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We propose to perform an image-based framework for electrical energy meter reading. Our aim is to extract the image region that depicts the digits and then recognize them to record the consumed units. Combining the readings of serial numbers and energy meter units, an automatic billing system using the Internet of Things and a graphical user interface is deployable in a real-time setup. However, such region extraction and character recognition become challenging due to image variations caused by several factors such as partial occlusion due to dust on the meter display, orientation and scale variations caused by camera positioning, and non-uniform illumination caused by shades. To this end, our work evaluates and compares the state-of-the art deep learning algorithm You Only Look Once (YOLO ) along with traditional handcrafted features for text extraction and recognition. Our image dataset contains 10,000 images of electrical energy meters and is further expanded by data augmentation such as in-plane rotation and scaling to make the deep learning algorithms robust to these image variations. For training and evaluation, the image dataset is annotated to produce the ground truth of all the images. Consequently, YOLO achieves superior performance over the traditional handcrafted features with an average recognition rate of 98% for all the digits. It proves to be robust against the mentioned image variations compared with the traditional handcrafted features. Our proposed method can be highly instrumental in reducing the time and effort involved in the current meter reading, where workers visit door to door, take images of meters and manually extract readings from these images.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the amount of wed data is increasing at a rapid speed, which presents a serious challenge to the web monitoring. Text sentiment analysis, an important research topic in the area of natural language processing, is a crucial task in the web monitoring area. The accuracy of traditional text sentiment analysis methods might be degraded in dealing with mass data. Deep learning is a hot research topic of the artificial intelligence in the recent years. By now, several research groups have studied the sentiment analysis of English texts using deep learning methods. In contrary, relatively few works have so far considered the Chinese text sentiment analysis toward this direction. In this paper, a method for analyzing the Chinese text sentiment is proposed based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) in deep learning in order to improve the analysis accuracy. The feature values of the CNN after the training process are nonuniformly distributed. In order to overcome this problem, a method for normalizing the feature values is proposed. Moreover, the dimensions of the text features are optimized through simulations. Finally, a method for updating the learning rate in the training process of the CNN is presented in order to achieve better performances. Experiment results on the typical datasets indicate that the accuracy of the proposed method can be improved compared with that of the traditional supervised machine learning methods, e.g., the support vector machine method.  相似文献   

Software defect prediction plays a very important role in software quality assurance, which aims to inspect as many potentially defect-prone software modules as possible. However, the performance of the prediction model is susceptible to high dimensionality of the dataset that contains irrelevant and redundant features. In addition, software metrics for software defect prediction are almost entirely traditional features compared to the deep semantic feature representation from deep learning techniques. To address these two issues, we propose the following two solutions in this paper: (1) We leverage a novel non-linear manifold learning method - SOINN Landmark Isomap (SLIsomap) to extract the representative features by selecting automatically the reasonable number and position of landmarks, which can reveal the complex intrinsic structure hidden behind the defect data. (2) We propose a novel defect prediction model named DLDD based on hybrid deep learning techniques, which leverages denoising autoencoder to learn true input features that are not contaminated by noise, and utilizes deep neural network to learn the abstract deep semantic features. We combine the squared error loss function of denoising autoencoder with the cross entropy loss function of deep neural network to achieve the best prediction performance by adjusting a hyperparameter. We compare the SL-Isomap with seven state-of-the-art feature extraction methods and compare the DLDD model with six baseline models across 20 open source software projects. The experimental results verify that the superiority of SL-Isomap and DLDD on four evaluation indicators.  相似文献   

The extent of the peril associated with cancer can be perceived from the lack of treatment, ineffective early diagnosis techniques, and most importantly its fatality rate. Globally, cancer is the second leading cause of death and among over a hundred types of cancer; lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer as well as the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Anyhow, an accurate lung cancer diagnosis in a timely manner can elevate the likelihood of survival by a noticeable margin and medical imaging is a prevalent manner of cancer diagnosis since it is easily accessible to people around the globe. Nonetheless, this is not eminently efficacious considering human inspection of medical images can yield a high false positive rate. Ineffective and inefficient diagnosis is a crucial reason for such a high mortality rate for this malady. However, the conspicuous advancements in deep learning and artificial intelligence have stimulated the development of exceedingly precise diagnosis systems. The development and performance of these systems rely prominently on the data that is used to train these systems. A standard problem witnessed in publicly available medical image datasets is the severe imbalance of data between different classes. This grave imbalance of data can make a deep learning model biased towards the dominant class and unable to generalize. This study aims to present an end-to-end convolutional neural network that can accurately differentiate lung nodules from non-nodules and reduce the false positive rate to a bare minimum. To tackle the problem of data imbalance, we oversampled the data by transforming available images in the minority class. The average false positive rate in the proposed method is a mere 1.5 percent. However, the average false negative rate is 31.76 percent. The proposed neural network has 68.66 percent sensitivity and 98.42 percent specificity.  相似文献   

