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When the Japanese quail is held in constant darkness, retinal responses (ERG b-waves) increase during the animal's subjective night and decrease during its subjective day. Rod photoreceptors dominate the b-wave responses (lambdamax = 506 nm) to all stimulus intensities at night but only to those intensities below the cone threshold during the day. Above the cone threshold, cones dominate b-wave responses (lambdamax, approximately 550-600 nm) during the day regardless of the state of retinal adaptation. Apparently a circadian oscillator enables cone signals to block rod signals during the day but not at night. The ERG b-wave reflects the activity of bipolar cells that are postsynaptic to rods and cones. The ERG a-wave reflects the activity of both rods and cones. The amplitude of the isolated a-wave (PIII) changes with time of day, as does that of the b-wave, but its spectral sensitivity does not. The PIII responses are maximal at approximately 520 nm both day and night and may reflect multiple receptor mechanisms. The shift in rod-cone dominance detected with the ERG b-wave resembles the Purkinje shift of human vision but, unlike the Purkinje shift, does not require a change in ambient light intensity. The shift occurs in constant darkness, with a period of approximately 24 hr indicative of a circadian rhythm in the functional organization of the retina.  相似文献   

1997 marks the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the master circadian pacemaker in mammals in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus. Remarkable progress has been made over the last 25 years in elucidating the physiological mechanisms involved in the entrainment, generation and expression of circadian rhythms at the cellular and systems levels. The recent discovery and cloning of the first mammalian clock gene is expected to lead to rapid advances in the understanding of the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying circadian rhythmicity in mammals. Indeed, the impressive and extensive database on circadian rhythms in mammals obtained over the past 25 years provides a foundation for making rapid progress in utilizing future genetic and molecular findings for discovering the fundamental mechanisms controlling 24-hour temporal organization.  相似文献   

The study investigates how the human body composition (BC) changes as a function of the day-night cycle. The BC was investigated using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) of 10 clinically healthy subjects (CHS), monitored in supine position (readings at 2-h intervals), avoiding mealtimes, dietary abuses, and bladder and intestinal retention. Time series data were analyzed for their temporal characteristics and circadian rhythm (CR). All the variables of BC (lean body mass, fat body mass, body cell mass, total body water, intracellular and extracellular body water, sodium and potassium exchangeable pool) showed a within-day variability with nighttime crests. Such an oscillatory synchronism corroborates the hypothesis that the rest time plays a fundamental role, via its anabolic effects, in conferring the nocturnal phase to the CR of the human BC.  相似文献   

Many mammalian species display seasonal breeding patterns correlated with annual cycles of change in the physiology and morphology of the reproductive system. Such annual reproductive cycles are often photoperiodically controlled (i.e, the annual change in day length determines when reproductive activity begins and when it ends within the annual cycle). Photoperiodic control of seasonally appropriate changes in reproductive activity is dependent on an endogenous time measuring process. Among mammals the physiological basis of photoperiodic time measurement has been studied most extensively in the golden hamster. Studies with this species indicate that photoperiodic time measurement is executed by the circadian system. The time measuring process depends on a circadian oscillation of responsiveness to light with properties similar to those of the hypothetical rhythm originally proposed by Bünning to explain photoperiodic phenomena in plants. The available evidence strongly suggests the participation of the pineal gland and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the photoperiodic regulation of mammalian reproductive cycles. However, little is known regarding concrete physiological mechanisms, and the extent to which the SCN and the pineal gland may participate in the time measuring process per se remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The daily light-dark cycle synchronizes the internal circadian clock with the outside world. Blind organisms maintain this light-induced entrainment, suggesting the existence of a non-visual phototransduction pathway. The photoreceptor is unknown, but several intriguing candidates have recently come to light.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine if circadian rhythms have an effect on time trial cycling performance of 15 min duration. Seven males (Mean+/-SD): age, 22.3+/-4.9 yr; height 179.0+/-7.9 cm, body mass 74.5+/-15.5 kg; VO2max 68.0+/-5.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) who were all competitive cyclists or triathletes with previous experience in laboratory testing procedures volunteered to participate in this study. Each of the seven subjects underwent a series of four tests; one VO2 max test, and three 15 min maximal performance tests, at varying times during a 24 hr period. Testing times were at 08.00-10.00; 14.00-16.00 and 20.00-22.00 hours. Heart rate was recorded during the last 10-15 seconds of each minute and blood lactate levels were taken at 5 and 10 min during exercise and again immediately post-exercise. O2 consumption was measured continuously using open circuit spirometry. RPE was measured using the Borg scale at 5 and 10 min during, and again immediately following the completion of testing. Resting oral temperature was the only variable to show a significant time of day effect (p<0.05). Oral temperature during the afternoon was higher than both morning and evening results by 0.76 degrees C and 0.09 degrees C respectively. Total work (kJ) and average power output (W) were recorded at their highest during the morning session and reached a trough during the afternoon session, but these differences were not significant (p = 0.9997 and 0.9972 respectively). The results obtained in this study indicate that while certain biological rhythms are present, they appear to have no effect on this type of cycling performance. Although athletic performance may be enhanced by training programs that are compatible with an individuals body clock, the ability to perform and train at various times has an adaptive response which appears to over-ride these naturally inherent rhythms.  相似文献   

