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采用两种开封工艺对塑料封装、铜丝内连的电子元器件进行了开封实验.通过自动开封机对开封工艺参数的精确控制,使用浓硝酸与浓硫酸的混合液对样件进行开封,比较完整的保留了铜丝内连结构,达到了开封测试的基本要求.另外通过在混合腐蚀液中添加过量CuSO4·5H2O晶体使腐蚀液中的Cu2 在开封过程中始终保持饱和溶解状态下进行手工开封,结果表明改进后的腐蚀液对铜丝及铜球焊点的腐蚀破坏得到有效抑制.研究结果对于解决塑料封装、铜丝内连电子器件开封测试的难题具有指导意义.  相似文献   

This paper presents a time domain analysis of a microwave 10-GHz FET oscillator, which employs a practical and efficient computer model for the FET. Good agreement is demonstrated between the predicted and measured performance. A sensitivity analysis of the circuit is performed with respect to some of the FET parameters. This is useful information to estimate variation in production.  相似文献   

We develop a polymeric waveguide optical switch with a bascule structure. Our novel matrix switch diverts light from one waveguide to a crossing waveguide in a polymeric waveguide film, using total internal reflection (TIR) of the interface between a waveguide and a trench at the waveguide cross point by mechanical actuation. The key technique for achieving a low-loss property is a novel cleaving method of forming trenches at waveguide cross points. We achieved a loss of 5 dB for the longest path of an 8 times 8 matrix switch demonstrator, high speed switching operation up to 100 mus, and reliable performance over 10 million times switching.  相似文献   

An adaptive algorithm for removing false ridges, bridges and filling gaps in binary fingerprint images based on morphological operations is presented. A novel procedure for structuring elements design based on the specific fingerprint characteristic is described. Using the images from FVC2000 database, we have compared our method proposed here with the approach proposed by other ones. The Experimental results have demonstrated the efficiency of our method.  相似文献   

Jin Qi 《中国电子科技》2009,7(2):129-131
An adaptive algorithm for removing false ridges, bridges and filling gaps in binary fingerprint images based on morphological operations is presented. A novel procedure for structuring elements design based on the specific fingerprint characteristic is described. Using the images from FVC2000 database, we have compared our method proposed here with the approach proposed by other ones. The Experimental results have demonstrated the efficiency of our method.  相似文献   

An optimization algorithm is presented which effectively combines the desirable characteristics of both gradient descent and evolutionary computation into a single robust algorithm. The method uses a population-based gradient approximation which allows it to recognize surface behavior on both large and small scales. By adjusting the population radius between iterations, the algorithm is able to escape local minima by shifting its focus onto global trends rather than local behavior. The algorithm is compared experimentally with existing methods over a set of relevant test cases, and each method is ranked on the basis of both reliability and rate of convergence. For each case, the algorithm is shown to outperform other methods in terms of both measures of performance, truly making it the best of both worlds.   相似文献   

与HBT工艺兼容的新型负阻器件的研制与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在HBT工艺基础上,通过对器件结构的特殊设计,研制出了一类新型三端负阻器件,其恒压控制型负阻的PVCR大于800,并伴有恒流控制型负阻。通过atlas器件模拟软件进行模拟后对其物理机制进行了解释。该器件既能保持HBT高频、高速的特点,又具有负阻、双稳、自锁等特性,同时与普通台面HBT工艺兼容,易于集成,是一种具有研究和应用价值的新型负阻器件。  相似文献   

Empirical modeling of wireless fading channels using common schemes such as autoregression and the finite state Markov chain (FSMC) is investigated. The conceptual background of both channel structures and the establishment of their mutual dependence in a confined manner are presented. The novel contribution lies in the proposal of a new approach for deriving the state transition probabilities borrowed from economic disciplines, which has not been studied so far with respect to the modeling of FSMC wireless fading channels. The proposed approach is based on equal portioning of the received signal‐to‐noise ratio, realized by using an alternative probability construction that was initially highlighted by Tauchen. The associated statistical procedure shows that a first‐order FSMC with a limited number of channel states can satisfactorily approximate fading. The computational overheads of the proposed technique are analyzed and proven to be less demanding compared to the conventional FSMC approach based on the level crossing rate. Simulations confirm the analytical results and promising performance of the new channel model based on the Tauchen approach without extra complexity costs.  相似文献   

