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This article describes the use and prescribing of menopausal and postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) in one example country, Finland, and the trends and levels of HT use in other western countries for comparison. Previously published studies were reviewed and reanalyzed, and some additional unpublished data from Finnish surveys were compiled. The use of HT increased in Finland up to 1994. In Finland the initiative for HT use came more often from physicians than women themselves, physicians valued HT more than women, women's period of use of HT was shorter than physicians' recommendations, women's reasons for using HT were usually to treat symptoms, but physicians considered HT also useful in the prevention of later diseases. Gynecologists were more favorable toward HT than other physicians. HT has become common in very different times in different countries, but with the exception of the US experience in the 1970s, the trend has been towards increasing use. One motivation to do surveys on physicians' prescribing or women's use of HT has been to facilitate HT use. The large variation in HT use may reflect the uncertainty concerning its true value. The reasons for the large-scale prevention with HT have not been systematically studied, but it is likely due to various social and commercial forces.  相似文献   

This review summarises the role that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species play in demyelination, such as that occurring in the inflammatory demyelinating disorders multiple sclerosis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (e.g. superoxide, nitric oxide and peroxynitrite) can increase dramatically under conditions such as inflammation, and this can overwhelm the inherent antioxidant defences within lesions. Such oxidative and/or nitrative stress can damage the lipids, proteins and nucleic acids of cells and mitochondria, potentially causing cell death. Oligodendrocytes are more sensitive to oxidative and nitrative stress in vitro than are astrocytes and microglia, seemingly due to a diminished capacity for antioxidant defence, and the presence of raised risk factors, including a high iron content. Oxidative and nitrative stress might therefore result in vivo in selective oligodendrocyte death, and thereby demyelination. The reactive species may also damage the myelin sheath, promoting its attack by macrophages. Damage can occur directly by lipid peroxidation, and indirectly by the activation of proteases and phospholipase A2. Evidence for the existence of oxidative and nitrative stress within inflammatory demyelinating lesions includes the presence of both lipid and protein peroxides, and nitrotyrosine (a marker for peroxynitrite formation). The neurological deficit resulting from experimental autoimmune demyelinating disease has generally been reduced by trial therapies intended to diminish the concentration of reactive oxygen species. However, therapies aimed at diminishing reactive nitrogen species have had a more variable outcome, sometimes exacerbating disease.  相似文献   

The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from spermatozoa has been measured by chemiluminescence in the two fractions of a Percoll gradient column (47 and 90%). Chemiluminescent signals were recorded in each fraction after addition of luminol and horse-radish peroxidase (basal state), and after stimulation with formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenyl-alanine (FMLP) and phorbol ester (PMA). We found an inverse correlation between the reducing capacity of the semen as estimated by the resazurin test, and the production of ROS by the spermatozoa, especially after stimulation with PMA (r = 0.51, P < 0.001). gamma-glutamyltransferase activity of seminal plasma was inversely correlated with ROS (r = -0.47, P < 0.01) and the resazurin test result (r = -0.43, P < 0.001) suggesting a possible role of prostatic secretions in the protection of spermatozoa against oxygen radicals. The resazurin test has a positive predictive value of 92.5% at a criterion value of colour scale 4 to discriminate between normal and excessive ROS production by spermatozoa, with sensitivity 79% and specificity 74%. In addition, at criterion value of colour scale 3, the resazurin test could distinguish between samples with normal or low activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase, with sensitivity 57% and specificity 93%. It is concluded that the result of the resazurin test can be influenced by the oxidative stress of spermatozoa and by prostatic function.  相似文献   

