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张娇健 《建筑知识》2013,(12):465-467
空调能耗是数据中心能耗的主要部分。总结分析了数据中心能耗的特点;从智能换热器、自适应控制技术、空调气流组织等三个方面分析了适用于数据中心的空调节能技术;对某数据中心改造前和改造后进行了能效评估。节能改造分为建筑节能、空调节能和电源节能三个方面,改造前该数据中心电能利用效率指标(PUE)为2.42,属于高能耗机房;改造后PUE值为1.91,达到中等节能程度。  相似文献   

艾讪 《中国厨卫》2003,(8):88-89
由于现行的冰箱节能标准的某些技术要求和规定已不适应冰箱新产品的现状,今年5月份通过了《家用电冰箱耗电量限定值及能源效率等级》中国节能冰箱新标准(即业内统称的“节能冰箱能效标准”,以下简称新标准)。据悉,新标准将于11月1日开始实施。与现行标准相比,新标准最主要的变化反映在以下几点:  相似文献   

艾汕 《中国厨卫》2003,(11):88-89
由于现行的冰箱节能标准的某些技术要求和规定已不适应冰箱新产品的现状今年5月份通过了《家用电冰箱耗电量限定值及能源效率等级》中国节能冰箱新标准(即业内统称的“节能冰箱能效标准”.以下简称新标准)。据悉,新标准将于11月1日开始实施,与现行标准相比.新标准最主要的变化反映在以下几点:  相似文献   

本文基于能源效率来认识节能,其基本观点是:从技术手段入手的节能措施可以分为旨在减少和控制能耗的能效节能和旨在持续改进能效的管理节能,其中能效节能还可分为被动能效节能和主动能效节能:节能在于提高能源的利用效率,要考虑光效与光源寿命的综合能效;节能效果应放在完整的能源利用系统中全面评价。  相似文献   

笔者通过对北京市某小区32栋,3类建筑开展能效测评,小区内建筑的相对节能率在8.51%-28.31%之间,远低于目前北京市新建建筑节能75%的设计要求,笔者给出简易节能建议即外墙加装保温;窗户需要更换为65节能窗及以上;大门需要更换为65节能门及以上。能效测评工作旨在为老旧小区改造提供精准的能耗数据及改造方向,后续节能改造提供有力依据。  相似文献   

对民用建筑能效测评标识中的节能率、基准建筑、参照建筑、比对建筑以及测评标识建筑名词进行了梳理和分析,比较研究了基础项相对节能率与基础项节能率,基础项相对节能率在现行建筑节能的前提下作为能效等级标识等级指标具有科学性;对建筑能效五星标识等级和三星标识等级比较分析,民用建筑能效标识划分为3个等级更具有可操作性。  相似文献   

文章分析了位于北京和广州的3个大型数据中心的能耗数据,对数据中心节能存在的问题分别进行了分析诊断.从设计及运行管理两大方面总结了目前数据中心普遍存在的共性问题,为数据中心节能提供了方向.  相似文献   

刘春芝 《区域供热》2021,(2):72-78,107
为完成市级能耗总量和强度的"双控"目标任务,为未来高质量发展腾出空间,挖掘企业节能潜力,现对一热电厂进行调研,核算企业年综合能耗指标,并采用掺烧煤炭锅炉停运、不再外供高压蒸汽、减少中压蒸汽外供等节能改造措施,对3炉2机(3台锅炉,2台汽轮机)的热电厂运行模式进行节能效果测算.结果表明,技改后预期节能量可达10.7165...  相似文献   

<正>确开展复杂建筑的能效测评进而获得能效标识是未来节能监管的关键。针对复杂建筑难以完全按照实际情况建模进行能效测评这一问题,利用PKPM节能系列软件EEP开展了竖向分区超高层建筑的能效测评探索,通过6种模型的构建及其相对节能率的计算发现外围护结构、总空调面积和设备参数是影响相对节能率的主因,其他参数对能效测评影响不大,从而总结了一种模型简化方法,提高能效测评的效率和准确性。据此对具有不规则外形的某超高层竖向分区建筑进行了能效测评,获得其综合能效标识。  相似文献   

大型公共建筑能源消耗量大,通过采取一定的节能措施,可有效降低能耗.文章以上海某大型酒店为例,研究其节能改造和能效管理措施,并采用账单分析法对实施节能措施前后的酒店能源消费量进行对比分析,验证相关技术措施的节能效果.  相似文献   

太阳能供暖在建筑中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用太阳能供暖,是太阳能利用的一个重要方面,是促进我国住房建设从重视规模扩张向资源节约型转变行之有效的技术手段。预示着我国太阳能领域技术创新及转化能力有了新的进展,将对我国经济、社会、环境和能源建设起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

应群 《福建建筑》2007,(4):16-18,12
智能建筑必须是可持续发展的,建筑节能作为可持续发展战略的重要环节,应该成为智能建筑设计中的重点。本文站在建筑师立场,介绍建筑能耗构成和节能需求,探讨智能建筑的节能控制途径、以及对可再生能源的利用方法,对于实现建筑的生态可持续发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

太阳能供暖在建筑中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用太阳能供暖,是太阳能利用的一个重要方面,是促进我国住房建设从重视规模扩张向资源节约型转变行之有效的技术手段。预示着我国太阳能领域技术创新及转化能力有了新的进展,将对我国经济、社会、环境和能源建设起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

