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Detection and tracking of humans in video streams is important for many applications. We present an approach to automatically detect and track multiple, possibly partially occluded humans in a walking or standing pose from a single camera, which may be stationary or moving. A human body is represented as an assembly of body parts. Part detectors are learned by boosting a number of weak classifiers which are based on edgelet features. Responses of part detectors are combined to form a joint likelihood model that includes an analysis of possible occlusions. The combined detection responses and the part detection responses provide the observations used for tracking. Trajectory initialization and termination are both automatic and rely on the confidences computed from the detection responses. An object is tracked by data association and meanshift methods. Our system can track humans with both inter-object and scene occlusions with static or non-static backgrounds. Evaluation results on a number of images and videos and comparisons with some previous methods are given. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

辜卫东  李兵 《计算机科学》2018,45(9):279-282, 293
针对彩色图像分割精度不高的问题,提出了一种具备多尺度空间约束的自动彩色图像分割算法。基于改进的随机区域合并方法,该算法首先实施双边分解并执行基于多通道信息和多尺度梯度的过度分割;然后,在CIE L*a*b*颜色空间中使用规范化的颜色直方图来表示每个子区域,构造一个基于过度分割结果的区域邻接图;最后,在区域邻接图上执行具备空间约束条件的随机区域合并策略,为每个尺度构造一张分割图。在BSDS图像数据库中进行 对比实验,结果表明,在直接视觉对比和量化分析上,相比现有的分割算法,所提方法表现出了更好的分割效果。  相似文献   

Image composition extracts the content of interest (COI) from a source image and blends it into a target image to generate a new image. In the majority of existing works, the COI is manually extracted and then overlaid on top of the target image. However, in practice, it is often necessary to deal with situations in which the COI is partially occluded by the target image content. In this regard, both tasks of extracting the COI and cropping its occluded part require intensive user interactions, which are laborious and seriously reduce the composition efficiency. This paper addresses the aforementioned challenges by proposing an efficient image composition method. First, we extract the semantic contents of the images by using state‐of‐the‐art deep learning methods. Therefore, the COI can be selected with clicks only, which can greatly reduce the demanded user interactions. Second, according to the user's operations (such as translation or scale) on the COI, we can effectively infer the occlusion relationships between the COI and the contents of the target image. Thus, the COI can be adaptively embedded into the target image without concern about cropping its occluded part. Therefore, the procedures of content extraction and occlusion handling can be significantly simplified, and work efficiency is remarkably improved. Experimental results show that compared to existing works, our method can reduce the number of user interactions to approximately one‐tenth and increase the speed of image composition by more than ten times.  相似文献   

体育视频中的对象检测与分割   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对体育视频中语义对象的检测和分割来实现对视频进行语义级检索的第1步。通过对体育比赛视频中的场地信息和运动信息的分析,提出了一种有效分割场地和运动员等对象的算法,并对此算法性能进行了讨论。该算法主要利用Canny算子和数学形态学方法对体育比赛场地进行检测,并利用主色累积直方图进行场地验证,然后利用Hough变换去除场地标志线,最后利用检测出的场地信息实现了场地内运动区域的检测和分割。实验表明该算法有较好的效果。场地和运动员区域的正确分割对比赛的分析和检索具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Bottom-up segmentation based only on low-level cues is a notoriously difficult problem. This difficulty has lead to recent top-down segmentation algorithms that are based on class-specific image information. Despite the success of top-down algorithms, they often give coarse segmentations that can be significantly refined using low-level cues. This raises the question of how to combine both top-down and bottom-up cues in a principled manner. In this paper we approach this problem using supervised learning. Given a training set of ground truth segmentations we train a fragment-based segmentation algorithm which takes into account both bottom-up and top-down cues simultaneously, in contrast to most existing algorithms which train top-down and bottom-up modules separately. We formulate the problem in the framework of Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and derive a feature induction algorithm for CRF, which allows us to efficiently search over thousands of candidate fragments. Whereas pure top-down algorithms often require hundreds of fragments, our simultaneous learning procedure yields algorithms with a handful of fragments that are combined with low-level cues to efficiently compute high quality segmentations.  相似文献   

随着基于对象视频应用的发展,视频对象的分割成为人们研究的熟点。本文提出了一种结合变化检测与时空滤波器快速分割视频对象的新方法,该方法利用t分布显著性检验检测帧问的变化,不需要知道噪声的方差;利用间隔为k的两帧图像代替连续两帧进行变化检测,可以很好地处理关节运动和慢运动。然后通过时空滤波器快速有效地消除由于视频对象运动而露出的背景区域,同时能够减少变化检测掩膜中的残留噪声。最后,通过形态学处理实现视频对象的分割。  相似文献   

