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气泡大小对反应器内氧传递系数的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张炎  黄为民 《应用化工》2005,34(12):734-737
在气液反应过程中,气泡的大小对结果往往起了决定性的作用。通过减小气泡的尺寸,可以促进气液传递,加快反应的进程。在气液搅拌式反应器上安装了一种特殊的气体分布器,通过搅拌产生离心场,从而诱导生成泰勒涡柱,使大量进入反应器的空气气泡保持在泰勒涡柱的内部。由于减少了气泡间的凝并作用,气泡尺寸减小,与对照组相比,反应器中最小的气泡尺寸减小了近50%,气泡的比表面积增加近80%。通过对不同通气流量和搅拌速度下气液反应器内氧传递系数的测量,与对照实验比较,使用特殊气体分布器的反应器中,氧的传递系数增加了10%~40%,证明这种气体分布器确实可以增加气液间氧的传递。  相似文献   

Mass transfer studies were carried out in a bubble column using the chemical method. Catalytic oxidation of sodium sulfite was chosen for the studies and the corresponding specific rates of oxidation were obtained using a stirred cell. Laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) was used to measure the instantaneous velocities in the same stirred cell as well as in bubble columns (100 and i.d.). An efficient algorithm based on the multiresolution analysis of the velocity-time data using wavelets was used for the isolation of data belonging to the gas and liquid phases. Eddy isolation model was used for the characterization of the eddy motion including the estimation of the energy dissipation rate. Using the knowledge of eddy motion, a methodology was developed for the prediction of true mass transfer coefficient (kL) in a stirred cell as well as in bubble columns. The predicted values of kL have been compared with the experimental values obtained by the chemical method.  相似文献   

Heat transfer plays an important role in slurry bubble column reactors (SBCRs). Design of heat transfer equipments for SBCRs is a limiting step in sizing and scale up of them. In order to study the convection heat transfer coefficient (CHTC) in industrial SBCRs, a proper column was designed and manufactured in pilot scale with a special convection heat transfer coefficient measurement probe (CHTC MP). In this study, influence of effective parameters such as solid fraction, superficial gas velocity, radial and vertical position of the column was investigated on CHTC. The design of experiments was performed using a full factorial method including 31 × 22 × 91 = 108 experiments, to determine the main effects, binary and ternary interactions of variables. Study of the curvature functionality of CHTC versus gas velocity and effect of flow regime transition from homogeneous to heterogeneous flow was the other goal of this work. A statistical model including the main variables and their significant binary and ternary interactions was explained for CHTC with a good fitness with experimental data. Interactions of four effective parameters including solid fraction, superficial gas velocity, radial and vertical position of the column was studied for the first time in the SBCRs. A dimensionless correlation for local Stanton number was developed as a function of Pr, Re, Fr, non-dimensional radial position and non-dimensional distance from the sparger. Considering local positions in the correlation is a novel work and this correlation has good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the pressure effects on mass transfer parameters within a bubble reactor operating at pressures up to . The gas-liquid systems are N2/CO2-aqueous solution of Na2CO3-NaHCO3 and N2/CO2-aqueous solution of NaOH. A sintered powder plate is used as a gas distributor. Three parameters characterizing the mass transfer are identified and investigated with respect to pressure: the gas-liquid interfacial area a, the volumetric liquid side mass transfer coefficient kLa and the volumetric gas side mass transfer coefficient kGa. The gas-liquid absorption with chemical reaction is used and the mass transfer parameters are determined by using the model reaction between CO2 and the aqueous solutions of Na2CO3-NaHCO3 and NaOH. For a given gas mass flow rate, the interfacial area as well as the volumetric liquid mass transfer coefficient decrease with increasing operating pressure. However, for a given pressure, a and kLa increase with increasing gas mass flow rates. The mass transfer coefficient kL is independent of pressure. Furthermore, the pressure increase results in a decrease of kG and kGa for a given gas mass flow rate. The values of the interfacial area, which are obtained from both chemical systems are found to be different. These discrepancies are attributed to the choice of the liquid system in the absorption reaction model.  相似文献   

循环冷却水系统换热设备的结垢和腐蚀控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析影响循环冷却水系统换热设备结垢和腐蚀的各种因素,介绍采用阻垢剂、缓蚀剂等控制方法。提出使用预测模型和在线监测系统对实际结垢和腐蚀过程进行识别和预测,据此选择合适的化学添加剂及其浓度范围,以减少结垢和腐蚀。  相似文献   

