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In order to solve the problem of patient information security protection in medical images, whilst also taking into consideration the unchangeable particularity of medical images to the lesion area and the need for medical images themselves to be protected, a novel robust watermarking algorithm for encrypted medical images based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform and discrete cosine transform (DTCWT-DCT) and chaotic map is proposed in this paper. First, DTCWT-DCT transformation was performed on medical images, and dot product was per-formed in relation to the transformation matrix and logistic map. Inverse transformation was undertaken to obtain encrypted medical images. Then, in the low-frequency part of the DTCWT-DCT transformation coefficient of the encrypted medical image, a set of 32 bits visual feature vectors that can effectively resist geometric attacks are found to be the feature vector of the encrypted medical image by using perceptual hashing. After that, different logistic initial values and growth parameters were set to encrypt the watermark, and zero-watermark technology was used to embed and extract the encrypted medical images by combining cryptography and third-party concepts. The proposed watermarking algorithm does not change the region of interest of medical images thus it does not affect the judgment of doctors. Additionally, the security of the algorithm is enhanced by using chaotic mapping, which is sensitive to the initial value in order to encrypt the medical image and the watermark. The simulation results show that the pro-posed algorithm has good homomorphism, which can not only protect the original medical image and the watermark information, but can also embed and extract the watermark directly in the encrypted image, eliminating the potential risk of decrypting the embedded watermark and extracting watermark. Compared with the recent related research, the proposed algorithm solves the contradiction between robustness and invisibility of the watermarking algorithm for encrypted medical images, and it has good results against both conventional attacks and geometric attacks. Under geometric attacks in particular, the proposed algorithm performs much better than existing algorithms.  相似文献   

顾强  赵百林  陆钰 《影像技术》2009,21(4):24-27,34
本文在介绍自组织特征映射(SOFM)神经网络的基础上,针对基于自组织特征映射神经网络的矢量量化算法,提出使用该算法对彩色地图进行压缩。实验表明此方法对地图具有明显的压缩效果,对其色彩进行了优化。压缩后地图的细节有一定损失,但不影响地图的判读。  相似文献   

With the development of the internet of medical things (IoMT), the privacy protection problem has become more and more critical. In this paper, we propose a privacy protection scheme for medical images based on DenseNet and coverless steganography. For a given group of medical images of one patient, DenseNet is used to regroup the images based on feature similarity comparison. Then the mapping indexes can be constructed based on LBP feature and hash generation. After mapping the privacy information with the hash sequences, the corresponding mapped indexes of secret information will be packed together with the medical images group and released to the authorized user. The user can extract the privacy information successfully with a similar method of feature analysis and index construction. The simulation results show good performance of robustness. And the hiding success rate also shows good feasibility and practicability for application. Since the medical images are kept original without embedding and modification, the performance of crack resistance is outstanding and can keep better quality for diagnosis compared with traditional schemes with data embedding.  相似文献   

With the development of digitalization in healthcare, more and more information is delivered and stored in digital form, facilitating people’s lives significantly. In the meanwhile, privacy leakage and security issues come along with it. Zero watermarking can solve this problem well. To protect the security of medical information and improve the algorithm’s robustness, this paper proposes a robust watermarking algorithm for medical images based on Non-Subsampled Shearlet Transform (NSST) and Schur decomposition. Firstly, the low-frequency subband image of the original medical image is obtained by NSST and chunked. Secondly, the Schur decomposition of low-frequency blocks to get stable values, extracting the maximum absolute value of the diagonal elements of the upper triangle matrix after the Schur decomposition of each low-frequency block and constructing the transition matrix from it. Then, the mean of the matrix is compared to each element’s value, creating a feature matrix by combining perceptual hashing, and selecting 32 bits as the feature sequence. Finally, the feature vector is exclusive OR (XOR) operated with the encrypted watermark information to get the zero watermark and complete registration with a third-party copyright certification center. Experimental data show that the Normalized Correlation (NC) values of watermarks extracted in random carrier medical images are above 0.5, with higher robustness than traditional algorithms, especially against geometric attacks and achieve watermark information invisibility without altering the carrier medical image.  相似文献   

