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The consideration of fixed cost and time-varying operating cost associated with the simultaneous conjunctive use of surface and subsurface water should be treated as a multi-objective problem due to the conflicting characteristics of these two objectives. In order to solve this multi-objective problem, a novel approach is developed herein by integrating the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA), constrained differential dynamic programming (CDDP) and the groundwater simulation model ISOQUAD. A MOGA is used to generate the various fixed costs of reservoirs’ scale, generate a pattern of pumping/recharge, and estimate the non-inferior solutions set. A groundwater simulation model ISOQUAD is directly embedded to handle the complex dynamic relationship between the groundwater level and the generated pumping/recharge pattern. The CDDP optimization model is then adopted to distribute the optimal releases among reservoirs provided that reservoir capacities are known. Finally, the effectiveness of our proposed integrated model is verified by solving a water resources planning problem for the conjunctive use of surface and subsurface water in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

This study develops an optimization model for the large-scale conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater resources. The aim is to maximize public and irrigation water supplies subject to groundwater-level drawdown constraints. Linear programming is used to create the optimization model, which is formulated as a linear constrained objective function. An artificial neural network is trained by a flow modeling program at specific observation wells, and the network is then incorporated into the optimization model. The proposed methodology is applied to the Chou-Shui alluvial fan system, located in central Taiwan. People living in this region rely on large quantities of pumped water for their public and irrigation demands. This considerable dependency on groundwater has resulted in severe land subsidence in many coastal regions of the alluvial fan. Consequently, an efficient means of implementing large-scale conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater is needed to prevent further overuse of groundwater. Two different optimization scenarios are considered. The results given by the proposed model show that water-usage can be balanced with a stable groundwater level. Our findings may assist officials and researchers in establishing plans to alleviate land subsidence problems.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - In arid and semi-arid regions, climate change causes a drastic decline in the volume of water resources as water demands increase. Thus, the present study is aimed at...  相似文献   


In this paper, a methodology for conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources is developed using the combination of the Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Water supply to agricultural demands, reduction of pumping costs and control of groundwater table fluctuations are considered in the objective function of the model. In the proposed model, the results of MODFLOW groundwater simulation model are used to train an ANN. The ANN as groundwater response functions is then linked to the GA based optimization model to develop the monthly conjunctive use operating policies. The model is applied to the surface and groundwater allocation for irrigation purposes in the southern part of Tehran. A new ANN is also trained and checked for developing the real-time conjunctive use operating rules.

The results show the significance of an integrated approach to surface and groundwater allocation in the study area. A simulation of the optimal policies shows that the cumulative groundwater table variation can be reduced to less than 4 meters from the current devastating condition. The results also show that the proposed model can effectively reduce the run time of the conjunctive use models through the composition of a GA-based optimization and a ANN-based simulation model.  相似文献   

Water resources management in semiarid regions with low precipitation and high potential of evapotranspiration is a great challenge for managers and decision makers. In those regions, both sources of water should be managed conjunctively so as to minimize shortages of water in dry seasons. In conjunctive use, the difficulty increases as one must represent the response of both systems interactions, and develop management strategies that simultaneously address surface water and aquifer regulation. This paper focuses on the simulation-optimization for conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater on a basin-wide scale, the Najafabad plain in west-central Iran. A trained artificial neural network model is developed as a simulator of surface water and groundwater interaction while a genetic algorithm is developed as the optimization model. The main goal of the simulation-optimization model is to minimize shortages in meeting irrigation demands for three irrigation systems subject to constraints on the control of cumulative drawdown of the underlying water table and maximum capacity of surface irrigation systems. To achieve the main goal, three scenarios are presented. Results of the proposed model demonstrate the importance of the conjunctive use approach for planning the management of water resources in semiarid regions.  相似文献   

Zorko Kos 《国际水》2013,38(3):122-125

Based on an analysis of jive types of water issues in China, this article presents a picture of the present condition of water problems in China, which are worsening with social and economic development. From the viewpoint of water resources, four important concepts about water issues have been formulated and a policy for coordinating water issues and sustainable social and economic development has been proposed.  相似文献   

Combined simulation-optimization models have been widely used to address the management of water resources issues. This paper presents a simulation-optimization model for conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater at a basin-wide scale, the Zayandehrood river basin in west central Iran. In the Zayandehrood basin, in the past 10 years, a historical low rainfall in the head of the basin, combined with growing demand for water, has triggered great changes in water management at basin and irrigation system level. The conjunctive use model that coupled numerical simulation with nonlinear optimization is used to minimize shortages of water in meeting irrigation demands for four irrigation systems. Constraints guarantee the maximum/minimum cumulative groundwater drawdown and maximum capacity of irrigation systems. A support vector machines (SVMs) model is developed as a simulator of surface water and groundwater interaction model while a genetic algorithm (GA) is used as the optimization model. Conjunctive use model runs for three scenarios. Results show that the accuracy of SVMs as a simulator for surface water and groundwater interaction model is good and that it is possible to decrease the water shortage for irrigation systems with application of proposed SVMs-GA model.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - In any meta-heuristic algorithm, each search agent must move to the high-fitness areas in the search space while preserving its diversity. At first glance, there is no...  相似文献   

