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AIMS: To evaluate complement and contact activation after fetal acidosis. METHODS: Fifteen term neonates with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy after umbilical arterial pH < 7.10 were compared with 15 healthy neonates with umbilical arterial pH > 7.20. Determinations of the complement function and C1-inhibitor activity were performed as kinetic tests 22-28 hours after birth. C1q, C1-inhibitor, and factor B concentrations were determined by radial immunodiffusion and those of C3a, C5a, and factor XIIa by enzyme immunoabsorbent assay. RESULTS: Median complement function (46 vs 73%), C1q (4.3 vs 9.1 mg/dl), and factor B (5.2 vs 7.7 mg/dl) decreased after fetal acidosis. The activated split products C3a (260 vs 185 micrograms/l), C5a (5.0 vs 0.6 micrograms/l), and factor XIIa (3.2 vs 1.3 micrograms/l) increased in the neonates after fetal acidosis. No differences were found in the concentration and activity of C1-inhibitor. CONCLUSIONS: Complement and contact activation occurred in the newborns with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy. Activation of these systems generates mediators which can trigger inflammation and tissue injury.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The modified Fontan procedure separates the systemic and pulmonary circulations in patients born with a functional single ventricle. Delayed recovery is frequently observed after this procedure. It was our hypothesis that complement activation or cytokine generation may contribute to the pathophysiology of this problem. METHODS: We measured activated complement C3, thromboxane B2, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels by immunoassay in 16 patients undergoing Fontan procedure. Patient plasma samples were obtained preoperatively, on initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass, after administration of protamine, and 1, 4, 8, and 24 hours postoperatively. RESULTS: There was no early or late mortality in this cohort of patients. Low cardiac output developed in 3 of 16 patients, and pleural effusions developed in 5. The median length of hospital stay was 9 days. Activated complement C3 levels increased from a baseline of 1,486 +/- 564 to 4,600 +/- 454 ng/mL after cardiopulmonary bypass and administration of protamine, and returned to baseline by 24 hours. The level of interleukin-6 increased from 42 +/- 32 to 176 +/- 22 pg/mL and at 24 hours remained elevated at 71 +/- 15 pg/mL. Neither thromboxane B2 nor tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels increased significantly. CONCLUSIONS: The data demonstrate threefold to four-fold increases in activated complement C3 and interleukin-6, indicating that both humoral and cellular systems are affected. It is our conclusion that complement and cytokine activation may contribute to the delayed recovery observed after Fontan procedure.  相似文献   

Low-voltage-activated T-type Ca2+ channels are present in most excitable tissues including the heart (mainly pacemaker cells), smooth muscle, central and peripheral nervous systems, and endocrine tissues, but also in non-excitable cells, such as osteoblasts, fibroblasts, glial cells, etc. Although they comprise a slightly heterogeneous population, these channels share many defining characteristics: small conductance (< 10 pS), similar Ca2+ and Ba2+ permeabilities, slow deactivation, and a voltage-dependent inactivation rate. In addition, activation at low voltages, rapid inactivation, and blockade by Ni2+ are classical properties of T-type Ca2+ channels, which are less specific. T-type Ca2+ channels are weakly blocked by standard Ca2+ antagonists. Pharmacological blockers are scarce and often lack specificity and/or potency. The physiological modulation of T-type Ca2+ currents is complex: they are enhanced by endothelin-1, angiotensin II (AT1-receptor), ATP, and isoproterenol (cAMP-independent), but are reduced by angiotensin II (AT2-receptor), somatostatin and atrial natriuretic peptide. Norepinephrine enhances these currents in some cells but decreases them in others. T-type Ca2+ currents have many known or suggested physiological and pathophysiological roles in growth (protein synthesis, cell differentiation, and proliferation), neuronal firing regulation, some aspects of genetic hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac fibrosis, cardiac rhythm (normal and abnormal), and atherosclerosis. Mibefradil is a new Ca2+ antagonist that is effective in hypertension and angina pectoris. Its favorable pharmacological profile and limited side effects appear to be related to selective block of T-type Ca2+ channels: mibefradil reduces vascular resistance and heart rate without negative inotropy or neurohormonal stimulation, and it also has significant antiproliferative actions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our goal was to assess the incidence of retropsoas positioned large or small bowel in the population and to examine factors predisposing to its formation. METHOD: The presence of retropsoas positioned bowel was retrospectively studied in 1,852 abdominal CT examinations of 1,055 men and 797 women, 648 younger and 1,204 older than 50 years. All examinations were considered normal or demonstrated findings that were unrelated to the position of the bowel. RESULTS: Retropsoas positioned colon (RPC) was observed in 51 (2.8%) cases for the ascending and 45 (2.3%) for the descending colon. RPC appeared more frequently in younger (< 50 years) than older patients and in individuals with decreased amount of retroperitoneal fat. Retropsoas position of small bowel loops was observed in 11 (0.6%) patients, all exhibiting paucity of retroperitoneal fat. CONCLUSION: Because of its prevalence, retropsoas positioned bowel should be considered when performing percutaneous diskectomy or other interventional procedures in the posterior retroperitoneum.  相似文献   