针对标准光线投射算法计算量大、速度慢的特点,本文提出一种满足医学图像实时需要的体绘制加速新算法.利用图元在矩阵变换前后呈均匀变化的特性,递推得到除6个顶点外的其余重采样点的物体空间坐标,大大减少矩阵运算量;同时利用包围盒技术避免对空体元的采样,通过将Bresenham算法扩展至三维使投射光线的体元化与重采样参数的计算一次完成,极大地加速光线投影的效率.大量的对比实验均表明,本文算法和传统标准算法具有相同图像质量,体绘制的速度提高了2~3倍.  相似文献   

传统遗传算法用于搜索某些函数极值时精确度较低且稳定性较差。针对该问题,提出了一种基于并行遗传算法的Otsu双阈值医学图像分割算法。在该算法中,进化在多个不同的子群中并行进行,避免单种群进化过程中出现的过早收敛现象,提高整个算法的收敛速度。100次阈值计算实验结果表明,提出的分割算法与传统遗传算法相比,不仅能够对图像进行准确的分割,而且具有更强的精确性和稳定性。其收敛速度明显优于基于单种群的遗传算法的Otsu双阈值医学图像分割。  相似文献   

High-quality medical microscopic images used for diseases detection are expensive and difficult to store. Therefore, low-resolution images are favorable due to their low storage space and ease of sharing, where the images can be enlarged when needed using Super-Resolution (SR) techniques. However, it is important to maintain the shape and size of the medical images while enlarging them. One of the problems facing SR is that the performance of medical image diagnosis is very poor due to the deterioration of the reconstructed image resolution. Consequently, this paper suggests a multi-SR and classification framework based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to generate high-resolution images with higher quality and finer details to reduce blurring. The proposed framework comprises five GAN models: Enhanced SR Generative Adversarial Networks (ESRGAN), Enhanced deep SR GAN (EDSRGAN), Sub-Pixel-GAN, SRGAN, and Efficient Wider Activation-B GAN (WDSR-b-GAN). To train the proposed models, we have employed images from the famous BreakHis dataset and enlarged them by 4× and 16× upscale factors with the ground truth of the size of 256 × 256 × 3. Moreover, several evaluation metrics like Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), Multiscale Structural Similarity Index (MS-SSIM), and histogram are applied to make comprehensive and objective comparisons to determine the best methods in terms of efficiency, training time, and storage space. The obtained results reveal the superiority of the proposed models over traditional and benchmark models in terms of color and texture restoration and detection by achieving an accuracy of 99.7433%.  相似文献   

基于MFC开发ARX程序直接读取矢量地图,通过改进的高效率的线性内插算法实现等高线层转换,该算法解决了一般线性内插算法中常有的平项现象。区域层直接通过修改有序边表多边形扫描转换算法实现离散。最后应用以上技术实现了一个矢量地图数字离散化系统,并通过对某市矢量地图离散化证明了系统的高效,达到实际工程应用的要求。  相似文献   

基于感知重要性的立体图像质量评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立体图像质量评价是评价立体视频系统性能的有效途径,而如何对立体图像质量进行有效的客观评价是目前的研究难点。本文提出了一种基于感知重要性的立体图像质量评价方法。该评价方法通过分析视觉显著和失真对感知质量的影响,建立立体图像视觉感知重要性模型,将立体图像分为四类区域:显著失真区域、显著非失真区域、非显著失真区域和非显著非失真区域,然后对各个区域分别进行评价,最后通过对各个区域赋予不同的权值从而预测得到最终的客观评价值。实验结果表明,该方法与主观评价结果有较好的相关性,符合人眼视觉系统。  相似文献   

针对发生较大角度旋转及平移时图像配准精度不高,图像配准对局部形变和光照较为敏感的问题,本文提出了基于直线和SURF特征的图像分区域配准算法。首先利用Hough变换实现图像的粗配准;然后对图像进行分区,在子区域内利用SURF算子求取变换模型参数,完成图像的配准。实验表明该方法可用于红外与可见光图像的配准,与传统方法相比,本方法能够在图像存在大角度旋转和平移时实现高精度配准,且在图像存在局部形变及光照不均时精度较好。  相似文献   

