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Effects of Oxidized Fatty Acids on Agricultural Working Animals in Case of Insufficient Supply with Vitamin E and Selenium Diseases of agricultural working animals due to insufficient supply with vitamin E and selenium have been common knowledge for long. Especially in case of feeding with oxidized fats, rich in polyenic acid significant defects can occur. It could be detected in special tests with trouts (Salmo gairdnerii R.) that a low degree of oxidation (about POV 50) of the feed fat in case of sufficient supply with vitamin E and selenium is without any influence on growth and feed exploitation. Higher oxidized fats (about POV 250 and more) cause less increase in weight and above all defects on organs, which can be detected among others by certain parameters (haematocrit value, haemoglobine content, GOT, GPT, LDH, CK, Bilirubin). These effects can be avoided by higher doses of tocopherol. It exists, however, a dependency between the uptaken amount of fat and the period of additional feeding. A mixture of natural D-tocopherols in rations with high oxidized polyenic acids (POV 900–1700) was able to decrease or to avoid the noxious effect and losses of animals if the additional amount was increased. It turned out that there was an equivalency to D, L-α-tocopherol, even if there were great differences in the tocopherol equivalences.  相似文献   

Quick Determination of Monomeric Unoxidized Fatty Acids Refining and distillation fatty acids as well as raw or partly refined oils can contain beside monomeric fatty acids di and polymeric as well as oxidized fatty acids, too. Determination of the content of monomeric, unoxidized fatty acids is important for the use in feed. As quick method a gas chromatographic procedure is presented. Collaborative studies demonstrate a satisfactory repeatability of the results. The comparability is impaired by apparatus and operating parameters. The relative constance of deviation permits a compensation by comparative analysis and determination of correction factors.  相似文献   

Effect of Fatty Acid Configuration on the Properties of Soap The effect of configuration of the hydrophobic chain of fatty acids C10–C18 on the properties of their alkali salts was studied. Furthermore, the effect of temperature on critical micelle concentration (CMC) and on alteration of surface tension at CMC, as well as the effect of chain length of the hydrophobic part on CMC were determined. At the same time, the effect of double and cis-trans configuration on CMC was studied. Also the foaming ability of the individual soaps and foam stability as well as the stability of the soaps were investigated.  相似文献   

Influence of Graded Levels of Rape Seed in Laying Hen Diets on the Fatty Acid Composition of the Yolk Fat with Special Consideration of the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Technical treated rape seed was evaluated as feed ingredient for laying hens and the influence of rape oil on the fatty acid composition of the egg yolks was also investigated. Rape seed levels of 7.5%, 15% and 22.5% were fed both to brown and white laying hens (Lohmann Brown, LB, and Lohmann Selected Leghorn, LSL, resp.). A depression in performance was recorded only with the highest rape inclusion level for the parameters feed conversion (LB-hens) and daily egg production (LSL-hens). The fatty acid composition of the egg yolk was influenced in a dose-response related manner. The percentage of the saturated fatty acids decreased with increasing levels of rape seed whereas the mono-unsaturated fatty acids and the n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids were hardly influenced. The level of the polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids was characterized by a strong dose-dependent increase. In addition, long chained polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 family - not present in rape oil - were detected in the yolks.  相似文献   

Comparative Investigations of the Effect of Antioxidants, Amino Acids and Casein on the Autoxidation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids The antioxidants α-tocopherol and ascorbyl palmitate (AP), the amino acids histidine and methionine as well as casein were added to emulsions of methyl linoleate (ML) in water, and the influence of these components on autoxidation of ML was determined by measuring the rate of oxygen uptake using the Warburg method. The monohydroperoxides of ML being the primary autoxidation products were analyzed by HPLC; hexanal being their main fragmentation product which essentially contributes to rancidity of foods was determined by head space gas chromatography. α-Tocopherol on the one side acts as a radical scavenger by its hydrogen donating effect discernible by a high ratio of cis/trans- to trans/trans-isomers of the ML-hydroperoxides, on the other side it stabilizes these intermediary products thus inhibiting the formation of hexanal. In the presence of Fe(II)-ions AP has a prooxidative effect by causing a rapid decomposition of hydroperoxides, whereas in the initial oxidation phase histidine and methionine have no or only a minor antioxidative effect which increases later on, connected with an inhibitory effect on peroxide decomposition creating hexanal. During ML autoxidation the different components added to the ML emulsion including methionine bound in the casein, which has a strong antioxidative effect, were also oxidized.  相似文献   

Determination of Aromatic Fatty Acids in Hydrogenated Cyclic Fatty Acids Small amounts of aromatic fatty acids, besides hydrogenated cyclic fatty acids, in an urea non-adduct from hydrogenated fatty acids can not be determined by gas chromatography. A direct determination by UV-spectroscopy is also inaccurate, since the strong end absorption of the carbonyl group makes an evaluation of the aromatic band in the range of 260 to 275 nm difficult. After reducing the acids or esters with lithium aluminium hydride to the corresponding alcohols, a proper quantitative determination of aromatic fatty acids can be carried out even at low concentrations of the latter.  相似文献   

Ta Influence of Concomitant Substances of Fatty Acids on the Kinetics of their Hydrogenation In the present paper the influence of concomitant substances of animal fats and their degradations components on the kinetics of the hydrogenation of free fatty acids of these fats was investigated. Our attention was directed to the balance of organic sulphur, phosphor and nitrogen compounds during high pressure splitting of fats, distillation of fatty acids and following hydrogenation. During the splitting process 70% of nitrogen and sulphur containing substances were degradated or removed, the content of phosphor containing substances didn't change basically. Another decrease of concomitant substances and their splitting products occurs during distillation of fatty acids. In the subsequent hydrogenation the content of phosphor containing compounds decreased significantly. Residual contents of amino acids and sulphur compounds were absorbed by the Ni-catalyst and contributed to the decrease of its activity. The effect of the confirmed substances on the decrease of its activity. The effect of the concomitant substances on the decrease of the hydrogenation velocity was confirmed by their addition to the fatty acids of sunflower oil after chromatographic isolation. This addition (concentration from 1 to 3%) lowered the reaction velocity up to 50%.  相似文献   