Aminoguanidine (AG) treatment, like nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment, prevents diabetes-induced apoptosis of retinal Müller cells in the rat eye, but the mechanism involved is unknown. In this study, the effects of preincubation with AG on oxidant-induced apoptosis, oxidant-induced intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and lipid peroxidation were determined in rat retinal Müller cells and compared with the effects of NGF, a protein that protects neuronal cells from oxidative stress. The effect of AG on rabbit vitreous lipid peroxide levels was also determined. After exposure to increasing concentrations of H2O2, there was a corresponding increase in the percentage of apoptotic Müller cells. Preincubation with AG for 48 h completely inhibited oxidant-induced apoptosis in response to 10 micromol/l H2O2 (+AG 0 vs. 10 micromol/l, NS), and reduced the percentage of apoptotic cells in response to 50 micromol/l H2O2 by 50% (+AG vs. -AG, P < 0.01). Longer preincubation did not increase the antiapoptotic effect of AG. The effect of AG was dose-dependent. Similar results were obtained after preincubation with NGF. Both AG and NGF preincubation prevented the twofold increase in oxidant-induced lipid peroxides. The fivefold increase in oxidant-induced ROS production was decreased 100% by NGF, but only 61% by AG preincubation. The twofold increase in vitreous lipid peroxide level in diabetic rabbits was completely prevented by AG treatment. AG reduced H2O2-induced benzoate hydroxylation in a dose-dependent manner. Intracellular glutathione content was unchanged. These data demonstrate that AG can act as an antioxidant in vivo, quenching hydroxyl radicals and lipid peroxidation in cells and tissues and preventing oxidant-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Breath ethane, O2 consumption, and CO2 production were analyzed in 24-mo-old female Fischer 344 rats that had been fed continuously ad libitum (AL) or restricted 30% of AL level (DR) diets since 6 wk of age. Rats were placed in a glass chamber that was first flushed with air, then with a gas mixture containing 12% O2. After equilibration, a sample of the outflow was collected in gas sampling bags for subsequent analyses of ethane and CO2. The O2 and CO2 levels were also directly monitored in the outflow of the chamber. O2 consumption and CO2 production increased for DR rats. Hypoxia decreased O2 consumption and CO2 production for the AL-fed and DR rats. These changes reflect changes in metabolic rate due to diet and PO2. A significant decrease in ethane generation was found in DR rats compared with AL-fed rats. Under normoxic conditions, breath ethane decreased from 2.20 to 1.61 pmol ethane/ml CO2. During hypoxia the levels of ethane generation increased, resulting in a DR-associated decrease in ethane from 2.60 to 1.90 pmol ethane/ml CO2. These results support the hypothesis that DR reduces the level of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Phagocyte-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in microbicidal activities as well as in tissue damage at sites of inflammation. Carotenoids play an important function in protecting cells from oxidant damage. We investigated the in vitro and in vivo effect of 13-cis and 9-cis-beta-carotene on human neutrophils. METHODS: Neutrophils from healthy donors in the presence of 0.25 mumol/L-1 mumol/l beta-carotene and from subjects under beta-carotene supplementation and UVA or UVA/B exposure were stimulated by opsonized zymosan and the generation of ROS was measured by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Our in vitro results show different effects of the two isomers on stimulated neutrophils. 9-cis-beta-carotene did not produce any change, whereas 13-cis-beta-carotene significantly and concentration-dependent inhibited the ROS generation by stimulated neutrophils. Further, in a controlled study, we were able to demonstrate an in vivo protective effect of beta-carotene on neutrophils against UVA damage by beta-carotene supplemented subjects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to explore among individuals with binge eating disorder (BED) perceptions of others' evaluation of their weight-related behavior and affect aroused by such. METHOD: Prior to treatment for binge eating and weight loss, 47 subjects diagnosed with BED completed a questionnaire designed to assess the perceived evaluation of an understanding and a critical individual in both positive and negative weight-related situations and subjects' affective responses to being evaluated. RESULTS: Subjects exhibited characteristic patterns of affective response to perceived evaluation of their weight-related behavior, with negative situations and critical evaluators evoking greater degrees of negative affect. Negative affect in response to perceived evaluation was associated with poor outcome with weight loss but not binge eating. However, this finding was due to the correlation between negative affect in response to perceived evaluation and global severity of psychopathology (SCL-90-R). DISCUSSION: The results suggest that psychopathology in this population predicts poor outcome with weight loss, and further that independent of its relationship with depression, psychopathology is strongly associated with a tendency to experience negative affect in response to perceived evaluation by others of weight-related behavior.  相似文献   

