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柔性制造、计算机集成、精益生产、虚拟制造等是先进制造业的发展趋势,机器人技术在先进制造系统中的地位和作用十分重要,但是目前在机器人向先进制造系统集成方面有一些问题需要突破.  相似文献   

Remote control and monitoring are crucial in decentralized manufacturing environments. This is evidenced by today’s distributed shop floors where agility and responsiveness are required to maintain high productivity and flexibility. However, there exists a lack of an effective system architecture that integrates remote condition monitoring and control of automated equipment; that gives much consideration about the internet data transfer time delay. This paper presented an internet-based and sensor-driven architecture, which can guarantee the non-distortion transfer of control information and reduce the action time difference between local simulated virtual robot and remote real robot, couple the remote monitoring, and control together. To demonstrate and validate the architectural design, a 3 DOF Fischertechnik industry robot remote operation and monitoring system has been developed. Experimental results are encouraging and demonstrate a promising application in advanced intelligent manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

为应对新形式下技术与经济环境的变化,使高分子行业企业向敏捷、平滑、精良和预控制制造技术的方向发展,在云计算和大数据技术的基础上,提出高分子行业的云制造架构。讨论了云制造支撑平台中的关键技术,包括预测与需求管理、制造执行系统、储运管理、先进控制、运行管理、企业资源规划、决策支持等,分析了云制造在柔性化生产、计算机辅助运营和知识管理等领域中的应用模式。以基于云制造的工程塑料计算机辅助工艺设计为案例,提出一种大数据环境下的快速搜索策略。  相似文献   

Aerospace manufacturing SMEs are continuously facing the challenge on managing their supply chain and complying with the aerospace manufacturing quality standard requirement due to their lack of resources and the nature of business. In this paper, the ERP system based approach is presented to quality control and assurance work in light of seamless integration of in-process production data and information internally and therefore managing suppliers more effectively and efficiently. The Aerospace Manufacturing Quality Assurance Standard (BS/EN9100) is one of the most recognised and essential protocols for developing the industry-operated-and-driven quality assurance systems. The research investigates using the ERP based system as an enabler to implement BS/EN9100 quality management system at manufacturing SMEs and the associated implementation and application perspectives. An application case study on a manufacturing SME is presented by using the SAP based implementation, which helps further evaluate and validate the approach and application system development.  相似文献   

采购是企业生产运作的起点,直接影响着企业的效益.随着互联网的发展,采购的电子化越来越受到人们的重视,它不仅可以降低采购成本,而且便于企业加强控制.因此,在协同电子商务的环境下研究采购有着重要的现实意义.本文在分析钢铁行业电子商务、采购和协同电子商务的基础上,对钢铁行业采购协同电子商务进行了分析,并对具体的协同模式进行了分析,最后给出了协同后的采购业务流程.该协同模式已在企业得到应用,且实施效果良好.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic approach for the design and implementation of the sequence controller in manufacturing systems. By employing the IDEF0, we construct the simplified Petri net controller (SPNC) through the material flow diagram and the information flow diagram. Then, the ladder logic diagram (LLD) can be transformed from the SPNC through the token passing logic (TPL). The proposed approach, including the IDEF0, SPNC, and TPL tools, leads to the standard IEC1131-3 LLD for PLC implementation. Finally, an application of a stamping process is provided to illustrate the design procedure of the developed approach .  相似文献   

为将可持续发展纳入制造业供应链决策,利用企业信息资源有效平衡其三重底线,基于绿色供应链CITI指数提出一种对经济效益、环境污染和社会责任进行整体协调,促进三者平衡发展的制造业可持续供应链网络模型,并研究了一种高效的进化求解算法.首先基于经济侧、环境侧和社会侧的八项指标,构建了一个多层次、多产品类型和多能源模式的混合整数线性模型,提出了将多个优化目标进行标准化整合的方法.然后,设计了供应链网络的多叉树结构表征,在此基础上提出了一种自适应多叉森林进化算法,并通过自适应参数调整显著提升了算法的求解精度.最后,基于制造业真实数据进行了大量仿真实验,验证了所提模型和算法的有效性和优越性.实验结果表明,仅升高5%以内的成本,企业即可使碳排放量平均降低17.67%、废气排放量平均降低10.54%、废水排放量平均降低13.05%、固体废物排放量平均降低20.19%.  相似文献   