Occurrence of crimes has been on the constant rise despite the emerging discoveries and advancements in the technological field in the past decade. One of the most tedious tasks is to track a suspect once a crime is committed. As most of the crimes are committed by individuals who have a history of felonies, it is essential for a monitoring system that does not just detect the person’s face who has committed the crime, but also their identity. Hence, a smart criminal detection and identification system that makes use of the OpenCV Deep Neural Network (DNN) model which employs a Single Shot Multibox Detector for detection of face and an auto-encoder model in which the encoder part is used for matching the captured facial images with the criminals has been proposed. After detection and extraction of the face in the image by face cropping, the captured face is then compared with the images in the Criminal Database. The comparison is performed by calculating the similarity value between each pair of images that are obtained by using the Cosine Similarity metric. After plotting the values in a graph to find the threshold value, we conclude that the confidence rate of the encoder model is 0.75 and above.  相似文献   

Identifying fruit disease manually is time-consuming, expert-required, and expensive; thus, a computer-based automated system is widely required. Fruit diseases affect not only the quality but also the quantity. As a result, it is possible to detect the disease early on and cure the fruits using computer-based techniques. However, computer-based methods face several challenges, including low contrast, a lack of dataset for training a model, and inappropriate feature extraction for final classification. In this paper, we proposed an automated framework for detecting apple fruit leaf diseases using CNN and a hybrid optimization algorithm. Data augmentation is performed initially to balance the selected apple dataset. After that, two pre-trained deep models are fine-tuning and trained using transfer learning. Then, a fusion technique is proposed named Parallel Correlation Threshold (PCT). The fused feature vector is optimized in the next step using a hybrid optimization algorithm. The selected features are finally classified using machine learning algorithms. Four different experiments have been carried out on the augmented Plant Village dataset and yielded the best accuracy of 99.8%. The accuracy of the proposed framework is also compared to that of several neural nets, and it outperforms them all.  相似文献   

Lip-reading technologies are rapidly progressing following the breakthrough of deep learning. It plays a vital role in its many applications, such as: human-machine communication practices or security applications. In this paper, we propose to develop an effective lip-reading recognition model for Arabic visual speech recognition by implementing deep learning algorithms. The Arabic visual datasets that have been collected contains 2400 records of Arabic digits and 960 records of Arabic phrases from 24 native speakers. The primary purpose is to provide a high-performance model in terms of enhancing the preprocessing phase. Firstly, we extract keyframes from our dataset. Secondly, we produce a Concatenated Frame Images (CFIs) that represent the utterance sequence in one single image. Finally, the VGG-19 is employed for visual features extraction in our proposed model. We have examined different keyframes: 10, 15, and 20 for comparing two types of approaches in the proposed model: (1) the VGG-19 base model and (2) VGG-19 base model with batch normalization. The results show that the second approach achieves greater accuracy: 94% for digit recognition, 97% for phrase recognition, and 93% for digits and phrases recognition in the test dataset. Therefore, our proposed model is superior to models based on CFIs input.  相似文献   

目的使用深度学习实现情感化设计,满足用户个性化的情感需求,加速传统设计过程,提升用户体验。方法研究深度学习中可用于情感化设计的算法,使用卷积神经网络(CNN)实现名画复制品的个性化自动生成;抓取互联网数据,使用LSTM模型挖掘用户真实需求,进行当前流行游戏的周边产品设计;以张裕葡萄酒庄旅游纪念品设计为例,使用深度学习基于用户个人信息和行为数据推荐个性化的葡萄酒包装。结论基于CNN的名画复制品的个性化生成丰富了图像的可修改空间,满足了用户个性化的情感诉求;基于LSTM的用户需求分析高效和准确地反映了用户的真实需求,加速了传统用户调研过程;基于深度学习的旅游纪念品个性化设计进一步提升了用户体验。将深度学习应用于情感化设计有利于挖掘用户内心的真实需求,节省人力物力,满足用户情感诉求和提升用户体验,进一步为设计学与计算机科学的交叉提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

