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利用扫描电镜,分析了磁控电弧沉积的氨化钛膜微观形貌。实验表明,阴极磁场对膜层的形貌有显著的影响,合理的磁场设计可减少膜层中的宏观颗粒(MP);膜的表面形貌主要受MP的影响,但当基片表面起弧时,弧痕对表面形貌的影响比MP的影响大;MP粒径多数在1~3微米之间,但少数的MP也可能大于十几微米或1微米以下。对MP的形貌分析表明,MP的形态与其粒径有关,较小的MP顶部呈圆球形,而较大的MP顶部扁平,且底部有微孔。  相似文献   

本文阐述了真空电弧沉积(VAD)的各种净化方法,并讨论了纯净化的真空电弧在非晶硅膜层沉积方面的应用,包括在制造太阳能电池方面的应用前景。分析表明,真空电弧沉积非晶硅膜,关键在于合理设计弧源使电弧纯净化,采取各种有效方法抑制宏观颗粒对膜层的污染,同时采用适当的等离子体诊断设备,通过调节等离子体微观参数来控制膜层质量。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜观察杯状细胞不同分泌阶段的时"相",结果表明,由于分泌阶段的不同,杯状细胞表面有明显变化,在起始或合成阶段,黏液合成的速率超过集聚和释放的速率;其次是中间阶段,细胞位于肠腺上部及绒毛的下半段,合成与释放几乎平衡,细胞内充满了黏原颗粒;最后排泌阶段是细胞抵达绒毛上部或项部,黏液释放速率超过合成速率,细胞排空.  相似文献   

AlN陶瓷基板具有高导热率、高绝缘电阻率等一系列的优异性能,在许多领域得到广泛应用;目前,促进AlN陶瓷基板应用的关键是其金属化技术。本文介绍了一种高可靠的AlN陶瓷基板的薄膜离子镀技术。  相似文献   

脉冲真空电弧离子能量的测量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
离子能量是影响脉冲真空电弧离子镀镀膜质量的一个重要参数,因而测量真空电弧中离子的能量非常重要.本文介绍了一种测量脉冲真空电弧离子能量的装置-五栅网,分析了其测量离子能量的原理,并用它测量了脉冲真空电弧的离子能量.  相似文献   

多弧离子镀TiN和(TiZrCr)N膜中宏观颗粒的SEM分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宏观颗粒是阻碍电弧离子镀广泛应用的障碍。它们镶嵌在膜层中,或散布在膜层表面。引起薄膜微区成分和结构的突变,对于工具镀来讲不一定有害,而对于高档模具和装饰来讲无疑是有害的。由于真空电弧阴极斑点局部温度高达8000~40000K,阴极表面的微小熔池产生喷射,最终形成这些宏观颗粒。许多方法用来减少和消除真空电弧离子镀中的大颗粒。本文比较了在直流偏压、直流迭加脉冲偏压和磁场过滤电弧作用下的宏观颗粒特点。实验方法用4弧源真空电弧离子镀设备进行TiN膜的沉积,用Zr、Cr、Ti靶进行(ZrCrTi)N复合膜的共沉积。工艺条件为:电弧电流80…  相似文献   

本文介绍了SADE真空电弧控制技术及其电极结构、实验结果和应用情况。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观察了不同反应条件下合成出的陨硫铁的颗粒形态。结果发现不同反应条件下合成出的陨硫铁大部分呈浑圆状集合体,少量呈香蕉状。在陨硫铁颗粒的断面上还可以发现气孔。根据以上结果,本文对陨硫铁的成因进行了初步的探讨,并就不同反应条件与陨硫铁的生长关系进行了研究。  相似文献   