Cis-trans Isomerisation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids during the Preparation of Alkyds We studied the influence of the preparation conditions of alkyd resins with the help of infrared spectroscopy of soya and linseed oil on the cis-trans-isomerisation of the unsaturated fatty acids present. The most important of all conditions was the temperature. The higher content of trans-isomers can be seen in the properties of alkyd resins.  相似文献   

Octadecadienoic Acids in Butterfat II: Identification of a Few Nonconjugable Fatty Acids With the help of gas and thin-layer chromatography as well as by determining the position of double bonds with OsO4, the following iso-linoleic acids in the butter fat were identified: cis,trans (or trans,cis): 11, 16 and/or 11, 15; 10, 16 and/or 10, 15; 9, 15 and/or 9, 16; 8, 16 and/or 8, 15 and/or 8, 12. trans,trans: 12, 16; 11, 16 and/or 11, 15; 10, 16 and/or 10, 15; 9, 16 and/or 9, 15 and/or 9, 13.  相似文献   

Influence of Chloroplasts on the Formation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Maturing Rapeseeds In general, seeds that store fats, contain only C18-fatty acids which are desaturated upto linoleic step. Exceptions to this general pattern are the seeds of cruciferae, legumenae and linaceae. Embryos of these seeds develop, especially during the initial stages of maturation, photosynthetically active chloroplasts with a high content of linolenic acid. Therefore, for the breeding of rapeseed plants (cruciferae) having low linolenic acid content in the seed oil, one has to select either such seeds in which very little chloroplasts are formed during maturation, or seeds in which chloroplasts are reduced at an early stage.  相似文献   

Preparation of Imidazolines of Fatty Acids The formation of imidazolines was studied in the reaction of diethylene triamine with fatty acids and oils. With the aid of IR- and UV-spectroscopy, it could be proved that imidazolines are formed at temperatures between 150° - 200° C. Aminoamides are also formed at these temperatures. Above 280° C, decomposition takes place, and low molecular nitrogen compounds, including probably ammonia, are formed.  相似文献   

Studies on the Formation of Hydrocarbons in Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Esters Irradiated with UV Rays The investigation of volatile compounds in unsaponifiable matter and in steam distillates of UV-irradiated saturated fatty acids and fatty acid esters has shown that by irradiation in the presence of air as well as under vacuum, along with other substances, unsaturated hydrocarbons are formed. They are most probably 1,2 alkenes whose chains are shorter than the corresponding fatty acids by 2 C-atoms. The volatile compounds in the unsaponifiable matter of the UV-irradiated oleic acid comprise predominantly of carbonyle compounds.  相似文献   

The Influence of the Stereoisomeric and Conjugated Fatty Acids, Especially Dehydrated Castor Oil Fatty Acids, on the Properties of Alkyd Resins Alkyds with 60% oil content were prepared from the drying oils with different contents of conjugated and stereoisomeric fatty acids, specially dehydrated castor oil, and the autoxidation and film forming properties of these were investigated. Trans-trans-dienoic fatty acids oxidised fastest but hindered the through-drying. Throughdrying is dependent on this hinderence and the total content of conjugated dienoic fatty acids. The hardness of the film, measured after 7 days by Sward-Rocker method, is a function of the total amount of conjugated and nonconjugated polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Adsorption of Fatty Acids on Ion Exchangers The author examined the adsorption of saturated fatty acids C10 to C18 on strong- and weak-basic anion exchangers in the presence of n-hexane, acetone and 96% ethanol. The extent of adsorption on dried anion exchangers is small, and in nonpolar solvents, the effective capacity amounts to 5% of the theoretical capacity. With wetted resins, not the polarity of the solvents but the dissociation of the functional groups of the exchanger is the factor determining adsorption. Since the adsorbing ability of the exchanger is limited by the length of the fatty acid molecules, the effective capacity of strongly basic exchangers amounts only to one-third or a half of the theoretical capacity.  相似文献   

Properties of Branched Fatty Acids Physical and chemical properties of branched fatty acids and hydroxy fatty acids were determined and compared with those of n-fatty acids.  相似文献   

Regioselective C-H-Functionalization of Fatty Acids and their Methyl Esters Fatty acids and thier methyl esters can be chlorinated preferentially at the terminal methylene groups with N-alkylchloroamines in sulfuric acid. With capric acid and its methyl ester the optimal reaction conditions for the selective chlorination were elaborated and then transferred to longer fatty acids up to stearic acid. The influence of the solvent, the temperature and the nature of different chlorinating reagents on the selectivity was studies. The capillary GC/MS-analysis of the isomeric chlorinated fatty acids is described.  相似文献   

Influence of Sunflower Diseases on the Seed Oil and on Changes in Free Fatty Acids The relationships between the widespread sunflower diseases like peronospora, botrytis disease, etc. on reduction of yield as well as on the deterioration of the quality of oil were investigated. It can be seen from the results obtained that the damage caused by such diseases can be minimized by suitable measures like dressing of the seeds, appropriate nutrition, proper sequence of planting etc. However, the breeding of resistant varieties remains an important task. Promising results were obtained in this respect by the author on the basis of an artificial infection procedure carried out in pathological breeding grounds.  相似文献   

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