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Triaxial Compression of Sand Reinforced with Fibers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Results from drained triaxial compression tests on specimens of fiber-reinforced sand are reported. It is evident that the addition of a small amount of synthetic fibers increases the failure stress of the composite. This effect, however, is associated with a drop in initial stiffness and an increase in strain to failure. Steel fibers did not reduce initial stiffness of the composite. The increase in failure stress can be as much as 70% at a fiber concentration of 2% (by volume) and an aspect ratio of 85. The reinforcement benefit increases with an increase in fiber concentration and aspect ratio, but it also depends on the relative size of the grains and fiber length. A larger reinforcement effect in terms of the peak shear stress was found in fine sand, compared to coarse sand, when the fiber concentration was small (0.5%). This trend was reversed for a larger fiber concentration (1.5%). A model for prediction of the failure stress in triaxial compression was developed. The failure envelope has two segments: a linear part associated with fiber slip, and a nonlinear one related to yielding of the fiber material. The analysis indicates that yielding of fibers occurs well beyond the stress range encountered in practice. The concept of a macroscopic internal friction angle was introduced to describe the failure criterion of a fiber-reinforced sand. This concept is a straightforward way to include fiber reinforcement in stability analyses of earth structures.  相似文献   

High-Pressure Isotropic Compression Tests on Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Sand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High-pressure isotropic compression tests were carried out on reconstituted sand samples that were reinforced with cement, randomly distributed fibers, or both, making comparisons with the unreinforced sand and conducting tests from a variety of initial specific volumes. The results indicated changes in the isotropic compression behavior of the sand due to the inclusion of fibers and/or cement. Cementitious bonds are sufficiently strong relative to the particles to allow the cemented samples to reach states outside the normal compression line (NCL) of the uncemented soil, but the effectiveness of cemented fiber-reinforced specimens is even larger due to the control of crack propagation in the cemented sand after the inclusion of fibers. Distinct NCLs were observed for the sand, fiber-reinforced sand, cemented sand, and fiber-reinforced cemented sand. Both fiber breakage and fiber extension were observed in fibers measured after testing indicating that fibers individually have worked under tension, even though in the macroscopic scale, isotropic compressive stresses were applied. Fiber reinforcement was found to reduce the particle breakage of both the uncemented and cemented sands.  相似文献   

Strain Localization in Sand: Plane Strain versus Triaxial Compression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A comprehensive experimental investigation was conducted to investigate the effects of loading condition and confining pressure on strength properties and localization phenomena in sands. A uniform subrounded to rounded natural silica sand known as F-75 Ottawa sand was used in the investigation. The results of a series on conventional triaxial compression (CTC) experiments tested under very low-confining pressures (0.05–1.30) kPa tested in a microgravity environment abroad the NASA Space Shuttle are presented in addition to the results of similar specimens tested in terrestrial laboratory to investigate the effect of confining pressure on the constitutive behavior of sands. The behavior of the CTC experiments is compared with the results of plane strain experiments. Computed tomography and other digital imaging techniques were used to study the development and evolution of shear bands.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of cementation on the stress–dilatancy and strength of cemented sand are investigated through experimental characterizations using triaxial tests and numerical simulations using the discrete element method. At small strains, dilatancy is hindered by the intact bonding network that produces a web-patterned force chain. After yielding, the increase in the dilatancy accelerates. Two competing but intimately related processes determine the peak strength: Bond breakages cause a strength reduction but the associated dilatancy leads to a strength increase. This finding and the experimental observation that the dilatancy at the peak state increases with increasing cement content explain why the measured peak-state strength parameters, c′ and ?p′, are relevant to the cement content. With increasing strain, the force-chain distribution gradually changes to a thick columnar shape, which mostly appears inside the shear band. At the ultimate state, the cementing bonds remain to form clusters, even within the shear band. The existence of clusters not only helps maintain the overall volumetric dilation but also prevents force-chain buckling, which in turn increases the associated strength.  相似文献   


Multi-axial compression of the mushy zone occurs in various pressurized casting processes. Here, we present a drained triaxial compression apparatus for semi-solid alloys that allow liquid to be drawn into or expelled from the sample in response to isotropic or triaxial compression. The rig is used to measure the pressure-dependent flow stress and volumetric response during isothermal triaxial compression of globular semi-solid Al-15 wt pct Cu at 70 to 85 vol pct solid. Analysis of the stress paths and the stress–volume data show that the combination of the solid fraction and mean effective pressure determines whether the material undergoes shear-induced dilation or contraction. The results are compared with the critical state soil mechanics (CSSM) framework and the similarities and differences in behavior between equiaxed semi-solid alloys and soils are discussed.