Tomato production is affected by various threats, including pests, pathogens, and nutritional deficiencies during its growth process. If control is not timely, these threats affect the plant-growth, fruit-yield, or even loss of the entire crop, which is a key danger to farmers’ livelihood and food security. Traditional plant disease diagnosis methods heavily rely on plant pathologists that incur high processing time and huge cost. Rapid and cost-effective methods are essential for timely detection and early intervention of basic food threats to ensure food security and reduce substantial economic loss. Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer vision allow researchers to develop image-based automatic diagnostic tools to quickly and accurately detect diseases. In this work, we proposed an AI-based approach to detect diseases in tomato plants. Our goal is to develop an end-to-end system to diagnose essential crop problems in real-time, ensuring high accuracy. This paper employs various deep learning models to recognize and predict different diseases caused by pathogens, pests, and nutritional deficiencies. Various Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are trained on a large dataset of leaves and fruits images of tomato plants. We compared the performance of ShallowNet (a shallow network trained from scratch) and the state-of-the-art deep learning network (models are fine-tuned via transfer learning). In our experiments, DenseNet consistently achieved high performance with an accuracy score of 95.31% on the test dataset. The results verify that deep learning models with the least number of parameters, reasonable complexity, and appropriate depth achieve the best performance. All experiments are implemented in Python, utilizing the Keras deep learning library backend with TensorFlow.  相似文献   

The detection of alcoholism is of great importance due to its effects on individuals and society. Automatic alcoholism detection system (AADS) based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals is effective, but the design of a robust AADS is a challenging problem. AADS’ current designs are based on conventional, hand-engineered methods and restricted performance. Driven by the excellent deep learning (DL) success in many recognition tasks, we implement an AAD system based on EEG signals using DL. A DL model requires huge number of learnable parameters and also needs a large dataset of EEG signals for training which is not easy to obtain for the AAD problem. In order to solve this problem, we propose a multi-channel Pyramidal neural convolutional (MP-CNN) network that requires a less number of learnable parameters. Using the deep CNN model, we build an AAD system to detect from EEG signal segments whether the subject is alcoholic or normal. We validate the robustness and effectiveness of proposed AADS using KDD, a benchmark dataset for alcoholism detection problem. In order to find the brain region that contributes significant role in AAD, we investigated the effects of selected 19 EEG channels (SC-19), those from the whole brain (ALL-61), and 05 brain regions, i.e., TEMP, OCCIP, CENT, FRONT, and PERI. The results show that SC-19 contributes significant role in AAD with the accuracy of 100%. The comparison reveals that the state-of-the-art systems are outperformed by the AADS. The proposed AADS will be useful in medical diagnosis research and health care systems.  相似文献   

Writing is an important part of language learning and is considered the best approach to demonstrate the comprehensive language skills of students. Manually grading student essays is a time-consuming task; however, it is necessary. An automated essay scoring system can not only greatly improve the efficiency of essay scoring, but also provide more objective score. Therefore, many researchers have been exploring automated essay scoring techniques and tools. However, the technique of scoring Chinese essays is still limited, and its accuracy needs to be enhanced further. To improve the accuracy of the scoring model for a Chinese essay, we propose an automated scoring approach based on a deep learning model and validate its effect by conducting two comparison experiments. The experimental results indicate that the accuracy of the proposed model is significantly higher than that of multiple linear regression (MLR), which was commonly used in the past. The three accuracy rates of the proposed model are comparable to those of the novice teacher. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the proposed model is slightly lower than that of the novice teacher, and the correlation coefficient of the proposed model is also significantly higher than that of the novice teacher. Besides, when the predicted scores are not very low or very high, the two predicted models are as good as a novice teacher. However, when the predicted score is very high or very low, the results should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

We in this paper exploit time series algorithm based deep learning in forecasting damage mechanics problems. The methodologies that are able to work accurately for less computational and resolving attempts are a significant demand nowadays. Relied on learning an amount of information from given data, the long short-term memory (LSTM) method and multi-layer neural networks (MNN) method are applied to predict solutions. Numerical examples are implemented for predicting fracture growth rates of L-shape concrete specimen under load ratio, single-edge-notched beam forced by 4-point shear and hydraulic fracturing in permeable porous media problems such as storage-toughness fracture regime and fracture-height growth in Marcellus shale. The predicted results by deep learning algorithms are well-agreed with experimental data.  相似文献   

