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Online reviews regarding purchasing services or products offered are the main source of users’ opinions. To gain fame or profit, generally, spam reviews are written to demote or promote certain targeted products or services. This practice is called review spamming. During the last few years, various techniques have been recommended to solve the problem of spam reviews. Previous spam detection study focuses on English reviews, with a lesser interest in other languages. Spam review detection in Arabic online sources is an innovative topic despite the vast amount of data produced. Thus, this study develops an Automated Spam Review Detection using optimal Stacked Gated Recurrent Unit (SRD-OSGRU) on Arabic Opinion Text. The presented SRD-OSGRU model mainly intends to classify Arabic reviews into two classes: spam and truthful. Initially, the presented SRD-OSGRU model follows different levels of data preprocessing to convert the actual review data into a compatible format. Next, unigram and bigram feature extractors are utilized. The SGRU model is employed in this study to identify and classify Arabic spam reviews. Since the trial-and-error adjustment of hyperparameters is a tedious process, a white shark optimizer (WSO) is utilized, boosting the detection efficiency of the SGRU model. The experimental validation of the SRD-OSGRU model is assessed under two datasets, namely DOSC dataset. An extensive comparison study pointed out the enhanced performance of the SRD-OSGRU model over other recent approaches.  相似文献   

Arabic is one of the most spoken languages across the globe. However, there are fewer studies concerning Sentiment Analysis (SA) in Arabic. In recent years, the detected sentiments and emotions expressed in tweets have received significant interest. The substantial role played by the Arab region in international politics and the global economy has urged the need to examine the sentiments and emotions in the Arabic language. Two common models are available: Machine Learning and lexicon-based approaches to address emotion classification problems. With this motivation, the current research article develops a Teaching and Learning Optimization with Machine Learning Based Emotion Recognition and Classification (TLBOML-ERC) model for Sentiment Analysis on tweets made in the Arabic language. The presented TLBOML-ERC model focuses on recognising emotions and sentiments expressed in Arabic tweets. To attain this, the proposed TLBOML-ERC model initially carries out data pre-processing and a Continuous Bag Of Words (CBOW)-based word embedding process. In addition, Denoising Autoencoder (DAE) model is also exploited to categorise different emotions expressed in Arabic tweets. To improve the efficacy of the DAE model, the Teaching and Learning-based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm is utilized to optimize the parameters. The proposed TLBOML-ERC method was experimentally validated with the help of an Arabic tweets dataset. The obtained results show the promising performance of the proposed TLBOML-ERC model on Arabic emotion classification.  相似文献   

Image classification is a core field in the research area of image processing and computer vision in which vehicle classification is a critical domain. The purpose of vehicle categorization is to formulate a compact system to assist in real-world problems and applications such as security, traffic analysis, and self-driving and autonomous vehicles. The recent revolution in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence has provided an immense amount of support for image processing related problems and has overtaken the conventional, and handcrafted means of solving image analysis problems. In this paper, a combination of pre-trained CNN GoogleNet and a nature-inspired problem optimization scheme, particle swarm optimization (PSO), was employed for autonomous vehicle classification. The model was trained on a vehicle image dataset obtained from Kaggle that has been suitably augmented. The trained model was classified using several classifiers; however, the Cubic SVM (CSVM) classifier was found to outperform the others in both time consumption and accuracy (94.8%). The results obtained from empirical evaluations and statistical tests reveal that the model itself has shown to outperform the other related models not only in terms of accuracy (94.8%) but also in terms of training time (82.7 s) and speed prediction (380 obs/sec).  相似文献   

从CNN、RNN、CNN-RNN、GCN及其他深度学习方法五方面,全面分析了深度学习在短文本分类应用中的研究现状,比较了各自的优缺点,总结了常用的标签数据集。结果表明:目前深度学习在短文本分类中的应用研究主要集中在高效算法改进以及文本信息拓展两方面;对模型检验中构建标签数据集的研究也处于起步阶段,大多是针对影评、商品评论、新闻等特定领域的,还需不断完善;基于深度学习的短文本分类方法研究,今后在理论研究方面将重点关注算法改进、信息拓展以及二者的相互融合,在实践中探索某些分类效果较好的特定领域应用。  相似文献   

