples (OC-I and OC-II). The cells were irradiated with 200 kV X-rays, radiation doses of up to 8 Gy were applied either as single doses or in 2 Gy fractions. Paclitaxel concentrations varied from 0.07 to 700 nM, incubation times varied from 3 to 120 h. RESULTS: Paclitaxel alone changed the cell cycle distribution of the cells tested and was cytotoxic in a time and concentration dependent manner. When combined with radiation, most schedules resulted in additive effects of the combined treatments. However, for MCF-7 cells, when 7 nM paclitaxel, applied 24 h before irradiation, were combined with fractionated irradiation a supra-additive effect with a SER of 1.2 was found. For CaSki cells, under comparable conditions the SER was 1.13 but the effects were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Under specific conditions, paclitaxel exerted a weak radiosensitizing effect on breast and cervical carcinoma cells. A therapeutic gain may be possible on the basis of an optimal paclitaxel/radiation scheduling.  相似文献   

Type I carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein (CDG) syndrome is a genetic multisystem disorder generally without overt renal problems. We report a neonate with neurological abnormalities and congenital nephrotic syndrome of diffuse mesangial sclerosis type. Serum transferrin isoelectric focusing showed the typical abnormalities of type I CDG syndrome. Normal transferrin focusing findings in other patients with similar renal problems excluded the possibility of a secondary biochemical phenomenon. The diagnosis of type I CDG syndrome was confirmed by demonstration of a deficiency of phosphomannomutase. No evidence of pontocerebellar atrophy was found in imaging or at autopsy. We conclude that congenital nephrotic syndrome may occur in type I CDG syndrome, and that this diagnosis should be considered in patients with congenital nephrotic syndrome. Absence of pontocerebellar atrophy does not exclude the diagnosis of type I CDG syndrome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mechanical lithotripsy has become a well-accepted method of bile duct stone fragmentation and removal. The Olympus lithotripter (Olympus American, Melville, NY) is the standard reusable lithotripter at the institutions that participated in this study. A disposable device with a preassembled pistol grip may perform equally well and facilitate operation. METHODS: Twenty patients with bile duct stones were evaluated as part of a multicenter prospective study. Data were obtained regarding stone size and number, bile duct diameter, and configuration, ease of cannulation, basket function, stone capture and crushing success, and complications. RESULTS: The maximum stone size averaged 16.5 +/- 1.2 mm (range 10 to 30 mm). Sixteen patients had multiple stones (median 5, range 2 to 12). The mean bile duct diameter was 20.5 +/- 1.5 mm (range 12 to 38 mm). Cannulation was successful in all within 5 attempts. Basket deployment failed in 1 patient because of stone size and the basket was misshapen in 14. Bile duct clearance was complete in 16 subjects (80%), incomplete in 2 patients, and failed in 2 patients. Abnormal duct configuration (sigmoid, stricture) was noted in 2 of 4 patients with failed capture and 7 of 16 patients with successful clearance. No statistically significant difference was observed between the bile duct diameter, maximum stone size, number of stones, and successful clearance. CONCLUSION: The disposable lithotripter is easy to use and, compared with the published results for the reusable lithotripter, performs almost as well.  相似文献   

Treatment options for acute leukemia relapsing after allogeneic BMT include conventional chemotherapy or a second transplant; however, results are rather discouraging, the first option being associated with poor survival and the second with a high mortality rate. More recently, donor leukocyte infusion (DLI) from the original donor has been used for relapsed patients in an attempt to induce a graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect. This procedure is partially devoid of the toxicity inherent to a second BMT. At our Institution, a 36-year-old patient with biphenotypic AML in second complete remission after relapse following allogeneic BMT was treated with peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC)-enriched donor leukocytes, obtained after in vivo priming with rhG-CSF. The patient experienced extensive cGVHD but developed a testicular relapse while in full hematologic remission. After irradiation of the sanctuary site he remains free of disease, still with chronic GVHD, 21 months after bone marrow relapse. This case suggests that immunologically privileged sites are inaccessible to GVHD/GVL effect. This should be considered when planning salvage transplants procedures in patients at risk for extramedullary involvement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the diaschisis of faultless conventional neuropsychological tests of unilateral spatial neglect (USN) and defects of activities of daily living (ADL) functions. DESIGN: The evaluations of USN by assessments now in wide use were compared with newly developed assessments using a dual-task methodology in which a stepping activity was used as a "distracter" during USN assessment. SETTING: A rehabilitation unit in a medical school hospital. PATIENTS: Subjects consisted of 31 patients who suffered from stroke (right hemisphere lesions, 19; left hemisphere lesions, 12). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Observation of behavior of hemi-inattention, ADL evaluation (transfer and gait), and conventional tests of USN (line bisection, line cancellation, copying of flowers) were conducted. USN test during stepping was performed by stepping on two force plates connected to a microprocessor and to videocassette player so that the subject was required to step continuously. RESULTS: Most of the subjects who had exhibited USN in the written tests on admission showed no defects in the test after about 60 days even if hemi-inattention was observed in behavior. In the test during stepping, subjects with hemi-inattention behavior neglected some visual stimulations applied from the direction contralateral to the hemisphere lesion. CONCLUSIONS: Combined tests of visual attention and distracter activity (stepping) can more effectively reflect the ADL functions of USN patients than conventional tests.  相似文献   