The deformation characteristics of artificially cemented calcareous soil subjected to undrained cyclic triaxial loading are investigated at different confining pressure and cyclic stress levels. The influence of cementation on the shear stiffness is investigated by comparing the behavior of cemented and uncemented soils with similar initial conditions. It is observed that the deviator stress and the deviatoric strain at yield reduced with increasing number of cycles for cemented sand due to progressive degradation of bond, which results in significant decrease in stiffness. On the other hand, a strain-hardening effect is observed in uncemented sand and this results in increasing yield stress and strain with progressive number of cycles. A linear relationship between degradation index and number of cycles is observed for cemented sand. This relationship has been synthesized in the form of an empirical equation by modifying a previously proposed equation for cohesive soils. This empirical equation was further used to evaluate the fatigue life of soils by adopting a failure criterion.  相似文献   

Plasticity Model for Concrete under Triaxial Compression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the experimental background of 130 triaxial tests conducted on cylindrical specimens, a plasticity-based constitutive model of concrete behavior is developed. Parameters of the reference experimental database include the water:cement ratio (i.e., f′c), degree of saturation at testing, and load path used in the tests. In the model, damage is quantified by the volumetric expansion that builds up progressively in the material as it approaches failure and is caused by propagation of microcracks. This behavioral index is calibrated with reference to the available tests and subsequently used as the primary state variable in the model, determining for any stress state the degree of stiffness and strength degradation and the ductility in the response. Because failure is modeled as a damage-driven continuous process rather than a distinct event, the characteristic failure envelope is expanding (hardening) or contracting (softening) as a function of a scalar measure of plastic deformation. A nonassociated plastic flow rule calibrated against the experiments is used to describe the direction of plastic deformation. The model was tested against published triaxial test series and empirical confinement models. It was also used in the context of a finite-element formulation to study the mechanical behavior of reinforced-concrete circular columns. This particular test problem was selected because it is a real-life example of the experimental conditions used to derive the model.  相似文献   

Analysis of Shear Banding in True Triaxial Tests on Sand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of true triaxial tests have been performed on rectangular prismatic specimens of Santa Monica Beach sand at three different relative densities to study the occurrence of failure, mechanisms that create failure, and soil behavior in the vicinity of failure. One mechanism is smooth peak failure, in which the soil continues to behave as a continuum with uniform strains, and smooth peak failure is followed by strain softening. Another mechanism is shear banding, whose occurrence in the plastic hardening regime limits the strength of the soil. Presented here are analyses based on theoretical conditions for localization and subsequent shear banding and on the results of the true triaxial tests. Thus, the strength increases as b [=(σ2 ? σ3)/(σ1 ? σ3)] increases from 0 to about 0.18, remains almost constant until b reaches 0.85, and then decreases slightly at b = 1.0. Shear banding initiates in the hardening regime for b-values of 0.18–0.85. Thus, peak failure is caused by shear banding in this middle range of b-values, and a smooth, continuous 3D failure surface is therefore not generally obtained for soils. The experimental results agree with the theoretical conditions for the occurrence of shear banding and its consequent effect on the 3D failure stress states for soil.  相似文献   

To understand the behavior of concrete material in ambient water, a series of triaxial compressive tests of concrete cylindrical specimens (? 100×200?mm) was conducted on a large scale triaxial machine. The acting pattern of water, confining pressure, loading strain rate, and moisture content were chosen as test parameters. The water acting patterns on concrete were directly divided into mechanical loading and real water loading according to whether the specimens were directly exposed to water or not. The confining pressure ranged from 0–8 MPa and the strain rate included 10?5/s, 10?3/s, and 10?2/s. By testing dry and saturated specimens, the effect of moisture on concrete strength was also examined. The test results indicated that the compressive strengths of both dry and saturated concrete increase obviously with the confining pressure under mechanical confining pressure. However, the effect on the strengthened dry concrete specimens is more significant. The strength of dry concrete under real water loading decreased remarkably, even less than its uniaxial strength, whereas the compressive strength of the saturated concrete specimen under real water loading is close to its uniaxial compressive strength. The strength of concrete increases with strain rate, and this phenomenon becomes more apparent under water loading.  相似文献   