The major drawback of incoherent broadband sources (BBSs) is their inherent intensity noise. Semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) can be exploited at the transmitter to mitigate this noise. Optical filtering at the receiver, however, leads to the return of most of suppressed noise. Wider filtering at the receiver is the best known strategy to maintain performance gains, at the price of reduced spectral efficiency due to the tradeoff between noise cleaning and adjacent channel crosstalk. We introduce a novel balanced receiver for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems that maintains greater noise cleaning and leaves spectral efficiency unchanged. Unlike standard receivers, our balanced scheme does not filter the desired signal. In this paper, we first demonstrate that the newly proposed receiver is equivalent to standard WDM receivers when no SOA for noise cleaning is present at the transmitter. Although a 2.9-dB power penalty is incurred, network capacity is unchanged, i.e., bit error rate (BER) floors due to intensity noise are the same. When SOAs are employed to mitigate severe intensity noise, we show that our receiver outperforms the wide filtering strategy by two orders of magnitude. Dense WDM capacity is demonstrated up to 10 Gb/s using a thermal source, a saturated SOA, and the balanced detection scheme. A BER of 10-6 is achieved at 10 Gb/s; further improvement is possible using low overhead forward error correction or a better SOA design. This demonstrates the ability of spectrum-sliced wavelength division multiplexing (SS-WDM) passive optical networks (PONs) to operate at 10 Gb/s at good spectral efficiency. Error performance better than 10-9 is achieved up to 8 Gb/s with 30-GHz optical channel bandwidth and 100-GHz spacing.  相似文献   

Pentacene-based organic thin-film transistors (TFTs) have been fabricated with and without treatment by hydrogen $(hbox{H}_{2})$ plasma at the interface between the electrode and the pentacene surface. Processing with a $hbox{H}_{2}$ plasma was carried out in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition with varying treatment times. The interface treatment by $hbox{H}_{2}$ plasma resulted in improved device electrical properties. Removal of oxygen from the pentacene surface occurs due to slight etching by the plasma. Sufficient flux density of the $hbox{H}_{2}$ plasma leads to full pentacene-surface coverage by rearranging the hydrogen with carbon instead of oxygen. Atomic force microscopy profiles reveal the morphology changes of the pentacene surface after treatment, and secondary ion mass spectrometry shows the change via compositional depth profiles indicating $ hbox{H}_{2}$, $hbox{O}_{2}$, and C–H binding. Hydrogen treatment, therefore, appears to modify the interface by removing the surface oxygen layer, resulting in better performance of the organic TFT.   相似文献   

Recent developments have caused the expansion of various cloud computing environments and services. Cloud computing environments have led to research in the areas of data processing, virtual environments, and access control. Information security is the most important research area for these environments security. In this study, we analyzed typical example of network testbeds, which have been used for malicious activity data collection and its subsequent analysis. Further, we propose an effective malicious network application testbed, which is based on a cloud system. We also verified the performance of our new testbed by comparing real malicious activity with the cloud-based testbed results.  相似文献   