IL-1 binds to two types of receptors on the cell membrane, of which only type I (IL-1RI) transduces signals in concert with the coreceptor IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP) while type II (IL-1RII) allegedly functions solely as ligand sink and decoy receptor without participating in IL-1 signaling. To investigate the regulatory role of IL-1RII on IL-1 responsiveness, a chimeric receptor encompassing the extracellular and transmembrane portions of IL-1RII and the cytoplasmic signal-transducing domain of IL-1RI was transfected into two murine EL-4-derived sublines that do or do not express IL-1RAcP, respectively. The chimeric receptor was able to transduce the IL-1 signal and induce IL-2 production only in the cell line which expressed IL-1RAcP, suggesting effective interaction between the extracellular domains of IL-1RII and IL-1RAcP in the presence of IL-1. The physical association of ligated IL-1RII with IL-1RAcP was proven by crosslinking experiments with radio-iodinated IL-1 and subsequent immunoprecipitations in normal human B cells and in EL-4 D6/76 cells transiently cotransfected with IL-1RII and IL-1RAcP, respectively. Based on these findings, it is proposed that upon IL-1 binding IL-1RII can recruit IL-1RAcP into a nonfunctional trimeric complex and thus modulate IL-1 signaling by subtracting the coreceptor molecule from the signaling IL-1RI. In this novel mechanism of coreceptor competition, the ratio between IL-1RII and IL-1RI becomes the central factor in determining the IL-1 responsiveness of a cell and the availability of IL-1RAcP becomes limiting for effective IL-1 signaling.  相似文献   

Inherited mutations of the Fas/Apo1/CD95 gene, a cell-surface receptor involved in cell death signaling and in the control of self-reactivity, characterize the recently identified autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndromes. A patient with type 2 autoimmune hepatitis with the immunologic and genetic features of autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome is described. The clinical picture was dominated by liver disease with hepatosplenomegaly and positivity for anti-liver-kidney microsome 1 and anti-liver-cytosol 1 antibodies. A marked increase in CD3+CD4-CD8-T lymphocytes and inherited mutations in Fas alleles that led to the expression of a soluble form of the protein were also found. Fas-mediated apoptosis was deficient in the patient as it was in her mother and her sister, who carried the same allele 2 mutation. This observation links type 2 autoimmune hepatitis, an organ-specific disease, with a genetically determined defect in peripheral tolerance control.  相似文献   

Norrie-Warburg syndrome (NWS) is a rare X-linked disorder characterized by blindness, which is invariable, deafness and mental disturbances, which are present occasionally. We describe here two novel mutations, a missense mutation (C126S) and a 1-base pair insertion (insT466/T467), together with a recurrent mutation (M1V), found in patients presenting with the classical clinical phenotype of NWS. All three mutations are likely to result in prominent structural changes of the norrin protein.  相似文献   

