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借助于缺口慢拉伸试验研究了马氏体时效不锈钢延迟断裂倾向对时效温度的敏感性。研究结果表明,正常冶炼和加工的材料氢的质量分数在2×10-6以下,420和440℃欠时效处理的试样仍发生氢致延迟断裂;而460℃以上时效的缺口试样慢拉伸(0.001 5mm/min)的抗拉强度和断裂行为类似于快拉伸(0.15mm/min),即不发生延迟断裂。  相似文献   


In the present study AISI 304 stainless steel with different degrees of cold deformation and annealing parameters were investigated. Microstructural evolutions by optical micrography and scanning electron microscopy showed relatively fully austenitic ultrafine-grained structure obtained after annealing at 700°C for 80 min. The volume fraction of α′-martensite increased with increasing compressive deformation rate and maximum volume fraction of α′-martensite was attained in the samples subjected 0?65% strain. The potentiodynamic polarization results in 3% NaCl indicated that the corrosion current density increased with cold deformation, while after annealing, it reduced from 2?86 to 2?29 μA cm?2, showing an enhancement of corrosion resistance. The immersion test showed that the austenitic ultrafine-grained structure exhibits moderate and more uniform pitting corrosion attack compared to the coarser grain in NaCl solution.

Dans cette étude, on a examiné un acier inoxydable AISI 304 ayant différents taux de déformation à froid et différents paramètres de recuit. L’analyse de l’évolution de la microstructure par micrographie optique et par microscopie électronique à balayage a montré une structure à grains ultrafins et presque complètement austénitique obtenue après un recuit à 700°C pendant 80 minutes. La fraction volumique de martensite α′ augmentait avec l’augmentation du taux de déformation en compression et la fraction volumique maximale de martensite α′ était atteinte par les échantillons soumis à une déformation de 0·65%. Les résultats de polarisation potentiocinétique dans 3% de NaCl indiquaient que la densité du courant de corrosion augmentait avec la déformation à froid, alors qu’après le recuit, elle était réduite de 2·86 μA/cm2 à 2·29 μA/cm2, montrant ainsi une augmentation de la résistance à la corrosion. L’épreuve d’immersion dans la solution de NaCl a montré que la structure austénitique à grains ultrafins exhibait une attaque par corrosion localisée modérée et plus uniforme comparée au grain plus grossier.  相似文献   

利用增重法研究了耐热不锈钢310S在空气中800、900、1000℃下的高温氧化行为,绘制了氧化动力学曲线。利用SEM、XRD、EDS对氧化膜的结构及分布进行了表征。结果表明:800、900、1000℃下的氧化动力学曲线符合抛物线规律,具有优异的抗氧化性。氧化膜由致密的MnCr2O4、Cr2O3和内层SiO2组成,3层氧化膜是其抗氧化性能优异的主要原因。  相似文献   

The morphology and the evolution ofδ-ferrite existing in B410D slabs,hot-rolled plates,annealed plates and quenched plates were studied through metallographic observation.Results show thatδ-ferrite forms during the solidification process and that it easily grows and increases in quantity during high temperature annealing.Band-shapedδ-ferrite in hotrolled plates is difficult to be eliminated by conventional heat treatment and hard to recrystallize.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、EDS能谱分析和力学性能测试等方法,研究了固溶处理对2205双相不锈钢显微组织与疲劳裂纹扩展规律的影响。结果表明:与原始热轧态相比,在950~1150℃范围固溶处理的试样的疲劳裂纹门槛值显著提高,稳态裂纹扩展速率均有所减小。在950℃固溶处理时,组织中析出少量的σ相,试样的稳态裂纹扩展速率显著降低;随着固溶温度的升高,组织中α相含量逐渐增加,σ相溶解,试样的稳态裂纹扩展速率的变化呈现为先增大后减小的趋势;当固溶温度达到1150℃时,组织中α相含量最高且两相组织明显粗化,试样的稳态裂纹扩展速率达到最小,呈现出最高的抗疲劳裂纹扩展能力。固溶处理引起σ相的析出与溶解、α相含量的增加及组织粗化是引起2205双相不锈钢试样疲劳裂纹扩展性能非单调变化的原因。  相似文献   

通过阳极动电位极化测试、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)测试及钝化膜电容测试等电化学腐蚀方法,研究了在不同温度的典型介质(NaCl质量分数为3.5%的溶液)中444铁素体不锈钢的耐点蚀行为及其影响规律.结果表明,随着介质温度的升高,444铁素体不锈钢的自腐蚀电位Ecorr和点蚀电位Ep均呈现降低趋势,而自腐蚀电流密度icorr增...  相似文献   

A modified heat treatment has been suggested whereby lower temperature plane-strain fracture toughness (K IC) of 4340 ultrahigh strength steel is dramatically improved in developed strength and Charpy impact energy levels. The modified heat-treated 4340 steel (MHT-4340 steel) consists of a mixed structure of martensite and about 25 vol pct lower bainite which appears in acicular form and partitions prior austenite grains. This is produced through isothermal transformation at 593 K for a short time followed by an oil quench (after austenitizing at 1133 K and subsequent interrupted quenching in a lead bath at 823 K). The mechanical properties obtained at room temperature (293 K) and 193 K have been compared with those achieved using various heat treatments. Significant conclusions are as follows: the MHT-4340 steel compared to the 1133 K directly oil-quenched 4340 steel increased theK IC values by 15 to 20 MPa • m1/2 at increased strength and Charpy impact energy levels regardless of the test temperature examined. At 193 K,K IC values of the MHT-4340 steel were not less than those of the 1473 K directly oil-quenched 4340 steel, in whichK IC values are significantly enhanced at markedly increased strength, ductility, and Charpy impact energy levels. The MHT-4340 steels compared to austempered 4340 steels at 593 K, which have excellent Charpy impact properties, showed superiorK IC values at significant increased strength levels irrespective of test temperatures. The lower temperature improvement inK IC can be attributed to not only the crack-arrest effect by acicular lower bainite but also to the stress-relief effect by the lower bainite just ahead of the current crack.  相似文献   