The capability of the mouse embryo to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) was examined. Post-implantation embryos were carefully harvested on Day 8 of pregnancy and the production of ROS was quantified using luminol-sensitized chemiluminescence. The embryos were stimulated with either phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or all-trans-retinal (retinal) and the reaction kinetics were followed over 10 min. ROS secretion was directly proportional to the number of embryos and was suppressed 56% by superoxide dismutase (SOD), 25% by mannitol and as little as 16% by catalase. Embryos deprived of trophoblast showed no light emission suggesting that the source of ROS generation is the trophoblast. Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-dependent oxidase activity in the plasma membrane of the trophoblast surface was demonstrated by cytochemical methods. The release of ROS into the extracellular medium during the phagocytic process has been related to the cytolytic effect exhibited by these molecules and, perhaps by this means, the trophoblast can play an active role in the phagocytosis of maternal cells during the process of embryo implantation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hypothesis that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role as second messengers in T cell activation. Activation of T cells with phorbol ester in combination with either calcium ionophore, or anti-CD3 antibody results in a large rapid flux of ROS activity. In contrast, co-stimulation with CD28 does not enhance ROS activity. The ROS signal was sensitive to ascorbic acid, desferrioxamine and dimethyl sulfoxide, suggesting that the major active species being generated was the hydroxyl radical, probably by iron-catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. The generation of ROS in T cells was regulated by an accessory population within the peripheral blood. An anti-CD2 antibody induced a strong ROS flux, suggesting that the CD2/LFA-3 interaction may be important in this regulation. T cell activation was inhibited by the same panel of anti-oxidants as ROS generation, but much higher concentrations were required for inhibition of proliferation and IL-2 release than those required to block ROS generation. These data imply that ROS are not obligate second messengers for initiation of T cell activation. The results are compatible, however, with a role for activation-dependent T cell ROS generation in modulating the overall T cell response via autocrine and paracrine signalling pathways.  相似文献   

The molecular events occurring at the interface between titanium and connective tissue were investigated in order to help explain the unique biocompatible properties of titanium implants and their successful osseointegration into bone tissue. In this study the influence of commercially pure titanium and titanium peroxy gels on the breakdown of the connective tissue component and serum derived factor, hyaluronan, by reactive oxygen species (ROS), produced during the insertion of an implant in vivo, was examined. Hyaluronan breakdown was monitored in vitro in the presence of a hydroxyl radical flux, generated in the presence and absence of titanium powder and discs. Parallel studies examined the breakdown of hyaluronan by hydroxyl radicals in the presence of a titanium peroxy gel, prepared by incubation of the titanium powder or discs in concentrated hydrogen peroxide. The hyaluronan degradation products were separated according to their hydrodynamic size by gel exclusion chromatography. Similarly, experiments were also performed examining the degradation of 2-deoxy-D-ribose by a hydroxyl radical flux in order to demonstrate the detrimental potential of the hydroxyl radicals and to provide a measure of the effectiveness of titanium and titanium peroxy gels as scavengers of ROS. Titanium reduced the harmful effects of the hydroxyl radicals on the breakdown of hyaluronan, presumably acting as a scavenger for the reactive species, possibly by absorbing them into its surface oxide layer, which spontaneously forms on the surface. In contrast, the formation of a titanium peroxy gel from the titanium powder or on the surface of titanium discs enhanced breakdown of both the hyaluronan chains and 2-deoxy-D-ribose. The implications of these findings with regards to the biocompatible nature of the titanium and the ability of these implants to successfully osseointegrate are discussed.  相似文献   

