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Goal-seeking behavior in a connectionist modelis demonstrated using the examples of foragingby a simulated ant and cooperativenest-building by a pair of simulated birds. Themodel, a control neural network, translatesneeds into responses. The purpose of this workis to produce lifelike behavior with agoal-seeking artificial neural network. Theforaging ant example illustrates theintermediation of neurons to guide the ant to agoal in a semi-predictable environment. In thenest-building example, both birds, executinggender-specific networks, exhibit socialnesting and feeding behavior directed towardmultiple goals.  相似文献   

As the second part of a special issue on Neural Networks and Structured Knowledge, the contributions collected here concentrate on the extraction of knowledge, particularly in the form of rules, from neural networks, and on applications relying on the representation and processing of structured knowledge by neural networks. The transformation of the low-level internal representation in a neural network into higher-level knowledge or information that can be interpreted more easily by humans and integrated with symbol-oriented mechanisms is the subject of the first group of papers. The second group of papers uses specific applications as starting point, and describes approaches based on neural networks for the knowledge representation required to solve crucial tasks in the respective application.The companion first part of the special issue [1] contains papers dealing with representation and reasoning issues on the basis of neural networks.  相似文献   

This collection of articles is the first of two parts of a special issue on Neural Networks and Structured Knowledge. The contributions to the first part shed some light on the issues of knowledge representation and reasoning with neural networks. Their scope ranges from formal models for mapping discrete structures like graphs or logical formulae onto different types of neural networks, to the construction of practical systems for various types of reasoning. In the second part to follow, the emphasis will be on the extraction of knowledge from neural networks, and on applications of neural networks and structured knowledge to practical tasks.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of connectionism (neural networks) in modelling legal reasoning. I discuss how the implementations of neural networks have failed to account for legal theoretical perspectives on adjudication. I criticise the use of neural networks in law, not because connectionism is inherently unsuitable in law, but rather because it has been done so poorly to date. The paper reviews a number of legal theories which provide a grounding for the use of neural networks in law. It then examines some implementations undertaken in law and criticises their legal theoretical naïvete. It then presents a lessons from the implementations which researchers must bear in mind if they wish to build neural networks which are justified by legal theories.  相似文献   

If there is to be a new, substantive area of teaching and research that combines competence in specific areas of the humanities with computer science understandings and skills, such teaching and research needs to be led by persons who themselves are competent in both the humanities and in computer science, rather than by a team of persons who represent a division of labors along the lines of idea persons and technical persons. The new kind of teaching and research that might result is pointed to by describing a connectionist, neural network approach to the study of metaphor.Christian Koch is associate professor of computer science at Oberlin College with teaching and research interests in the area of the interrelationship of computing and the liberal arts (from physics to philosophy).  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the implications of Fodor’s attacks on the Computational Theory of Mind (CTM), which get their most recent airing in The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way. I argue that if Fodor is right that the CTM founders on the global nature of abductive inference, then several of the philosophical views about the mind that he has championed over the years founder as well. I focus on Fodor’s accounts of mental causation, psychological explanation, and intentionality.  相似文献   

李超  覃飙 《计算机科学》2021,48(4):14-19
在因果网中,高效计算的最大可能解释(Most Probable Explanations,MPE)是一个关键问题。从有向无环图的角度,研究者们发现每一个因果网都有一个与之对应的贝叶斯网络。文中通过比较干预和微分的语义,揭示了MPE完全原子干预的微分语义。根据微分语义,因果网中原子干预MPE实例的计算可以归约为贝叶斯网络中的MPE实例的计算。接着,提出了一个联合树算法(Best JoinTree,BJT),它通过在因果网中只构建一个联合树来计算最好的原子干预,原子干预的结果包含一个BMPE(Best MPE)概率和它对应的实例。其中,BMPE概率是对MPE所有结点分别进行原子干预后得到的最高概率。BJT可以采用干预的效果来计算对应贝叶斯网络的MPE概率和MPE实例。最后,实验证实了绝大多数因果网在计算最好原子干预时,BJT的速度比目前最好的算法快了超过10倍。  相似文献   

This paper identifies a problem of significance for approaches to adaptive autonomous agent research seeking to go beyond reactive behaviour without resorting to hybrid solutions. The feasibility of recurrent neural network solutions are discussed and compared in the light of experiments designed to test ability to handle long-term temporal dependencies, in a more situated context than hitherto. It is concluded that a general-purpose recurrent network with some processing enhancements can begin to fulfil the requirements of this non-trivial problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Connectionist Inductive Learning and Logic Programming System (C-IL2P). C-IL2P is a new massively parallel computational model based on a feedforward Artificial Neural Network that integrates inductive learning from examples and background knowledge, with deductive learning from Logic Programming. Starting with the background knowledge represented by a propositional logic program, a translation algorithm is applied generating a neural network that can be trained with examples. The results obtained with this refined network can be explained by extracting a revised logic program from it. Moreover, the neural network computes the stable model of the logic program inserted in it as background knowledge, or learned with the examples, thus functioning as a parallel system for Logic Programming. We have successfully applied C-IL2P to two real-world problems of computational biology, specifically DNA sequence analyses. Comparisons with the results obtained by some of the main neural, symbolic, and hybrid inductive learning systems, using the same domain knowledge, show the effectiveness of C-IL2P.  相似文献   