The Estonian Power and Heat Association (EPHA), in cooperation with Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), has developed a methodological approach to calculating and awarding the Efficient District Heating Label (Label) that recognises and certifies the efficiency of the district heating (DH) system or certifies that the DH system mainly uses renewable energy and cogenerated heat. The Label informs the consumer about the efficiency of the DH system and highlights DH as an efficient, environmentally friendly, inexpensive, and convenient heating method.The presence of the label serves as the basis for determining a lower primary energy factor (PEF) when calculating the energy performance of buildings that consume or will consume heat from a labeled DH system. Prior to this, a fixed DH PEF was used in Estonia.It is important to note that using the EU Energy Performance Directive definition of efficient DH networks for PEF differentiation is a novel approach. According to the information available, such differentiation solutions have never been used before.This study describes the main methodological approaches to Label assignment and calculation, as well as the most critical aspects of the system implementation in Estonia.  相似文献   

朱武标 《中国电梯》2014,(19):16-18
我国在用电梯的拥有量越来越大,其能耗问题也越来越受到社会各界关注。这里描述了我国电梯能耗的现状,列举了电梯的各种节能技术,并介绍了电梯能效的相关标准情况。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the intrinsic energy efficiency rating of an office building has a significant impact on its rental value. A sample of 817 transactions for offices with Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in the UK is used to assess whether a pricing differential can be identified, depending on the energy rating. While previous analyses of this topic have typically relied on appraisal-based and/or asking rent data, the dataset used in this research contains actual contract rents as well as information on lease terms. The results indicate a significant rental premium for energy-efficient buildings. However, it is found that this premium appears to be mainly driven by the youngest cohort of state-of-the-art energy-efficient buildings. The results also show that tenants of more energy-efficient buildings tend to pay a lower service charge, but this link appears to be rather weak and limited to newer buildings. Hence, it is argued that the information contained in the EPC is still not fully taken into account in the UK commercial property market with the possible exception of both the highest and the lowest EPC ratings.

Il est présenté une enquête visant à savoir si le classement d'efficacité énergétique intrinsèque d'un immeuble de bureaux a un impact significatif sur sa valeur locative. Un échantillon de 817 transactions relatives à des bureaux disposant de Certificats de Performance Energétique (CPE) au Royaume-Uni est utilisé pour examiner si un écart de prix peut être identifié, en fonction du classement énergétique. Alors que les analyses précédentes sur ce sujet se sont généralement appuyées sur des données basées sur des évaluations et/ou sur les loyers demandées, l'ensemble de données utilisé dans cette étude contient les loyers contractuels réels, ainsi que des informations sur la durée des baux. Les résultats indiquent une prime locative significative pour les immeubles à haut rendement énergétique. Il est cependant constaté que cette prime apparaît être essentiellement induite par la cohorte la plus jeune des immeubles de pointe à faible consommation énergétique. Les résultats montrent également que les locataires des immeubles ayant la plus grande efficacité énergétique ont tendance à payer moins de charges locatives, mais ce lien apparaît être plutôt faible et limité aux immeubles les plus récents. Il est par conséquent soutenu que les informations contenues dans le CPE ne sont pas encore pleinement prises en compte dans le marché britannique de l'immobilier commercial, à l'exception possible des classements CPE à la fois les plus élevés et les plus faibles.

Mots clés: bureaux commerciaux, éco-labellisation, efficacité énergétique, Certificat de Performance Energétique, modélisation hédoniste, prime locative, valeurs locatives  相似文献   

Despite the enormous potential for savings, there is little penetration of market-based solutions in the residential energy efficiency market. We hypothesize that there is a failure in the residential efficiency improvement market: due to lack of customer knowledge and capital to invest in improvements, there is unrecovered savings. In this paper, we model a means of extracting profit from those unrecovered energy savings with a market-based residential energy services company, or RESCO. We use a Monte Carlo simulation of the cost and performance of various improvements along with a hypothetical business model to derive general information about the financial viability of these companies. Despite the large amount of energy savings potential, we find that an average contract length with residential customers needs to be nearly 35 years to recoup the cost of the improvements. However, our modeling of an installer knowledge parameter indicates that experience plays a large part in minimizing the time to profitability for each home. Large numbers of inexperienced workers driven by government investment in this area could result in the installation of improvements with long payback periods, whereas a free market might eliminate companies making poor decisions.  相似文献   

In Switzerland, where utilities are not subject to energy savings obligations, their performance in improving their clients' energy efficiency (EE) differs strongly. We established four groups of utilities and analyzed their incentives and constraints for promoting EE. Their perceptions varied in many aspects, including the profitability of EE programs and the role of leadership. However, the majority favors collaboration and does not see the lack of an adequate policy framework as a constraint. We hypothesize about the underlying reasons and conclude that collaborations among utilities can help with knowledge sharing, EE program design, and common measurement and verification methods.  相似文献   

从江苏省(特别是无锡市)推进建筑能效实测值测评机制过程中面临的困难和存在的问题出发进行探讨,旨在从建筑节能的角度提出在报建阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段、使用阶段4个方面构建控制措施,建立一套建筑能效实测值测评监管体系,进行建筑能效监督和管理,落实建筑能效提升工程。为建筑实测值测评机制推进提供方法和思路。  相似文献   

Indeed, in the recent years, important efforts in applying energy management processes have been focused on the building sector, which demonstrates the increasing energy intensity and energy consumption indexes. The role of the building energy management systems (BEMS) is known and significant in this respect, for the management of the daily energy operations of a typical building. Effective energy management however requires the use of tools and methodologies that support the strategic decision making process of selecting energy saving measures, which are viable and environmental friendly. The aim of this paper is the presentation of an innovative intelligent decision support model for the identification of the need for intervention and further evaluation of energy saving measures in a typical existing building, based on the systematic incorporation of BEMS data (loads, demands and user requirements). The operation of the model is supportive to the decision makers authorized with the energy-efficient performance of the building and responsible for its management (energy auditors and building administration). In addition, the corresponding computerized decision support system and the appraisal of its pilot application to a typical existing office building in Athens, Greece, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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