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英国用地分类体系的构成特征及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
规划许可制是整个英国规划体系的核心,对英国的规划用地分类体系影响巨大。一方面,中央政府制定全国统一的功能性用地分类,对"开发"行为加以定义,直接用于指导规划许可。另一方面,地方规划中采用政策性的用地分类,以引导地方政府审定规划许可。同时,用地分类具有一定的灵活性。本文通过英国地方规划案例分析,梳理英国用地分类体系的构成与特征,进而为我国用地分类体系的完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文系《村庄规划用地分类指南》编制过程中基础研究工作中代表性地方规划案例研究部分,文章通过对住房与城乡建设部公布的首批全国村庄规划示范案例文本的调研和村庄用地分类统计的分析,就建设用地分类中对于各类用地的分类方法和比例进行统计,研究不同村庄类型的用地分类与村庄经济产业发展的相关性,发现目前村庄用地规划实践中的一些问题,分析我国现有农村用地分类标准的局限性,形成基于案例研究对于指南编制的指引。  相似文献   

文章指出分类结构是用地分类研究的基础,传统等级性结构存在单一性和封闭性的局限,借鉴语言学的方法采用多维结构可为解释土地利用的复杂性提供方法论的基础。多维用地分类体系理论包含指示、评价和规定三种模式。规划过程的三个关键环节"调查—分析—规划"为语言学的三种模式提供了逻辑性的对应关系。在三种模式的基础上,结合用地分类的多重维度及分类体系的平行结构和空间等级,可构建出一个系统完整且具开放性的多维用地分类体系。通过探讨多维理论在用地分类标准及城乡规划各个阶段的应用前景,可为未来用地分类体系和城乡规划制度的改革提供新的思路。  相似文献   

我国规划建设用地新标准制定的思路探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先分析《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准(GBJ137-90)》中"规划建设用地标准"的实施效果及存在的主要问题,然后介绍《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准(GB50137-2011)》的研究过程,包括确立"多元控制"的理念以及通过筛选影响要素、引入规划人口规模和气候区划两个因子共同参与人均用地指标的确定,并在现状基础上进行相应的调整。2011版《标准》的"多元控制"方式,可望对各地城市人均用地指标的控制更加具有针对性和灵活性。  相似文献   

赵佩佩 《规划师》2012,28(2):10-16
新版《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》从强调城乡统筹、节约集约利用土地资源的大背景出发,建立了较为完整的城乡用地分类体系,对城市建设用地分类体系做出了调整,对于体现不同空间层面下的规划政策重点、保障生态环境资源和公共利益具有现实意义。从控制性详细规划的应用实践来看,新版国标颁布实施后仍需开展后续的规划研究工作,如允许地方在框架内扩展用地分类体系,研究用地混合、兼容的规划控制方法,纳入体现政策内涵的补充用地控制方法等。改进现行的规划编制方法,推动规划管理体制和机制创新,是新版国标实施之后我国城市规划面临的紧迫而现实的任务。  相似文献   

我国地域广阔,不同地域的小城镇的经济社会发展水平不同,人口与用地规模差异明显,建设水平参差不齐,单纯依照国家标准指导小城镇的规划建设难以对特定地区的特定发展路径进行有的放矢的指导,故地方标准就成为寻求特定规划标准、呈现地方规划特色的重要内容。文章以重庆市为例,对重庆小城镇规划用地标准进行了探索,重点关注用地分类和规划建设用地指标,以及与此相关联的用地机制,并结合总体问题判断、解读现状指标分布、剖析现实案例、辨析国内相关标准,对重庆市小城镇规划的用地分类、人均控制指标及用地机制方面提出了适应性调整建议。  相似文献   

以用地国标的修订为契机,解读《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准(GBJ137-90)》中"公共设施用地"的内涵,剖析其在经济体制转轨背景下的演变历程和发展趋势。借鉴境内外相关用地分类经验,结合我国城乡规划工作需求,对"公共设施用地"分类的重构提出思路与建议,以期更好地适应政府职能转变的新要求。  相似文献   

王玮 《规划师》2009,25(7):53-56
在宁波市控制性详细规划中适合引入适配性的用地包括:难以定性的地段,争议敏感区块、战略发展用地、近远期用地存在跨越的用地等,通过引入"适配性"确定用地性质,明确能供选择的选项,在刚性框架下完成弹性变化,其核心在于增强控制性详细规划的灵活性,以适应未来城市发展不确定性的需求.  相似文献   