用振子神经网络实现二值图象中的多目标分割   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用基于视觉模型建立起来的局部激励、全局抑制振子神经网络 (OSNN)实现二值图象中数字及字母的目标 /背景分割 ;从理论上阐述了该网络实现目标 /背景分割的机理 ,并分析了如何合理选择参数以利于成功分割。  相似文献   

The recognition and location of partially occluded objects is important for image-guided robot automation. A computational object recognition system consists of three main parts: shape representation, matching strategies and verification. The shape representation scheme, which is always application-oriented, should keep extracted features as invariant as possible. This paper presents a new model-based object recognition scheme for general two dimensional objects in a cluttered scene. The scheme considers objects subjected to similarity transformations (i.e., a combination of rotation, scaling and translation). It employs a new feature detection algorithm, combining curvature measures and polygonal approximation. An approximate, but efficient matching strategy is proposed for hypothesis generation and synthetic verification procedures are introduced to improve the robustness of the system. Experiment results are presented to show that the system works effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   

针对实际应用中待分割目标类型已知的情况,提出一种结合识别信息的多目标视频分割算法,使用训练数据集构建目标以及背景的特征字典,计算视频帧的超像素,构造一个分层条件随机场模型,用于约束视频帧的局部邻域和全局邻域,通过求解分层条件随机场模型,获得最终分割结果。实验结果表明,该算法能够对视频中相互遮挡及残缺不全的多个目标进行有效分割。  相似文献   

黄叶珏  褚一平 《计算机工程》2010,36(9):232-234,
针对实际应用中待分割目标类型已知的情况,提出一种结合识别信息的多目标视频分割算法,使用训练数据集构建目标以及背景的特征字典,计算视频帧的超像素,构造一个分层条件随机场模型,用于约束视频帧的局部邻域和全局邻域,通过求解分层条件随机场模型,获得最终分割结果。实验结果表明,该算法能够对视频中相互遮挡及残缺不全的多个目标进行有效分割。  相似文献   

盛家川  杨巍 《计算机科学》2015,42(Z11):199-202
为了能够从视频序列中快速准确地检测运动目标,在混合高斯背景差分法的基础上引入Grabcut算法,提出了一种新的运动目标检测G-GMM(Grabcut-Gaussian Mixture Model)算法。首先通过混合高斯模型背景差分法提取运动目标初始二值轮廓,构建其最小的外接矩形;然后初始化矩形内图像信息,寻找潜在前景区域;最后采用迭代算法实现最优化分割,得到准确的运动目标轮廓。实验结果表明,在静止摄像机户外视频监控系统中,提出算法具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性,对刚性和非刚性两类目标都具有较好的检测结果。  相似文献   

王成儒  刘豫 《微处理机》2008,29(1):119-121
提出了一种新的用于检测视频序列图像中运动目标的算法。该算法通过对差帧图像进行模板检测及形态学滤波,并结合Canny算子边缘检测获得运动目标的分割掩模,提取出运动目标。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效分割运动物体,具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于目标识别与显著性检测的图像场景多对象分割方法。该方法的步骤包括:在图像训练集上训练语义对象的检测器,用来检测输入图像中对象的位置,标定对象的包围盒;对输入的图像进行过分割处理,得到超像素集合,根据包围盒的位置和超像素的语义概率值计算兴趣区域;在3种稠密尺度上进行场景显著性检测,得到输入图像的显著图;在兴趣区域内计算超像素的邻接关系,形成邻接矩阵,构建条件随机场模型,将多对象分割问题转化成多类别标记问题,每一个对象是一种类别;以每个超像素作为场模型的节点,超像素的邻接关系对应场模型中节点之间的连接关系,将显著性和图像特征转化为节点和边的权重值;利用图割算法,在条件随机场模型上进行优化,迭代终止时得到像素的对象标记结果,从而实现对多个对象的分割。实验结果表明该方法效果较好。  相似文献   

针对智能监控系统中对多个运动目标进行图像分割这一问题,提出一种引入区域种子的多运动目标分割算法.算法首先利用背景减算法获得包含多个运动目标的前景图像,再利用四叉树分解方法获得与前景图像对应的稀疏矩阵,通过稀疏矩阵中数值的分布情况,计算出包含运动目标的区域种子点,从这些种子点出发,利用主动轮廓模型进行并行目标轮廓提取,最终完成多运动目标图像分割.实验结果证明本文算法能有效分割出前景图像中多个运动目标,分割结果与人眼视觉的判断相近,并行轮廓提取使算法具有良好的实时性.  相似文献   

