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Coronavirus disease, which resulted from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has spread worldwide since early 2020 and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease is also termed COVID-19. It affects the human respiratory system and thus can be traced and tracked from the Chest X-Ray images. Therefore, Chest X-Ray alone may play a vital role in identifying COVID-19 cases. In this paper, we propose a Machine Learning (ML) approach that utilizes the X-Ray images to classify the healthy and affected patients based on the patterns found in these images. The article also explores traditional, and Deep Learning (DL) approaches for COVID-19 patterns from Chest X-Ray images to predict, analyze, and further understand this virus. The experimental evaluation of the proposed approach achieves 97.5% detection performance using the DL model for COVID-19 versus normal cases. In contrast, for COVID-19 versus Pneumonia Virus scenario, we achieve 94.5% accurate detections. Our extensive evaluation in the experimental section guides and helps in the selection of an appropriate model for similar tasks. Thus, the approach can be used for medical usages and is particularly pertinent in detecting COVID-19 positive patients using X-Ray images alone.  相似文献   

Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by a newly discovered strain of the coronaviruses. As by the end of 2020, Covid-19 is still not fully understood, but like other similar viruses, the main mode of transmission or spread is believed to be through droplets from coughs and sneezes of infected persons. The accurate detection of Covid-19 cases poses some questions to scientists and physicians. The two main kinds of tests available for Covid-19 are viral tests, which tells you whether you are currently infected and antibody test, which tells if you had been infected previously. Routine Covid-19 test can take up to 2 days to complete; in reducing chances of false negative results, serial testing is used. Medical image processing by means of using Chest X-ray images and Computed Tomography (CT) can help radiologists detect the virus. This imaging approach can detect certain characteristic changes in the lung associated with Covid-19. In this paper, a deep learning model or technique based on the Convolutional Neural Network is proposed to improve the accuracy and precisely detect Covid-19 from Chest Xray scans by identifying structural abnormalities in scans or X-ray images. The entire model proposed is categorized into three stages: dataset, data pre-processing and final stage being training and classification.  相似文献   

COVID-19 is a contagious infection that has severe effects on the global economy and our daily life. Accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 is of importance for consultants, patients, and radiologists. In this study, we use the deep learning network AlexNet as the backbone, and enhance it with the following two aspects: 1) adding batch normalization to help accelerate the training, reducing the internal covariance shift; 2) replacing the fully connected layer in AlexNet with three classifiers: SNN, ELM, and RVFL. Therefore, we have three novel models from the deep COVID network (DC-Net) framework, which are named DC-Net-S, DC-Net-E, and DC-Net-R, respectively. After comparison, we find the proposed DC-Net-R achieves an average accuracy of 90.91% on a private dataset (available upon email request) comprising of 296 images while the specificity reaches 96.13%, and has the best performance among all three proposed classifiers. In addition, we show that our DC-Net-R also performs much better than other existing algorithms in the literature.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic is a virus that has disastrous effects on human lives globally; still spreading like wildfire causing huge losses to humanity and economies. There is a need to follow few constraints like social distancing norms, personal hygiene, and masking up to effectively control the virus spread. The proposal is to detect the face frame and confirm the faces are properly covered with masks. By applying the concepts of Deep learning, the results obtained for mask detection are found to be effective. The system is trained using 4500 images to accurately judge and justify its accuracy. The aim is to develop an algorithm to automatically detect a mask, but the approach does not facilitate the percentage of improper usage. Accuracy levels are as low as 50% if the mask is improperly covered and an alert is raised for improper placement. It can be used at traffic places and social gatherings for the prevention of virus transmission. It works by first locating the region of interest by creating a frame boundary, then facial points are picked up to detect and concentrate on specific features. The training on the input images is performed using different epochs until the artificial face mask detection dataset is created. The system is implemented using TensorFlow with OpenCV and Python using a Jupyter Notebook simulation environment. The training dataset used is collected from a set of diverse open-source datasets with filtered images available at Kaggle Medical Mask Dataset by Mikolaj Witkowski, Kera, and Prajna Bhandary. To simulate MobilNetV2 classifier is used to load and pre-process the image dataset for building a fully connected head. The objective is to assess the accuracy of the identification, measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of algorithms for precision, recall, and F1 score.  相似文献   