胡敏  张长江  魏晗  刘玉凤 《光电工程》2008,35(5):114-118
本文对医学图像先采用DPCM预测变换后,再选择IWT(整数小波变换)对其进行分解,对分解后的低频和高频子带分别作无损Huffman编码和有损矢量量化.根据小波分解后系数的分布特征,能量大部分集中在低频部分,对低频进行无损熵编码,对高频采用量化处理,去除人眼不敏感的冗余信息.最后利用处理过的低频和高频系数进行重构获得压缩后的图像.并与传统的离散小波变换压缩编码,JPEG和JPEG2000进行比较,实验结果表明,利用该方法能得到较高的压缩比和较好的压缩效果.  相似文献   

王勇  孙刘杰  王晓红  康祎 《包装工程》2016,37(13):184-188
目的为了实现存在纵向错位和亮度差异的彩色全景图的拼接,提出一种基于HSV颜色空间的全景图拼接技术。方法提出了一种可变特征向量匹配算法,并且结合重叠区域对应特征匹配向量相关系数最大准则遍历搜寻对应的特征匹配向量,从而找到相邻子图的重叠区域,通过加权模板对重叠区域进行加权融合实现拼接。结果新算法对全景图的拼接效果优于常规算法,拼接质量Do EM值为0.999 d B,拼接平均耗时为499 ms,融合区域有渐进渐出的效果,有效解决了拼接错位和亮度突变问题。结论该算法对彩色全景图的拼接具有很好的适应性和可重复性,对子图的大小和颜色无严格要求。不仅拼接速度快,而且拼接精度高,是一套完整地针对存在纵向错位和亮度差异的彩色全景图的全自动拼接方案。  相似文献   

陈青  高贺 《包装工程》2020,41(17):213-220
目的 针对数字图像水印中传统奇异值分解算法存在的提取水印对角线失真和目前的特征点匹配算法速度慢引起抗组合几何攻击性能弱问题,提出基于IWT-SVD和BRISK的鲁棒图像水印算法。方法 该方案是将Logistics混沌映射置乱的水印嵌入宿主图像IWT变换后进行SVD分解的矩阵中,然后运用BRISK算法完成失真图像的几何校正,最后根据提取的水印图像特性,用邻域平均法进行对角线元素修正。结果 嵌入水印后PSNR高于42 dB,在各种常规信号处理和组合几何攻击下,NC平均值在0.95以上,提取出的水印对角线失真问题得到明显改善。结论 实验结果表明,该方案能提高图像特征点的匹配速度,性能得到增强,水印不可见性较好,进一步提升了图像的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

张志华  孔玲君  王勇  刘真 《包装工程》2017,38(17):206-210
目的为了实现横向和纵向分切的彩色图像碎片的拼接,提出针对同一张经过横向和纵向分切的彩色图像碎片建立关于相关系数的拼接复原模型和算法。方法通过获取彩色图像碎片的各单色图像,并提取单色图像边缘的灰度值,根据图像碎片边缘灰度值之间的相似程度自动拼接碎片。结果文中算法对彩色图像碎片的拼接效果优于常规算法,实验中采用100张彩色图,对每张彩图分切成64张300×300像素的彩图碎片进行顺序复原,综合拼接成功率达到100%,拼接平均耗时1.59 s。此外,文中算法实验性强,不仅能拼接仅纵切的图像,还能拼接横向和纵向分切的彩色图像。结论实验结果表明该算法对彩色图像碎片的拼接具有很好的适应性和可重复性,对图像碎片的大小和颜色无严格要求,是一套完整有效的针对规则彩色图像碎片的全自动拼接方案。  相似文献   

Low contrast of Magnetic Resonance (MR) images limits the visibility of subtle structures and adversely affects the outcome of both subjective and automated diagnosis. State-of-the-art contrast boosting techniques intolerably alter inherent features of MR images. Drastic changes in brightness features, induced by post-processing are not appreciated in medical imaging as the grey level values have certain diagnostic meanings. To overcome these issues this paper proposes an algorithm that enhance the contrast of MR images while preserving the underlying features as well. This method termed as Power-law and Logarithmic Modification-based Histogram Equalization (PLMHE) partitions the histogram of the image into two sub histograms after a power-law transformation and a log compression. After a modification intended for improving the dispersion of the sub-histograms and subsequent normalization, cumulative histograms are computed. Enhanced grey level values are computed from the resultant cumulative histograms. The performance of the PLMHE algorithm is compared with traditional histogram equalization based algorithms and it has been observed from the results that PLMHE can boost the image contrast without causing dynamic range compression, a significant change in mean brightness, and contrast-overshoot.  相似文献   