基于超像素分割和多方法融合的SAR图像变化检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对基于像素的合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)图像变化检测会造成虚警较高、结果破碎的问题,提出一种基于超像素分割和多方法融合的SAR图像变化检测方法。首先引入基于简单线性迭代聚类(Simple Linear Iterative Clustering,SLIC)的超像素分割方法,通过对主辅图像进行联合分割,得到符合实际地物边界的超像素分割结果;同时,利用3种基于像素的变化检测方法获取初始变化检测结果;接着,利用超像素分割结果和初始变化检测结果进行两个层次的众数投票,去除检测结果中由于噪声引起的虚警和连通域中的孔洞。选取两个时相的苏州Radarsat-2单极化SAR图像开展变化检测实验,实验结果表明该算法在保持较高检测率和有效边界的基础上,能够显著降低虚警。  相似文献   

The use of a novel motorized lens to perform segmentation of image sequences is presented in this paper. The lens has the effect of introducing small, repeating movements of the camera center so that objects appear to translate in the image by an amount that depends on the distance from the plane of focus. For a stationary scene, optical flow magnitudes are therefore directly related to three-dimensional object distance from the observer. We describe a segmentation procedure that exploits these controlled observer movements and present experimental results that demonstrate the successful extraction of objects at different depths. Potential applications of our approach include image compositing, teleconferencing, and range estimation.Received: 4 July 2002, Accepted: 16 December 2002, Published online: 23 July 2003 Correspondence to: Amy E. Bell  相似文献   

Robust Object Detection with Interleaved Categorization and Segmentation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents a novel method for detecting and localizing objects of a visual category in cluttered real-world scenes. Our approach considers object categorization and figure-ground segmentation as two interleaved processes that closely collaborate towards a common goal. As shown in our work, the tight coupling between those two processes allows them to benefit from each other and improve the combined performance. The core part of our approach is a highly flexible learned representation for object shape that can combine the information observed on different training examples in a probabilistic extension of the Generalized Hough Transform. The resulting approach can detect categorical objects in novel images and automatically infer a probabilistic segmentation from the recognition result. This segmentation is then in turn used to again improve recognition by allowing the system to focus its efforts on object pixels and to discard misleading influences from the background. Moreover, the information from where in the image a hypothesis draws its support is employed in an MDL based hypothesis verification stage to resolve ambiguities between overlapping hypotheses and factor out the effects of partial occlusion. An extensive evaluation on several large data sets shows that the proposed system is applicable to a range of different object categories, including both rigid and articulated objects. In addition, its flexible representation allows it to achieve competitive object detection performance already from training sets that are between one and two orders of magnitude smaller than those used in comparable systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a reconstruction based recognition scheme for objects with repeated components, using a single image of such a configuration, in which one of the repeated components may be partially occluded. In our strategy we reconstruct each of the components with respect to the same frame and use these to compute invariants.We propose a new mathematical framework for the projective reconstruction of affinely repeated objects. This uses the repetition explicitly and hence is able to handle substantial occlusion of one of the components. We then apply this framework to the reconstruction of a pair of repeated quadrics. The image information required for the reconstruction are the outline conic of one of the quadrics and correspondence between any four points which are images of points in general position on the quadric and its repetition. Projective invariants computed using the reconstructed quadrics have been used for recognition. The recognition strategy has been applied to images of monuments with multi-dome architecture. Experiments have established the discriminatory ability of the invariants.  相似文献   

Real-time motion planning in an unknown environment involves collision avoidance of static as well as moving agents. Strategies suitable for navigation in a stationary environment cannot be translated as strategies per se for dynamic environments. In a purely stationary environment all that the sensor can detect can only be a static object is assumed implicitly. In a mixed environment such an assumption is no longer valid. For efficient collision avoidance identification of the attribute of the detected object as static or dynamic is probably inevitable. Presented here are two novel schemes for perceiving the presence of dynamic objects in the robot's neighborhood. One of them, called the Model-Based Approach (MBA) detects motion by observing changes in the features of the environment represented on a map. The other CBA (cluster-based approach) partitions the contents of the environment into clusters representative of the objects. Inspecting the characteristics of the partitioned clusters reveals the presence of dynamic agents. The extracted dynamic objects are tracked in consequent samples of the environment through a straightforward nearest neighbor rule based on the Euclidean metric. A distributed fuzzy controller avoids the tracked dynamic objects through direction and velocity control of the mobile robot. The collision avoidance scheme is extended to overcome multiple dynamic objects through a priority based averaging technique (PBA). Indicating the need for additional rules apart from the PBA to overcome conflicting decisions while tackling multiple dynamic objects can be considered as another contribution of this effort. The method has been tested through simulations by navigating a sensor-based mobile robot amidst multiple dynamic objects and its efficacy established.  相似文献   

分割视频运动对象的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
随着新的视频压缩标准MPEG-4的出现,如何从视频序列中分割出在语义上有意义的单独运动对象显得极其重要。文章从组成视频运动对象的分割系统出发,详细分析视频分割的各种方法如运动参数模型。变化检测掩模、图象分割及运动对象跟踪等,并对分割运动对象所采用的技术和方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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