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Ilke Turkmen 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2013,67(9):771-779
This paper presents a new method for detecting random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) in images. The proposed method is based on similar valued neighbor criterion and the detection of the noisy pixels are realized in maximum four phases. After the corrupted pixels detected in each phase, the median filtering is performed for only these pixels. As such, corrupted pixels are suppressed gradually at the end of the each phase. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated on different test images and compared with ten different comparison filters from the literature. It is shown from simulation results that proposed method provides a significant improvement over comparison filters. 相似文献
Ali Said Awad Hong Man 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2010,64(10):904-915
In this paper, a new method is proposed for removing and restoring random-valued impulse noise in images. This approach is based on a similar neighbor criterion, in which any pixel to be considered as an original pixel it should have sufficient numbers of similar neighboring pixels in a set of filtering windows. Compared with other well known methods in the literature, this technique achieves superior performance in restoring heavily corrupted noisy images. Furthermore, it has low computational complexity, and equally effective in restoring corrupted color and gray-level images. 相似文献
In this paper, we introduce a novel two-stage denoising method for the removal of random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) in images. The first stage of our algorithm applies an impulse-noise detection routine that is a refinement of the HEIND algorithm and is very accurate in identifying the location of the noisy pixels. The second stage is an image inpainting routine that is designed to restore the missing information at those pixels that have been identified during the first stage. One of the novelties of our approach is that our inpainting routine takes advantage of the shearlet representation to efficiently recover the geometry of the original image. This method is particularly effective to eliminate jagged edges and other visual artifacts that frequently affect many RVIN denoising algorithms, especially at higher noise levels. We present extensive numerical demonstrations to show that our approach is very effective to remove random-valued impulse noise without any significant loss of fine-scale detail. Our algorithm compares very favourably against state-of-the-art methods in terms of both visual quality and quantitative measurements. 相似文献
《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2014,68(9):851-857
In this paper, a switching degenerate diffusion partial differential equation filter (SDDPDE) is developed by introducing the switching operators for reducing all kinds of impulse noise, and especially for images having a mixture of salt-and-pepper impulse noise and random-valued impulse noise which is a shortage for most of the existing filtering models. Our SDDPDE consists of the coarse and fine filtering stages. In the coarse filtering stages, the switching operator depends on a simple noise detector. In the fine filtering stages, we introduce the notion of impulselike probability, and the switching operator depends on both a simple noise detector and impulselike probability. Our SDDPDE will denoise noise pixels detected by the coarse detector while further modify the so-called noise-free pixels according to impulselike probability. The main advantages of our SDDPDE over published approaches are its simplicity and universality. In addition, we demonstrate the performance of our SDDPDE via application to three standard test images, corrupted by salt-and-pepper impulse noise, random-valued impulse noise and mixed impulse noise with high-noise levels, and the comparison with the other well-known filters. Experimental results show that our SDDPDE achieves high peak signal-to-noise ratio and better visual effect. 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(2):478-486
In this paper, a robust 2-stage impulse noise removal system is proposed to remove impulse noise from extremely corrupted images. The contributions are in two-fold. First, a neuro-fuzzy based impulse noise detector (NFIDET) is introduced to identify the noisy pixels. NFIDET is a powerful noise detector that can handle image corruption even up to 90% with zero miss and false detection rate with a simple neuro-fuzzy structure. This is the best result among the other impulse noise detectors in the literature. Second, this paper presents a new approach for weight calculation of adaptive weighted mean filter by using robust statistical model. An adaptive robust weighted mean (ARWM) filter removes a detected noisy pixel by adaptively determining filtering window size and replacing a noisy pixel with the weighted mean of the noise-free pixels in its window. A Geman–McClure robust estimation function is used to estimate the weights of the pixels. Simulation results also show that the proposed robust filter substantially outperforms many other existing algorithms in terms of image restoration. 相似文献
A new efficient approach for the removal of impulse noise fromhighly corrupted images 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
Abreu E. Lightstone M. Mitra S.K. Arakawa K. 《IEEE transactions on image processing》1996,5(6):1012-1025
A new framework for removing impulse noise from images is presented in which the nature of the filtering operation is conditioned on a state variable defined as the output of a classifier that operates on the differences between the input pixel and the remaining rank-ordered pixels in a sliding window. As part of this framework, several algorithms are examined, each of which is applicable to fixed and random-valued impulse noise models. First, a simple two-state approach is described in which the algorithm switches between the output of an identity filter and a rank-ordered mean (ROM) filter. The technique achieves an excellent tradeoff between noise suppression and detail preservation with little increase in computational complexity over the simple median filter. For a small additional cost in memory, this simple strategy is easily generalized into a multistate approach using weighted combinations of the identity and ROM filter in which the weighting coefficients can be optimized using image training data. Extensive simulations indicate that these methods perform significantly better in terms of noise suppression and detail preservation than a number of existing nonlinear techniques with as much as 40% impulse noise corruption. Moreover, the method can effectively restore images corrupted with Gaussian noise and mixed Gaussian and impulse noise. Finally, the method is shown to be extremely robust with respect to the training data and the percentage of impulse noise. 相似文献