Two human neuroblastoma cell lines activated the classical pathway of complement in serum. Activation caused the opsonisation of these cells with complement fragments but with moderate cell killing. Neuroblastoma expressed regulators MCP and CD59 but did not express DAF or CR1. Neutralisation of CD59 rendered the cells susceptible to killing. Neuroblastoma also expressed C1-inhibitor, factor H, clusterin and S-protein. Expression of several regulators was enhanced by incubation with cytokines. Complement inhibition using soluble CRI markedly reduced opsonisation and killing of neuroblastoma. Our results suggest that complement might play a role in neuronal loss and that treatment with complement inhibitors might be of therapeutic value.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Portal tract eosinophil infiltration and an increase in the blood eosinophil count (EOS) have been shown to be specific markers of liver allograft rejection. The graft eosinophil infiltration is associated with the local release of eosinophil cationic protein. Therefore, serum eosinophil cationic protein concentration (ECP) is a potential marker for acute allograft rejection. We investigated the chronological relationship among and diagnostic value of serial changes in EOS, ECP, and liver function tests (LFTs) following liver transplantation. METHODS: EOS, ECP, serum alpha-glutathione S-transferase concentration, and conventional LFTs were measured in serial samples collected over the first 3 postoperative months following 58 liver transplants. The diagnostic potential of each test, alone or in combination, was reviewed over the entire follow-up period. RESULTS: EOS and ECP increased at a median period of 3.5 and 4 days, respectively, before the diagnosis of acute rejection, and this increase was significantly earlier than the corresponding changes in LFTs (P<0.05). There was a significant correlation between the day of the first increase in EOS and alpha-glutathione S-transferase (rs=0.535; P=0.009) and EOS and alanine transaminase (rs=0.629; P=0.004). The optimum combination of tests for the diagnosis of acute rejection was an increase in both EOS and GST with a predictive efficiency of 84%. CONCLUSIONS: Increases in EOS and ECP are early indicators of acute liver allograft rejection and precede evidence of hepatocellular damage. However, an increase in ECP was also frequently associated with infection. Therefore, we recommend the regular monitoring of EOS in conjunction with routine LFTs after liver transplantation as an aid to the early diagnosis of acute rejection.  相似文献   

Advances in perinatal and neonatal health care over the past few decades have resulted in a substantial reduction in perinatal mortality. Some of this improvement has been attributed to antepartum fetal surveillance techniques. The primary objective of antepartum fetal surveillance techniques is to avoid fetal deaths. An ideal secondary objective is to avoid neonatal complications related to intrauterine asphyxia. In this article, some of the difficulties in evaluating existing antepartum fetal surveillance techniques are highlighted. Some of the epidemiological methods for evaluating a screening test are reviewed and their importance discussed with reference to fetal testing procedures. Lastly, the possibility of considering indication-specific fetal testing to improve perinatal morbidity is examined.  相似文献   

Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is a plasma expander used for perioperative i.v. fluid management, as well as for resuscitation from trauma and shock. HES is very well tolerated, and the incidence of anaphylactic reactions is lower than with dextran or gelatin. Dextran anaphylaxis is caused by circulating dextran-reactive antibodies (ABs) of the immunoglobin G (IgG) class found in most adults. Histamine release from mast cells induces adverse reactions after gelatin infusion. The cause of adverse reactions due to HES is not yet clear. To investigate AB formation due to HES, we collected sera of 1004 patients at least 14 days after starch administration. Using a highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay technique, we found one patient with a low 1:10 titer of HES-reactive ABs (immunoglobin M [IgM] class). Despite repeated HES infusions, no clinical reaction could be detected in this patient. On the basis of a binomial distribution, a one-tailed confidence interval (99%) was used to calculate the percentage of the occurrence of ABs in general with maximum of 33 in 10,000 persons (IgM) and 23 in 10,000 persons (IgG). We suggest that HES-reactive ABs are extremely rare and that they do not necessarily induce anaphylaxis. Other mechanisms may be responsible for adverse reactions due to HES. Implications: The frequency of antibody formation due to hydroxyethyl starch, a commonly used plasma expander, was prospectively investigated in 1004 patients. Only one patient showed transient antibody formation, which was not harmful to the patient. This low antigenicity could explain the excellent tolerance of hydroxyethyl starch compared with other plasma expanders.  相似文献   