In recent years, huge volumes of healthcare data are getting generated in various forms. The advancements made in medical imaging are tremendous owing to which biomedical image acquisition has become easier and quicker. Due to such massive generation of big data, the utilization of new methods based on Big Data Analytics (BDA), Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become essential. In this aspect, the current research work develops a new Big Data Analytics with Cat Swarm Optimization based deep Learning (BDA-CSODL) technique for medical image classification on Apache Spark environment. The aim of the proposed BDA-CSODL technique is to classify the medical images and diagnose the disease accurately. BDA-CSODL technique involves different stages of operations such as preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. In addition, BDA-CSODL technique also follows multi-level thresholding-based image segmentation approach for the detection of infected regions in medical image. Moreover, a deep convolutional neural network-based Inception v3 method is utilized in this study as feature extractor. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) model is used for parameter tuning process. Furthermore, CSO with Long Short-Term Memory (CSO-LSTM) model is employed as a classification model to determine the appropriate class labels to it. Both SGD and CSO design approaches help in improving the overall image classification performance of the proposed BDA-CSODL technique. A wide range of simulations was conducted on benchmark medical image datasets and the comprehensive comparative results demonstrate the supremacy of the proposed BDA-CSODL technique under different measures.  相似文献   

随着互联网的不断发展,网络上的文本数据日益增多,如果能对这些数据进行有效分类,那么更有利于从中挖掘出有价值的信息,因此文本数据的管理和整合显得十分重要.文本分类是自然语言处理任务中的一项基础性工作,主要应用于舆情检测及新闻文本分类等领域,目的是对文本资源进行整理和归类.基于深度学习的文本分类,在对文本数据处理中,表现出...  相似文献   

文本分类指的是在制定文本的类别体系下,让计算机学会通过某种分类算法将待分类的内容完成分类的过程.与文本分类有关的算法已经被应用到了网页分类、数字图书馆、新闻推荐等领域.本文针对短文本分类任务的特点,提出了基于多神经网络混合的短文本分类模型(Hybrid Short Text Classical Model Base on Multi-neural Networks).通过对短文本内容的关键词提取进行重构文本特征,并作为多神经网络模型的输入进行类别向量的融合,从而兼顾了FastText模型和TextCNN模型的特点.实验结果表明,相对于目前流行的文本分类算法而言,多神经网络混合的短本文分类模型在精确率、召回率和F1分数等多项指标上展现出了更加优越的算法性能.  相似文献   

针对现有情感分析模型将卷积神经网络(CNN)和循环神经网络(RNN)建模分离的状况,论文提出了一种基于双向长短期记忆网络(Bi-LSTM)和CNN相结合并带有注意力机制(Attention)的文本分类模型。模型先获取上下文语义特征,再融合局部语义特征,同时对每一时刻的特征信息给予多个不同权重关注。实验表明,该模型可以有效地增强分类语义特征的捕获能力,比使用单一神经网络或者它们的任意两两组合,该模型不论在训练速度还是在预测准确度方面都有很好的改善。  相似文献   

恶意软件的家族分类问题是网络安全研究中的重要课题,恶意软件的动态执行特征能够准确的反映恶意软件的功能性与家族属性。本文通过研究恶意软件调用Windows API的行为特点,发现恶意软件的恶意行为与序列前后向API调用具有一定的依赖关系,而双向LSTM模型的特征计算方式符合这样的依赖特点。通过设计基于双向LSTM的深度学习模型,对恶意软件的前后API调用概率关系进行了建模,经过实验验证,测试准确率达到了99.28%,所提出的模型组合方式对恶意软件调用系统API的行为具有良好的建模能力,为了深入的测试深度学习方法的分类性能,实验部分进一步设置了对抗样本实验,通过随机插入API序列的方式构造模拟对抗样本来测试原始参数模型的分类性能,对抗样本实验表明,深度学习方法相对某些浅层机器学习方法具有更高的稳定性。文中实验为深度学习技术向工业界普及提供了一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Recently, computer aided diagnosis (CAD) model becomes an effective tool for decision making in healthcare sector. The advances in computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have resulted in the effective design of CAD models, which enables to detection of the existence of diseases using various imaging modalities. Oral cancer (OC) has commonly occurred in head and neck globally. Earlier identification of OC enables to improve survival rate and reduce mortality rate. Therefore, the design of CAD model for OC detection and classification becomes essential. Therefore, this study introduces a novel Computer Aided Diagnosis for OC using Sailfish Optimization with Fusion based Classification (CADOC-SFOFC) model. The proposed CADOC-SFOFC model determines the existence of OC on the medical images. To accomplish this, a fusion based feature extraction process is carried out by the use of VGGNet-16 and Residual Network (ResNet) model. Besides, feature vectors are fused and passed into the extreme learning machine (ELM) model for classification process. Moreover, SFO algorithm is utilized for effective parameter selection of the ELM model, consequently resulting in enhanced performance. The experimental analysis of the CADOC-SFOFC model was tested on Kaggle dataset and the results reported the betterment of the CADOC-SFOFC model over the compared methods with maximum accuracy of 98.11%. Therefore, the CADOC-SFOFC model has maximum potential as an inexpensive and non-invasive tool which supports screening process and enhances the detection efficiency.  相似文献   

