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总结了将MOFs材料与金属氧化物、纺织品以及碳基导电纤维材料相结合,并在电阻式气体传感器领域的研究与应用。其中金属氧化物结合MOFs过程中,MOFs主要有两个作用:一是作为分散剂提高金属氧化物的分散性;二是利用MOFs本身具有较大的比表面积和大量的活性位点,来提高材料对于气体分子的吸附量和选择性。当纺织品与MOFs结合的过程中,由于纺织品的导电性相对较差,所以需要结合一些导电性及气体选择性较好的MOFs来作为传感器。碳基导电纤维一般具有较好的机械性能和导电性能,因此将其与MOFs材料复合后用于柔性电阻气体传感器具有一定的优势。   相似文献   

金属有机骨架材料(MOFs)是近年来发展迅猛的一种具有三维孔结构的新型高分子材料,由有机配体和金属离子通过配位键自组装形成,具有比表面积大、孔隙率高、微孔结构有序等优良的性能在气体存储、吸附分离等领域受到越来越多的关注。综述了利用包括溶剂(水)热合成法、微波辅助合成法、扩散法、超声法、机械研磨法等合成MOFs的优缺点。对近年来MOFs在吸附挥发性有机物(VOCs)领域的研究进行了综述,对MOFs材料在未来的研究及发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

金属有机框架材料(MOFs)由金属团簇和有机配体以配位键的形式结合而成,是一种比表面积大、活性位点多的多孔性材料.近年来,已经成功制备出功能多样性的新型材料,并应用于不同的领域,通过MOFs连接起不同学科的交叉融合.MOFs的发展前景良好,在电催化领域,研究者们发现其具有巨大潜力,并在研究过程中取得了重大突破.文章将从...  相似文献   

金属有机框架材料 (Metal-organic frameworks,MOFs)是一种新颖的多孔晶体材料,具有比表面积大、孔隙率高、结构可设计性强等优点,但是,MOFs的低电导率以及在电解液中的稳定性等问题限制了其作为电极材料的应用。近年来,如何结合MOFs的优势进行锂离子电池电极材料的设计与合成受到了越来越多的关注。目前,通过自牺牲得到的多孔碳骨架和金属化合物等MOFs衍生复合电极材料,不仅解决了电导率低的问题,而且保留了MOFs的高比表面积和复杂多孔结构,为锂离子的插入/脱出、吸附/解吸等过程提供了丰富的活性位点;与此同时,从结构单元和化学组成方面增加了材料结构的复杂性,开放性的孔隙结构可以缓冲体积膨胀带来的机械应力,对外来离子存储和多离子传输具有重要的意义。本文综述了MOFs及其衍生物在锂离子电池电极材料的设计和研究中取得的最新进展,重点阐述了针对锂离子电池电极材料的要求进行MOFs形貌控制和修饰的方法,以及具有多孔、中空或特殊结构的MOFs衍生电极材料的制备关键影响因素及其结构特性对电化学性能的影响。最后,分析了MOFs衍生电极材料的研究挑战和发展方向。   相似文献   

吴瑞基  顾旭防 《甘肃冶金》2012,(1):112-114,121
液态金属传感器以其自身的优势在当今炼钢生产过程中占有重要的地位,开展研发新型的液态金属传感器和先进的检测方法,将会是一项有发展前途的课题;文章简要描述了液态金属传感器的作用及在炼钢过程中的应用;并介绍了一些先进的检测方法。  相似文献   

乙酰丙酮作为重要的化工原料,常用作分析试剂、有机合成中间体等,但人体长时间暴露在乙酰丙酮中会受到一定程度的伤害。目前已有诸如高效液相色谱法、核磁共振法和质谱法等检测乙酰丙酮的方法,但上述方法需要专业人员及大型仪器,且耗时长、操作复杂,因此迫切需要寻找快速高效的乙酰丙酮检测方法。金属-有机框架(Metal-Organic Frameworks,MOFs)材料因其具有丰富的孔隙结构、孔道可调控、比表面积大等特点,在催化、传感、气体储存和分离等方面有着广泛应用,是当前无机化学领域的研究热点之一。MOFs作为荧光传感器具有成本低、响应快速、灵敏度高和效率高等显著优势,可实现对乙酰丙酮的快速高灵敏检测。本文综述了近十年来MOFs用于荧光传感乙酰丙酮的研究进展,并详细总结了其荧光传感机理。   相似文献   

