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G. A. Rose  J. Welsh 《Software》1981,11(7):651-669
This paper presents a systematic approach to formatted language design that incorporates formatting within the syntax of programming languages. The approach includes:
  • 1 a metasyntax to ensure that program text is foldable, not only to avoid right margin overflow but also to preclude constructs which are visually confusing or ambiguous;
  • 2 a set of guidelines for language designers to enhance readability within the constraints of the metasyntax; and
  • 3 a folding algorithm which selectively folds a program text.
The resulting automatic formatting is consistent with current practice in program and text layout. The effect of this approach is to put program format decisions in the domain of the language's designer, rather than its several implementors or numerous users, which implies uniformly formatted programs of improved readability and therefore usability.  相似文献   

Object-oriented programming has become a widely used, important programming paradigm that is supported in many different languages. C++ has become the most widely used object-oriented language and many C++ programmers are unfamiliar with the different approaches taken by other languages in the paradigm. This paper is intended as an introduction to a broad range of ideas in object-oriented programming. Specifically, we introduce four modern programming languages that support object-oriented programming (Oberon-2, Modula-3, Sather and Self), and show how a simple application is coded in these languages. While each of these programming languages provide support for inheritance, dynamic dispatch, code reuse, and information hiding, they do so in very different ways and with varying levels of efficiency and simplicity. The use of a simple example, based on a common programming problem, facilitates our comparison. We have coded the application in all of these languages, including C++, and we compare the compile times, object code sizes, and run times of the available implementations. Implementations of all the languages compared and all of the programs we measure are available on the Internet. Ultimately, our goal is to encourage and facilitate programmers in understanding and exploring a variety of object-oriented programming languages.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to illustrate a new approach to control definition in programming languages. The DIL system developed by the authors to allow a user to define and utilize his own control mechanisms in program design and construction is presented. The motivations of the proposal are discussed in the frame of software engineering and abstraction programming. The main features of DIL are introduced in an informal way through a number of examples of increasing complexity. The basic mode of operation of the system is described and an architecture for the implementation of DIL is given. Meaningful sample applications are shown to validate the main features of the language. Promising directions for future research are presented as well. A run-time model of DIL is sketched in the Appendix.  相似文献   

Currently available programming and database systems are insufficient for engineering applications. The authors contend that a logical progression from a formal conceptual model of the engineering domain to a computational model will lead to new programming paradigms capable of directly supporting engineering applications in a rigorous, concise manner. A formal domain model devised by the authors, theHybrid Model (HM) of design information, is briefly introduced. It is an extension of axiomatic set theory and is discussed in detail elsewhere. HM forms the basis ofDesigner, a prototype-based object-oriented programming language supporting a signature-based canonical message-passing mechanism and multiple inheritance. Designer is implemented using the Scheme programming language. Because Designer satisfies a formal conceptual model, and because it is based on a formally specified language, its robustness and logical validity are superior to those of other languages not founded on formal principles. Designer combines concepts of functional and object-oriented programming to provide the formal rigor and flexibility to capture the complex and strongly interrelated information that designers use. Examples demonstrate how Designer represents design information. The results of the authors' research indicate that Designer can capture design information (including aspects of functional requirements and design intent) effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   

Sloth is a simple Unix-based tool for creating and maintaining large C programs built from reusable ‘modules’. Sloth is a collection of UNIX shell commands for creating and editing modules, and for producing executables by linking compiled code from the modules comprising a program. Sloth in a sense extends C by providing module facilities similar to those built in to newer languages such as Modula-II. The Sloth ‘extensions’, however, are at the shell level only. No changes are required in C itself; in fact, the Sloth commands invoke the standard Unix C compiler. A Sloth module contains a set of C procedures and local declarations, a set of global definitions and variable declarations, an initialization routine and an ‘import’ list of other modules containing declarations referred to, but not defined by, the module in question. The Sloth link command has one argument, the name of a ‘root’ directory. The link command automatically identifies all those modules imported directly or indirectly by the root module, checks that the object code for each module is up-to-date and recompiles where necessary. It then creates a main program in which the various initialization routines are executed in the correct order (most primitive first), compiles it and links it with all the object files and produces an executable program. Individual modules can be compiled without any knowledge of the application that uses, directly or indirectly, the module in question. Two applications that both use a collection of modules can therefore share the object code for these modules. The use and implementation of Sloth are presented, as are the experience in using it, programming techniques developed to take full advantage of its facilities, as well as several extensions, either completed or planned.  相似文献   

The use of modern programming languages can improve software quality. Two standards which require high quality are examined to understand how the use of programming languages is specified with the objective of satisfying safety and security requirements. Differences are noted in the two standards (ITSEC for security, UK Def Std 00–55 for safety) and suggestions are made to improve these standards.  相似文献   

One of the most evident characteristics of robotic applications is heterogeneity: large robotic projects involve many different researchers with very different programming needs and areas of research, using a variety of hardware and software that must be integrated efficiently (i.e.: with a low development cost) to construct applications that satisfy not only classic robotic requirements (fault-tolerance, real-time specifications, intensive access to hardware, etc.) but also software engineering aspects (reusability, maintainability, etc.). Most existing solutions to this problem either do not deal with such heterogeneity or do not cover specific robotic needs. In this paper we propose a framework for the integration of heterogeneous robotic software through a software engineering approach: the BABEL development system, which is aimed to cover the main phases of the application lifecycle (design, implementation, testing, and maintainance) when unavoidable heterogeneity conditions are present. The capabilities of our system are shown by its support for designing and implementing diverse real robotic applications that use several programming languages (C, C++, JAVA), execution platforms (RT-operating systems, MS-Windows, no operating system at all), communication middleware (CORBA, TCP/IP, USB), and also a variety of hardware components (Personal Computers, microcontrollers, and a wide diversity of sensor and actuator devices in mobile robots and manipulator arms).  相似文献   