金融文本多标签分类算法可以根据用户需求在海量金融资讯中实现信息检索。为进一步提升金融文本标签识别能力,建模金融文本多标签分类中标签之间的相关性,提出基于图深度学习的金融文本多标签分类算法。图深度学习通过深度网络学习局部和全局的图结构特征,可以刻画节点之间的复杂关系。通过建模标签关联实现标签之间的知识迁移,是构造具有强泛化能力算法的关键。所提算法结合标签之间的关联信息,采用基于双向门控循环网络和标签注意力机制得到的新闻文本对应不同标签的特征表示,通过图神经网络学习标签之间的复杂依赖关系。在真实数据集上的实验结果表明,显式建模标签之间的相关性能够极大地增强模型的泛化能力,在尾部标签上的性能提升尤其显著,相比CAML、BIGRU-LWAN和ZACNN算法,该算法在所有标签和尾部标签的宏观F1值上最高提升3.1%和6.9%。  相似文献   

短文本分类是自然语言处理的一个研究热点.为提高文本分类精度和解决文本表示稀疏问题,提出了一种全新的文本表示(N-of-DOC)方法.采用Word2Vec分布式表示一个短语,将其转换成的向量作为卷积神经网络模型的输入,经过卷积层和池化层提取高层特征,输出层接分类器得出分类结果.实验结果表明,与传统机器学习(K近邻,支持向量机,逻辑斯特回归,朴素贝叶斯)相比,提出的方法不仅能解决中文文本向量的维数灾难和稀疏问题,而且在分类精度上也比传统方法提高了4.23%.  相似文献   

近年来,为保护公众隐私,互联网上的很多流量被加密传输,传统的基于深度包检测、机器学习的方法在面对加密流量时,准确率大幅下降.随着深度学习自动学习特征的应用,基于深度学习算法的加密流量识别和分类技术得到了快速发展,本文对这些研究进行综述.首先,简要介绍基于深度学习的加密流量检测应用场景.然后,从数据集的使用和构建、检测模...  相似文献   

The term ‘corpus’ refers to a huge volume of structured datasets containing machine-readable texts. Such texts are generated in a natural communicative setting. The explosion of social media permitted individuals to spread data with minimal examination and filters freely. Due to this, the old problem of fake news has resurfaced. It has become an important concern due to its negative impact on the community. To manage the spread of fake news, automatic recognition approaches have been investigated earlier using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. To perform the medicinal text classification tasks, the ML approaches were applied, and they performed quite effectively. Still, a huge effort is required from the human side to generate the labelled training data. The recent progress of the Deep Learning (DL) methods seems to be a promising solution to tackle difficult types of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, especially fake news detection. To unlock social media data, an automatic text classifier is highly helpful in the domain of NLP. The current research article focuses on the design of the Optimal Quad Channel Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory-based Fake News Classification (QCLSTM-FNC) approach. The presented QCLSTM-FNC approach aims to identify and differentiate fake news from actual news. To attain this, the proposed QCLSTM-FNC approach follows two methods such as the pre-processing data method and the Glove-based word embedding process. Besides, the QCLSTM model is utilized for classification. To boost the classification results of the QCLSTM model, a Quasi-Oppositional Sandpiper Optimization (QOSPO) algorithm is utilized to fine-tune the hyperparameters. The proposed QCLSTM-FNC approach was experimentally validated against a benchmark dataset. The QCLSTM-FNC approach successfully outperformed all other existing DL models under different measures.  相似文献   

