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We study the coupled problem of deformation due to mechanical and thermal loading of a composite cylinder made up of two layers of linear isotropic viscoelastic materials. The effect of a time-varying temperature field due to unsteady heat conduction on the short term and long term material response is examined in terms of the stress, displacement, and strain fields. The material properties of the two layers of the composite cylinder at any given location and time are assumed to depend on the temperature at that location at that given instant of time. Sequentially coupled analyses of heat conduction and deformation of the viscoelastic composite cylinder are carried out. Analytical solutions for the stress, strain and displacement fields of the viscoelastic composite cylinder are obtained from the corresponding solution of the linear elasticity problem by applying the Correspondence Principle. We examine the discontinuity in the hoop stress and the radial strain at the interface of the two layers caused by mismatches in material properties, during transient heat conduction. We find that the discontinuities change over time as the mismatch in the moduli of the two layers changes due to the material properties which are time-dependent. We also investigate the effect of the thermal field on the time-dependent field variables in the composite body.  相似文献   

Observations are reported in uniaxial cyclic tensile tests with a strain-controlled program on perfluoroelastomer Hyflon MFA. A constitutive model is developed for its viscoplastic response and damage at three-dimensional deformations with finite strains. Adjustable parameters in the stress–strain relations are found by fitting the experimental data. Numerical simulation demonstrates that the constitutive equations adequately describe the mechanical response of perfluoroelastomer in cyclic tests with complicated deformation programs.  相似文献   

Changes in amplitude and phase shifts in plane elastic waves were theoretically estimated when they propagated through an elastic body containing cylindrical inclusions. Based on the integral equation suggested by Lavrov et al., these changes were calculated in the case when only one cylindrical inclusion was located in the body and the propagating waves have a single frequency. These calculations were expanded to more practical case when multiple cylindrical inclusions aligned in the body and the waves have some frequency band. The changes in amplitude and phase shifts calculated were associated to the changes in apparent sonic velocity and attenuation coefficient due to a structural change in the material. This theoretical approach contributes to a quantitative damage evaluation based upon structural changes in various materials by measuring the acoustical parameters such as apparent sonic velocity and attenuation coefficient.  相似文献   

Studies of cracked specimens loaded in mode I have shown that the stresses near the crack tip depend significantly on the level of constraint. The stresses can be determined near the crack tip using the HRR solution, but only for high constraint specimens. For other levels of constraint, O'Dowd and Shih's Q parameter may be used to adjust the stresses derived from the HRR solution. Only limited research has been carried out to study the effect of constraint in mode II. In this paper a mode II boundary layer formulation is used to study the effect of far field elastic stresses on the size and shape of the plastic zone around the crack tip and on the stresses inside the plastic zone. It is shown that in mode II, both positive and negative values of remote T-stress influence the tangential stress along the direction of maximum tangential stress. In the spirit of O'Dowd and Shih, a dimensionless parameter Q II is introduced to quantify the constraint for mode II specimens failing by brittle fracture. The relation between Q II and T/0 is determined for different values of the strain hardening coefficient n. To investigate the range of validity of the QT diagram for real specimens, the constraint parameter Q II is calculated directly from finite element analysis for three mode II specimens and compared with the evaluation using the QT diagram.  相似文献   

We report on our efforts to measure simultaneously a well-calibrated complex impedance of a large number of detectors in a long wavelength bolometer array. The array is described in other presentations. A method for correcting the complex impedance measurements of bolometers and calorimeters has been presented by Lindeman et al. (Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78:043105, [2007]) using a Thévenin equivalent circuit to represent the bias network. We have built on this method for superconducting bolometers with a Norton equivalent circuit and have used it to improve our impedance data. We further describe our method for extracting a Norton-corrected complex impedance as a function of frequency from a stream of multiplexed time-ordered data. This method is well-suited to producing simultaneous complex impedance measurements for a large number of detectors.   相似文献   

Distributed read-out imaging detectors (DROIDs) combine a good energy resolution with a high position resolving power. Therefore they are promising candidates to build cameras with a huge detection area. A new method is proposed to determine the photon energy and impact position from the two signals of a one-dimensional DROID. For this purpose the diffusion equation was solved for asymmetric devices with arbitrarily trapping. The new method is then applied to fit the experimental data obtained from the illumination with soft X-ray of a 400 μm long Ta absorber strip with one Ta/Al read-out STJ at each end.   相似文献   

