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Asymptotic stabilization on noncontractible manifolds is a difficult control problem. If a configuration space is not a contractible manifold, we need to design a time-varying or discontinuous state feedback control for asymptotic stabilization at the desired equilibrium.  相似文献   

Control Lyapunov function (CLF) design on a manifold is a difficult problem in control theory. To address this problem, we have proposed the multilayer minimum projection method. The method requires CLFs on different manifolds from the manifold where the control problem is defined. In this paper, we relax the requirement by desingularization of the functions on the manifolds. The paper focuses on the problem of desingularization in the multilayer minimum projection method. We show that the functions on other manifolds need not be CLFs by consideration of desingularization. Moreover, we propose a CLF design method by singular point assignment based on the advantage of desingularization. The method enables us to merge local CLFs into the global CLF. This paper proposes two CLF design methods: desingularization and singular point assignment. A CLF design example is provided for each method; the advantages of the proposed methods are confirmed by those two examples.  相似文献   

A smooth patchy control Lyapunov function for a nonlinear system consists of an ordered family of smooth local control Lyapunov functions, whose open domains form a locally finite cover of the state space of the system, and which satisfy certain further increase or decrease conditions. We prove that such a control Lyapunov function exists for any asymptotically controllable nonlinear system. We also show a construction, based on such a control Lyapunov function, of a stabilizing hybrid feedback that is robust to measurement noise.  相似文献   

The present research work proposes a new nonlinear controller synthesis approach that is based on the methodological principles of Lyapunov design. In particular, it relies on a short-horizon model-based prediction and optimization of the rate of “energy dissipation” of the system, as it is realized through the time derivative of an appropriately selected Lyapunov function. The latter is computed by solving Zubov's partial differential equation based on the system's drift vector field. A nonlinear state feedback control law with two adjustable parameters is derived as the solution of an optimization problem that is formulated on the basis of the aforementioned Lyapunov function and closed-loop performance characteristics. A set of system-theoretic properties of the proposed control law are examined as well. Finally, the proposed Lyapunov design method is evaluated in a chemical reactor example which exhibits nonminimum-phase behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fractional programming formulation and its solution strategy for design of control Lyapunov function (CLF) to guarantee the closed-loop stability of a control affine system for the states in a specified region. Without restrictive assumptions found in previous approaches, the fractional programming problem is reformulated as a recursive optimization problem to solve for a CLF with basis functions. A computationally effective derivative-free coordinate search method is proposed to find the solution, where the search space is confined by a piecewise linear function that approximates the lower bound of objective function. A CLF-based controller design is also proposed to handle infinity-norm input constraints. Two examples with actuator saturation and state constraints demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper considers the stabilization of nonlinear control affine systems that satisfy Jurdjevic–Quinn conditions. We first obtain a differential one-form associated to the system by taking the interior product of a non vanishing two-form with respect to the drift vector field. We then construct a homotopy operator on a star-shaped region centered at a desired equilibrium point that decomposes the system into an exact part and an anti-exact one. Integrating the exact one-form, we obtain a locally-defined dissipative potential that is used to generate the damping feedback controller. Applying the same decomposition approach on the entire control affine system under damping feedback, we compute a control Lyapunov function for the closed-loop system. Under Jurdjevic–Quinn conditions, it is shown that the obtained damping feedback is locally stabilizing the system to the desired equilibrium point provided that it is the maximal invariant set for the controlled dynamics. The technique is also applied to construct damping feedback controllers for the stabilization of periodic orbits. Examples are presented to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the stabilization problems for nonlinear affine systems. First of all, the explicit feedback controller is developed for a nonlinear multiple-input affine system by assuming that there exists a control Lyapunov function. Next, based upon the homogeneous property, sufficient conditions for the continuity of the derived controller are developed. And then the developed control design methodology is applied to stabilize a class of nonlinear affine cascaded systems. It is shown that under some homogeneous assumptions on control Lyapunov functions and the interconnection term, the cascaded system can be globally stabilized. Finally, some interesting results of finite-time stabilization for nonlinear affine systems are also obtained.  相似文献   

Zhiyong   《Automatica》2009,45(9):2041-2045
The global stabilization problem of nonlinear cascaded systems has been well studied in literature. In particular, a Lyapunov function in superposition form has been explicitly constructed for the closed-loop system in a recent paper provided the nonlinearities are polynomial. This paper removes this polynomial assumption and gives a more general result. For this purpose, a special version of changing supply function technique is utilized which preserves the superposition form of supply functions during the “changing” procedure.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of decentralized measurement feedback stabilization of nonlinear interconnected systems. As a natural extension of the recent development on control vector Lyapunov functions, the notion of output control vector Lyapunov function (OCVLF) is introduced for investigating decentralized measurement feedback stabilization problems. Sufficient conditions on (local) stabilizability are discussed which are based on the proposed notion of OCVLF. It is shown that a decentralized controller for a nonlinear interconnected system can be constructed using these conditions under an additional vector dissipation-like condition. To illustrate the proposed method, two examples are given.  相似文献   