智能信息处理与神经网络研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从智能信息处理的角度讨论了模式识别研究中存在的一些主要问题,如:特征抽取问题,结构识别问题,统计识别中的有限样本(小样本)问题及不适定问题,指出神经网络的研究不能停留在作为实现现有模式识别方法的一种工具上,而应着眼于解决模式识别中的一些根本问题上。  相似文献   

介绍累积放电脉冲神经元的数学描述;讨论脉冲神经元如何将激励信号转化为脉冲序列;讨论脉冲神经元如何将输入脉冲序列转化为输出脉冲序列。实验结果表明脉冲神经元具有很好的信息表示能力、信号鉴别能力和图像信号重构能力。给出利用脉冲神经网络进行图像信号处理的方法。  相似文献   

石川  王睿嘉  王啸 《软件学报》2022,33(2):598-621
实际系统往往由大量类型各异、彼此交互的组件构成.目前,大多数工作将这些交互系统建模为同质信息网络,并未考虑不同类型对象的复杂异质交互关系,因而造成大量信息损失.近年来,越来越多的研究者将这些交互数据建模为由不同类型节点和边构成的异质信息网络,从而利用网络中全面的结构信息和丰富的语义信息进行更精准的知识发现.特别是随着大...  相似文献   

Abstract.  Explanation of observed phenomena is a major objective of both those who conduct and those who apply research in information systems (IS). Whereas explanation based on the statistical relationship between independent and dependent variables is a common outcome of explanatory IS research, philosophers of science disagree about whether statistical relationships are the sole basis for the explanation of phenomena. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an expanded concept of explanation into the realm of IS research. We present a framework based on the four principle explanation types defined in modern philosophy: covering-law explanation, statistical-relevance explanation, contrast-class explanation and functional explanation. A well-established research stream, media richness, is used to illustrate how the different explanation types complement each other in increasing comprehension of the phenomenon. This framework underlies our argument that explanatory pluralism can be used to broaden research perspectives and increase scientific comprehension of IS phenomena above and beyond the methodological and ontological pluralism currently in use in IS research.  相似文献   

BP神经网络模型是一种典型的前向型神经网络,具有良好的自学习、自适应、联想记忆、并行处理和非线形转换的能力,是目前应用最为广泛的一种神经网络模型。本文介绍了BP神经网络的实现以及其在数据挖掘分类方面的应用。  相似文献   

There has recently been a tremendous rebirth of interest in neural networks, ranging from distributed and localist spreading-activation networks to semantic networks with symbolic marker-passing. Ideally these networks would be encoded in dedicated massively-parallel hardware that directly implements their functionality. Cost and flexibility concerns, however, necessitate the use of general-purpose machines the simulate neural networks, especially in the research stages in which various models are being explored and tested. Issues of a simulation's timing and control become more critical when models are made up of heterogeneous networks in which nodes have different processing characteristics and cycling rates or which are made up of modular, interacting sub-networks. We have developed a simulation environment to create, operate, and control these types of connectionist networks. This paper describes how massively-parallel heterogeneous networks are simulated on serial machines as efficiently as possible, how large-scale simulations could be handled on current SIMD parallel machines, and outlines how the simulator could be implemented on its ideal hardware, a large-scale MIMD parallel machine.  相似文献   

针对舰船所处的恶劣环境,以及舰船导航和武器系统对精度的要求越来越高和分布式指控系统的发展,提出了由安装在舰船甲板上有限个捷联基准、舰载平台罗经和利用测量结果推算出的甲板挠曲姿态信息构成分布式捷联基准系统(简称分布式基准)。然后基于径向基函数神经网络的信息融合技术建立全舰统一姿态基准系统。最后通过对简化的甲板模型的实验,证明了这种方法可行并具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

模糊系统和神经网络的特征与比较   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
概述了模糊、神经网络 和人工智能技术之间的关系,尤其探讨了模糊系统和神经网络的特性;指出了模糊系统和神经网络的结合方式,分析了它们的特征。  相似文献   

Graph neural networks(GNNs) have shown great power in learning on graphs.However,it is still a challenge for GNNs to model information faraway from the source node.The ability to preserve global information can enhance graph representation and hence improve classification precision.In the paper,we propose a new learning framework named G-GNN(Global information for GNN) to address the challenge.First,the global structure and global attribute features of each node are obtained via unsupervised pre-training,and those global features preserve the global information associated with the node.Then,using the pre-trained global features and the raw attributes of the graph,a set of parallel kernel GNNs is used to learn different aspects from these heterogeneous features.Any general GNN can be used as a kernal and easily obtain the ability of preserving global information,without having to alter their own algorithms.Extensive experiments have shown that state-of-the-art models,e.g.,GCN,GAT,Graphsage and APPNP,can achieve improvement with G-GNN on three standard evaluation datasets.Specially,we establish new benchmark precision records on Cora(84.31%) and Pubmed(80.95%) when learning on attributed graphs.  相似文献   

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