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SiC MESFET由于其高击穿电压和低输出电容,适合用于设计E类功率放大器.设计了一种结构简单的微带线拓扑E类负载网络,可以匹配至标准电阻,且抑制高至5阶的谐波.用ADS软件进行电路仿真,在2.14 GHz频率点下,峰值功率附加效率(PAE)为70.5%,漏极效率可达80%,功率增益约为10 dB.  相似文献   

研制了2.14GHz频段横向扩散金属氧化物半导体(LDMOS)晶体管的高效率E类功率放大器。采用并联谐振法结合ADS软件仿真提取出管子的关键参数Cds,并在此基础上进行电路仿真,设计了馈电网络和负载匹配网络,有效抑制谐波分量。给出了功率放大器的实验结果,输出功率达到38.55dBm时,附加效率达到64.1%,与仿真结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

并联电路E类功率放大器(PA)具有结构简单和高效的优点,因而被广泛应用。针对并联电路E类PA存在带宽较窄、效率较低的问题,对其输出匹配网络提出了一种改进方案。采用混合式π型结构作为PA的输出匹配网络,在较宽的工作带宽内完成了最佳阻抗与标准阻抗的转换,有效地抑制了二次谐波分量,提高了电路的效率。为了验证所提出理论的有效性,基于0.25 μm GaN HEMT工艺设计了一种结构简单、高效率和高功率的单片集成E类功率放大器。版图后仿真结果表明,在2.5~3.7 GHz工作频率范围内,输出功率大于40 dBm,功率附加效率为51.8%~63.1%。版图尺寸为2.4 mm×2.9 mm。  相似文献   

刘超  陈钟荣 《半导体技术》2015,40(9):658-662
E类功率放大器(PA)具有设计简单和高效率的优点,然而频率较高时功率管的寄生输出电容大于E类功率放大器所需的电容,这个寄生输出电容导致E类功率放大器的效率降低.提出一种高频E类功率放大器的设计方法,使用负载牵引得到考虑寄生输出电容后的最佳负载阻抗,再结合谐波阻抗控制方法设计E类功率放大器.采用飞思卡尔的横向扩散金属氧化物半导体(LDMOS)功率管MRF21010设计了一款工作在930~960 MHz的E类功率放大器.测试数据表明,该功率放大器的输出功率为36.8 dBm (4.79W),具有79.4%的功率附加效率.  相似文献   

This work discusses the design methodologies for efficient power generation at mm-wave frequencies in CMOS. Passive elements play an important role in PA design, as they determine both the output power and power gain of the circuit. In this work, we have developed a methodology for design of transformer-coupled power amplifiers. A distributed model of on-chip transformers has been developed that can predict the performance up to very high frequencies, is length scalable and uses only a few parameters , compared to a complete lumped model. Using the model, a two-stage transformer-coupled PA has been designed in 90 nm CMOS. The prototype has one of the highest output powers reported for a 60 GHz CMOS PA. A three-stage improved design with higher gain and efficiency is reported, stressing the importance of driver stage design at these frequencies. The PA has been integrated into a complete transmitter and tested with 10 Gb/s QPSK modulated data.  相似文献   

介绍了一种RF-LDMOS功率器件内匹配电路的设计方法.首先通过ADS/De-Embed提取管芯的S参数,得到其输入阻抗;然后建立LC内匹配电路,确定电容值、电感值以及提升的目标阻抗值;最后在HFSS中建立金丝键合线模型,确定金丝键合线的长度及根数,完成内匹配电路的设计.该内匹配电路设计的目的是将管芯的输入阻抗提升为较大的阻值,使得在PCB上进行外匹配设计更为方便.设计仿真结果表明,通过在管壳内加入合适的内匹配电路,在目标频率1.2GHz时,将管芯的输入阻抗从0.8 Ω提升到12.4Ω,S11小于-46 dB,符合设计要求.为LDMOS功率器件设计者提供了一种有效的内匹配设计方法.  相似文献   

罗志聪  黄世震 《电子科技》2010,23(10):49-52
分析了E类功放的非理想因素,其中着重分析寄生电感对系统性能的影响,采用伪差分E类功放结构有效地抑制寄生电感的影响。最后基于理想的设计方程和Load Pull技术,采用 0.18 μm CMOS工艺,设计出高效率的差分E类功率放大器。在电源电压1.8 V,温度25 ℃,输入信号0 dBm条件下,具有最大输出功率26.1 dBm,PAE为60.2%。  相似文献   

A model is presented for the drain-gate breakdown phenomenon of GaAs FET's, based on experimental results. this breakdown model is added to a previously published large-signal model and incorporated in a powerful computer-aided design program called LSFET. The program is capable of searching for the optimum power load for an FET and simulating the power performance of multistage amplifiers. The design of power amplifiers is discussed in detail, using the knowledge gained from LSFET. Data is presented from a fabricated monolithic broad-band power amplifier chip showing good agreement between measured results and simulated curves.  相似文献   

A direct systematic approach to designing broad-band GaAS FET power amplifiers for optimum large-signal gain performance is described. Assets of this approach include its accuracy in predicting large-signal amplifier performance and its basic simplicity. The implementation of the technique is facilitated by having to measure large-signal device bebavior at only one single frequency. The practicability of the method is demonstrated through comparisons between measured and predicted results.  相似文献   