An operational model which allows the complete formal definition of the full syntax and, particularly, semantics of programming languages is described. Both its syntactic and semantic parts are based on so-called linked-forest manipulation systems which allow the definition of mappings on forests. The idea of “linking” is crucial for the given model, we represent not only abstract programs but also intermediate states of our system (abstract computer) by labelled forests with pointers.  相似文献   

Students often have difficulties when trying to understand the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). This paper presents a contribution to the teaching of OOP languages through a game-oriented approach based on the interaction with tangible user interfaces (TUIs). The use of a specific type of commercial distributed TUI (Sifteo cubes), in which several small physical devices have sensing, wireless communication and user-directed output capabilities, is applied to the teaching of the C# programming language, since the operation of these devices can be controlled by user programs written in C#. For our experiment, we selected a sample of students with a sufficient knowledge about procedural programming, which was divided into two groups: The first one had a standard introductory C# course, whereas the second one had an experimental C# course that included, in addition to the contents of the previous one, two demonstration programs that illustrated some OOP basic concepts using the TUI features. Finally, both groups completed two tests: a multiple-choice exam for evaluating the acquisition of basic OOP concepts and a C# programming exercise. The analysis of the results from the tests indicates that the group of students that attended the course including the TUI demos showed a higher interest level (i.e. they felt more motivated) during the course exposition than the one that attended the standard introductory C# course. Furthermore, the students from the experimental group achieved an overall better mark. Therefore, we can conclude that the technological contribution of Sifteo cubes – used as a distributed TUI by which OOP basic concepts are represented in a tangible and a visible way – to the teaching of the C# language has a positive influence on the learning of this language and such basic concepts.  相似文献   

Darrel C. Ince 《Software》1983,13(8):687-695
Top-down design and programming methods have become well established in both commercial and academic environments. However, a programmer using such methods faces a number of organizational difficulties. This paper describes a software tool, written in Pascal, which eliminates these difficulties. It allows a programmer to interactively develop programs in a top-down fashion.  相似文献   

Formal properties of logic languages are largely studied; however, their impact on the practice of software design and programming is currently minimal. In this paper we survey some interesting representatives of the family of logic languages aiming at comparing the different capabilities they offer for designing and programming parallel systems. The logic languages Prolog, Aurora, Flat Concurrent Prolog, Parlog, GHC, and DeltaProlog were chosen, because a suitable set of relevant examples has been published, mostly by the language designers themselves. A number of sample programs is used to expose and compare the languages with respect to their object oriented programming capabilities for multiprocess coordination, interprocess communication, and resource management. Special attention is devoted also to metaprogramming as well, seen as a useful technique for specifying and building the operating environments of the languages themselves. The paper ends with a discussion on positive and negative features found comparing these languages, and indicates some guidelines to be followed in the design of new logic languages.  相似文献   

PEP (Program Editor and Processor) is an interactive programming system based on an Algol-like language. It is intended to replace BASIC as a system for interactive program development on small computers (LSI-11). The language processed by the system allows declaration of variables, constants and procedures; it has structured statements for conditional and repetitive execution of program parts. We describe design and implementation of the system and give our impressions after 1 year of experience with the system.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of comments in programming languages and answers the questions: Why are they needed? How are they defined and implemented in existing languages? What should be provided in future languages?  相似文献   

After tracing the steps that led to the current generation of iconic languages starting from the original idea of S.K. Chang, we describe an iconic language, named MicroApp, for modeling pervasive mobile applications directly on the mobile device. MicroApp exploits generalized icons for composing mobile applications: services are represented by icons and are composed of adopting colors for representing data-flow. We also qualitatively evaluate the visual environment that implements this iconic language.  相似文献   

As the complexity and size of programs increase, the programmer is challenged with the task of organizing his program in a manner which will enhance intellectual manageability. Thus, the structure and style are critical in regards to writing programs and verifying their correctness. In recent years, considerable emphasis has been placed on the correctness of programs and techniques for engineering them to be correct. However, more emphasis should be placed on designing languages which facilitate constructing correct programs. In an effort to partially address this problem, a language is described which permits users the convenient development of well-structured programs that are easy to read and understand, easy to correct (debug) and modify, and easy to verify the correctness of the program. The language presented permits the use of decision tables for expressing complex logic.  相似文献   

In recent years, high-level programming languages have evolved specifically for systems programming. In this paper, systems programming languages are surveyed to find common characteristics and individual differences and limitations of a number of current languages, including Ada, Concurrent Pascal, CLU, Pascal-Plus, Modula-2, Mesa, Edison, PLZ/SYS and C. The survey is based on the following classification of systems programming concepts and facilities: types, sequential control, concurrency, encapsulation, environment specifications and programming support environments.  相似文献   

We compare Haskell with Standard ML as programming languages for verification tools based on our experience developing the verification platform Truth in Haskell and the Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench (CWB) in Standard ML. We review not only technical language features but also the worlds of the languages, for example, the availability of compilers, tools, and libraries. We also discuss the merits and difficulties of comparing programming languages in this wide sense and support our view that Truth and the CWB are similar enough to justify the conclusions drawn in this paper.  相似文献   

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