Study of the Behavior of Concrete under Triaxial Compression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experimental study of the confined compression behavior of concrete has been performed using 150×300?mm cylindrical specimens subjected to hydrostatic pressure in a triaxial cell and axial loading through a servo-hydraulic testing machine. A confining stress range of 0 to 60 MPa (about twice the uniaxial compressive strength) was employed to obtain the brittle-ductile transition behavior of the material. The increase in confining pressure leads to a change in the mode of failure and an increase in the maximum axial load-carrying capacity. It is seen that, at zero or low confinement, there is distributed microcracking and several macrocracks, and the response exhibits a well-defined peak and subsequent softening. At high confinements, relatively large axial and transversal strains of over 10% have been obtained, with monotonically increasing loads leading to horizontal plateaus. There is no distributed cracking and failure occurs with the propagation of few macrocracks. In general, the observed trends confirm and extend previous results reported in the literature. Optical microscopy shows extensive microcracking, especially in the aggregates, and pore collapse at high confinement. A preliminary interpretation of the results based on the theory of elastoplasticity is also presented.  相似文献   

This article presents the deformation behavior of high-strength pearlitic steel deformed by triaxial compression to achieve ultra-fine ferrite grain size with fragmented cementite. The consequent evolution of microstructure and texture has been studied using scanning electron microscopy, electron back-scatter diffraction, and X-ray diffraction. The synergistic effect of diffusion and deformation leads to the uniform dissolution of cementite at higher temperature. At lower temperature, significant grain refinement of ferrite phase occurs by deformation and exhibits a characteristic deformation texture. In contrast, the high-temperature deformed sample shows a weaker texture with cube component for the ferrite phase, indicating the occurrence of recrystallization. The different mechanisms responsible for the refinement of ferrite as well as the fragmentation of cementite and their interaction with each other have been analyzed. Viscoplastic self-consistent simulation was employed to understand deformation texture in the ferrite phase during triaxial compression.  相似文献   

通过岩石三轴压缩渗透试验,揭示了岩石在全应力应变过程中的渗透规律,发现岩石渗透率一般不是常数,而是随应力应变过程中岩石内部结构演化特征改变.岩石渗透峰值多发生在岩石破坏后的应变软化阶段.因此,防止岩石破坏与控制岩石破坏后变形的进一步发展,对于预防岩层突水事故是同等重要的.  相似文献   

莱芜铁矿业庄矿区由进路试采转为河沙胶结充填法采矿,采矿贫化率为13.5%,矿石回收率由26.4%提高到85%,矿井生产能力达到8 ̄10万t/a,且有效地防止空区顶板的塌落,维护了生态平衡。  相似文献   

The enhancement of local soils with cement for the construction of stabilized pavement bases, canal lining, and support layer for shallow foundations shows great economical and environmental advantages, avoiding the use of borrow materials from elsewhere, as well as the need of a spoil area. The present research aims to quantify the influence of the amount of cement, the porosity, and the voids/cement ratio in the assessment of unconfined compressive strength (qu) and splitting tensile strength (qt) of an artificially cemented sand, as well as in the evaluation of qt/qu relationship. A program of splitting tensile tests and unconfined compression tests considering three distinct voids ratio and seven cement contents, varying from 1 to 12%, was carried out in the present study. The results show that a power function adapts well qt and qu values with increasing cement content and with reducing porosity of the compacted mixture. The voids/cement ratio is demonstrated to be an appropriate parameter to assess both qt and qu of the sand-cement mixture studied. Finally, the qt/qu relationship is unique for the sand-cement studied, being independent of the voids/cement ratio.  相似文献   

Shear Banding in True Triaxial Tests and Its Effect on Failure in Sand   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The occurrence of failure, mechanisms that create failure, and soil behavior in the vicinity of failure have been investigated. One mechanism is smooth peak failure, in which the soil continues to behave as a continuum with uniform strains, and smooth peak failure is followed by strain softening. Another mechanism is shear banding, whose occurrence in the plastic hardening regime limits the strength of the soil. True triaxial tests have been performed on tall prismatic specimens of Santa Monica Beach sand at three relative densities in a modified version of a cubical triaxial apparatus to study the effect of shear banding on failure in the full range of the intermediate principal stress. The experiments show that the strength increases as b [=(σ2 ? σ3)/(σ1 ? σ3)] increases from 0 to about 0.18, remains almost constant until b reaches 0.85, and then decreases slightly at b = 1.0. Shear banding initiates in the hardening regime for b-values of 0.18–0.85. Thus, peak failure is caused by shear banding in this middle range of b-values, and a smooth, continuous 3D failure surface is therefore not generally obtained for soils.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of the shear behavior of sand in the context of shear band development has not been achieved yet in spite of many detailed research works on each specified subject. In order to observe the entire drained shear behavior of Toyoura sand from the macromechanical point of view, conventional triaxial tests were performed and analyzed up to an axial strain of 30% for various void ratios, initial confining stresses, and stress paths, paying particular attention to volume changes. The strong correlation was found between “double strain softening” and “diagonally crossing shear bands” as a remarkable result. Finally, a qualitative explanation of relations among the stress–strain curve, the failure shape, the dilatancy index–strain curve and the strain localization, could be clearly made. Also, it is concluded that the dilatancy index is an indicator not only of the ratio of the volumetric strain increment to the axial strain increment but also the condition of the strain localization.  相似文献   