目的 当前的疾病传播研究主要集中于时序数据和传染病模型,缺乏运用空间信息提升预测精度的探索和解释。在处理时空数据时需要分别提取时间特征和空间特征,再进行特征融合得到较为可靠的预测结果。本文提出一种基于图卷积神经网络(graph convolutional neural network,GCN)的时空数据学习方法,能够运用空间模型端对端地学习时空数据,代替此前由多模块单元相集成的模式。方法 依据数据可视化阶段呈现出的地理空间、高铁线路、飞机航线与感染人数之间的正相关关系,将中国各城市之间的空间分布关系和交通连接关系映射成网络图并编码成地理邻接矩阵、高铁线路直达矩阵、飞机航线直达矩阵以及飞机航线或高铁线路直达矩阵。按滑动时间窗口对疫情数据进行切片后形成张量,依次分批输入到图深度学习模型中参与卷积运算,通过信息传递、反向传播和梯度下降更新可训练参数。结果 在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情数据集上的实验结果显示,采用GCN学习这一时空数据的分布特征相较于循环神经网络模型,在训练过程中表现出了更强的拟合能力,在训练时间层面节约75%以上的运算成本,在两类损失函数下的平均测试集损失能够下降80%左右。结论 本文所采用的时空数据学习方法具有较低的运算成本和较高的预测精度,尤其在空间特征强于时间特征的时空数据中有着更好的性能,并且为流行病传播范围和感染人数的预测提供了新的方法和思路,有助于相关部门在公共卫生事件中制定应对措施和疾病防控决策。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 virus has fatal effect on lung function and due to its rapidity the early detection is necessary at the moment. The radiographic images have already been used by the researchers for the early diagnosis of COVID-19. Though several existing research exhibited very good performance with either x-ray or computer tomography (CT) images, to the best of our knowledge no such work has reported the assembled performance of both x-ray and CT images. Thus increase in accuracy with higher scalability is the main concern of the recent research. In this article, an integrated deep learning model has been developed for detection of COVID-19 at an early stage using both chest x-ray and CT images. The lack of publicly available data about COVID-19 disease motivates the authors to combine three benchmark datasets into a single dataset of large size. The proposed model has applied various transfer learning techniques for feature extraction and to find out the best suite. Finally the capsule network is used to categorize the sub-dataset into COVID positive and normal patients. The experimental results show that, the best performance exhibits by the ResNet50 with capsule network as an extractor-classifier pair with the combined dataset, which is composed of 575 numbers of x-ray images and 930 numbers of CT images. The proposed model achieves accuracy of 98.2% and 97.8% with x-ray and CT images, respectively, and an average of 98%.  相似文献   

极限学习机在岩性识别中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于传统支持向量机(SVM)训练速度慢、参数选择难等问题,提出了基于极限学习机(ELM)的岩性识别.该算法是一种新的单隐层前馈神经网络(SLFNs)学习算法,不但可以简化参数选择过程,而且可以提高网络的训练速度.在确定了最优参数的基础上,建立了ELM的岩性分类模型,并且将ELM的分类结果与SVM进行对比.实验结果表明,ELM以较少的神经元个数获得与SVM相当的分类正确率,并且ELM参数选择比SVM简便,有效降低了训练速度,表明了ELM应用于岩性识别的可行性和算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对低剂量计算机断层扫描(Low-Dose Computed Tomography,LDCT)重建图像出现明显条形伪影的现象,提出了一种基于残差学习的深度卷积神经网络(Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network,DR-CNN)模型,可以从LDCT图像预测标准剂量计算机断层扫描(Normal-Dose Computed Tomography,NDCT)图像。该模型在训练阶段,将数据集中的LDCT图像和NDCT图像相减得到残差图像,将LDCT图像和残差图像分别作为输入和标签,通过深度卷积神经网络(Convolution Neural Network,CNN)学习输入和标签之间的映射关系;在测试阶段,利用此映射关系从LDCT图像预测残差图像,用LDCT图像减去残差图像得到预测的NDCT图像。实验采用50对大小为512×512的同一体模的常规剂量胸腔扫描切片和投影域添加噪声后的重建图像作为数据集,其中45对作为训练集,其他作为测试集,来验证此模型的有效性。通过与非局部降噪算法、匹配三维滤波算法和K-SVD算法等目前公认效果较好的图像去噪算法对比,所提模型预测的NDCT图像均方根误差小,且信噪比略高于其他算法处理结果。  相似文献   