金属有机骨架材料(metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)由于具有规整的孔道结构,较高的孔隙率十分适合作为相变材料的载体,从而实现对相变芯材的有效封装。本文采用分子动力学方法,对Cr-MIL-101负载十八烷,十八酸,十八胺和十八醇等不同芯材而构筑的复合相变材料的结构特性进行了研究,主要包括相变芯材和金属有机骨架基材之间的相互作用,芯材在金属有机骨架材料孔道内的扩散特性以及空间分布特性等。研究表明:十八酸和金属有机骨架基体之间的相互作用最强,十八醇和十八胺次之,十八烷最弱,具体体现在相变芯材分子与金属有机骨架材料之间的相互作用能,回转半径,分子动能,自扩散系数以及热容等众多方面,此外,当芯材分子间相互作用和金属有机骨架材料与芯材之间的相互作用达到平衡时,芯材分子在孔道内处于较为自由的状态,有利于扩散的进行,进而有利于芯材的结晶。   相似文献   

天然或改性矿物材料对有机污染物具有良好吸附作用,将其用于有机废水的处理是目前污水处理研究的热点.本文对其在有机废水处理中的应用现状进行了综述,并对其应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

The collaboration between T and B lymphocytes is used as an example to illustrate how the key features of immune regulation (cell interaction, reciprocal exchange of signals by cell contact, and dependence on soluble cytokines) serve as amplifying reactions. By linking cell-based amplifiers in sequence, the resulting immune response is made highly sensitive to small changes in the environment. Thus, intercellular communication in the immune system can be viewed as a higher level analogue to the kinase cascades that amplify intracellular signalling mechanisms.  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济发展和生活水平的提高,人们越来越崇尚办公和居室环境的舒适优雅,由此推动了装修行业现代化热潮的兴起.但因市场上装修材料质量的良莠不齐、装修过度、施工技术难以保证以及相关法规制度的不健全,导致民用建筑的室内污染日趋明显.其中,室内装饰材料中总挥发性有机物(Total Volatile Organic Compound,TVOC)的污染是目前造成室内空气污染的主要原因,TVOC对居民健康危害和预防控制措施成为业内人士研究的热点之一.  相似文献   

Real-world exposure measurements are a necessary ingredient for subsequent detailed study of the risks from an environmental pollutant. For volatile organic compounds, researchers are applying exhaled breath analysis and the time dependence of concentrations as a noninvasive indicator of exposure, dose, and blood levels. To optimize the acquisition of such data, samples must be collected in a time frame suited to the needs of the mathematical model, within physical limitations of the equipment and subjects, and within logistical constraints. Additionally, one must consider the impact of measurement error on the eventual extraction of biologically and physiologically relevant parameters. Given a particular mathematical model for the elimination kinetics (in this case a very simple pharmacokinetic model based upon a multiterm exponential decay function that has been shown to fit real-world data extremely well), we investigated the effects on synthetic data caused by sample timing, random measurement error, and number of terms included in the model. This information generated a series of conditions for collecting samples and performing analyses dependent upon the eventual informational needs, and it provided an estimate of error associated with various choices and compromises. Though the work was geared specifically toward breath sampling, it is equally applicable to direct blood measurements in optimizing sampling strategy and improving the exposure assessment process.  相似文献   

Alkyd paint continues to be used indoors for application to wood trim, cabinet surfaces, and some kitchen and bathroom walls. Alkyd paint may represent a significant source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) indoors because of the frequency of use and amount of surface painted. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting research to characterize VOC emissions from paint and to develop source emission models that can be used for exposure assessment and risk management. The technical approach for this research involves both analysis of the liquid paint to identify and quantify the VOC contents and dynamic small chamber emissions tests to characterize the VOC emissions after application. The predominant constituents of the primer and two alkyd paints selected for testing were straight-chain alkanes (C9-C12); C8-C9 aromatics were minor constituents. Branched chain alkanes were the predominant VOCs in a third paint. A series of tests were performed to evaluate factors that may affect emissions following application of the coatings. The type of substrate (glass, wallboard, or pine board) did not have a substantial impact on the emissions with respect to peak concentrations, the emissions profile, or the amount of VOC mass emitted from the paint. Peak concentrations of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) as high as 10,000 mg/m3 were measured during small chamber emissions tests at 0.5 air exchanges per hour (ACH). Over 90% of the VOCs were emitted from the primer and paints during the first 10 hr following application. Emissions were similar from paint applied to bare pine board, a primed board, or a board previously painted with the same paint. The impact of other variable, including film thickness, air velocity at the surface, and air-exchange rate (AER) were consistent with theoretical predictions for gas-phase, mass transfer-controlled emissions. In addition to the alkanes and aromatics, aldehydes were detected in the emissions during paint drying. Hexanal, the predominant aldehyde in the emissions, was not detected in the liquid paint and was apparently an oxidation product formed during drying. This paper summarizes the results of the product analyses and a series of small chamber emissions tests. It also describes the use of a mass balance approach to evaluate the impact of test variables and to assess the quality of the emissions data.  相似文献   