秦梦雪  杨昭 《化工进展》2016,35(Z1):41-47
以某液氧煤油火箭发动机冷却系统设计计算为基础,基于计算流体力学(CFD),并采用三维流固耦合算法对以水作为第三流体的冷却循环系统进行了计算和分析。比较了冷却剂入口温度、流量和冷却通道内压力损失等因素对冷却通道内流动换热的影响。结果表明:冷却剂流量增加0.01kg/s,推力室壁面整体温度和喉部温度降低分别降低9K和15K左右,冷却剂出口干度降低0.011左右;当冷却剂流量较低时,入口温度变化对换热效果几乎无影响,而当冷却剂流量较高时,入口温度每增加10K,冷却剂出口干度增加0.009左右;冷却剂流量每增加0.01kg/s会导致冷却通道压力损失增加54kPa左右;入口温度每增加10K,冷却通道压力损失将减少24kPa左右。由此,本文得出冷却剂流量的最佳范围12~14.4kg/s,入口温度的范围为300~350K。  相似文献   

李琪  张容铭  胡鹏飞 《化工学报》2021,72(8):4121-4133
在多孔介质区考虑局部非热平衡,采用Brinkman-extended Darcy模型结合应力跳跃条件对部分填充多孔介质通道内流体传热特性进行分析。获得了各区域温度分布及Nusselt数解析解,并分析了各参数对温度及Nusselt数的影响。结果表明:界面对流传热系数Hs较小时,界面应力跳跃系数β和Darcy数Da的增加会减小流固两相间温差。而在高Hs下,Da减小也会减小两相温差。在DaHs和固流两相热导率之比K较大且空心率S(自由流体区高度与通道高度之比)和Biot数Bi较小时,流固两相间会在接近多孔介质区中部出现最大温差,而该最大温差会随着S增加和DaHs的减小向界面区移动。对于不同KBi,Nusselt数NuS的关系曲线存在不同的类型,与模型A(界面处多孔介质固相和流相根据各自温度梯度和热导率划分总热流)不同的是,采用模型C(界面处固相热流分配与自由流体区流相的热交换相关)所获得的Nu曲线类型与Hs有关。在K较小时,βNu的影响大于HsNu的影响;而在K较大时,HsNu的影响要远大于βNu的影响,且Hs增加会明显提高通道内的Nu。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic and mass transfer data in Soltrol-130 (a mixture of C9+ iso-paraffins) were measured in a 0.305 m diameter bubble column. The gas holdup structure (i.e., the contributions to holdup from the small and large bubble fractions of the dispersion) for this hydrocarbon liquid in the churn turbulent flow regime was analyzed using the dynamic gas disengagement technique. The validity of the assumption of axially uniform gas holdup structure was checked. Literature correlations were found inadequate to explain the observed gas holdup and the volumetric mass transfer coefficients for Soltrol-130. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient per unit volume of large bubbles is shown to be independent of superficial gas velocity for the fully developed churn turbulent regime. The present hydrodynamic and mass transfer data in the churn turbulent regime should be useful in the design and scale-up of bubble columns used in organic process industries.  相似文献   

曹乐  刘金平  许雄文  李日新 《化工学报》2016,67(4):1277-1286
对于中小型天然气液化装置,板翅式换热器被广泛应用于回热换热。然而,目前对低干度混合工质在板翅式换热器中低温换热性能优化等问题的研究甚少。因此,搭建一套采用单级压缩、一级回热的Linde-Hampson制冷循环系统,并以N2-CH4-C2H4-C3H8-iC4H10作为混合制冷剂制取-160℃低温,用以重点分析板翅式换热器中的总传热系数以及影响板翅式换热器传热系数的因素。实验结果表明:低干度下板翅式换热器中总传热系数在2.6~22.7 W·m-2·K-1之间,受制冷温度和循环浓度变化的影响不明显,而目前对低干度低流速下混合制冷剂的低温换热性能预测仍存在一定的偏差,其中Cavallini和Modified Granryd的计算模型经修正后可推荐使用;同时,也从制冷剂流速、压降等方面对板翅式换热器优化设计提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we determined the surface heat transfer coefficient of Al2O3 ceramics quenched from different initial temperatures into a water bath at room temperature. By using the multipoint temperature measurement technique and the inverse heat conduction method, this coefficient was measured as function of surface temperature of the ceramics during the water quench. The obtained results indicate that the surface heat transfer coefficient largely depends not only on the initial quenching temperature and their evolution in quenching media but also on the sizes of tested specimens. In addition, brief discussion was completed on the rationality of the traditionally used approach, which considers the surface heat transfer coefficient as a joint constant of materials and quenching media, in previous studies on heat transfer and thermal stresses.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了制氧站循环冷却水系统中空气预冷的流程和水冷塔、空冷塔设备的基本特点和作用,针对塔内填料的结垢情况,成功采用了一种通过隔离单台设备,检测清洗液中Ca2+、Fe2+、pH、浊度等离子浓度的变化趋势来确定清洗终点的化学清洗方法.  相似文献   