Reservoir operation cannot be carried out without due heed to surface water and groundwater resources, since neglecting either will have irreversible consequences. Optimal operation of the Zayandehrood Dam which supplies water into the Zayandehrood River basin in the central plateau of Iran is a case in point which warrants due consideration paid to both dam operation and the climate conditions in the region suffering from a history of successive droughts. The main objective of the present research is to develop operation rules for the Zayandehrood reservoir through a combined perspective of both surface and ground water resources using the fuzzy inference system, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. The objective is to determine the share of the Zayandehrood reservoir in meeting downstream water demands. For this purpose, the water shortage and the dramatic groundwater drawdown in the Zayandehrood River basin faced with in recent years have been studied in an attempt to develop operation models capable of controlling groundwater drawdown. The models indicate that not only can groundwater drawdown be controlled, but that it is also possible to establish a greater sustainability. Different operation models have been compared in terms of their operation criteria. Results show that the ANFIS model composed of optimal data enjoys a higher sustainability compared to others.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on extracting an optimal multi-crop pattern plan through multi-objective conjunctive surface-ground water use management. Minimizing shortages in meeting irrigation demands, maximizing groundwater resources sustainability and maximizing agricultural net benefits are the three main goals of the multi-objective optimization problem solved in this paper. A new robust fuzzy-based multi-objective PSO algorithm called f-MOPSO is adopted and modified to solve a three-objective real-world conjunctive use management problem presented in this paper after testing on standard test problems revealed f-MOPSO superiority as compared to the well-known multi-swarm vector evaluated PSO (VEPSO) algorithm. The f-MOPSO benefits from a well-organized Sugeno fuzzy inference system (SFIS) designed for handling multi-objective nature of the optimization problems. The unique performance of f-MOPSO is not only presenting the better final solutions, but also aggregating the capabilities for measurement of dominance and diversity of the solutions in one stage by one index named comprehensive dominance index, in contrast to a wide range of multi-objective algorithms that evaluate dominance and diversity in two separate stages resulting in excessive computational burden. The optimization model is carried out on a 10-year long-term simulation period, resulting in increasing irrigation efficiency i.e. decreasing water losses, decreasing water consumption per unit cultivated area and increasing water productivity compared to those similar criteria observed in actual operation in the study area. The wheat and rice crops were identified as the dominant crops, while the optimization model was the least interested to onion cultivation, assigning the least average cultivation area to this crop over the whole planning period.  相似文献   

The most difficult water resources management challenge in the Ganges Basin is the imbalance between water demand and seasonal availability. More than 80 % of the annual flow in the Ganges River occurs during the 4-month monsoon, resulting in widespread flooding. During the rest of the year, irrigation, navigation, and ecosystems suffer because of water scarcity. Storage of monsoonal flow for utilization during the dry season is one approach to mitigating these problems. Three conjunctive use management strategies involving subsurface water storage are evaluated in this study: Ganges Water Machine (GWM), Pumping Along Canals (PAC), and Distributed Pumping and Recharge (DPR). Numerical models are used to determine the efficacy of these strategies. Results for the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh (UP) indicate that these strategies create seasonal subsurface storage from 6 to 37 % of the yearly average monsoonal flow in the Ganges exiting UP over the considered range of conditions. This has clear implications for flood reduction, and each strategy has the potential to provide irrigation water and to reduce soil waterlogging. However, GWM and PAC require significant public investment in infrastructure and management, as well as major shifts in existing water use practices; these also involve spatially-concentrated pumping, which may induce land subsidence. DPR also requires investment and management, but the distributed pumping is less costly and can be more easily implemented via adaptation of existing water use practices in the basin.  相似文献   

随着电力市场的改革,水电厂经济调度的地位将日益突出.在考虑振动、出力限制、开停机等多种约束条件的情况下.提出并设计了一种基于混合神经网络和遗传算法的水电厂经济调度系统.为反映机组复杂的非线性工作特性.建立了基于人工神经网络方法的耗水量模型,在此基础上采用改进的遗传算法对机组进行了优化组合.结果表明:数字仿真及其现场应用都取得了满意的结果.  相似文献   