研究了4种不同的焊后热处理工艺对半奥氏体沉淀硬化不锈钢15-7Mo焊接接头组织性能的影响.结果表明:焊接接头不进行热处理或时效热处理的焊接系数低于0.7,焊接接头进行调整+时效热处理后的焊接系数可达0.9,而对焊接接头进行固溶+调整+时效热处理后焊接系数接近1.接头不进行热处理或者是仅时效热处理时,薄弱区为熔合线靠近母材的区域,组织为奥氏体和少量的铁素体.进行调整+时效热处理或固溶+调整+时效热处理时,熔合线靠近母材侧的组织为板条马氏体、少量的铁素体和沉淀析出相,焊缝的组织为板条马氏体和沉淀析出相,薄弱区消失,焊接系数大幅度提高.  相似文献   

采用Ni-Cr-B-Si非晶箔作为中间连接层在1 090~1 180℃真空下对钼合金与耐热不锈钢进行液态扩散连接,研究扩散连接温度对钼合金/不锈钢连接样微观结构、成分分布、显微硬度的影响。结果表明:Ni-Cr-B-Si非晶箔熔化后对钼合金及310S不锈钢母材具有较好的润湿性,在真空下可实现较好的冶金结合。中间连接层组织演变为镍基固溶体,并在钼合金一侧发现Mo-Ni-B金属间化合物。随连接温度升高,连接层中的元素向母材的扩散更加充分,生成的金属间化合物层厚度增加,Kirkendall孔洞数量增多。  相似文献   

Present study concerns the effect of deformation and heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a duplex stainless steel. While hot rolling causes the coarse distribution of the constituent phases (ferrite and austenite), 50% cold rolling results into the elongated and splintered two — phase structure. Supersaturated ferrite structure established by water quenching from 1300°C results into the strengthening due to the formation of fine dispersed austenite precipitates within ferrite grain after isothermal heat treatment (1000°C, 0.5 hour). Duplex structure consisting of ferrite and austenite in a fine-grained form is obtained after isothermal heat treatment of cold rolled sample. Cold deformed and heat treated steel exhibits best combination of strength and ductility among all the investigated steel samples.  相似文献   

The aging behavior of welded type 308 stainless steel was evaluated by mechanical property testing and microstructural examination. Aging was carried out at 475°C for up to 20,000 h. The initial material consisted of austenite with approximately 10% ferrite. Upon aging, the ferrite hardness increased up to 100%. This hardening was accompanied by a noticeable increase in the ductile—brittle transition temperature and a drop in the upper shelf energy, as measured by Charpy impact tests, and a degradation in fracture toughness, as determined by J-integral test. Tensile properties did not change significantly with aging. Microstructural analysis indicated that the ferrite decomposed spinodally into iron-rich α and chromium-enriched α′. In addition, abundant precipitation of nickel- and silicon-rich G-phase was found within the ferrite and M23C6 carbide formed along the austenite-ferrite interface. These effects are similar to the aging behavior of cast stainless steels. Occasionally, large G-phase or α precipitates were also found along the austenite-ferrite interface after aging more than 1000 h. After comparison of the mechanical property changes with the microstructural features, it was concluded that both spinodal decomposition as well as G-phase formation contribute to ferrite hardening. Spinodal decomposition results in embrittlement of the weld insofar as the ductile-brittle transition temperature is raised. G-phase formation and carbide precipitation are associated with a degradation in the ductile fracture properties, as shown by a drop in the upper shelf energy and a decrease in the fracture toughness.  相似文献   

为了获得C-HRA-5钢轧制生产的最佳工艺参数,采用Gleeble-3800热力模拟试验机对C-HRA-5钢进行了双道次热压缩实验.实验在变形温度范围为900~1100℃,应变速率范围为0.01~1 s-1,道次间隙时间分别为1、5、15、30s的条件下获得C-HRA-5钢的真应力-应变曲线.采用0.2%补偿法计算得到...  相似文献   

对SLM-316L不锈钢在900℃下进行不同时间的热处理,结合热处理后SLM-316L不锈钢的组织结构和腐蚀行为研究,揭示了SLM-316L不锈钢在900℃热处理过程中组织结构的演变规律以及其对钝化行为的作用机制.研究结果表明,900℃热处理时,在组织结构方面,SLM-316L不锈钢晶粒的基本形状和尺寸没有明显变化,但是随着保温时间延长,SLM-316L不锈钢中的位错和亚晶界逐渐消失,同时伴有MnS颗粒物沿晶界析出;在耐蚀性能方面,热处理对SLM-316L不锈钢的耐蚀性能产生重要影响,在含有NaCl的缓冲溶液中,SLM-316L不锈钢的点蚀电位随着保温时间延长逐渐降低,同时电化学阻抗逐渐减小;此外,在钝化膜性质方面,不同热处理时间试样上形成的钝化膜有明显差异,随着保温时间延长,SLM-316L不锈钢钝化膜的厚度逐渐减小,载流子的密度以及扩散系数变大.最后,通过构建不锈钢钝化膜能带结构和空间电荷层的理论模型,讨论了热处理对SLM-316L不锈钢钝化行为的影响机制.  相似文献   

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