This work considers linear systems with input constraints with the objective of designing a controller that guarantees stability from all initial conditions in the null‐controllable region (the set of initial conditions from where the system can be stabilized). To this end, a recently developed procedure for construction of constrained control Lyapunov functions is utilized within a Lyapunov‐based model predictive controller coupled with an auxiliary control design to achieve stabilization from all initial conditions in the null‐controllable region. Illustrative simulation results as well as an application to a nonlinear chemical process example is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the results.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study proposes a novel stabilizing controller for nonlinear systems using group-wise sparse inputs. The input variables are divided into several groups. In the situations when the input constraints can be ignored, one input becomes active for each group at each moment. Our method improves energy efficiency, as sparse input vectors often reduce the standby power of inactive actuators. Large-scale systems, such as those consisting of multiple subsystems, often require the manipulation of multiple inputs simultaneously to be controlled. Our method can be applied to such systems due to the group-wise sparsity of the inputs. The proposed controller is based on the control Lyapunov function approach and includes Sontag's universal formula as a special case. The controllers designed in our method have best-effort property, which means even when a restriction for the decreasing rate of the Lyapunov function cannot be fulfilled, the controller minimizes the time derivative of the Lyapunov function within the input constraint. The effectiveness of the proposed method can be confirmed through simulations.  相似文献   

基于Lyapunov函数方法的时滞车辆纵向跟随控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用向量Lyapunov函数方法和比较原理,基于非线性车辆动态耦合模型,研究具有时间滞后的车辆跟随系统的指数稳定性问题,得到了车辆跟随系统的指数稳定性判据.根据滑模控制策略确定了车辆跟随系统的纵向控制规律,基于稳定性准则设计了车辆纵向跟随控制器参数.仿真结果表明,基于该方法设计的车辆纵向跟随控制器能使跟踪误差具有较快的收敛率.  相似文献   

基于障碍Lyapunov 函数的输出有界全局收敛鲁棒控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了克服基于障碍Lyapunov函数反演控制方法在输出约束控制中约束变量收敛区间小和要求模型精确已知的缺陷,提出一种输出有界且全局收敛的鲁棒控制策略。将收敛区间扩展到全局,并使输出保持在约束区间内;同时消除了由未知干扰和模型不确定性引起的稳态误差,放宽了对指令信号连续可导的限制。应用于电动舵机位置伺服控制的仿真结果表明,舵面能够全局稳定且摆幅有界,稳态无静差,动态响应快,抗扰动能力强。  相似文献   

基于鲁棒控制Lyapunov 函数的非线性预测控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对一类约束不确定性非线性仿射系统,提出一种可保证闭环系统鲁棒镇定的非线性模型预测控制算法.利用鲁棒控制Lyapunov函数得到改进的Sontag公式,并以此为基础,构造一种计算有效的单自由度鲁棒预测控制器.以Matlab语言为仿真工具,对一开环不稳定振荡器进行了仿真研究,结果表明,利用该控制算法得到的闭环系统不仅渐近稳定于原点,而且所得控制量和系统状态都满足系统约束,从而验证了控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Lyapunov control methods of closed quantum systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
According to special geometric or physical meanings, the paper summarizes three Lyapunov functions in controlling closed quantum systems and their controller designing processes. Specially, for the average value-based method, the paper gives the generalized condition of the largest invariant set in the original reference and develops the construction method of the imaginary mechanical quantity; for the error-based method, this paper gives its strict mathematical proof train of thought on the asymptotic stability and the corresponding physical meaning. Also, we study the relations among the three Lyapunov functions and give a unified form of these Lyapunov functions. Finally, we compare the control effects of three Lyapunov methods by doing some simulation experiments.  相似文献   

夏德银 《控制理论与应用》2020,37(10):2093-2097
摘要:本文提出了一种李亚普诺夫函数的非线性控制方法,用于完成欠驱动刚体航天器(under-actuated rigid spacecraft,UCRS)姿态系统的稳定控制,确保UCRS全程稳定飞行. 首先,根据已知的UCRS系统的动力学模型和利用( , )参数表述的运动学模型,变换得到动力学和运动学的一体化模型;其次,对于有驱动轴输出力矩作用的姿态控制通道,通过分别构造合适的李亚普诺夫函数,推导得到驱动轴控制力矩的耦合等式;再次,通过解算两个驱动轴控制力矩的耦合等式,推导得到驱动轴控制力矩的函数表达式,完成李亚普诺夫函数的非线性控制器(Lyapunov function nonlinear controller,LFNC)设计,确保姿态系统参数的一致收敛;最终,为了检验本文提出的LFNC的性能,进行了数值仿真实验,另外选取了奇异避免的反步控制器(singularity avoidance back-stepping controller,SABSC)进行比较,实验结果表明本文提出的控制器LFNC具有更好的控制性能.  相似文献   

为了获得不确定线性切换系统稳定性判别的公共二次Lyapunov函数寻找方法,提出了鲁棒公共二次Lyapunov函数的概念,运用矩阵不等式分析,得到了在鲁棒稳定矩阵集对合和不对合的情况下,鲁棒公共二次Lyapunov函数存在的充分性条件以及LMI形式的递推搜寻算法。获得的结果便于计算机实现,对不确定切换系统鲁棒稳定性判别具有一定价值。应用仿真测试验证了其正确性。  相似文献   

This survey provides a brief overview on the control Lyapunov function(CLF) and control barrier function(CBF) for general nonlinear-affine control systems.The problem of control is formulated as an optimization problem where the optimal control policy is derived by solving a constrained quadratic programming(QP) problem.The CLF and CBF respectively characterize the stability objective and the safety objective for the nonlinear control systems.These objectives imply important properties including...  相似文献   

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