In this research work, an alternative methodology to design radio frequency (RF) class-E amplifier is proposed and verified. The conventional design procedure starts with a switch idealization of the device and extraction of the output capacitance based on S parameter measurements. Since these ideal conditions lead to non-optimal values at microwave frequencies, an optimization procedure on these values, using a non-linear model of the device, has to be applied in order to obtain higher performance. Unlike this legacy procedure, the proposed method starts the design of the RF class E power amplifier with the non-linear model directly to determine a more representative value of the equivalent capacitance, and thereby considering all the non-ideal and non-linear features of the device.  相似文献   

In this paper, an analysis is performed in order to determine the effects that variations in circuit component values, frequency, and duty cycle have on the performance of the newly introduced inverse Class-E amplifier. Analysis of the inverse Class-E amplifier under the generalized condition of arbitrary duty cycle is performed and it is shown that the inverse Class-E amplifier is reasonably tolerant to circuit parameter variations. When compared to the conventional Class-E amplifier the inverse Class-E amplifier offers the potential for high efficiency at increased output power as well as higher peak output power levels than are available with a conventional Class-E amplifier. Further the inverse Class-E amplifier provides more flexibility for deployment with a pulsewidth modulator as the means of producing full-carrier amplitude modulation (AM) due to its ability to operate to high AM modulation indices  相似文献   

射频E类功率放大器并联电容技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了使E类放大器工作效率最大,需要得到并联电容的确切数值.分析了含线性并联电容E类放大器的和含非线性晶体管寄生输出电容E类放大器的不同特性,给出了不同的设计方法.指出了E类功率放大器设计过程中分析和计算并联电容的难点,阐述了E类功率放大器中并联电容对电路性能的影响,同时给出了考虑并联电容的E类功率放大器的设计方法.  相似文献   

E类功率放大器是一种新型高效率放大器,属于开关模式功率放大器,其理论效率可以达到100%。可用于雷达、通信和电子对抗等领域的末级功率放大器,是系统高效率、高功率和小型化功率放大器的重要途径。通过分析其工作原理,设计了一款L波段高效E类功率放大器,输出功率大于10 W,实际漏极效率达到74.8%。  相似文献   

本文以高频低功率下的谐振式无线电能传输作为电力电子教学实训案例,阐述了实训案例与电力电子教学内容的联系。通过实训,使学生加深对无线电能传输的电路拓扑、平面PCB线圈设计、硬件模块的理解。通过应用新型半导体材料GaN器件作为开关管,完成基于双E类DC-DC变换器的6.78MHz无线电能传输平台的实物搭建和测试,使学生具备初步的电路设计、分析与测试的能力,从而在教学上做到理论与实践相互结合。  相似文献   

本文采用电子设计自动化(EDA)软件对动态偏置射频功率放大器进行仿真设计.详细介绍了动态偏置功率放大器的工作原理及其实现方法.文中根据输入信号的功率变化对末级场效应管漏极偏压进行动态控制以获得更高效率,该方法结构简单且实用性强.仿真结果表明该功率放大器对于2.0175GHz的TD-SCDMA调制信号,在整个输入功率变化范围内,功率附加效率(PAE)与传统的功放相比提高了5-12%左右.  相似文献   

为满足现代无线通信系统对多模式多制式功放的要求,提出了一种基于谐波抑制且双开关控制的可重构多波段功率放大器设计方案。利用单刀单掷PIN开关调节输入匹配网络中的可变电容,实现了三个频段处输入匹配网络的自由切换;利用单刀三掷开关控制带有谐波抑制的三路输出匹配网络,功放可工作在三个频段并提高了整体效率。为验证上述方案的可行性,采用型号为CGH40010F的GaN晶体管设计了一款工作在1.75 GHz、2.1 GHz和2.6 GHz的可重构功率放大器。制作了实物并测试,测试结果表明,在三个频段处功放的增益均大于10.2 dB,效率大于41.5%,输出功率约为38 dBm。满足基站对功放多模式多制式的要求,为无线系统模块设计提供了一种新颖的功放结构。  相似文献   

本文叙述了采用静态法模拟GaAs FET大信号模型和以该大信号模型设计宽带GaAsFRT功率放大器的方法.在分析电路时,提出了一种对非线性电路进行交流大信号稳态分析的有效方法:时一频转换循环迭代法.编写了一个优化设GaAs FET功率放大器的计算机程序GFPA.采用该程序设计制作了一个单级宽带GaAs FET功率放大器.在未作任何调整的情况下,该放大器的实测性能与其理论计算符合较好.  相似文献   

基于软件仿真的高频功率放大器设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庄海军 《电子工程师》2008,34(11):33-34
高频功率放大器是发射机的重要组成部分,因而也是通信系统必不可少的环节。介绍了高频功率放大器的基本原理和特性,并利用电子设计工具软件Muhisim2001对丙类功率放大器电路从方案选择、单元电路设计、元器件参数选取等方面进行具体设计分析,同时对电路进行仿真测试,通过仿真结果分析电路特性,使电路得到进一步完善。仿真结果表明,该电路设计方案正确,能达到预期设计要求,性能良好。  相似文献   

设计针对多个Ku波段宽带MMIC功率放大芯片进行大功率合成.对波导多路功率合成结构进行了分析,基于单个Ku波段6W功放单片,进行了16路的功率合成,研制出了工作在12~17 GHz,带宽达到6 GHz的固态功率放大器.通过测试发现该固态功率放大器的输出功率≥70 W,功率增益≥15 dB,工作电压48 V,效率≥16%...  相似文献   

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