基于深度学习的三维模型分类方法大都面向特定的具体任务,在面向三维模型多样化分类任务时表现不佳,泛用性不足。为此,提出了一种通用的端到端的深度集成学习模型E2E-DEL(end-to-end deep ensemble learning),由多个初级学习器和一个集成学习器组成,可以自动学习复杂三维模型的复合特征信息;并使用层次迭代式学习策略,综合考量不同层次网络的特征学习能力,合理平衡各个初级学习器的子特征学习和集成学习器的集成特征学习效果,自适应于三维模型多样化分类任务。基于此,设计了一种面向多视图的深度集成学习网络MV-DEL(multi-view deep ensemble learning),应用于一般性、细粒度、零样本三种不同类型的三维模型分类任务中。在多个公开数据集上的实验验证了该方法具有良好的泛化性与普适性。  相似文献   

自动问答系统对用户自然语言方式提出的问题,给出快速准确的答案,引起了学术界与工业界的广泛关注。问题分类任务通过自动判断问题类型,对提高问答系统回答问题的准确率具有重要意义。本文利用问题和答案的上下文信息,结合卷积神经网络和循环神经网络各自的优势,提出一种混合深度学习模型。除此之外,为了增强问题特征的表达能力,该模型引入注意力机制,提升模型的泛化能力。在360问答数据集进行对比实验验证,实验表明,本文模型相比于传统方法提升了1.6%~5.6%。  相似文献   

传统推荐算法大多都仅考虑用户-商品评级信息来进行推荐,这种忽略了用户属性和商品属性信息的推荐模型准确率不高。因子分解机可在数据稀疏情况下挖掘用户与商品的关联关系,交叉网络可挖掘属性特征与其高阶特征的线性组合关系,以及深度神经网络有效识别高阶非线性关联关系,基于三种模型的优势,提出了一种基于深度学习的混合推荐模型(Deep and Cross Factorization Machine,DCFM)。三部分并联组合,共享输入层,各部分结果线性组合后作为模型整体输出。通过在MovieLens电影数据集上仿真实验,并与因子分解机(FM)、深度因子分解机(DeepFM)、深度交叉网络(DCN)模型做比较,结果证明该模型在准确率、F1-Score和AUC值上均得到了提高和改善。  相似文献   

大规模高质量双语平行语料库是构造高质量统计机器翻译系统的重要基础,但语料库中的噪声影响着统计机器翻译系统的性能,因此有必要对大规模语料库中语料进行筛选。区别于传统的语料选择排序模型,本文提出一种基于分类的平行语料选择方法。通过少数句对特征构造差异较大的分类器训练句对,在该训练句对上使用更多的句对特征对分类器进行训练,然后对其他未分类句对进行分类。相比于基准系统,我们的方法不仅缩减40%训练语料规模,同时在NIST测试数据集合上将BLEU值提高了0.87个百分点。  相似文献   

图像识别作为深度学习领域内的一项重要应用,水果图像的分类识别在智慧农业以及采摘机器人等方面具有重要应用。针对以往传统图像分类算法存在泛化能力差、准确率不高等问题,提出一种在TensorFlow框架下基于深度学习和迁移学习的水果图像分类算法。该算法采用Inception-V3的部分模型结构对水果图像数据进行特征提取,采用Softmax分类器对图像特征进行分类,并通过迁移学习方式进行训练得到迁移训练模型。测试结果表明,该算法与传统水果分类算法对比,具有较高识别准确率。  相似文献   

电子邮件广泛应用于人们的工作生活中。然而,充斥着虚假信息、恶意软件和营销广告等内容的垃圾邮件也以电子邮件为载体进行传播。这不仅给人们带来不便,而且也占用和耗费大量的网络资源,甚至严重地威胁信息安全。因此,有效地识别、过滤垃圾邮件是一项重要的工作。目前,垃圾邮件过滤方法主要包括基于邮件来源的识别和基于内容的识别,但大部分方法效果不佳且效率不高,并且需要耗费大量的人力标注特征,也跟不上垃圾邮件内容和形式等的改变。近年来,有研究人员将深度强化学习用在自然语言处理上并取得了重大的成果,鉴于此,本文提出基于深度Q网络的垃圾邮件文本分类方法。该方法在对邮件文本进行预处理、分词以及用Word2vec模型得到词向量的基础上用深度Q网络对垃圾邮件进行过滤,充分利用Word2vec中的CBOW模型得到邮件文本中的每个分词对应的词向量,直接用深度Q网络对得到的词向量集进行处理,无需提取邮件的特征,避免了由于特征提取的偏差带来的负面影响,提高了垃圾邮件过滤的效率和精确率。实验结果验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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