We report that immune complexes of IgM (ICIgM) antibodies and ovalbumin in the form of a precipitate from the equivalence zone induce the generation of reactive oxygen species by rabbit blood polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN), as measured by the chemiluminescence (CL) production in the presence of luminol. The kinetics of CL generation induced by ICIgM is quite different from that induced by precipitated immune complexes of IgG (ICIgG): the maximum rate of CL production for ICIgM occurs around 14 min, whereas for ICIgG it occurs about 5 min after incubation with the cells. Also the triggering of the process requires a higher concentration of ICIgM than of ICIgG. Evidence is presented that these effects are not mediated by interaction of the antigen (ovalbumin) with the cell, since immune precipitates of ovalbumin and the F(ab')2 fragment had no effect. Our observations that precipitated ICIgM can also be an effective stimulus for CL generation and thus for O2- production reveal a new functional capability of PMN. These results may have implications for the understanding of the participation of ICIgM (as well as of ICIgG) in inflammatory reactions mediated by PMN in immune complex diseases, and in the mechanisms of defense against microbes and other non-self agents.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes derived either from rats fed a diet enriched in n-3 fatty acids or from rats fed a low-fat diet and cultured with an n-3 fatty acid (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA) in vitro were used to distinguish between the dietary effects and the direct effects of n-3 fatty acids on hepatocellular apolipoprotein (apo) B metabolism and secretion. ApoB-48 and apoB-100 synthesis, degradation, and secretion as large (d<1.006) and small (d>1.006) particles were determined after a pulse label with [35S]methionine. These effects were compared with changes in triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis and secretion and with changes in de novo fatty acid synthesis (using 3H2O incorporation) under identical conditions. When n-3 fatty acid was given via the dietary route, apoB-48 very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) secretion was inhibited, but there was no effect on the secretion of apoB-100 VLDL. There was no effect on the secretion of either apoB-48 or apoB-100 as small, dense particles (d>1.006). Cellular TAG synthesis was significantly inhibited under these conditions, and fatty acid synthesis de novo was inhibited by 80%. By contrast, after direct addition of EPA to hepatocytes from normal rats, the secretion of both apoB-48 and apoB-100 VLDL was suppressed. The secretion of apoB-48, but not of apoB-100, as dense particles was also inhibited. However, there was little or no effect on TAG synthesis nor on fatty acid synthesis de novo. In addition, whereas dietary administration of n-3 fatty acid gave rise to decreased net synthesis and degradation of apoB-48, direct administration in vitro resulted in increased degradation with no effect on net synthesis. We conclude that the effects of n-3 fatty acids on hepatic lipid and apoB metabolism differ according to whether they are administered in vivo, via the dietary route, or in vitro, via direct addition to hepatocyte cultures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of reactive oxygen species and peroxynitrite in the vestibular organ of the guinea pig following inoculation with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The animals were injected transtympanically with 1 mg of LPS 24 h after the intraperitoneal injection of 0.1 mg LPS. Forty-eight hours after the inoculation, varying degrees of degeneration of the vestibular end organs were observed. Immunohistochemical study revealed immunoreactivity to xanthine oxidase (which generates O-2) in the vestibular organ after inoculation with LPS. Immunohistochemical investigation with a specific antinitrotyrosine antibody also showed intense staining of sensory epithelium, fluid transporting cells and the endolymphatic sac, suggesting formation of peroxynitrite in the vestibular organ through the reaction of NO with O-2. On the basis of these data, it can be concluded that NO together with O-2, which form more reactive peroxynitrite, may be the most important pathogenic agents in LPS-induced labyrinthitis in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

Anti-ischemic therapy with organic nitrates is complicated by tolerance. Induction of tolerance is incompletely understood and likely multifactorial. Recently, increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been investigated, but it has not been clear if this is a direct consequence of the organic nitrate on the vessel or an in vivo adaptation to the drugs. To examine the possibility that nitrates could directly stimulate vascular ROS production, we compared the development of nitrate tolerance with the formation of ROS induced by pentaerithrityltetranitrate (PETN) or nitroglycerin (GTN) in vitro in porcine smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, washed ex vivo platelets and whole blood. By examining cGMP formation, it was found that 24-hr treatment with GTN but not PETN induced significant nitrate tolerance, which was prevented by parallel treatment with Vit C. Incubation of vascular cells acutely with 0.5 mM GTN doubled the rate of ROS generation, whereas PETN had no such effect. The rate of ROS (peroxynitrite and O2) formation detected by specific spin traps in tolerant smooth muscle cells, treated for 24 hr with 0.01 mM GTN, was substantially higher (30.5 nM/min) than in control cells acutely treated with 0.5 mM GTN (25 nM/min). In contrast to PETN, GTN induces nitrate tolerance and also increases the formation of ROS both in vascular cells and in whole blood. ROS formation is minimally stimulated by PETN comparable to data obtained in Vit C-suppressed GTN tolerance. ROS formation induced by organic nitrates seems to be a key factor in the development of nitrate tolerance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the discrepancy index between the clinical and histological diagnosis and the prevalence of epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma in 45 patients with potentially malignant epithelial oral lesions (PMEL). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We submitted 45 patients with PMEL to clinical examination and obtained a biopsy from each. The results of histological diagnosis were compared to the clinical diagnosis. RESULTS: Clinical diagnosis showed that the most common PMEL was leukoplakia followed by lichen planus and by actinic cheilitis associated with leukoplakia. The most common site was the buccal mucosa. Histological diagnosis revealed that 46.7% of the PMEL were lichen planus. The discrepancy index between clinical and histological diagnosis was 24.4%. The higher discrepancy index occurred among leukoplakias. The prevalence of epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma was 17.8%. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that all PMEL should be submitted to a microscopic analysis because the discrepancy between clinical and histological diagnosis was present in a quarter of these lesions. Otherwise, the epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma were more frequent in the leukoplakias.  相似文献   