Carbon fiber composites that utilize flattened, large tow yarns in woven or braided forms are being used in many aerospace applications. The complex fiber architecture and large unit cell size in these materials present challenges for both understanding the deformation process and measuring reliable material properties. In this paper composites made using flattened 12k and 24k (referring to the number of fibers in the fiber tow) standard modulus carbon fiber yarns in a 0°/+60°/?60° triaxial braided architecture are examined. Standard straight-sided tensile coupons were tested with the 0° axial braid fibers either parallel to (axial tensile test) or perpendicular to (transverse tensile test) the applied tensile load. The nonuniform surface strain resulting from the triaxial braided architecture was examined using photogrammetry. Local regions of high strain concentration were examined to identify where failure initiates and to determine the local strain at the time of failure initiation. Splitting within fiber bundles was the first failure mode observed at low to intermediate strains. For axial tensile tests the splitting was primarily in the ±60° bias fibers, which were oriented 60° to the applied load. At higher strains in the axial tensile test, out-of-plane deformation associated with localized delamination between fiber bundles or damage within fiber bundles was observed. For transverse tensile tests, the splitting was primarily in the 0° axial fibers, which were oriented transverse to the applied load. The initiation and accumulation of local damage caused the global transverse stress-strain curves to become nonlinear and caused failure to occur at a reduced ultimate strain for both the axial and transverse tensile tests. Extensive delamination at the specimen edges was also observed. Modifications to the standard straight-sided coupon geometry are needed to minimize these edge effects when testing the large unit cell type of material examined in this work.  相似文献   

The treatment of soils with cement is an attractive technique when the project requires improvement of the local soil for the construction of subgrades for rail tracks, as a support layer for shallow foundations and to prevent sand liquefaction. As reported by Consoli et al. in 2007, a unique dosage methodology has been established based on rational criteria where the voids/cement ratio plays a fundamental role in the assessment of the target unconfined compressive strength. The present study broadened the research carried out by Consoli et al. in 2007 through quantifying quantifies the influence of voids/cement ratio on the initial shear modulus (G0) and Mohr-Coulomb effective strength parameters (c′,?′) of an artificially cemented sand. A number of unconfined compression and triaxial compression tests with bender elements measurements were carried out. It was shown that the void/cement ratio defined as the ratio between the volume of voids of the compacted mixture and the volume of cement is an appropriate parameter to assess both initial stiffness and effective strength of the sand-cement mixture studied.  相似文献   

The results of drained triaxial tests on fiber reinforced and nonreinforced sand (Osorio sand) specimens are presented in this work, considering effective stresses varying from 20 to 680?kPa and a variety of stress paths. The tests on nonreinforced samples yielded effective strength envelopes that were approximately linear and defined by a friction angle of 32.5° for the Osorio sand, with a cohesion intercept of zero. The failure envelope for sand when reinforced with fibers was distinctly nonlinear, with a well-defined kink point, so that it could be approximated by a bilinear envelope. The failure envelope of the fiber-reinforced sand was found to be independent of the stress path followed by the triaxial tests. The strength parameters for the lower-pressure part of the failure envelope, where failure is governed by both fiber stretching and slippage, were, respectively, a cohesion intercept of about 15?kPa and friction angle of 48.6?deg. The higher-pressure part of the failure envelope, governed by tensile yielding or stretching of the fibers, had a cohesion intercept of 124?kPa, and friction angle of 34.6?deg. No fiber breakage was measured and only fiber extension was observed. It is, therefore, believed that the fibers did not break because they are highly extensible, with a fiber strain at failure of 80%, and the necessary strain to cause fiber breakage was not reached under triaxial conditions at these stress and strain levels.  相似文献   

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