This work describes a distributed fault restoration algorithm, called the Dynamic Multiple Ring Algorithm (DMRA), for application in WDM mesh networks. This study explores the choice of restoration paths and the assignment of fault-tolerant bandwidth when a link, node, or channel failure occurs according to the change in traffic load, number of nodes, and transmission delay including propagation and switching delays. Accordingly, the primary aim of this work is to use networking segments near faults to share the restoration load throughout a mesh network. Each node searches for restoration paths in their near environment using the proposed DMRA. Nodes use distributed control to search for neighboring nodes and to establish the relationship between them to build numerous logical rings. Nodes can also locate faults in the logical rings. These rings establish the restoration paths. The traffic load over failed links or nodes can be diverted to other paths in the networking segments. The cost of the restoration paths is computed at each node based on both the current capacity and the transmission delay. The selected restoration paths are suitable transmission routes in the network neighborhood. Hence, restoration paths can be identified and wavelength assigned quickly according to network bandwidth and traffic load. Simulation results reveal that the proposed method works extremely quickly and has a high success rate. Consequently, it is very useful for applications in real WDM networks, where the status varies from minute to minute.Corresponding author is presently a guest scientist with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. This research was partially supported by the Grant of National Science Council, ROC (NSC-92-2218-E-155-004 and NSC-93-2917-I-155-001).  相似文献   

An efficient and yet simple neural-based approach is utilized to design real finite-impulse response filters with arbitrary complex frequency responses in the least-squares sense. The proposed approach establishes the quadratic error difference of the filter optimization in the frequency domain as the Lyapunov energy function. Consequently, the optimal filter coefficients are obtained with good performance and fast convergence speed. To achieve good convergences for large filter lengths, a cooling process of simulated annealing is used for the neural activation function. Several examples and comparisons to the existing methods are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and flexibility of the neural-based method  相似文献   

A Pareto-efficient, goal-driven, and distributed power control scheme for wireless networks is presented. We use a noncooperative game-theoretic approach to propose a novel pricing scheme that is linearly proportional to the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and analytically show that with a proper choice of prices (proportionality constants), the outcome of the noncooperative power control game is a unique and Pareto-efficient Nash equilibrium (NE). This can be utilized for constrained-power control to satisfy specific goals (such as fairness, aggregate throughput optimization, or trading off between these two goals). For each one of the above goals, the dynamic price for each user is also analytically obtained. In a centralized (base station) price setting, users should inform the base station of their path gains and their maximum transmit-powers. In a distributed price setting, for each goal, an algorithm for users to update their transmit-powers is also presented that converges to a unique fixed-point in which the corresponding goal is satisfied. Simulation results confirm our analytical developments.  相似文献   

We experimentally demonstrated a novel radio-over-fiber system to simultaneously generate dispersion-tolerant multiband downstream signals, including millimeter-wave, microwave, and baseband signals, based on multicarrier modulation in an intensity modulator and a subsequent optical filter. The uplink connection is realized by remodulation of downlink optical carrier and by baseband detection in the central office. The high-dispersion tolerance comes from the subcarrier cross-selection with only one data-bearing tone before signal beating in the receiver. The power penalty of 1.4 dB for 60-GHz carrier and negligible degradation for baseband and upstream are achieved for 2.5-Gb/s signal after 50-km single-mode fiber (SMF-28) and 4-m air link transmission. The theoretical analysis is also provided to obtain the optimal operation point.  相似文献   

Recently, optical phase modulation has been widely used in microwave photonics (MWP) systems, such as radio over fiber systems, photonic microwave filters, optical microwave and millimeter-wave signal generators, and optical subcarrier frequency up-converters. An optical phase-modulated signal can be converted to an intensity-modulated signal in a dispersive optical fiber. Due to the intrinsic nonlinearity of optical phase modulation, for linear applications such as microwave signal distribution and filtering, the modulation index should be kept small to minimize the unwanted modulation nonlinearity. However, for nonlinear applications such as microwave frequency multiplication and subcarrier frequency upconversion, the modulation index should be large to maximize the frequency multiplication and upconversion efficiency. In this paper, for the first time to our knowledge, we develop a thorough theoretical framework for the characterization of phase-modulation-based MWP systems, in which the phase modulation to intensity modulation conversion is realized using a dispersive fiber. Analytical models for the distributions of single-tone and two-tone microwave signals and for microwave frequency multiplication and subcarrier frequency upconversion are developed, which are verified by numerical simulations. The analytical models for single-tone and two-tone transmissions are further confirmed by experiments. The developed analytical models provide an accurate mathematical tool in designing phase-modulation-based MWP systems.  相似文献   

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