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Lipases and Lipolysis of Milk After a review of the latest literature in this field, the lipase-activity of the Finnish milk is dealt with. Extensive work was carried out on the isolation of lipases from milk, whose lipase-activities were known. Preliminary results have been obtained on the concentration and identification of the lipases. With partly purified lipase fractions, hydrolysis was observed in which different proportions of short and long chain fatty acids were liberated under varying conditions. These observations are of interest from the viewpoint of a possible use of lipases in the food technology.  相似文献   

Influence of the Thickness of Film and the Roughness of Surface on the Degree of Gloss of Wax Films With the help of a developed isotopic method film thicknesses of wax layers on different floorings were measured. The surface roughness was found out by a special apparatus. It could be shown that the degree of gloss of a wax film with respect to the substrate is also a function of film thickness and surface roughness of the substrate and each of the applied films.  相似文献   

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Milk Fat Fraction Milk fat is a mixture of many different triglycerides, and its crystallization characteristics offer good possibilities for fat fractionation. In principle, this can be done in several differnt ways. In our studies milk fat was mostly divided into two or more fractions through crystallization and separation as the temperature was gradually lowered. Fractionation was carried out without solvents or additives. The solidification and melting characteristics of the fractions obtained, as well as their fatty acid and triglyceride composition, differed considerably from each other and from the corresponding characteristics of the original milk fat. By combining different milk fat fractions, the melting characteristics of fat can be led in the desired direction, making it possible to created fat mixtures suitable for a variety of special applications. Is 1987 we have carried out soem experiments for the fractionation of milk fat using the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. This extraction may offer new possibilities for additional uses of milk fat.  相似文献   

The overall rate of polyesterification depends on the rate of the forward and reverse reaction. It is the purpose of this paper to establish relationships between these two reactions, depending on the structure of the monomers used, by comparing the rate constants of catalytic hydrolysis, polyesterification and equilibrium condensation. The differences in the rate of polyesterification observed on using different dicarboxylic acids are known to be caused by proton catalysis of the reaction. In our investigations the reverse reaction was found to be also affected by the acidity. The rate of acid hydrolysis increases with increasing acid strength of the dicarboxylic acid component in the polyester. Summarily, the results of extensive investigations prove the acid strength of the dicarboxylic acid to affect the equilibrium rate of polyesterification and hydrolysis in the same way.  相似文献   

The values of adhesion between four diffrent adhesive,and (i) steel substrates whose surface energy had been altered by adsorption, and (ii) several polymer having different surface energies, had been measured. The results show that the adhesion has a maximum value when the surface energy of the hardened adhesive is equals to that of the substrate, i.e. when the interfacial energy adhesive/substrate is a minimum. The adhesion of the adhesives to the polymer was much smaller than to the steel sprcimens and the dependence of the adhesion onm the interfacial energy was sharper in the case of the polymers. The decrease of the adhesion with increasing interfacial energy was fiund to be greater if the liquid adhesive wets the substrate badly than the steel speciman.  相似文献   

Kinetics of Fat Crystallization The course of fat crystallization is similar to that of aggregation and flocculation of colloids. Rate formulae for aggregation and flocculation, previously derived empirically from experimental data, are applied to data on the crystallization of fats and for comparison on the separation of emulsions. The data are linearized. The rate constants are determined as functions of the solid fat index.  相似文献   

Crystalline Structure of Cocoa Butter Six crystalline modifications of cocoa butter are known from the literature of which only the pre-beta and the beta forms are important for the technology of chocolate manufacture. The elucidation of the crystalline structure of these two modifications is difficult because single crystals of appreciable size can not be obtained from cocoa butter. It is shown that it is possible to analyse the structure with the help of X-ray diffraction studies of micro-crystals as well as by comparison with structures of known mono-acid triglycerides. The lattice parameters and the arrangement of molecules in pre-beta and beta forms are given.  相似文献   

Ta Influence of Concomitant Substances of Fatty Acids on the Kinetics of their Hydrogenation In the present paper the influence of concomitant substances of animal fats and their degradations components on the kinetics of the hydrogenation of free fatty acids of these fats was investigated. Our attention was directed to the balance of organic sulphur, phosphor and nitrogen compounds during high pressure splitting of fats, distillation of fatty acids and following hydrogenation. During the splitting process 70% of nitrogen and sulphur containing substances were degradated or removed, the content of phosphor containing substances didn't change basically. Another decrease of concomitant substances and their splitting products occurs during distillation of fatty acids. In the subsequent hydrogenation the content of phosphor containing compounds decreased significantly. Residual contents of amino acids and sulphur compounds were absorbed by the Ni-catalyst and contributed to the decrease of its activity. The effect of the confirmed substances on the decrease of its activity. The effect of the concomitant substances on the decrease of the hydrogenation velocity was confirmed by their addition to the fatty acids of sunflower oil after chromatographic isolation. This addition (concentration from 1 to 3%) lowered the reaction velocity up to 50%.  相似文献   