Sanfilippo syndrome type B or mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB (MPS IIIB) is one of a group of lysosomal storage disorders that are characterised by the inability to breakdown heparan sulphate. In MPS IIIB, there is a deficiency in the enzyme alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGLU) and early clinical symptoms include aggressive behaviour and hyperactivity followed by progressive mental retardation. The disease is autosomal recessive and the gene for NAGLU, which is situated on chromosome 17q21, is approximately 8.5 kb in length and contains six exons. Primers were designed to amplify the entire coding region and intron/exon boundaries of the NAGLU gene in 10 fragments. The PCR products were analysed for sequence changes using SSCP analysis and fluorescent DNA sequencing technology. Sixteen different putative mutations were detected in DNA from 14 MPS IIIB patients, 12 of which have not been found previously. The mutations include four deletions (219-237del19, 334-358del25, 1335delC, 2099delA), two insertions (1447-1448insT, 1932-1933insGCTAC), two nonsense mutations (R297X, R626X), and eight missense mutations (F48C, Y140C, R234C, W268R, P521L, R565W, L591P, E705K). In this study, the Y140C, R297X, and R626X mutations were all found in more than one patient and together accounted for 25% of mutant alleles.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Mutations in the MEN 1 gene were recently discovered as the causative genetic defect of the autosomal dominantly inherited multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. It was the aim of this study to evaluate the spectrum of MEN 1 mutations in our own series of patients in order to obtain a basis for predictive family screening. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Genomic DNA from peripheral blood of 21 patients with MEN 1, members of 14 non-related MEN 1 families, was examined for MEN 1 germ-line mutations by means of single-strand conformation variant analysis (SSCP) and direct DNA sequencing. In addition, blood from 20 asymptomatic family members of five families was tested for its predictive value. RESULTS: Eleven different heterozygotic germ-line mutations, among them eight frameshift, two missense and one nonsense mutations, were identified. In four of the 20 asymptomatic members from five MEN 1 families who had been tested after appropriate genetic counselling, the MEN 1 mutation characteristic for the particular family was found. Clinical screening programme in three mutation carriers revealed abnormal findings in all three: one primary hyperparathyroidism, one prolactinoma and one nonfunctioning pancreatic tumour each. The 16 family members without MEN 1 mutation were spared further unnecessary screening investigations. CONCLUSION: Although the function of the MEN 1 gene is not yet known, molecular genetic tests provide a basis for genetic counselling, predictive genetic screening and clinical management of MEN 1 families.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) consists of benign, and sometimes malignant, tumors (often multiple in a tissue) of the parathyroids, enteropancreatic neuroendocrine system, anterior pituitary, and other tissues. Skin angiofibromas and skin collagenomas are common. Typically, MEN1 tumors begin two decades earlier than sporadic tumors. Because of tumor multiplicity and the tendency for postoperative tumor recurrence, specialized methods have been developed for preoperative and intraoperative localization of many MEN1-associated tumors. The MEN1 gene was recently isolated by positional cloning. This strategy progressively narrows the size of the candidate MEN1 gene interval on the chromosome and then finds and tests many or, if needed, all genes within that interval. The MEN1 gene was finally identified because it was the one gene that contained mutations in most DNAs from a test panel of MEN1 cases. It has been suggested that MEN1, like many hereditary cancer syndromes, is caused by mutation in a tumor suppressor gene that contributes to neoplasia when both gene copies in a tumor precursor cell have been sequentially inactivated ("two-hit" oncogenesis mechanism). Germline MEN1 mutations were found in most families with MEN1 and in most cases of sporadic MEN1. In addition, the MEN1 gene was the gene most likely to show acquired mutation in several sporadic or nonhereditary tumors-parathyroid adenomas, gastrinomas, insulinomas, and bronchial carcinoids. Most germline or acquired MEN1 mutations predicted truncation (and thus likely inactivation) of the encoded protein, supporting expectations for the "first hit" to a tumor suppressor gene. Testing for MEN1 germline mutation is possible in a research setting. Candidates for MEN1 mutation testing include patients with MEN1 or its phenocopies and first-degree relatives of persons with MEN1.  相似文献   

The third reported case of pelvic gliomatosis found within foci of endometriosis is documented 16 years after the removal of a benign cystic teratoma. Grossly at laparoscopy the lesions appear as typical deep fibrotic endometriotic implants.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by tumours of the parathyroid glands, the anterior pituitary, and endocrine pancreas. The MEN1 gene has recently been cloned and germline mutations have been identified in MEN1 patients in the United States, Canada, and Europe. We examined MEN1 gene mutations in MEN1 and MEN1 related cases in eight unrelated Japanese families. These families include five familial MEN1 (FMEN1), two sporadic MEN1 (SMEN1), and one familial hyperparathyroidism (FHP). Direct sequence analysis of the protein coding regions was carried out in all the probands. We identified six different heterozygous mutations in the coding region, of which five were novel, including one missense mutation (E45G) in both FMEN1 and SMEN1, three deletions (569del, 711del, and 1350del3) in FMEN1 and FHP, and two nonsense mutations (R29X and Y312X) in FMEN1 and SMEN1. Only one of these mutations (Y312X) has previously been reported. One proband with FMEN1 had no mutation in the entire exon sequence including the 5' and 3' untranslated regions. A restriction digestion analysis of 19 relatives from the five families showed a close correlation between the existence of the MEN1 gene mutation and disease onset. Four different polymorphisms, including two novel ones, were identified. These findings imply that a diversity of MEN1 gene mutations exists in Japanese MEN1 and MEN1 related disease, suggesting that analysis of the entire coding region of the MEN1 gene is required for genetic counselling in Japan.  相似文献   

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