In this paper, an adaptive progressive filtering (APF) technique with low computational complexity is proposed for removing impulse noise in highly corrupted color images. Color images that are corrupted with impulse noise are generally filtered by applying a vector-based approach. Vector-based methods tend to cluster the noise and receive a lower noise reduction performance when the noise ratio is high. To improve the performance, in the proposed technique, a new reliable estimation of impulse noise intensity and noise type is made initially, and then a progressive restoration mechanism is devised, using multi-pass non-linear operations with selected processing windows adapted to the estimation. The effect of impulse detection based on geometric characteristics and features of the corrupt pixel/pixel regions and the exact estimation of impulse noise intensity and type are used in the APF to efficiently support the progressive filtering mechanism. Through experiments conducted using a range of color images, the proposed filtering technique has demonstrated superior performance to that of well-known benchmark techniques, in terms of standard objective measurements, visual image quality, and the computational complexity. 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(5):748-754
During scanning and transmission, images can be corrupted by salt and pepper noise, which negatively affects the quality of subsequent graphic vectorization or text recognition. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for salt and pepper noise suppression in binary images. The algorithm consists of the computation of block prior probabilities from training noise-free images; noise level estimation; and the maximum a posteriori probability estimation of each image block. Our experiments show that the proposed method performs significantly better than the state of the art techniques. 相似文献
Adaptive two-pass rank order filter to remove impulse noise in highly corrupted images 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Xiaoyin Xu Miller E.L. Dongbin Chen Sarhadi M. 《IEEE transactions on image processing》2004,13(2):238-247
In this paper, we present an adaptive two-pass rank order filter to remove impulse noise in highly corrupted images. When the noise ratio is high, rank order filters, such as the median filter for example, can produce unsatisfactory results. Better results can be obtained by applying the filter twice, which we call two-pass filtering. To further improve the performance, we develop an adaptive two-pass rank order filter. Between the passes of filtering, an adaptive process is used to detect irregularities in the spatial distribution of the estimated impulse noise. The adaptive process then selectively replaces some pixels changed by the first pass of filtering with their original observed pixel values. These pixels are then kept unchanged during the second filtering. In combination, the adaptive process and the second filter eliminate more impulse noise and restore some pixels that are mistakenly altered by the first filtering. As a final result, the reconstructed image maintains a higher degree of fidelity and has a smaller amount of noise. The idea of adaptive two-pass processing can be applied to many rank order filters, such as a center-weighted median filter (CWMF), adaptive CWMF, lower-upper-middle filter, and soft-decision rank-order-mean filter. Results from computer simulations are used to demonstrate the performance of this type of adaptation using a number of basic rank order filters. 相似文献
The acquisition or transmission of digital images through sensors or communication channels is often interfered by impulse noise. It is very important to eliminate noise in the images before subsequent processing, such as image segmentation, object recognition, and edge detection. In this letter, a novel impulse noise-detection algorithm is presented, which can remove impulse noise from corrupted images successfully, and at the same time, without eliminating image details. The algorithm is based on the order statistics within a local window. Although our method is low in complexity when compared with some other complicated algorithms, experimental results show that it produces better restored images than many other existing techniques. 相似文献
Hsien-Hsin Chou Hong-Wun LinJieh-Ren Chang 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2014,68(11):1129-1135
In this study, a novel sparsity-ranking edge-preservation filter (SREPF) is proposed for removal of high-density impulse noise in images. Using the sparse matrix representation, the first stage of SREPF is not only to identify the noisy candidates but also to decide the processing order of them via a rank of noise-pixel sparsity in the working window. Then the second stage of SREPF utilizes a modified double Laplacian convolution to confirm the truly noisy pixels and yield a directional mean to recover them. This new approach has achieved more remarkable success rate of the edge detection than other edge-preservation methods especially in high noise ratio over 0.5. As a result, SREPF has significant improvements in terms of edge preservation and noise suppression exhibited by the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the structural similarity index metric (SSIM). Simulation results show that this method is capable of producing better performance compared to several representative filters. 相似文献
A hybrid neuro-fuzzy filter for edge preserving restoration of images corrupted by impulse noise. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