数字孪生以数字化的形式在产品的生产制造中实现了全过程的动态仿真,覆盖了产品的全生命周期和全产业链,对推动未来智能制造的发展有着重要的意义。基于数字孪生技术在制造业中的应用,梳理了数字孪生的理念,探讨了数字孪生在制造业中的关键技术。对数字孪生在制造领域中的数据优化、质量分析、寿命预测、流程工业、离散工业和数字工厂几个方面的应用进行了综述,并对数字孪生在制造领域中的发展趋势提出预测及展望,可为推动数字孪生技术在未来制造业中的研究和应用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, online control of the ICaSbot cable-suspended robot is improved by using the online output of the loadcells. At first, the tension of the cables can be sensed, leading to the evaluation of the required motor torque and consequently resulting in a more accurate motor torque control. Second, the DLCC of the robot can be predefined, which help us not to violate the allowable load to satisfy the acceptable accuracy, and finally the small deflection of cable vibrations can be calculated which results in an even more accurate sensing of the actual position of the end-effector together with the data of the encoders to achieve better feedback and control of the end-effector. This paper presents online recording of the actual cable tension provided using proper data transferring system and the constructed electrical boards which filter the noises. Data acquisition card is used to transfer the data to a computer, and LabView is employed to record and control the robot in an online procedure. Finally, the efficiency of the designed mechanism and the proposed applications are verified by comparing the experimental tests conducted on the IUST cable robot (ICaSbot) with the simulation results using MATLAB software.  相似文献   

直线逼近曲线的原理及在加工凸轮中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过Autolisp语言编程,以等间隔直线逼近非圆曲线,形成平面和圆柱凸轮轮廓,转换到MasterCAM软件中,生成数控加工所需的NC代码。讨论了等间隔直线逼近非圆曲线的原理,介绍了对凸轮数控代码的适当处理。该方法为复杂,精密的凸轮设计和加工提供了一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

Storage spaces are vital resources that must be allocated strategically in the design of cellular manufacturing systems. In this paper, a new storage space allocation approach was developed. A linear programming model was used to allocate available storage spaces among manufacturing cells, and an algorithm was used later to adjust the allocation levels based on the storage space availability. A simulation analysis aimed at determining the long-term effects of the space allocation on system performance was also performed. A sample problem was used to illustrate the allocation process. The results indicate that the developed model and the adjustment provided by the algorithm decrease the number of unsuccessful load transfer attempts by the intercell handling system.  相似文献   

2012年已经结束,意大利机床、机器人及自动化系统制造行业表现积极,延续了从2010年初就开始的积极态势.但是,2009年亚洲金融危机后的经济复苏似乎已经失去了最初的驱动力. 据意大利机床和自动化制造厂商协会(UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE)的研究部门提供的初始数据显示,2012年,意大利在这个领域的产值达到了493000万欧元,与去年相比,增长了3.5%.  相似文献   

Magnesium is one of the lightest metallic materials and is well known and widely used in the aeronautic and aerospace industries. The pieces machined in these industrial fields must satisfy stringent surface roughness requirements to achieve a product quality that conforms to the design specifications. The aim of this investigation is to optimise efficiently the dry turning of magnesium pieces to achieve a surface roughness within technical requirements. A cost-effective and flexible statistical optimisation procedure, which is based on the technical specifications of surface roughness as well as on a robust experimental design, identified different optimal cutting conditions that provide a surface finish which meets the roughness specifications in magnesium parts. Furthermore, as a consequence of such optimisation procedure, the machining time was reduced, and the aerospace companies could select among the optimal operating conditions by also considering productivity, safety and environment criteria to control production of the surfaces finish.  相似文献   

本文阐述了模具焊接机器人的控制系统框图及其基本原理,介绍了以AT89C52单片机为核心示教系统的硬件结构,并给出了工业PC机和单片机串口通信的硬件及软件实现。  相似文献   