In recent years, progressive developments have been observed in recent technologies and the production cost has been continuously decreasing. In such scenario, Internet of Things (IoT) network which is comprised of a set of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), has received more attention from civilian to military applications. But network security poses a serious challenge to UAV networks whereas the intrusion detection system (IDS) is found to be an effective process to secure the UAV networks. Classical IDSs are not adequate to handle the latest computer networks that possess maximum bandwidth and data traffic. In order to improve the detection performance and reduce the false alarms generated by IDS, several researchers have employed Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to address the intrusion detection problem. In this view, the current research article presents a deep reinforcement learning technique, optimized by Black Widow Optimization (DRL-BWO) algorithm, for UAV networks. In addition, DRL involves an improved reinforcement learning-based Deep Belief Network (DBN) for intrusion detection. For parameter optimization of DRL technique, BWO algorithm is applied. It helps in improving the intrusion detection performance of UAV networks. An extensive set of experimental analysis was performed to highlight the supremacy of the proposed model. From the simulation values, it is evident that the proposed method is appropriate as it attained high precision, recall, F-measure, and accuracy values such as 0.985, 0.993, 0.988, and 0.989 respectively.  相似文献   

Optical deep learning based on diffractive optical elements offers unique advantages for parallel processing, computational speed, and power efficiency. One landmark method is the diffractive deep neural network (D2NN) based on three-dimensional printing technology operated in the terahertz spectral range. Since the terahertz bandwidth involves limited interparticle coupling and material losses, this paper extends D2NN to visible wavelengths. A general theory including a revised formula is proposed to solve any contradictions between wavelength, neuron size, and fabrication limitations. A novel visible light D2NN classifier is used to recognize unchanged targets (handwritten digits ranging from 0 to 9) and targets that have been changed (i.e., targets that have been covered or altered) at a visible wavelength of 632.8 nm. The obtained experimental classification accuracy (84%) and numerical classification accuracy (91.57%) quantify the match between the theoretical design and fabricated system performance. The presented framework can be used to apply a D2NN to various practical applications and design other new applications.  相似文献   

Active learning has been widely utilized to reduce the labeling cost of supervised learning. By selecting specific instances to train the model, the performance of the model was improved within limited steps. However, rare work paid attention to the effectiveness of active learning on it. In this paper, we proposed a deep active learning model with bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) for text classification. BERT takes advantage of the self-attention mechanism to integrate contextual information, which is beneficial to accelerate the convergence of training. As for the process of active learning, we design an instance selection strategy based on posterior probabilities Margin, Intra-correlation and Inter-correlation (MII). Selected instances are characterized by small margin, low intra-cohesion and high inter-cohesion. We conduct extensive experiments and analytics with our methods. The effect of learner is compared while the effect of sampling strategy and text classification is assessed from three real datasets. The results show that our method outperforms the baselines in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper first proposes a new self-learning data-driven methodology that can develop the failure criteria of unknown anisotropic ductile materials from the minimal number of experimental tests. Establishing failure criteria of anisotropic ductile materials requires time-consuming tests and manual data evaluation. The proposed method can overcome such practical challenges. The methodology is formalized by combining four ideas: 1) The deep learning neural network (DLNN)-based material constitutive model, 2) Self-learning inverse finite element (SELIFE) simulation, 3) Algorithmic identification of failure points from the self-learned stress-strain curves and 4) Derivation of the failure criteria through symbolic regression of the genetic programming. Stress update and the algorithmic tangent operator were formulated in terms of DLNN parameters for nonlinear finite element analysis. Then, the SELIFE simulation algorithm gradually makes the DLNN model learn highly complex multi-axial stress and strain relationships, being guided by the experimental boundary measurements. Following the failure point identification, a self-learning data-driven failure criteria are eventually developed with the help of a reliable symbolic regression algorithm. The methodology and the self-learning data-driven failure criteria were verified by comparing with a reference failure criteria and simulating with different materials orientations, respectively.  相似文献   