M Emin Yüksel 《IEEE transactions on image processing》2006,15(4):928-936
A new operator for restoring digital images corrupted by impulse noise is presented. The proposed operator is a hybrid filter obtained by appropriately combining a median filter, an edge detector, and a neuro-fuzzy network. The internal parameters of the neuro-fuzzy network are adaptively optimized by training. The training is easily accomplished by using simple artificial images that can be generated in a computer. The most distinctive feature of the proposed operator over most other operators is that it offers excellent line, edge, detail, and texture preservation performance while, at the same time, effectively removing noise from the input image. Extensive simulation experiments show that the proposed operator may be used for efficient restoration of digital images corrupted by impulse noise without distorting the useful information in the image. 相似文献
A novel approach to impulse noise reduction in color image is introduced in this paper. By applying the quaternion unit transform theory, the difference between two color pixels can be represented in the quaternion form. Based on the difference mentioned above, an efficient filter that can switch between the vector median filter (VMF) and the identity filter (no filtering operation) is proposed. Extensive simulation result indicates that the proposed filter achieves a trade-off between noise suppression and detail preservation in both correlated and uncorrelated impulse noise scenarios when compared with other widely used filters. Furthermore, the computational complexity analysis shows that the proposed filter is quite efficient. 相似文献
A high performance detection (HPD) filter is proposed for impulse noise removal in images. In this approach, the noisy pixels are detected iteratively through several phases, based on a set of unique similarity criteria. Simulation results show that the HPD filter outperforms others at medium to high noise rates and suppresses impulse noise effectively while preserving image details, even thin lines. 相似文献
Yingyue Zhou Zhongfu Ye Yao Xiao 《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2013,24(3):283-294
In this paper, we study the problem of restoring the image corrupted by additive Gaussian noise plus random-valued impulse noise. A novel noise classifier is firstly created to identify different noise in the corrupted image. Then, we use the remaining effective information to train an adaptive overcomplete dictionary for sparse representation of image patches with the help of masked K-SVD algorithm. Because of the adaptive nature of the learned dictionary, it can represent the image patches in concern more efficiently. Then, we minimize a variational model containing an optional data-fidelity term and a smooth regularization term respecting sparse representation of every image patch to get the final restored image. Extensive experimental results prove that our method cannot only remove noise from the corrupted image well, but also preserve more details and textures. It surpasses some state-of-the-art methods. 相似文献
在去除图像噪声的同时,如何避免图像细节信息的损失和边缘的模糊,是图像处理技术中的一个难点.针对灰度图像中存在的椒盐噪声问题,提出了基于双向预测算法的去噪方法.首先根据椒盐噪声的特点,判断图像像素是信号像素还是噪声像素.对于信号像素,保持灰度值不变;对于噪声像素,利用双向预测的方法来确定处理后该像素点的灰度值.针对上述方法中存在的不足之处,又提出了一种改进方案.改进方案在对噪声像素处理时,根据像素之间的相关性和像素本身的性质自适应地确定预测器的预测系数,提高了预测算法的去噪性能.实验结果表明,本文算法具有良好的去噪特性及细节保持特性. 相似文献
A simple low-distortion non-linear filter for the restoration of signals degraded by random impulsive noise is proposed. It performs considerably better than a median filter, lowering the reproducing error both in mean-square and maximum-error sense, although being comparable in computing time and in terms of storage. 相似文献
Stefan Schulte Valérie De Witte Mike Nachtegael Dietrich Van der Weken Etienne E Kerre 《IEEE transactions on image processing》2006,15(11):3567-3578
A new framework for reducing impulse noise from digital color images is presented, in which a fuzzy detection phase is followed by an iterative fuzzy filtering technique. We call this filter the fuzzy two-step color filter. The fuzzy detection method is mainly based on the calculation of fuzzy gradient values and on fuzzy reasoning. This phase determines three separate membership functions that are passed to the filtering step. These membership functions will be used as a representation of the fuzzy set impulse noise (one function for each color component). Our proposed new fuzzy method is especially developed for reducing impulse noise from color images while preserving details and texture. Experiments show that the proposed filter can be used for efficient removal of impulse noise from color images without distorting the useful information in the image. 相似文献
A switching median filter with boundary discriminative noise detection for extremely corrupted images. 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A novel switching median filter incorporating with a powerful impulse noise detection method, called the boundary discriminative noise detection (BDND), is proposed in this paper for effectively denoising extremely corrupted images. To determine whether the current pixel is corrupted, the proposed BDND algorithm first classifies the pixels of a localized window, centering on the current pixel, into three groups--lower intensity impulse noise, uncorrupted pixels, and higher intensity impulse noise. The center pixel will then be considered as "uncorrupted," provided that it belongs to the "uncorrupted" pixel group, or "corrupted." For that, two boundaries that discriminate these three groups require to be accurately determined for yielding a very high noise detection accuracy--in our case, achieving zero miss-detection rate while maintaining a fairly low false-alarm rate, even up to 70% noise corruption. Four noise models are considered for performance evaluation. Extensive simulation results conducted on both monochrome and color images under a wide range (from 10% to 90%) of noise corruption clearly show that our proposed switching median filter substantially outperforms all existing median-based filters, in terms of suppressing impulse noise while preserving image details, and yet, the proposed BDND is algorithmically simple, suitable for real-time implementation and application. 相似文献