使用扫描电镜-能谱分析技术在10kV/1nA条件下分别对微束分析国家标准样品、K411玻璃微球和自制的颗粒标准样品进行了测试,并用CASINO程序对其进行了元素定量计算,以检验蒙特卡罗模拟在单颗粒分析中的适用性。研究结果表明:(1)无论是块状还是颗粒标准样品,CASINO程序给出的定量计算结果总体上都明显优于能谱仪自带的XPP程序;(2)相比归一化法,CASINO程序能显著地校正颗粒效应;(3)对于Cu、Zn等KαX射线荧光产额较低的元素,在其含量较低时最好使用Lα线进行定量计算;(4)对于Cr2O3等存在严重谱线重叠的样品,进行相应的重叠校正也可得到较为准确的定量计算结果。  相似文献   

单级纵磁场对真空电弧的性能的影响已经进行了实验性及理论性的研究,利用高速CCE摄像机对不同的电弧电流下的真空电弧模型进行了研究。尽管施加了单级纵磁场,在相当小的电流时出现了第一个集聚型电弧的迹象。在实验期间发现了三种不同的电弧模式。根据已总结出的欧姆定律。单极纵场影响下的真空电弧中的电流分布密度用三维有限元素方法(FEM)软件程序计算出来。计算出的电流分布证实了用CCD摄像胶片拍出的真空电弧的出现。在这样的实验和理论分析折基础上通常可能得到最佳的纵磁场分布。  相似文献   

在对氩离子抛光页岩样品的扫描电镜分析过程中,对比了镀膜与不镀膜方式的优缺点。结果显示:镀膜能够显著减轻荷电现象,而不镀膜方式能更好地获得页岩内部,特别是微孔隙结构的真实信息。在对分析条件,包括加速电压、检测器的选择及扫描速度等进行优化后,不镀膜方式也能获得荷电较少,细节清晰的抛光页岩扫描电镜图片。此外,不镀膜方式在页岩的电镜分析中具有更广的应用前景,如聚焦离子束( focus ion beam, FIB)-扫描电镜能够分析获取页岩的三维孔隙结构。  相似文献   

试验通过真空离子镀膜技术,利用激光轰击靶材形成离子,并使离子在强磁场的驱动下吸附于钻头或锣刀上形成镀层,制备出镀膜钻头及镀膜铣刀,同时分析镀膜钻头与镀膜铣刀在线路板生产制造中的实际应用效果;试验结果表明,采用镀膜钻头,可以明显增加钻孔孔限、减少披锋,节约成本;采用镀膜铣刀进行铣边及成型加工时,有利于减少产品的披锋、毛刺及铣刀断刀,提高生产效率及节约成本。  相似文献   

Zirconium nitride (ZrN) thin films were grown on glass and aluminum substrates using a dual cathodic arc ion deposition technique. The effects of various negative bias voltages and flow ratios of N2/Ar on the stoichiometric ratio of nitrogen to zirconium (N/Zr), deposition rate, structure, surface morphology and electrical resistivity of the ZrN layer were investigated. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy measurements indicated a drop in the deposition rate and a slight increase in stoichiometric ratio (N/Zr) with the increase of bias voltage up to −400 V, although the latter still remained slightly less than unity (~0.92). Deposition rate of the film showed an increase with the argon addition. X-ray diffraction patterns depicted mostly polycrystalline nature of the films, with preferential orientation of (2 0 0) planes in the −100 V to −300 V bias voltage range. For 70–50% nitrogen and at a bias voltage of −400 V, the (1 1 1) orientation of ZrN film predominated. The films were smoother at a lower bias of −100 V, while the roughness increased slightly at a higher bias voltage possibly due to (increased) preferential re-sputtering of zirconium-rich clusters/islands. Changes in the resistivity of the films were correlated with stoichiometry, crystallographic orientation and crystalline quality.  相似文献   

氮离子注入后拟南芥种子表皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用扫描电镜观察了低能N^ 注入拟南芥干种子后表层细胞结构的变化。结果表明,拟南芥种子的N^ 离子注入区域与未注入区域相比,离子注入区在一定程度上发生变化并伴随有表层细胞的损伤。随着离子剂量的增大,离子对种子细胞的损伤程度增大,且种子表面有裂痕生成。另外,经注入种子的表面分布有许多散在的固体颗粒状物质,其密集程度也随离子剂量的增加而增大。  相似文献   