Acute production of reactive oxygen species by polymorphonuclear neutrophils during the respiratory burst may induce tissue injuries. In this in vitro study, it was demonstrated that letosteine, a mucolytic agent containing two blocked thiol groups, had antioxidant activity, but only when it was first submitted to alkaline hydrolysis. In a cell-free system, hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorous acid and hydroxyl radical concentrations were reduced by half by letosteine concentrations of 200, 15 and 350 mumol/l, respectively. The mechanism of letosteine action may be related to the -SH group liberated in vitro by hydrolysis, which seemed to react by scavenging the reactive oxygen species in the same way as acetylcysteine and MESNA, free-thiol drugs known for their antioxidant properties. So, letosteine, a compound with blocked -SH groups which in vivo can metabolically become free, may have a therapeutic application in preventing oxidative tissue injury damage induced by the respiratory burst.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) including H2O2 produced by spermatozoa have been suggested, on one hand, to be associated with idiopathic male infertility and, on the other hand, to stimulate certain sperm function leading to fertilization. The influence of ROS on fertilization was investigated in 75 IVF patients by correlating fertilization rates with the production of ROS and the H2O2-scavenging activity of swim-up spermatozoa prepared in parallel with the IVF samples. RESULTS: Low rates of ROS production by the swim-up sperm was detected by the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay. They were not correlated with fertilization rates. The hydrogen peroxide scavenging capacity of these spermatozoa, measured as the removal of exogenous H2O2 assayed spectrophotometrically, decreased stepwise in groups of patients achieving higher fertilization rates, suggesting a positive effect of this ROS on fertilization. An alternative explanation of this correlation is plausible in view of the association of both high scavenging activities and poor fertilization rates with poor sperm morphology. CONCLUSIONS: ROS produced by spermatozoa selected by swim-up plays no negative, if not a positive, role in fertilization.  相似文献   

For the past decade there has been emphasis on the immunomodulatory effects of vitamin E apart from its established role as a free radical scavenger. In alveolar macrophages (AMs), the role of vitamin E supplementation has not yet been investigated sufficiently. In the present study we have evaluated the effects of high vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, alpha-TA) supplementation for 10 d on rat-alveolar macrophageal antioxidant defense and reactive oxygen species (ROS) release. There was an increase in plasma vitamin E content from 5.22 +/- 1.30, at 50 mg to 12.23 +/- 1.06 and 22.32 +/- 2.02 micrograms/mL at 250 and 1,250 mg alpha-TA/kg dietary supplementation. Alveolar macrophage-vitamin E content enhanced by 56 to 75% at 250 and 1,250 mg alpha-TA diet as compared with control diet. Superoxide dismutase activity decreased and catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities increased significantly in AMs of 250 and 1,250 mg alpha-TA diet-fed rats. Reduced glutathione, total glutathione, and glutathione-S-transferase activity in AMs did not change significantly at any of the high doses of alpha-TA supplementation. On stimulation of AMs by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), there was 2.8- and 3.5-fold enhancement in superoxide (O2-.) and H2O2 production, respectively, at 50 mg alpha-TA dose. But this increase by PMA could not take place in AMs from animals supplemented with 250 and 1,250 mg alpha-TA. It may therefore be concluded that high alpha-TA supplementation in diet may equip the AMs with a stronger defense against oxygen-free radical mediated damage to them.  相似文献   

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