Automatic gastrointestinal (GI) tract disease recognition is an important application of biomedical image processing. Conventionally, microscopic analysis of pathological tissue is used to detect abnormal areas of the GI tract. The procedure is subjective and results in significant inter-/intra-observer variations in disease detection. Moreover, a huge frame rate in video endoscopy is an overhead for the pathological findings of gastroenterologists to observe every frame with a detailed examination. Consequently, there is a huge demand for a reliable computer-aided diagnostic system (CADx) for diagnosing GI tract diseases. In this work, a CADx was proposed for the diagnosis and classification of GI tract diseases. A novel framework is presented where preprocessing (LAB color space) is performed first; then local binary patterns (LBP) or texture and deep learning (inceptionNet, ResNet50, and VGG-16) features are fused serially to improve the prediction of the abnormalities in the GI tract. Additionally, principal component analysis (PCA), entropy, and minimum redundancy and maximum relevance (mRMR) feature selection methods were analyzed to acquire the optimized characteristics, and various classifiers were trained using the fused features. Open-source color image datasets (KVASIR, NERTHUS, and stomach ULCER) were used for performance evaluation. The study revealed that the subspace discriminant classifier provided an efficient result with 95.02% accuracy on the KVASIR dataset, which proved to be better than the existing state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

The power transfer capability of the smart transmission grid-connected networks needs to be reduced by inter-area oscillations. Due to the fact that inter-area modes of oscillations detain and make instability of power transmission networks. This fact is more noticeable in smart grid-connected systems. The smart grid infrastructure has more renewable energy resources installed for its operation. To overcome this problem, a deep learning wide-area controller is proposed for real-time parameter control and smart power grid resilience on oscillations inter-area modes. The proposed Deep Wide Area Controller (DWAC) uses the Deep Belief Network (DBN). The network weights are updated based on real-time data from Phasor measurement units. Resilience assessment based on failure probability, financial impact, and time-series data in grid failure management determine the norm H2. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, a time-domain simulation case study based on the IEEE-39 bus system was performed. For a one-channel attack on the test system, the resiliency index increased to 0.962, and inter-area damping ξ was reduced to 0.005. The obtained results validate the proposed deep learning algorithm’s efficiency on damping inter-area and local oscillation on the 2-channel attack as well. Results also offer robust management of power system resilience and timely control of the operating conditions.  相似文献   

周坤  张曦  肖定坤  胡飞 《包装工程》2020,41(12):207-215
目的美感已经成为人机交互(HCI)的核心结构之一,对用户的感知和态度具有明显的有益影响。然而界面美观性评价方法仍是设计师及其团队所面临的重要问题。引入深度学习技术来探讨其评价界面设计美感的可能性。方法分别使用基于深度卷积神经网络的闪屏美学分类方法和Google提出的基于深度学习NIMA神经网络,来预测闪屏图像的美学评价分布。结果通过研究发现,使用基于深度学习NIMA神经网络可以得到比传统方法更具体的评价结果,帮助设计师有效而客观地评价界面设计。结论将计算机图像美学评价的研究领域拓展到界面设计领域,验证了深度卷积神经网络在界面设计美学评价领域使用的可行性。未来图像美学评价还可以介入更多的设计相关领域,辅助设计师做出更有效的设计和商业决策。  相似文献   

This study is designed to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) based analysis tool that could accurately detect COVID-19 lung infections based on portable chest x-rays (CXRs). The frontline physicians and radiologists suffer from grand challenges for COVID-19 pandemic due to the suboptimal image quality and the large volume of CXRs. In this study, AI-based analysis tools were developed that can precisely classify COVID-19 lung infection. Publicly available datasets of COVID-19 (N = 1525), non-COVID-19 normal (N = 1525), viral pneumonia (N = 1342) and bacterial pneumonia (N = 2521) from the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM), Radiopaedia, The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) and Kaggle repositories were taken. A multi-approach utilizing deep learning ResNet101 with and without hyperparameters optimization was employed. Additionally, the features extracted from the average pooling layer of ResNet101 were used as input to machine learning (ML) algorithms, which twice trained the learning algorithms. The ResNet101 with optimized parameters yielded improved performance to default parameters. The extracted features from ResNet101 are fed to the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) yielded the highest 3-class classification performance of 99.86% and 99.46%, respectively. The results indicate that the proposed approach can be better utilized for improving the accuracy and diagnostic efficiency of CXRs. The proposed deep learning model has the potential to improve further the efficiency of the healthcare systems for proper diagnosis and prognosis of COVID-19 lung infection.  相似文献   

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