Sleep-wake cycle disturbances suggest that circadian rhythms may be disrupted in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we examined the circadian rhythms of core-body temperature and locomotor activity in 28 patients with probable AD and 10 healthy controls. AD patients had higher percent nocturnal activity than controls, corresponding to the clinical picture of fragmented sleep. The amplitude of the activity cycle in the AD patients was lower than that of controls and the acrophase of this cycle in AD patients was 4.5 h later. There was no difference in the amplitude of the core-body temperature circadian rhythm, but AD patients had delayed temperature acrophases. A subgroup of AD patients with large mean time differences between the acrophases of their activity and temperature cycles had lower temperature amplitudes and greater activity during the night. These findings suggest that a subgroup of AD patients with impaired endogenous pacemaker function may have a diminished capacity to synchronize the rhythm of core-body temperature with the circadian cycle of rest-activity. This circadian rhythm dysfunction may partly explain the fragmented nocturnal sleep exhibited by these patients.  相似文献   

Examined the daily patterns of food intake and activity in normal and pontile-lesioned adult cats. Food intake in the dark and light phases of the light–dark (LD) cycles was determined separately by weighing the food, and a percentage nocturnal score was calculated. The measure of activity was infrared photobeam interruptions, with the photobeam placed in front of the cages, over the food bowl. No differences between normal and pontile-lesioned Ss were detected for any of the measures. Ss' food intake was influenced by simulated starlight and moonlight conditions and by the presence of humans. Ss in isolation from humans and human noises exhibited random patterns of activity in constant light and free-running circadian rhythms in constant dark. Idiosyncratic differences in entrainment to LD cycles were found among the Ss. The relevance of this variability is noted for studies of photoperiodic phenomena in this species. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The proximate determinants of fertility framework, developed in its current form by Bongaarts, has been used extensively by researchers for the past 20 years. Since the initial framework was developed, a wealth of new survey data on the proximate determinants has become available. This article reviews the new data and past experiences and suggests modifications to the framework that would take advantage of this experience. The major modifications suggested are (1) the use of sexual activity rather than marriage to indicate exposure to pregnancy; (2) a revision of the sterility index to measure infecundity from all causes; (3) a revised index of contraception that accounts for the fact that users of sterilization may become infecund before age 49; and (4) a revised definition and estimate of total fecundity.  相似文献   

Many aspects of retinal physiology are controlled by a circadian clock located within the eye. This clock controls the rhythmic synthesis of melatonin, which results in elevated levels during the night and low levels during the day. The rate-limiting enzyme in melatonin biosynthesis in retina appears to be tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH)[G.M. Cahill and J.C. Besharse, Circadian regulation of melatonin in the retina of Xenopus laevis: Limitation by serotonin availability, J. Neurochem. 54 (1990) 716-719]. In this report, we found that TPH mRNA is strongly expressed in the photoreceptor layer and the vitread portion of the inner nuclear layer; the message is also expressed, but to a lesser extent, in the ganglion cell layer. The abundance of retinal TPH mRNA exhibits a circadian rhythm which persists in constant light or constant darkness. The phase of the rhythm can be reversed by reversing the light:dark cycle. In parallel experiments we found a similar pattern of expression in the chicken pineal gland. However, whereas a pulse of light at midnight suppressed retinal TPH mRNA by 25%, it did not alter pineal TPH mRNA, suggesting that there are tissue-specific differences in photic regulation of TPH mRNA. In retinas treated with kainic acid to destroy serotonin-containing amacrine and bipolar cells, a high amplitude rhythm of TPH mRNA was observed indicating that melatonin-synthesizing photoreceptors are the primary source of the rhythmic message. These observations provide the first evidence that chick retinal TPH mRNA is under control of a circadian clock.  相似文献   

beta-crystallins are abundant lens proteins in most, if not all vertebrate species. We have previously reported the presence of low levels of beta-crystallins in chick non-lens tissues, both ocular and extra-ocular, including the expression of beta B2-crystallin in the retina. Here we report that extralenticular beta-crystallin expression is also found in mammals. beta B2-crystallin is expressed in mouse and cat neural and pigmented retinas and in cat iris. Although present at levels lower than those found in the lens, the appearance and accumulation of beta B2-crystallin in the neural retina coincides with the functional maturation of this tissue.  相似文献   