模拟退火和并行遗传算法是两种较好的改进进化算法性能的方法。将这两种思想有机地结合起来,利用遗传算法能全局寻优的优势和模拟退火算法的爬山性能,提出了一种基于模拟退火并行遗传算法的Otsu双阈值医学图像分割算法。在该算法中,进化在多个不同的子群中并行进行,利用模拟退火算法的爬山性能,避免单种群进化过程中出现的过早收敛现象,提高整个算法的收敛速度。实验证明,这种新的图像分割算法与并行遗传算法相比,不仅能够对图像进行准确的分割,而且具有更强的精确性和稳定性。其收敛速度明显比并行遗传算法的Otsu双阈值医学图像分割快。  相似文献   

大量多媒体应用的发展使得数字图像很容易地被非法操作和篡改,提出一种基于图像正则化和视觉特性的图像指纹算法,可以有效地实现图像的认证和识别.首先对图像进行正则化预处理,消除几何形变对图像的影响,然后对图像进行分块DCT变换,利用Watson视觉模型对DCT系数进行处理,增大人眼敏感的频域系数在计算图像特征时的权重,经过量化形成最终的指纹序列.在图像指纹序列生成过程中,加入密钥控制,提高了指纹的安全性.实验结果表明,该方法的冲突概率在10-7数量级,对JPEG压缩、旋转、缩放等操作具有较好的稳健性.  相似文献   

杨金劳  付利军  张福泉 《包装工程》2018,39(21):206-215
目的 为了解决当前基于特征点的水印方案难以描述图像的非纹理区域(像素强度变化较大的边缘、像素强度值较小或趋于0的均匀区域),降低了局部特征区域的鲁棒性,使其抗几何失真能力不佳的问题,提出基于椭圆特征区域与重要位平面分解的鲁棒图像水印算法。方法 根据彩色载体的RGB分量,计算颜色不变性;基于颜色不变性的强度概率密度,推导概率密度梯度估计函数;利用概率密度梯度值,计算二阶Hessian矩阵,改进SURF方法,充分提取彩色载体中纹理与非纹理区域的鲁棒特征点;再求取Hessian矩阵的特征值与特征向量,以计算椭圆的长轴、短轴半径与方向角度,并以特征点为中心,建立局部椭圆特征区域;定义鲁棒特征区域选择规则,确定合适的水印嵌入位置;引入位平面分解技术,获取鲁棒椭圆特征区域的重要位平面图像,并提取其直方图,以此设计水印嵌入方法,将二值水印隐藏到这些直方图中,形成水印图像;根据水印检测机制,复原二值水印。结果 实验结果显示,与基于特征点的水印方案相比,所提算法具有更高的不可感知性与鲁棒性,复原水印失真度最小。结论 所提算法具有较高的视觉隐秘性和抗几何失真能力,在版权保护、信息防伪等领域具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

Remote medical diagnosis can be realized by using the Internet, but when transmitting medical images of patients through the Internet, personal information of patients may be leaked. Aim at the security of medical information system and the protection of medical images, a novel robust zero-watermarking based on SIFT-DCT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform-Discrete Cosine Transform) for medical images in the encrypted domain is proposed. Firstly, the original medical image is encrypted in transform domain based on Logistic chaotic sequence to enhance the concealment of original medical images. Then, the SIFT-DCT is used to extract the feature sequences of encrypted medical images. Next, zero-watermarking technology is used to ensure that the region of interest of medical images are not changed. Finally, the robust of the algorithm is evaluated by the correlation coefficient between the original watermark and the attacked watermark. A series of attack experiments are carried out on this method, and the results show that the algorithm is not only secure, but also robust to both traditional and geometric attacks, especially in clipping attacks.  相似文献   

小波域鲁棒自适应灰度水印盲算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一个有效的基于图像特征的小波域灰度水印盲算法。该算法使用灰度图像作为水印,将水印信息进行 Arnold 置乱加密和小波压缩后,利用相邻特征平均值和奇偶判决法嵌入载体图像的二阶小波变换域中的低频子带上。实验结果表明,该算法具有好的透明性和强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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