Thin films of aluminum nitride (AlN) have been grown, using the cathodic arc ion deposition technique. The effects of nitrogen fractions in the discharge on synthesized films growth rate, stoichiometric ratio (N/Al), crystal orientation and molecular mode of vibration have been investigated. AlN films have been studied by means of Rutherford backscattering (RBS) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the four probe method. In RBS results, it has been found that growth rate and stoichiometric ratio decrease while reducing the nitrogen content in the synthesized chamber. XRD patterns indicated that films prepared in 100–85% nitrogen condition exhibit mixed phase of wurtzite+FFC, with preferential orientation along (002) corresponding to the hexagonal phase. It also demonstrated that at lower nitrogen environment, the transformation from mixed phase of wurtzite+FCC to a single phase of FCC–AlN occurs. FTIR spectroscopic analysis was employed to determine the nature of chemical bonding and vibrational phonon modes. Its spectra depicted a dominant peak around 850 cm−1 corresponding to the longitudinal optical (LO) mode of vibration. A shift in the LO mode peak toward lower wavenumbers was noticed with the decrease of nitrogen fraction, illustrating the decline of nitrogen concentration in the deposited AlN films. The 75% nitrogen fraction appeared critical for AlN film properties, such as shifting of mixed (wurtzite+FCC) phase to single FCC–Al(N), a sharp drop of stoichiometric ratio and deposition rate. Measurements of resistivity recorded by the four probe method depicted a sharp decline in the corresponding growth condition.  相似文献   

在HDI板制作过程中,盲孔电镀质量是决定电路板最终性能的关键步骤之一。文章主要针对几种常见的盲孔电镀问题,系统分析问题产生的原因,并提出相应的改善措施,避免缺陷的再次发生,提高盲孔电镀良率及性能的可靠性。  相似文献   

It has been found that TiN films with high wear resistance and high adhesion can be prepared by electron shower deposition and arc ion plating on glass and austenitic stainless steel (SUS 316) substrates. The high wear resistance is principally explained by the grain size and surface morphology. Fine {100}-faceted crystals (10–150 nm) grew on the surface. The typical morphology of the crystals was triangular pyramidal. The crystallite size was changed by the bias voltage. Faceted crystals produced by arc ion plating were rounded and smoothed by a change in bias, but were unaltered in samples prepared by the electron shower process. The fine faceted surfaces had higher wear resistance than the granularly rounded ones. When TiO2 was formed at the interface of the glass substrate, the adhesion was lowered. The high-adhesion film prepared by electron shower deposition contained a small amount of TiO2 at the interface.  相似文献   

胆结石的微观结构和组成元素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用扫描电镜研究了胆色素型和混合型胆结石经氯仿、乙醇、乙醚、盐酸等溶剂溶解剩余物的微观结构,结果显示色素型结石难溶物为膜孔相连结构,两层膜之间填充颗粒状盐;混合型结石难溶物的微观结构为絮状物连接的网孔结构,盐类嵌镶在絮状物中。用X射线能谱仪和等离子体发射光谱仪分析了胆结石的元素,讨论了金属元素在结石中所起的作用。  相似文献   

Magnetic effects of direct ion implantation of Mn and Fe into p-GaN   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In p-GaN implanted with Mn (3×1016 cm−2 at 250 keV), the material after annealing shows ferromagnetic properties below 250 K. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the presence of platelet structures with hexagonal symmetry. These regions are most likely GaxMn1−xN, which produce the ferromagnetic contribution to the magnetization. In p-GaN implanted with Fe, the material after annealing showed ferromagnetic properties at temperatures that were dependent on the Fe dose, but were below 200 K in all cases. In these samples, TEM and diffraction analysis did not reveal any secondary phase formation. The results for the Fe implantation are similar to those reported for Fe doping during epitaxial growth of GaN.  相似文献   

综述了扫描电镜在印制板行业中的应用前景,介绍了扫描电镜在高精度和高密度PCB板中的层压工艺、基板材料、表面涂覆及其它一些方面的应用。  相似文献   

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