Support structures are required in several additive manufacturing (AM) processes to sustain overhanging parts, in particular for the production of metal components. Supports are typically hollow or cellular structures to be removed after metallic AM, thus they represent a considerable waste in terms of material, energy and time employed for their construction and removal. This study presents a new approach to the design of support structures that optimise the part built orientation and the support cellular structure. This approach applies a new optimisation algorithm to use pure mathematical 3D implicit functions for the design and generation of the cellular support structures including graded supports. The implicit function approach for support structure design has been proved to be very versatile, as it allows geometries to be simply designed by pure mathematical expressions. This way, different cellular structures can be easily defined and optimised, in particular to have graded structures providing more robust support where the object’s weight concentrate, and less support elsewhere. Evaluation of support optimisation for a complex shape geometry revealed that the new approach presented can achieve significant materials savings, thus increasing the sustainability and efficiency of metallic AM.  相似文献   

针对空调电动机端盖类零件,利用西门子S7-200PLC(CPU224)对多工位连续模冲床的送料机构及加工实现自动控制,提高了冲床送料及加工的自动化水平和可靠性.  相似文献   


The gap between academic science/engineering and industry concerning problem solving competencies is addressed in this paper by proposing the New Asian Case Method, an approach inspired by, but substantially different from, the trademark of professional education of the Harvard Business School. The paper puts forward the idea that knowledge in tribology shall be arranged in cases with practical examples that allow students and researchers to learn tribology on real world problems, and obtain a toolbox they subsequently use in their work as tribologists in academia or industry. Micro- and nanotribology are accentuated as high potential role model fields for successful interdisciplinary, inherently application oriented approaches. The New Asian Case Method increases quality approaches in tribology, by structuring the ways of thinking and addressing problems. Establishing the New Asian Case Method in tribology shall set the basis for an international standard in the field.  相似文献   

M. Jones  R.J. Llewellyn 《Wear》2009,267(11):2003-1324
The erosion–corrosion properties of a range of ferrous-based materials that are currently being used or have potential for use in the resources industry have been assessed using a slurry pot erosion–corrosion (SPEC) test rig that has the capability of establishing the separate components of erosion, corrosion and synergy.Testing was performed, at 30 °C, in an aqueous slurry containing 35 wt% AFS 50–70 silica sand and a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. Erosive action was supplied through high-speed rotation of a rubber-lined impeller.Erosion–corrosion performance of materials evaluated was related to composition/microstructure and hardness. Test data correlated with available service experience.The results showed that the cast Cr white irons with (i) a structure that was essentially a duplex stainless steel containing a distribution of hard carbides and (ii) a near eutectic Cr white iron exhibited the highest erosion–corrosion resistance of the materials tested. The evaluation of the Cr white irons also highlighted the influence of Cr and C levels on the E–C properties of these materials.E–C assessment of selected carbon steels confirmed that the erosion-only rates and synergistic levels showed a general decline with increasing carbon content and hardness. As expected, a low C steel pipe product displayed very mediocre erosion–corrosion behaviour as a consequence of its very low intrinsic corrosion resistance and inferior wear properties. This reflected service experience, however, such products are still being used, due to the comparatively low initial cost.A TiC particle-reinforced AISI 316 stainless steel exhibited an almost 45% improvement in the E–C resistance, when compared with an AISI 316L stainless steel.  相似文献   

经过50年的发展,中国作为发展中国家已经成为航天大国,航天活动取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就.首次载人航天飞行实现了中华民族千年飞天梦想,"两弹一星"和载人航天精神,铸造了中华民族宝贵的精神财富.空间技术、空间应用和空间科学的发展,带动了相关学科和技术的整体跃升,有力地推动了我国科技的跨越发展,为促进我国国防现代化建设和国民经济发展作出了巨大贡献.最近,国家发布的<"十一五"规划纲要>又把发展航天事业放在了一个很突出、很重要的位置.在我国航天事业进入重点跨越、转型升级的新时期、新阶段之即,记者采访了国防科工委副主任、国家航天局局长孙来燕.  相似文献   

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