CT检查在新冠肺炎诊断中起着重要作用,为了能够在有限的CT胸部图像集中获得更多有关新冠肺炎的特征信息、建立更加敏感通用的诊断模型,提出了融合CT图像频域特征的双路网络模型(Dp-Net),该模型主干部分采用ResNet网络模型,并将卷积神经网络的训练过程分为两个部分,一部分提取CT图像空间域的特征,另一部分通过傅里叶变换提取频率域上的特征,将两者训练的结果按照一定的权重进行融合,融合后再由Layer4模块进行一次特征提取。在公开的COVID-CT数据集上与ResNet、VGG等传统的CNN模型进行了比较,也与Self-Trans和LA-DNN等一些改进的CNN模型进行了比较,并对不同权重的融合方案进行了比较,实验结果表明提出的Dp-Net模型在各种评价指标上取得了更好的结果。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎的高感染率导致其在全球范围内迅速传播,常用的逆转录-聚合酶反应(RT-PCR)检测方法存在耗时、假阴性率偏高和医学用具不足的缺陷,因此开发高效、准确、低成本的影像检测技术对新型冠状病毒肺炎的诊断和治疗至关重要。随着人工智能在医学领域的成功应用,深度学习技术成为辅助检验和识别新型冠状病毒肺炎的有效方法。对近年来涌现的新型冠状病毒肺炎的深度学习诊断方法进行了研究和总结:介绍了深度学习方法使用的两种新型冠状病毒肺炎数据集;介绍了基于VGGNet、Inception、ResNet、DenseNet、EfficientNet和CapsNet模型的六种深度学习诊断方法;介绍了三种深度学习与其他机器学习方法结合的诊断方法;对基于深度学习的新型冠状病毒肺炎诊断方法的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Web-blogging sites such as Twitter and Facebook are heavily influenced by emotions, sentiments, and data in the modern era. Twitter, a widely used microblogging site where individuals share their thoughts in the form of tweets, has become a major source for sentiment analysis. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for sentiment analysis to identify and classify opinions or expressions in text or tweets. Opinions or expressions of people about a particular topic, situation, person, or product can be identified from sentences and divided into three categories: positive for good, negative for bad, and neutral for mixed or confusing opinions. The process of analyzing changes in sentiment and the combination of these categories is known as “sentiment analysis.” In this study, sentiment analysis was performed on a dataset of 90,000 tweets using both deep learning and machine learning methods. The deep learning-based model long-short-term memory (LSTM) performed better than machine learning approaches. Long short-term memory achieved 87% accuracy, and the support vector machine (SVM) classifier achieved slightly worse results than LSTM at 86%. The study also tested binary classes of positive and negative, where LSTM and SVM both achieved 90% accuracy.  相似文献   

交通标志识别设备的功耗和硬件性能较低,而现有卷积神经网络模型内存占用高、训练速度慢、计算开销大,无法应用于识别设备.针对此问题,为降低模型存储,提升训练速度,引入深度可分离卷积和混洗分组卷积并与极限学习机相结合,提出两种轻量型卷积神经网络模型:DSC-ELM模型和SGC-ELM模型.模型使用轻量化卷积神经网络提取特征后,将特征送入极限学习机进行分类,解决了卷积神经网络全连接层参数训练慢的问题.新模型结合了轻量型卷积神经网络模型内存占用低、提取特征质量好以及ELM的泛化性好、训练速度快的优点.实验结果表明.与其他模型相比,该混合模型能够更加快速准确地完成交通标志识别任务.  相似文献   

The new coronavirus(COVID-19),declared by the World Health Organization as a pandemic,has infected more than 1 million people and killed more than 50 thousand.An infection caused by COVID-19 can develop into pneumonia,which can be detected by a chest X-ray exam and should be treated appropriately.In this work,we propose an automatic detection method for COVID-19 infection based on chest X-ray images.The datasets constructed for this study are composed of194 X-ray images of patients diagnosed with coronavirus and 194 X-ray images of healthy patients.Since few images of patients with COVID-19 are publicly available,we apply the concept of transfer learning for this task.We use different architectures of convolutional neural networks(CNNs)trained on Image Net,and adapt them to behave as feature extractors for the X-ray images.Then,the CNNs are combined with consolidated machine learning methods,such as k-Nearest Neighbor,Bayes,Random Forest,multilayer perceptron(MLP),and support vector machine(SVM).The results show that,for one of the datasets,the extractor-classifier pair with the best performance is the Mobile Net architecture with the SVM classifier using a linear kernel,which achieves an accuracy and an F1-score of 98.5%.For the other dataset,the best pair is Dense Net201 with MLP,achieving an accuracy and an F1-score of 95.6%.Thus,the proposed approach demonstrates efficiency in detecting COVID-19 in X-ray images.  相似文献   

COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus-induced disease and automatic identification of COVID-19 using computer-assisted methods can facilitate faster diagnostic efficiency. Current research typically employs a single model for COVID-19 identification, while implicit and complementary knowledge between heterogeneous networks is neglected. To address these issues, we propose a new model based on deep mutual learning with online feature alignment called DML-OFA to more effectively diagnose COVID-19. First, we use a traditional deep mutual learning (DML) framework to allow two parallel heterogeneous networks to learn from each other to form two effective feature extractors. In addition, we embed the adaptive feature fusion classifier and logits ensembling module in the proposed DML-OFA, which can simultaneously learn implicit complementary knowledge from feature maps and logits. We evaluated DML-OFA on four public datasets: Covid-chestxray-dataset, ChestXRay2017, Coronavirus-dataset and COVIDx. The results showed that our model attains 97.10 Accuracy, 97.28 Specificity, 96.21 Recall, 97.45 Precision, and 96.82 F1-score, which outperforms other previous related works.  相似文献   

基于极限学习机参数迁移的域适应算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对含少量标签样本的迁移学习问题,本文提出了基于极限学习机(Extreme learning machine,ELM)参数迁移的域适应算法,其核心思想是将目标域的ELM分类器参数投影到源域参数空间中,使其最大限度地与源域的分类器参数分布相同.此外,考虑到迁移中有可能带来负迁移的情况,在目标函数中引入正则项约束.本文算法与以往的域适应算法相比优势在于,其分类器参数以及转移矩阵是同时优化得到的,并且其目标函数求解过程相对简单.实验结果表明,与主流的域适应算法相比,本文算法在精度与效率上都表现出明显的优势.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索运用深度学习的方法辅助医生利用胸部X光片进行COVID-19诊断的可行性和准确性。首先利用公开的COVID-QU-Ex Dataset训练集训练一个UNet分割模型,实现肺部ROI区域的自动分割。其次完成对该公共数据集肺部区域的自动提取预处理。再次利用预处理后的三分类影像数据(新冠肺炎、其它肺炎、正常)采用迁移学习的方式训练了一个分类模型MBCA-COVIDNET,该模型以MobileNetV2作为骨干网络,并在其中加入坐标注意力机制(CA)。最后利用训练好的模型和Hugging Face开源软件搭建了一套方便医生使用的COVID-19智能辅助诊断系统。该模型在COVID-QU-Ex Dataset测试集上取得了高达97.98%的准确率,而该模型的参数量和MACs仅有2.23M和0.33G,易于在硬件设备上进行部署。该智能诊断系统能够很好的辅助医生进行基于胸片的COVID-19诊断,提升诊断的准确率以及诊断效率。  相似文献   

卷积神经网络在基于视觉的机器人抓取检测任务上取得了较好的检测效果,但是大多数方法都有太多的计算参数,不适合资源有限的系统。针对这个问题,基于SqueezeNet轻量级神经网络,结合DenseNet多旁路连接加强特征复用的思想,提出了轻量级抓取检测回归模型SqueezeNet-RM(SqueezeNet Regression Model),并使用SqueezeNet-RM从RGB-D图像中提取多模态特征,预测二指机器人夹持器的最佳抓取位姿。在标准的康奈尔抓取数据集上,提出的轻量级抓取检测网络与经典的抓取检测方法相比,在保证检测准确率不降低的情况下,模型占用更少的存储空间,表现出更快的检测速度和更高的泛化性能,所提出的模型占用的存储空间比AlexNet模型减少86.97%,平均检测速度快3倍,适用于FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)或者资源受限的移动机器人抓取检测系统。  相似文献   

深度学习在图像识别中的应用研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
深度学习作为图像识别领域重要的技术手段,有着广阔的应用前景,开展图像识别技术研究对推动计算机视觉及人工智能的发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义,文中对深度学习在图像识别中的应用给予综述。介绍了深度学习的由来,具体分析了深度信念网络、卷积神经网络、循环神经网络、生成式对抗网络以及胶囊网络等深度学习模型,对各个深度学习模型的改进型模型逐一对比分析。总结近年来深度学习在人脸识别、医学图像识别、遥感图像分类等图像识别应用领域取得的研究成果并探讨了已有研究值得商榷之处,对深度学习在图像识别领域中的发展趋势进行探讨,指出有效使用迁移学习技术识别小样本数据,使用非监督与半监督学习对图像进行识别,如何对视频图像进行有效识别以及强化模型的理论性等是该领域研究的进一步方向。  相似文献   

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