This overview considers the origins of jet lag in terms of altered circadian rhythmicity. The properties required of a chronobiotic--an agent to cause phase adjustment of the body clock--are discussed, and an account is given of the major candidates at the present time: light, melatonin, activity, and benzodiazepines. It is concluded that current knowledge indicates that a combination of factors is likely to be most effective.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythms of the night shift worker show very little phase shift in response to the daytime sleep and night work schedule. One strategy for producing circadian adaptation may be to use appropriately timed exposure to high-intensity light. We attempted to shift the circadian temperature rhythms of seven normal subjects while they followed a sleep schedule that gradually delayed (2 h per day) until sleep occurred during the daytime, as is customary for workers during the night shift. After 5 days, the sleep schedule was gradually advanced back to baseline. High illuminance light (2 h per day) and the attenuation or avoidance of sunlight were timed to facilitate temperature rhythm phase shifts. In general, the temperature rhythm did not shift along with the sleep-wake schedule, but appeared either to free run or remain entrained to the natural 24-h zeitgebers. This study showed how difficult it can be to shift human circadian rhythms in the field, when subjects are exposed to competing 24-hr zeitgebers.  相似文献   

Variation in the percentage of labelled cells (LI), mitoses (MI) and apoptosis (AI: i.e. shrinkage necrosis) have been studied throughout a 24 hr period (40 min after labelling with 3H-TdR) for tongue epithelium, epidermis and intestinal epithelium in the mouse. A room with reversed light cycle was used to obtain data for half of the 24 hr period. All three tissues showed marked variations in LI with peak values between 24.00 and 03.00 hours. In the intestine a maximum value for MI was observed 3-6 hr after that for LI and with a maximum value for AI slightly later. In all three epithelia the circadian rhythm was most striking in cells at positions which can be correlated with presumptive stem cell activity; e.g. in the crypts the labelling and mitotic peaks reflecting a circadian rhythm were most clearly distinguishable at the basal part of the crypts. These observations are discussed in relation to the validity of various proliferative models.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the circadian and the ultradian rhythms of drinking behavior in Wistar rats maintained under conditions of constant darkness. Six mature male rats (weighing 270-350 g) were exposed to light-dark 12:12-h cycles (LD 12:12, light on at 12:00 h) for 35 days and then switched to constant darkness (DD) conditions for at least 2 weeks. Drinking behavior was monitored continuously with a standard drinkometer circuit and the data was stored in 5-min bins. A modification of Enright's periodogram technique was used to evaluate the free-running drinking behavior circadian rhythm. Ultradian rhythms in drinking behavior were estimated by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique. Two of the animals (rats 4 and 6) showed no statistically significant circadian or ultradian rhythms and the other four showed free-running drinking circadian rhythm behavior shorter than 24 h (ranging from 23.333 to 23.967 h). Ultradian rhythms of drinking behavior of 12- and 8-h periods were detected in 4 (rats 1, 2, 3 and 5) and 2 (rats 1 and 5) animals, respectively. The relation of the compound structure of the circadian and ultradian rhythms is discussed demonstrating that drinking behavior is a good marker for studies of physiology of temporal organization.  相似文献   

Resting membrane potentials, electrical resistance, and coupling of chick retinal pigment epithelium cells in tissue culture have been measured with micropipette electrodes. Topical application of NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, and CaCl2 produce rapid, reversible changes in the membrane potentials of these cells. CaCl2 uniquely induces a slow hyperpolarizing wave that can lead to barrages of depolarizing action potentials or spikes and a slow, reversible vacuolization of the cells.  相似文献   