针对污垢沉积而导致高炉冷却壁传热效率降低的疑难问题,通过在冷却水管内加入固相颗粒以形成液固两相流.从而改变两相流体对冷却水管的传热和抗垢性能.在不同固相体积分数下进行了冷却水管内液固两相流动的传热和抗垢性能研究.研究结果表明,由于固相颗粒的扰动和剪切效应,不仅可以增大冷却水管传热系数和强化传热效果,而且增强了抗污垢能力,延长了设备的高效运行时间,实现冷却壁的长期高效运行.  相似文献   

Results are presented for an experimental investigation of H2 combustion and cooling in a channel which simulates the intake and combustion chamber of a supersonic ram jet. Stable operation conditions were obtained for operating the intake and combustion chamber with various fuel distributions through the feed zones. The cooling rate and the combustion efficiency were determined at the chamber wall at varying flows in the channel.Moscow. Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 24–29, November–December, 1991.  相似文献   

液体中气泡上浮与传质过程的耦合模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对液体中气泡上浮与传质这一非稳态、强耦合过程,分析气泡的受力情况,考虑到非恒定Basset力的影响,得出了气泡瞬态加速度模型;利用绕球流动传质边界层模型,并引入非平衡传质理论,构建了气泡的瞬态非平衡传质模型;进而依据气泡质量变化率将两模型耦合,以此构建了完整描述这一过程的耦合模型。计算实例表明,Basset力对难溶性气泡的运动过程无明显影响,但对易溶性气泡影响显著;传质条件则对两类气泡都具有重要影响,且该模型中引入非平衡传质理论后,计算值与难溶性气泡的实验结果吻合更好。  相似文献   

Heat transfer between the bubble and dense phases of a bubbling fluidized bed plays a very important role in the system performance, especially for applications involving solids drying and gas‐phase combustion. However, very few experimental data are available on this subject in the literature. An experimental and modelling investigation on the heat transfer behaviour of isolated bubbles injected into an incipiently fluidized bed is reported in this paper. A new single‐thermocouple technique was developed to measure the heat transfer coefficient. The effects of bed particle type and size, and bubble size on the heat transfer coefficient were examined. The heat transfer coefficient was found to exhibit a maximum as the bubble size increased in the bubble size range investigated. The bed particle size had a comparatively small effect on the heat transfer coefficient. A simple mathematical model was developed which provides good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

在传统的阻垢剂、缓蚀剂和杀生剂基础上,间冷开式循环冷却水系统的水质保鲜应用研究经历了连续投加阻垢缓蚀剂配合冲击投加杀生剂的发展阶段,未来的发展趋势是操作简易、性价比高且环境友好的阻垢缓蚀杀生剂的开发与推广。  相似文献   

以钼在加氢脱硫(HDS)中的应用为线索,按催化剂结构不同,简介了负载型催化剂和非负载型催化剂的制备方法,总结了钼基加氢脱硫催化剂的应用进展。对于负载型钼基催化剂,按照载体不同,从单一氧化物载体、复合氧化物载体、分子筛载体和碳材料载体角度总结了催化剂在加氢脱硫中的应用。负载型催化剂虽然应用广泛,但其活性组分受载体限制。而非负载型催化剂可以有效提高活性组分含量,具有更高的催化活性。按照催化剂组成不同,总结了近年来单金属型、双金属型和多金属型非负载型催化剂在加氢脱硫中的应用。  相似文献   

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