A combined optimization-simulation approach was used to develop and evaluate the alternate priority-based policies for operation of surface and groundwater systems and is demonstrated with a case study. An optimization model was used to find optimal cropping pattern with and without the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, as well as with and without socio-economic constraints. The optimization model, based on linear programming, maximizes the net benefit from irrigation activities subject to various physical, economical, and social constraints. A simulation model was used to evaluate the conjunctive operation of the system using the optimal cropping pattern derived from the optimization model. The developed policies have been verified with long-generated stream flow sequences. Three alternate priority-based policies differing in level of groundwater pumping and area of cultivation of rice crop have been evaluated: (1) irrigation with surface water only (Policy-1); (2) irrigation with conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, without socio-economic constraints (Policy-2); and (3) irrigation with conjunctive use operation and with socio-economic constraints (Policy-3). It was found that the use of available groundwater within three meters below ground level (Policy-2) to be optimal, and these results were used in simulation for further evaluation of policies. It was also found that the policy-3 of conjunctive use operation with a priority of 75 percent of maximum possible rice area (using groundwater available within four meters below ground level) resulted in a better scenario. Thus the conjunctive use Policy-2 and Policy-3 with 75 percent of maximum possible rice crop area can be used as better policies for the system studied.  相似文献   

This study develops a production well management model for the conjunctive management of water resources in semi-arid areas. The management model integrates a large-scale pressurized water distribution system and a three-dimensional groundwater model under an optimization framework. The well pump operations optimization problem is formulated as a Boolean integer nonlinear programming (BINLP) problem to optimize the periodic 24-h pump on/off operations over a 1-week operation horizon. The management model considers multiple objectives and is solved by a parallel genetic algorithm (PGA) to overcome the difficulty of solving the BINLP problem. The PGA significantly reduces computation time for a case study in Chandler, Arizona. The Chandler water distribution model is built based on EPANET, and the Chandler three-dimension groundwater model is developed using MODFLOW. The high performance computing (HPC) of the genetic algorithm makes it possible to obtain 24-h real-time operations in the 7-day forecast model. The tank reliability, resilience, and vulnerability (R-R-V) are evaluated to infer the system reliability. The Pareto curve provides compromise solutions between the two competing objectives of energy reduction and pressure violation reduction.  相似文献   

采用遗传算法结合神经网络的方法构建了水质时间序列的遗传神经网络预测模型,并以耗氧量为例,将该模型与自回归滑动平均模型、标准BP神经网络模型做了预测对比。研究结果表明该方法可以减小水质时间序列的预测误差,提高预测结果的稳定性。  相似文献   

通过分析新疆农八师玛纳斯河灌区水资源供需状况,结合灌区的灌溉系统、农作物种类及灌溉制度,建立了以灌区地下水抽水总量最小为主要目标,以灌区农业经济总效益最大为次要目标的地表水与地下水联合调度模型,并采用目标规划法对模型进行了求解,得到了在不同保证率下灌区地表水和地下水联合调度方案及农作物种植面积。结果表明:灌区供需水高峰期不一致和灌溉系统的蓄水、输配水能力不足是产生灌区水资源供需矛盾的主要原因,应适当调整灌区农业种植结构,改造灌区水利工程。  相似文献   

混沌神经网络在地表水资源量预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效地揭示水资源系统复杂的非线性结构及变化规律,对具有混沌特性的水资源时间序列重构相空间,计算出相空间的饱和嵌入维数和最大Lyapunov指数,并以此为指导,提出一种适用于高精度逼近和泛化建模的混沌神经网络的学习算法,运用混沌方法构造训练样本及确定神经网络的网络结构,用神经网络拟合相空间相点演化的非线性关系,建立混沌神经网络预测模型。实例表明,该模型有较高的预报精度。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Conjunctive use (CU) of surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW) implies the optimal operation of water resources to reduce the negative effects compared to when each of...  相似文献   

为了降低供水管网的工程投资,提出了一种环状给水管网优化设计的方法,把环状管网布置问题用K-Means算法分解成许多小规模的环状问题,对于每一个小规模的环状管网用Hopfiled连续型神经网络求解环状的最短距离,然后把各个基环当成一个点,再用Hopfield神经网络以较大的概率求出最优路径。对某小区58个供水点进行了供水管网实例计算,结果表明:该供水管网的质心间最短距离为2.893 7 km,能量函数为递减状态且最终的能量函数值为1.447,再连接相邻聚类中的最接近的两个点就形成供水管网的环状布置。  相似文献   

One potential side-effect of irrigation water rate reform is groundwater substitution. As surface water prices rise, irrigators may find it cheaper to rely on on-farm wells than a regional irrigation district. The impact of surface water price on well adoption is examined in a conjunctive use system where both surface water and groundwater are used to meet irrigator demand. Results indicate that as the price of surface water approaches 62% of the marginal cost of pumping groundwater, irrigators are more likely to have on-farm pumping capabilities. This result suggests that proposed water rate reforms by the United States Bureau of Reclamation may result in irrigators substituting groundwater for surface water by adopting on-farm wells.  相似文献   

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