The three largest known populations of amacrine cells in the rabbit retina were stained with fluorescent probes in whole mounts and counted at a series of retinal eccentricities. The retinas were counterstained using a fluorescent DNA-binding molecule and the total number of nuclei in the inner nuclear layer were counted in confocal sections. From the total number of inner nuclear layer cells and the known fraction of them occupied by amacrine cells, the fraction of amacrine cells made up by the stained populations could be calculated. Starburst cells made up 3%, indoleamine-accumulating cells made up 4%, and AII cells made up 11% of all amacrine cells. By referring four smaller populations of amacrine cells to the number of indoleamine-accumulating cells, they were estimated to make up 4% of all amacrine cells. Thus, 78% of all amacrine cells in the rabbit's retina are known only from isolated examples, if at all. This proportion is similar in the retinas of the mouse, cat, and monkey. It is likely that a substantial fraction of the local circuit neurons present in other regions of the central nervous system are also invisible as populations to current techniques.  相似文献   

The distribution of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) was examined in the posterior segment of the monkey, human, and feline eye using antisera to TGF-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, or TGF-beta 3. A number of different antibodies, tissue processing methods, immunolocalization techniques, and microscopic imaging systems were used in an attempt to gain a more comprehensive picture of TGF-beta isoform distribution in the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE). The results are generally consistent in identifying one or more of the three TGF-beta isoforms in the cytoplasm of a small, overlapping subset of cells. RPE cells, photoreceptors, Mueller cells, ganglion cells, hyalocytes, and cells associated with choroidal and retinal vessels are all represented in this immunoreactive population. No evidence of extracellular labeling was noted. The intracellular distribution of the three isoforms is distinctly different in photoreceptors. Anti-TGF-beta 1 precursor and anti-TGF-beta 2 immunoreactivity is confined primarily to rod outer segments, whereas anti-TGF-beta 3 immunoreactivities are restricted to mitochondria within inner segments. In the RPE, clusters of anti-TGF-beta 2 positive cytoplasmic granules are located near the cells' lateral borders, whereas anti-TGF-beta 3 labeling is concentrated apically. These results provide baseline information from which new hypotheses regarding the function(s) of TGF-beta isoforms in the retina can be formulated.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To explore the distribution of guanylyl cylase-activating proteins 1 and 2 (GCAP1 and GCAP2) in the mammalian retina. METHODS: Cryostat and vibratome vertical sections and wholemount retinas from mouse, rat, cat, bovine, monkey, and human eyes were prepared for immunocytochemistry and viewing by light and confocal microscopy. RESULTS: In all mammalian retinas investigated, intense GCAP1 immunoreactivity (GCAP1-IR) was seen in cone photoreceptor inner and outer segments, cell bodies, and synaptic regions. Intensity of the GCAP1-IR was strong in inner segments of rods in all species but weaker in outer segments-particularly so in primates and cats. GCAP2 immunoreactivity (GCAP2-IR) was weak in bovine, mouse, and rat cones but was intense in human and monkey cones. In all species except primates, GCAP2 staining was intense in rod inner and outer segments. In primates GCAP2-IR was intense in the rod inner segment but faint in the rod outer segment. A striking difference from the GCAP1 pattern of immunoreactivity was seen with GCAP2 antibodies as far as the inner retina was concerned. GCAP2-IR was evident in certain populations of bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells in all species. CONCLUSIONS: GCAP1 and GCAP2, which are involved in Ca2+-dependent stimulation and inhibition of photoreceptor guanylyl cyclase, can be detected in mammalian photoreceptor inner and outer segments, consistent with their physiological function. The occurrence of both GCAPs in the synaptic region of the photoreceptors indicates participation of these proteins in pathways other than regulation of phototransduction. The occurrence of GCAP2 in inner retinal neurons is indicative of second-messenger chemical transduction, possibly in metabotropic glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, and nitric oxide-activated neural circuits.  相似文献   

Chronic recording of cerebellar and subcutaneous temperatures were carried out in rats maintained at different ambient temperatures in a 12 h light-dark cycle (light from 7 to 19 h). Cerebellar and subcutaneous temperatures followed a rhythm with a period of 24 h with acrophase at 1 h and an amplitude of 0.75 degrees C. The amplitude and acrophase were not altered by modification of the ambient temperature (20-25-30-34 or 35 degrees C), but each elevation of ambient temperature produced a rise in the mean internal temperature of the rat. This rise, hardly perceptible at ambient temperatures of 25 and 30 degrees C, reaches 0.5 degrees C between 20 and 25 degrees C and 1 degrees C between 30 and 34 degrees C. This elevation of temperature was maintained for the duration of the 10 days of observation. These results pose at least three questions: the degree of liaison between the rhythms of activity (waking) and temperature; the lability of the mean internal temperature, which alter with ambient temperature while the amplitude of the circadian rhythm is unaltered and the absence of reduction of mean interanl temperature several days exposure to a raised ambient temperature, even when activity and metabolism are reduced by the second day of exposure.  相似文献   

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