在新的发展形势下,超大城市机场对用地功能的需求日益复杂化和精细化。然而作为规划编制的基础,现行各类用地分类标准对这种位于超大城市的机场存在诸多不适用性。因此,如何探索出能满足机场地区实际规划与管理需求的用地分类体系成为规划工作者必须思考的问题。文章以深圳宝安国际机场为例,对现行用地分类标准的局限性以及深圳宝安国际机场的发展需求与困境进行分析,据此提出了深圳机场规划用地分类体系并成功应用到实际规划编制工作中,在完善规划层次的同时形成了规划主管部门、深圳机场集团指导规划项目的法律依据,以期为类似机场的规划提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

镇用地分类是科学编制镇规划,有效指导镇建设的重要基础。落实国家对小城镇建设的要求、满足小城镇现实的发展诉求、适应城乡规划编制与管理体系,是本次镇用地分类的主要出发点。本文通过梳理镇现状用地特征和地方导则的相关内容,明确镇用地分类的编制目标、编制重点和具体的编制思路,为建构"城乡一体化""落实多规合一"的城乡用地分类提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

A major change is underway in metropolitan planning. The static plan, geared to a desired end-state, will be replaced by plans and programs for growth through future time. With the clarification of the concept of land use, separate plans will be prepared for locations of populations and activities and for the locations of buildings, facilities, and other physical improvements. Transportation plans will be integrated with land use and land improvement plans, reflecting the mutual interdependence of activities and traffic. Urban renewal plans will become integral with metropolitan plans, presenting programs for both developed and developing areas. Most important, with the development of metropolitan growth models, we shall better understand the processes of continual urban change, and our master plans will themselves become continuing processes for guiding that change.  相似文献   

One of the most critical tasks in creating community plans and developing local planning policies and priorities is projecting populations, as accurate projections help communities appropriately distribute resources and services. While inaccurate population projections are problematic and have long-term and lasting effects for all cities, they are especially problematic in depopulating cities where the tax burden is shared among fewer residents – a large-scale public works project, a new convention center, more housing, or the annexation of land can further burden residents and strain public resources. This research examines how (and if) cities are using population projection data to guide their plans for the future, and if it varies between cities that are losing residents and cities that are gaining residents. Population projections are examined from 41 depopulating and 41 populating US cities. Levels of accuracy in the population projections are compared, along with other population change sensitive variables such as land use, housing, and vacancy. The findings indicated that population projection errors are present in both depopulating and populating cities. However, most depopulating cities anticipate growth, despite data to the contrary. This research also found that land area expansion in depopulating cities is not sensitive to population loss, and that there is a significant time-lag between population peak and land and housing unit peaks. This suggests that depopulating cities respond slowly to population decline. This research aims to underscore the importance of accurate population projections and their role in informing planning strategies and resource allocation, in depopulating cities specifically.  相似文献   

The development of effective metropolitan planning research requires the adoption of a uniform land use classification for all cities in the United States. Classification systems now vary from city to city, and the data resulting from land use surveys are therefore not comparable among the cities. Comparative studies are essential if we are to understand the regularities of urban form and land use distributions that hold for cities in general. The suggested classification scheme is a modification of the Standard Industrial Classification. It would permit adaptation to special local requirements but would still allow comparisons of land use among cities.  相似文献   

权威从何而来——控制性详细规划制定问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张泉 《城市规划》2008,(2):34-37
《城乡规划法》赋予控制性详细规划前所未有的权威性,同时也给当前的控制性详细规划工作带来了巨大的挑战。笔者针对当前控规实施中普遍存在的现象,对现状资料、用地分类、经济性分析、强制性内容、成果审查等控规制定问题进行了探讨,并提出了将地籍要素纳入现状资料,因地制宜、适度细化用地分类和明确强制性内容范围与强制方向,建立控规专项审查制度等改进控规制定方法的思路。  相似文献   

本文回顾了我国半个多世纪以来城市发展历程,特别对 1990 年制定的旨在控制城市过度扩张的国家标准《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》进行了详细的介绍。文章通过有关人均城市规划建设用地的数据变化来衡量《国标》对控制我国城市扩张的效力,并提出了国标在运行中的诸多问题。在这些问题中,文章提出了《国标》出现失效的核心问题是各级政府在土地问题上的博弈。地方政府希望在快速城市化的过程中从土地上获取财政利益,而中央政府则希望通过一系列的政策来保障耕地的安全。本文通过数据分析及 GIS 技术描述了我国近 20 年来各地城市的人均用地扩张情况,并以此来说明现行的城市建设用地控制体系的失效。通过数据分析和论述,本文提出了城市建设用地标准修订的客观要求。  相似文献   