This paper presents the results of investigations of the strength and elastic properties of the glassceramic obtained by novel technology with the use of the method of casting blanks from highdensity aqueous suspensions of lithium alumosilicate glass into porous moulds followed by their sintering and crystallization under combined conditions of thermal treatment. Comparison of the properties of the proposed glassceramic with the properties of the glassceramics obtained by conventional technology enabled us to gain a better insight into its potentialities and provide the necessary information for calculating the structural strength.  相似文献   

Superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters have demonstrated the Constellation-X requirements for spectral resolution, speed, and pixel size in a close-packed geometry. We will present our recent breakthrough energy resolution with sensors that have all gold and bismuth-gold absorbers. This has been enabled by cantilevered absorbers that make contact to the TES only in regions that are not part of the active thermometer. With this approach, rapid thermalization of the x-ray energy is achieved and interaction between the absorber and TES sensor films is avoided. This design allows us to obtain uniform high performance and is compatible with large-format, high fill-factor arrays. We will discuss this design, the results we have achieved in 8×8 arrays of these pixels, and the dependence of the performance on the geometry of the absorber contact area and on stress within the sensor.   相似文献   

We have successfully modeled our new TES (transition-edge sensor) X-ray microcalorimeters with a novel X-ray absorber design that is suitable for close-packed array with high quantum efficiency. We have determined device parameters that reproduce complex impedance curves and noise spectra throughout the transition. Observed pulse height, decay time and baseline energy resolution were in good agreement with simulated results using the same parameters.   相似文献   

The elementary excitations of a strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi liquid have been investigated by inelastic neutron scattering in an experimental model system: a monolayer of liquid 3He adsorbed on graphite preplated by a monolayer of solid 4He. We observed for the first time the particle-hole excitations characterizing the Fermi liquid state of two-dimensional liquid 3He, and we were also able to identify the highly interesting zero-sound collective mode above a particle-hole band. Contrarily to bulk 3He, at low wave-vectors this mode lies very close to the particle-hole band. At intermediate wave-vectors, the collective mode enters the particle-hole band, where it is strongly broadened by Landau damping. At high wave-vectors, where the Landau theory is not applicable, the zero-sound collective mode reappears beyond the particle-hole band as a well defined excitation, with a dispersion relation quite similar to that of superfluid 4He. This spectacular effect is observed for the first time in a Fermi liquid (including plasmon excitations in electronic systems).  相似文献   

We capture the decay of a quantized vortex ring in superfluid helium-4 by imaging particles trapped on the vortex core. The ring shrinks in time, providing direct evidence for the dissipation of energy in the superfluid. The ring with trapped particles collapses more slowly than predicted by an available theory, but the collapse rate can be predicted correctly if the trapping of the particles on the core is taken into account. We theoretically explore the conditions under which particles may be considered passive tracers of quantized vortices and estimate, in particular, that their dynamics on the large-scale is largely unaffected by the burden of trapped particles if the latter are spaced by more than ten particle diameters along the vortex core, at temperatures between 1.5 K and 2.1 K.  相似文献   

Recently, torsional oscillator (Yamamoto et al. in Phys. Rev. Lett. 93:075302, 2004) and ultrasound (Kobayashi et al. in AIP Conf. Proc. 128:797, 2007) measurements were carried out for pressurized 4He filled in a nanoporous glass (Gelsil), and the superfluid transition temperature T C shows a different pressure dependence. Thus motivated, we have performed simultaneous measurements with a torsional oscillator and with ultrasound for pressurized 4He in Gelsil. T C is in agreement between the two techniques at all pressures, and the superfluid component above 0.5 K shows most of the same temperature dependence. Furthermore, it was found that the χ-factor (the fraction of superfluid which remains locked to the substrate ) is independent of measuring frequency between the torsional oscillator (kHz-order) and the ultrasound (MHz-order) ranges.  相似文献   

The 2 mm spectral range provides a unique terrestrial window enabling ground based observations of the earliest active dusty galaxies in the universe and thereby allowing a better constraint on the star formation rate in these objects. We have built GISMO (the Goddard-IRAM Superconducting 2-Millimeter Observer), a 2 mm, 128 element superconducting Transition Edge Sensor (TES) based bolometer camera for the IRAM 30 m telescope in Spain. The camera uses an 8×16 planar array of multiplexed TES bolometers, which incorporates our recently designed Backshort Under Grid (BUG) architecture, described elsewhere. The optical design incorporates a 100 mm (4 inches) diameter silicon lens cooled to 4 K, which provides the required fast beam of 0.9 λ/D. With this spatial sampling, GISMO will be very efficient at detecting sources serendipitously in large sky surveys, while the capability for diffraction-limited observations is preserved. With the background limited performance of the detectors, the camera provides significantly greater imaging sensitivity and mapping speed at this wavelength than has previously been possible. The major scientific driver for the instrument is to provide the IRAM 30 m telescope with the capability to rapidly observe galactic and extragalactic dust emission, in particular from high-z Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) and quasars, even in the summer season. The instrument will fill in the SEDs of high redshift galaxies at the Rayleigh-Jeans part of the dust emission spectrum, even at the highest redshifts. Our source count models predict that GISMO will serendipitously detect one galaxy every four hours on the blank sky, and that one quarter of these galaxies will be at a redshift of z 6.5. We expect to install GISMO at the 30 m telescope in the second half of 2007.   相似文献   