The influence of the catalysts BF3O(C2H5)2, FeCl3 and J2 on the polymerization of inden-cumaron-fractions was investigated. The dependence of the polymerization time on the resin yield was shown. Kinetic constants and reaction orders were determined.  相似文献   

Chromatographic Separation of Montana Wax and Identification of Individual Fractions by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry The wax portion separated from crude montana wax by usual procedures was fractionated by adsorption chromatography on silica gel. The individual fractions were subsequently analyzed by gas chromatography and various components of the fractions were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Storage Time Effect on the Activity of Ni-Catalyst The effect of long-time storage on the activity of Ni-catalyst on carrier passivated with fat was investigated. The catalyst was stored under normal conditions in the air for 5 years. Comparing the rate constants the following results were obtained. The activity of the long-term stored catalyst decreased depending on concentration (0.3-0.1% w/w Ni/oil) 6 to 14 fold for sunflower oil and 8 to 9 fold for olive oil (at the same Ni-level). By calculation of the rate constants of subsequent and parallel reactions it was found that the parallel reaction (linoleic acid → stearic acid) takes part on saturation of linoleic acid at a 13-15% level. The largest effect on activity decrease resulted from autoxidation reactions of the fat applied for passivation.  相似文献   

The Relation between the Relative Reaction Rate of Polyfunctional Ester Condensation and the Viscosity By representing the three dimensional ester condensation in alkyds with the parameters Ψ K and K' the critical space of the polycondensation, in which all the formulations have a gelation point, can be demarcated. The solubility parameter δγ2 is used to determine the optimum solution mixture. The derived relation Krel. is put in relation to viscosity, so that one obtains the viscosity development valid for all the formulations, irrespective of the condensation limit.  相似文献   

The Effect of Detergent Legislation in West Germany Since the detergent law has come into force, the amount of detergents flowing in the waters is reduced considerably because the new soft detergents are to a large extent decomposed biologically by the purification plants for the domestic and industrial sewage. Now the decomposition of the detergents in waters also takes place much more quickly. The detergent law has been the first but very important step towards the solution of problems. The ultimate solution, however, will follow only if the biological purification plants for the domestic as well as detergent containing industrial sewages are built up in increasing numbers.  相似文献   

The Catalysis of the Co-Oxidation of cis-Oct-4-ene and n-Butyric Aldehyde The co-oxidation of cis-oct-4-ene and n-butyric aldehyde in the absence of catalysts, or in the presence of molybdenum and Co(acac)3, resp., was studied in dependence on the aldehyde/olefin ratio, on the temperature and other reaction conditions. Under the same conditions, the noncatalyzed co-oxidation converted 50%, the MoO2(acac)2-catalyzed one 68%, and the Co(acac)3-catalyzed one 40% of the reacted olefin into the epoxide. The cis/trans-epoxide ratio in the molybdenum-catalyzed co-oxidation was nearly 2 independent of the aldehyde/olefin ratio. In the non-catalyzed co-oxidation the cis/trans-epoxide ratio depends linearly on the aldehyde/olefin ratio (cis/trans E. = 0,58 + 0,90 n/n). From these dependences we can conclude that the homolytic mechanism of epoxide formation decreases and the polar mechanism (Priležaev-reaction) increases with increasing aldehyde/olefin ratio. Optimization of the epoxide yields according to a Box-Hunter experimental plan gave the following reaction conditions to yield 95% epoxide based on reacted olefin: 70°C, ΔnS/n = 0,49, n/n = 3,5 · 10−3, n/n = 0,53. The co-oxidation in the presence of other molybdenum catalysts of the chloro-nitrosyl-complex type and of the carbonyl-complex type as well as the co-oxidation with other aldehydes were studied, too.  相似文献   

Sulfonation of Olefins – Influence of Reaction Conditions and Structure of Olefins on the Products of Sulfonation Sulfonation of n-α-olefins with SO3, which is not bound as complex, and the products resulting from these reactions are reported. Based on the course of sulfonation and the composition of the product, a reaction mechanism has been derived. The composition of the products obtained by sulfonation of α-olefins can be varied within certain limits by adjusting the conditions of sulfonation and treatment of the reaction products. Sulfonations of unbranched non-terminal olefins, olefins having monoalkyl branching at the double bond and of technical oligo-olefins have been reported.  相似文献   

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