The fragmented and overlapped planning administration, evolved from the planned economy, is the institutional foundation of the spatial planning system in China. Together with the problems of development control, spatial plan coordination of FYP, land use planning and urban planning in urban China thus has been concerned for a long time. This paper explores the dilemmas and relevant mechanisms of spatial plan coordination by a case study of Suzhou city. The empirical analysis shows that local spatial plans were highly constrained by the sectoral codes, hierarchic regulations and the controlling system of various quotas beyond the city level. The primary contradictions among the three plans were rooted in the planning parameters of the land area for construction and the spatial regulation on land use. The sectorally improved planning administration increased the complexity of plan coordination on the one hand. On the other hand, embedded in the different philosophies of the central and local governments over land governance, various spatial plans have become their complicated arenas and the planning process was mixed by central control and local initiatives. Subsequently, under the nested institutions of planning making, local spatial planning was manipulated and intervened, and thus spatial plan coordination failed.  相似文献   

Academics, public officials, and citizens increasingly advocate more and better local planning as a central component of regional growth management. They assume that local plans will provide meaningful policy guidance to local officials when making land use-related policy decisions, and that local officials will implement their plans. This article presents findings from an evaluation of state-mandated local planning in coastal North Carolina during the mid 1990s. All 20 coastal counties and 72 municipalities were preparing plans consistent with the state's procedural requirements during this time, and many were using those plans to at least some extent when making land use-related policy decisions. Taken altogether, however, the plans were weak analytically and substantively, providing limited guidance for growth management, especially in terms of coastal area resource protection. The promise of state-mandated local planning for managing growth at the regional level is discussed in light of North Carolina's experiences.  相似文献   

"两规"都是对空间资源及其隐喻利益的一次再分配过程,"两规"协调本质是利益协调,技术理性不是"两规"协调的根本出路。城镇建设用地规模上的冲突是"两规"间矛盾的焦点,如果不能有效遏制地方政府圈地行为,"两规"矛盾不会被真正化解。地方政府圈地是折射上下级政府关系、政府和农民关系的一面镜子,其中,经济增长和财政收入为地方政府圈地提供内在激励,而土地制度内在缺陷和自上而下监控失效是地方政府圈地的两大外在诱因。遏制地方政府圈地,化解"两规"矛盾的根本在于体制机制创新。目前,"两规"协调亟需在上下级政府间、政府与农民间构建通达程序正义的利益博弈机制。  相似文献   

This paper studies the political economy of urban governance and land‐use planning mechanisms in the ‘one country, two systems’ of mainland China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR). It is argued that the market economy of Hong Kong had, over the years as a British colony, established an efficiently‐run regulatory system of land‐use planning. The current land‐use planning mechanisms are biased toward economic growth as a result of its executive‐government‐led and business‐interests‐dominated political structure. The challenge for Hong Kong as a relatively autonomous SAR, therefore, is to incorporate the social and environmental dimensions in planning for territorial development within a wider regional context as a result of economic and political integration with China. In mainland China, the reforming socialist planned economy has now embraced privately and foreign‐owned enterprises though the Communist Party and the government have retained strong political control. A ‘dual’ land‐use development system operates under an economic‐growth‐oriented development strategy. On one hand, government authorities who are land owners, land managers, and the largest land users as they own most of the economic enterprises, may not, for various reasons, follow the planning intentions when formally allocating land for development projects. On the other hand, illegal construction and land uses are widespread, suggesting that the formal land‐use planning system is ineffective, if not irrelevant, in controlling development. Part of the explanation lies in the absence of a genuine land market where legitimate persons with land‐use rights can buy and sell land within a planning framework generally agreed by the community. Unless Chinese cities strive to establish formal land‐use planning processes to prepare plans with the participation of various actors to reflect their needs, and establish urban planning mechanisms that have teeth in controlling development, urban planning will continue to be marginal in local governance.  相似文献   

Compared with medium-sized cities, megacities play an increasingly important role in the rapid urbanization process in China. Owing to the expanding scale of large cities, urban sprawl leads to unsustainable practices that cause ecological, social, and environmental problems. Urban planning and land use planning are major driving forces of land use and land cover change in China. However, the goals of these two types of planning are different, and coordinating them is a challenge for local government decision makers. Thus, we use the SLEUTH model to simulate the implementation scenarios of future urban growth in Nanjing in the Jiangsu province of China. Using the scientific simulation data of the model, we contrasted the alternative futures of the two planning types for local government decision makers to achieve sustainable urban planning.The objective of our study is to explore the problems and possible solutions for urban management in the context of amegacity in China. The results of our study confirm the value of SLEUTH, which provid esextensive exploratory knowledge in evaluating the effects of possible local government decisions.  相似文献   

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