A molecular dynamics study of the effect of increasing molecular chain stiffness on the dynamic properties of single linear chains and polymer melts is presented. The chain stiffness is controlled by a bending potential. By means of a normal mode analysis the systematic crossover behavior of coarse-grained linear polymer systems from Rouse modes to bending modes with increasing mode number p is presented systematically for the first time via simulation data. The magnitude and the onset of the region where crossover behavior occurs is investigated in dependence of a systematic variation of the chains’ persistence lengths. For long wavelength modes the well-known p −2 behavior is observed which represents the Rouse scaling, whereas for the bending modes one observes a distinct p −4 scaling of the mean square mode amplitudes and the relaxation times. Additionally, the effect of this crossover behavior on the monomer dynamics given by their mean square displacements is investigated. The findings are contrasted with previous simulation studies of semiflexible chain behavior and it is shown that those studies—due to too small persistence lengths L p —were actually limited to the crossover regime where both, Rouse and bending modes contribute to the chain dynamics, and no distinct p −4 scaling can be observed. Using an expansion of the monomer position vector, a simple theory of the observed scaling behavior is proposed which allows for deriving analytic expressions that describe the presented simulation data very well.  相似文献   

We are developing a digital signal readout system for arrays of high-resolution gamma and fast-neutron detectors based on superconducting transition edge sensors (TESs). The readout system allows for real time data acquisition and analysis at count rates exceeding 100 Hz for pulses with several ∼ms decay times with minimal loss of energy resolution compared to optimum filtering. This digital signal processing system had originally been developed for gamma-ray analysis with HPGe detectors, and we have modified the hardware and firmware to accommodate the slower TES signals. Parameters of the filtering algorithm have been optimized to maximize either resolution or throughput. Here we present a summary of the digital signal processing hardware and discuss its initial performance.   相似文献   

We report a preliminary study of heat capacities of 4He confined in a nanoporous Gelsil glass that has nanopores of 2.5 nm in diameter. The heat capacity has a broad peak at a temperature far above the superfluid transition temperature obtained by torsional oscillator technique. The heat-capacity peak is attributed to formation of localized Bose-Einstein Condensates in the nanopores, in which the long-range superfluid coherence is destroyed by pore size distribution or random potential inherent to the porous glass.   相似文献   

It has been demonstrated in the past that observing the β-decay spectrum of 187Re with microbolometers provides a suitable method to determine the mass of the electron anti-neutrino from β-endpoint measurements. In a first step, with the experiment MIBETA a sensitivity of m νe≤15 eV/c2 was achieved. To compete with the sensitivity of m νe≤2.2 eV/c2 established by the Mainz/Troitsk tritium β-decay experiment and the limit of m νe≤0.2 eV/c2 aimed at with KATRIN, a new experiment MARE has been initiated. As a first stage (MARE-1), 300 detectors consisting of silicon implanted thermistors, produced by NASA/GSFC, and absorbers of AgReO4 crystals will be mounted. To optimize the experimental setup, a test array was equipped with 10 AgReO4 crystals of various size and shape. The influence of the crystal quality as well as of different types of resin on rise time and energy resolution was investigated.   相似文献   

Estimating the endpoint of a distribution function is of interest in product analysis and predicting the maximum lifetime of an item. In this paper, we propose an empirical likelihood method to construct a confidence interval for the endpoint. A simulation study shows the proposed confidence interval has better coverage accuracy than the normal approximation method, and bootstrap calibration improves the accuracy.  相似文献   

The dynamics of an electrically-driven 8 kHz quartz tuning fork has been studied experimentally in liquid helium-4 in the temperature range 1.3<T<4.2 K under the saturated vapour pressure. The fork has relatively large dimensions compared to standard 32 kHz fork used in recent investigations. The velocity of the tip of the fork prong is measured by the indirect electromechanical equivalent method and is compared with the velocity of another 8 kHz fork (from the same batch) determined by direct optical measurement of the oscillation amplitude through Michelson interferometry. A comparison of these results has provided absolute values for the critical velocity of the transition to the turbulent state.  相似文献   

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