The association between bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and antibody titers to bovine coronavirus (BCV) was studied in 604 calves (19 different groups in 4 different feedlots from 2 provinces). Almost all calves had antibody titers on arrival in the Alberta feedlot and 82% of the calves had an antibody titer on arrival at the Ontario feedlots; titers in calves in Alberta were almost twice as high as those in calves in Ontario. The incidence of infection, in the first mo after arrival as judged by seroconversion, ranged from 61% to 100%; titer increases were much greater in calves in Ontario feedlots. Titer variables were not significantly related to BRD, except on a within-group basis (group was a confounding variable for BCV-BRD associations). Given control of group effects, calves with an antibody titer on arrival appeared to be protected against BRD for the first 28 d in the feedlot, and the association was reasonably linear over the range of titers. Each titer unit on arrival decreased the risk of BRD by about 0.8x (odds ratio). Titer change was not strongly related to the risk of BRD and the relationship was not linear over the range of titer changes. Titer change was strongly and negatively correlated with titer on arrival, and titer change was not significantly related to BRD in the presence of arrival titers. Arrival titer retained its relationship with BRD in the presence of titer data for other putative pathogens. Each higher unit of titer to BCV on arrival increased the 28-day weight gain (controlling for group, initial weight and the occurrence of BRD) by slightly more than 1 kg. Titer change was associated with decreased weight gain, when initial titer was not in the model. The lack of a linear or multivariable association between BCV titer change and BRD, and weight gain, may indicate that BCV is not a major pathogen; or, its lack of significance may merely be due to its strong correlation with arrival titer. Given the associations found in this study, particularly the interprovincial differences in arrival titers, more and different approaches to studying the possible effects of BCV on BRD are in order.  相似文献   

Purified human myeloperoxidase (MPO) converted human C5 to an activated form, i.e. the C5 protein adopted a configuration expressing a binding site for C6; the resulting C56 complex then reacted with C7, C8 and C9 forming a hemolytic C5-9 complex. For the activation by myeloperoxidase chloride and hydrogen peroxide were essential. This indicates that the peroxidase acted through the generation of HOCl which had been shown earlier to oxidize and activate C5. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) were stimulated in vitro by incubation with opsonized zymosan; thereafter the supernatants were tested for C5 activating potency. Stimulated PMN release H2O2 and MPO that produces hypochlorite and secondarily various chloramines. As a trap for the labile hypochlorite generated excess taurine was added to the PMN suspensions during the incubation. Hypochlorite is then stoichiometrically converted to the relatively stable taurine chloramine. In order to rule out interfering activities of proteolytic enzymes released from the PMN and known to attack C5, the supernatants were ultracentrifuged, and the ultrafiltrates, containing only low molecular weight compounds, were used for the further studies. They contained taurine chloramine, estimated photometrically, and they activated C5 upon incubation, assayed functionally by reactive lysis. Azide, an inhibitor of myeloperoxidase, and catalase which destroys H2O2, essential for MPO-catalyzed oxidations, prevented the generation of C5 activating potency and of chloramines. Unstimulated PMN produced neither oxidants nor C5 activating potency. When taurine was omitted from the PMN suspensions during stimulations much less oxidant was found in the supernatants and less C5 activating potency. These findings indicate that the C5 activating agent was produced by stimulated PMN through MPO-generated hypochlorite, trapped as taurine chloramine. In the absence of added taurine the hypochlorite formed by MPO oxidized endogenous amines that also activated C5. Further studies suggested that among these was some monochloramine derived from endogenous ammonia. Activation of the terminal complement reaction sequence by MPO released from stimulated PMN may represent a third pathway to complement activation contributing to and reinforcing complement and PMN functions at the site of inflammation or tissue injury.  相似文献   