Air quality, in particular in urban regions, is affected by the emissions of the traffic and meanwhile for some substances motor vehicles became the dominating source. For valid quantitative risk assessment of the general population it is necessary to have informations about the main routes of exposure. Therefore in a pilot study 1994 and two times in summer 1995 and winter 1996 aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were determined under different meteorologic conditions inside of a car (a two year old VW-Golf with a three-way catalyst) and in a subway-train. The car route followed the subway (31 km underground) and crossed the central parts of Berlin in streets with high traffic density. The mean values for benzene obtained during the three measurement periods inside the car were 21.1/21.5 and 21.6 micrograms/m3 (daily maximum: 31.9/26.3 and 35.0 micrograms/m3) and inside the subway 8.4/5.4 and 7.4 micrograms/m3 (daily maximum: 16.0/7.4 and 10.3 micrograms/m3). The mean levels of CO in the car were 6 ppm (summer) and 5 ppm (winter) respectively, with peak concentrations of 33 and 70 ppm (10-minutes maximum). In the subway the values were 2 ppm (summer and winter); (10-minutes maximum: 5 and 12 ppm). A comparison between the two types of traffic shows three times higher concentrations of benzene inside the car. Our results demonstrate that the exposure of car occupants to benzene has to be taken into account for risk assessment. The concentration of CO inside the car is three to four times higher than in the subway train. Compared with other studies we found only low concentrations of CO inside the car.  相似文献   

挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)大量排放导致的人体健康和环境问题已引起广泛关注,如何高效环保地去除VOCs一直是催化化工行业领域的热点和难题之一.光催化氧化技术(PCO)被认为是有效的环境污染物治理方法之一.TiO2作为研究时间最长的光催化剂,具有成本效益高、稳定性好和光催化降解能力强等优点.然而,无法利用可见光和光激发电荷载流子分离效率低等瓶颈问题始终制约着其进一步发展.通过改性来克服TiO2固有限制和提高TiO2光催化氧化降解VOCs能力势在必行,立足于TiO2光催化去除VOCs的基本原理,面向影响光催化反应的关键因素,从掺杂、半导体复合、缺陷工程、晶面工程、载体吸附和形貌调控等几个方面出发对近年TiO2基材料设计及其在光催化降解VOCs领域应用的研究进行了系统的归纳和总结,并对如何进一步改进基于TiO2的光催化氧化VOCs技术提出展望.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To introduce and test a standardized measurement protocol for DNA image cytometry into a newly developed LUCIA G system application program. Contribution to a discussion concerning the possibility of using the histology sections for DNA image cytometry. STUDY DESIGN: Routine biopsy material from 18 urinary bladder cancer cases was analyzed (Grade 1: n = 6, Grade 2: n = 6, Grade 3: n = 6), both in histological and in cytoseparated preparations. More than one hundred diagnostic and more than 30 reference cells were measured. DNA features (mean DNA value, 2cDI, B?cking's grade of malignancy) and histogram types in Auer's classification (AI-IV) were compared. RESULTS: Most carcinomas measured were aneuploid (two thirds G1, all G2, G3). The most common histogram type was A IV. Malignancy grade was mostly slightly higher in cytoseparated material, the shape of the histogram was analogous. Two carcinomas looking euploid in histology sections were proven aneuploid in cytoseparation. CONCLUSION: More convenient tissue section measurement provided useful DNA profile information in most cases. Those without proven aneuploidy should be additionally measured in cytoseparations. An experienced pathologist meeting strictly measurement protocol demands is an important part of the measurement system.  相似文献   

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