Warm ischemia is known to induce substantial damage to the liver parenchyma. With respect to clinical liver transplantation, the tolerance of the liver to warm ischemia and the preservation of these organs have not been studied in detail. In isolated reperfused pig livers we proceeded according to the following concept: Livers were subjected to 1 or 3 h of warm ischemia. Subsequently, these organs were preserved by either normothermic perfusion or cold storage (histidine-tryptophan-alpha-ketoglutarate, HTK) for 3 h each. After storage, liver function was assessed in a reperfusion circuit for another 3 h. Parameters under evaluation were bile flow, perfusion flow, oxygen consumption, enzyme release into the perfusate (creatine kinase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), lactic dehydrogenase, and glutamic pyruvic transaminase), and histomorphology. Damage to the liver was lowest after warm ischemia of 1 h. The results after cold storage were superior to those after normothermic perfusion (GOT: 3.2 +/- 0.3 and 2.6 +/- 0.2 U/g liver; cumulative bile production: 14.7 +/- 2.1 and 9.4 +/- 1 ml, respectively; P < 0.05). In contrast, we found substantial damage at the end of reperfusion in livers undergoing 3 h of warm ischemia under both preservation techniques with severe hepatocellular pyknoses and essentially altered nonparenchymal cells. The results suggest that pig livers undergoing 1 h of warm ischemia and cold storage for 3 h with HTK solution may lead to functioning after transplantation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Neutrophils are important in the development of tissue injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion. The ability of an inhibitor of neutrophil elastase (ONO-5046) to protect against ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat liver was investigated by measuring serum concentrations of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant. METHODS: Liver ischemia was induced in rats by occluding the portal vein for 30 minutes, and ONO-5046 or anticoagulants were injected intravenously 5 minutes before vascular clamping. RESULTS: Serum concentration of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant increased after reperfusion, reached a maximum at 6 hours, and then gradually decreased. However, pretreatment of animals with heparin (50 U/kg), antithrombin III (250 U/kg), or ONO-5046 (10 mg/kg) resulted in significantly smaller increases in the serum concentration of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant after reperfusion. Pretreatment with both ONO-5046 and heparin, or both ONO-5046 and antithrombin III, produced additive effects. Pretreatment of rats with both ONO-5046 and heparin or both ONO-5046 and antithrombin III also inhibited the increase in cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant mRNA in liver. These combined treatments significantly reduced the increases in both the number of neutrophils accumulated in the liver and the hepatic activity of myeloperoxidase. CONCLUSIONS: Cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant production after ischemia-reperfusion in the liver is mediated by neutrophil elastase and activation of coagulation within the hepatic microcirculation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study examined the influences of isoflurane versus halothane anesthesia on basal and agonist-stimulated nitric oxide in the cerebellum of intact rats. Nitric oxide was measured using the hemoglobin-trapping method in an in vivo microdialysis technique. This method uses the stoichiometric reaction of nitric oxide with oxyhemoglobin to produce methemoglobin and nitrate; the change in methemoglobin concentration is measured spectrophotometrically to estimate nitric oxide concentration. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were anesthetized with isoflurane (1.4%) or halothane (1.2%), mechanically ventilated and paralyzed (intravenous pancuronium, 1 mg/kg). Microdialysis probes were implanted into the cerebellum. Bovine oxyhemoglobin dissolved in artificial cerebrospinal fluid was pumped through the probe (2 microl/min) and assayed at 15-min intervals. The glutamatergic agonist, kainic acid (KA, 5 mg/kg, intraarterially), was used to stimulate nitric oxide production. NG-nitro L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 40 mg/kg, intravenously) was used to inhibit nitric oxide synthase. RESULTS: Unstimulated cerebellar nitric oxide concentrations were stable and greater during anesthesia with isoflurane (532+/-31 nM; mean +/- SEM) than with halothane (303+/-23 nM). L-NAME pretreatment reduced nitric oxide concentrations during isoflurane, but not halothane, anesthesia. Infusion of KA increased nitric oxide in both groups; however, the increase in nitric oxide was significantly greater during isoflurane anesthesia. Pretreatment with L-NAME inhibited the response to KA in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Nitric oxide production in the cerebellum, monitored by microdialysis, was greater during isoflurane anesthesia than during halothane anesthesia. Increased nitric oxide production during isoflurane anesthesia would be expected to impact central neuronal function and cerebral blood flow and vascular resistance.  相似文献   

A case of hemispheric infarction involving the territory of the right middle cerebral artery and the thalamus showed conspicuous asymmetric degeneration in the substantia nigra, red nuclei, inferior olivary nuclei and dentate nuclei with concomitant changes of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). The right substantia nigra and red nucleus showed loss of neurons and proliferation of astrocytes. The right olivary nucleus was hypertrophic, while the neuronal loss and astrocytosis in the dentate nucleus were predominant on the contralateral side. Modified Gallyas-Braak staining revealed the extensive distribution of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), threads and intraglial argyrophilic structures in the globus pallidus, subthalamic nuclei, cerebral cortex and dentate nuclei, as well as in the affected brain stem nuclei, with a distinct predominance on the affected side. In this case, the one-sided predominance of the extended degeneration in these brain stem and cerebellar areas is considered, in addition to the PSP changes, to be due to secondary retrograde degeneration via the nigrostriatal and dentato-rubro-thalamic pathways following the hemispheric infarction, and to also be the result of disruption of the dentato-olivary fiber connections. In addition, because of the predominant distribution of NFTs on the more degenerated side, it is surmised that the formation of NFTs may be accelerated by secondary degeneration.  相似文献   

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