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Meta-analysis, a quantitative research review, was conducted on 65 studies of the effect of education, exercise and/or psychosocial support (hereafter called psychoeducational care) in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Studies ranged in publication date from 1954 to 1994. Only 34% of studies had subjects that were randomly assigned to treatment condition, and only 15% of studies had a placebo-type control group. Analyses by type of treatment showed that pulmonary rehabilitation (large muscle exercise and education plus a variety of psychosocial or behavioral interventions) had statistically significant beneficial effects on psychological well-being (d+ = 0.58, n = 13), endurance (d+ = 0.77, n = 13), functional status (d+ = 0.63, n = 8), VO2 (d+ = 0.56, n = 5), dyspnea (d+ = 0.71, n = 10), and adherence (d+ = 1.76, n = 2). A statistically significant beneficial effect of pulmonary rehabilitation was not found on Forced Expiratory Volume at 1 s. Across 7 outcomes examined, treatments including education-alone had significant beneficial effect on the accuracy of performing inhaler skills (d+ = 1.27, n = 7). Based on a very small sample of studies, a non-significant but small or medium sized effect of education-alone was evident on health care utilization (d+ = 0.26, n = 3) and on adherence to treatment regimen (d+ = 0.50, n = 2). Such results are inconclusive, suggesting that further research may be indicated. Relaxation-alone had statistically significant beneficial effects on both dyspnea (d+ = 0.91, n = 3) and psychological well-being (d+ = 0.39, n = 6). The research base has methodological weaknesses that should be rectified in future research. Nonetheless, based on the best evidence available to date, identified types of psychoeducational care have been shown to improve the functioning and well-being of adults with COPD.  相似文献   

The class II genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) encode the alpha/beta heterodimeric glycoproteins that play a critical role in the induction of immune responses through presentation of processed antigen to CD4+ T lymphocytes. The constitutive expression of class II MHC antigens is restricted primarily to B cells, dendritic cells, thymic epithelium, and macrophages, although a wide variety of other cell types can be induced to express class II antigens after exposure to cytokines. The appropriate constitutive and inducible te constitutive and inducible expression of class II MHC antigens is essential for normal immune function; thus it is not surprising that aberrant expression on cell types normally class II MHC negative has been correlated with various autoimmune disorders, and lack of expression results in a severe combined immunodeficiency disorder called bare lymphocyte syndrome (BLS). In this review, we discuss the agents that both induce and inhibit class II MHC expression, the function of class II MHC antigens with an emphasis on the ability of these proteins to act as signal transducing molecules, and the molecular regulation of class II MHC expression.  相似文献   

Class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens of higher eukaryotes play a crucial role in the recognition of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-infected cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In the present study, we have demonstrated that HCMV infection resulted in a marked reduction in the surface expression of class I MHC antigens on human embryonic lung fibroblasts (HEL). Even when HCMV-infected HEL were cultured in the presence of 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)-guanine (DHPG), the reduction was observed to the same extent, indicating that HCMV DNA synthesis was not required for this phenomenon. However, immunoprecipitation studies have shown that there was no significant reduction in the synthesis of either the heavy chain or the light chain of class I MHC antigens after HCMV infection. In addition, Western blotting studies have revealed that the total amount of the antigens was almost unaltered after HCMV infection. These results suggest that the reduction in the cell surface expression of class I MHC antigens is due to some defect occurring post-translationally, most likely at the level of the correct complex formation and/or the intracellular transport of class I MHC antigens.  相似文献   

T cell recognition of antigen requires that a complex form between peptides derived from the protein antigen and cell surface glycoproteins encoded by genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). MHC class II molecules present both extracellular (exogenous) and internally synthesized (endogenous) antigens to the CD4 T cells subset of lymphocytes. The mechanisms of endogenous antigen presentation are the subject of this review. Isolation and amino acid sequencing of peptides bound to the class II molecule indicate that a very high proportion (70-90%) of the total peptides presented by the class II molecule are in fact derived from the pool of proteins that are synthetized within the antigen-presenting cell (APC). This type of sequence information as well as the study of model antigens has indicated that proteins expressed in a diversity of intracellular sites, including the cell surface, endoplasmic reticulum and cytosol can gain access to the class II molecule, albeit with different efficiencies. The main questions that remain to be answered are the intracellular trafficking patterns that allow colocalization of internally synthesized antigens with the class II molecule, the site(s) within the cell where peptide:class II molecule complex formation can take place and whether presentation of 'foreign' as well as 'self' antigens takes place by mechanisms that vary from one cell type to another or that vary with the metabolic state of the APC. If such variability exists, is would imply that the array of peptides displayed by class II molecules at the cell surface has similar variability, a possibility that would impact on self tolerance and autoimmunity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Beside its role in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-D3) exerts multiple effects on cytokine and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II expression in monocytes and lymphocytes. In different renal diseases tubular epithelial cells express MHC class II molecules and cell adhesion molecules,, such as intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). Therefore, modulation of MHC class II and ICAM-1 expression in renal tubular epithelial cells by 1,25-D3 may be relevant to lymphocyte adhesion to tubular epithelial cells and immune mediated renal injury. However, the expression of MHC class II antigens and cellular adhesion molecules by renal tubular epithelial cells in response to 1,25-D3 has not been investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We generated human renal tubular epithelial cells and SV40 transfected tubular epithelial cells to investigate immune modulation of 1,25 on renal epithelial cells. Major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and ICAM-1 were detected by a specific enzyme linked immunoassay. RESULTS: We found a dose-dependent increase of both constitutive and induced MHC class II and ICAM-1 expression in tubular epithelial cells stimulated with 1,25-D3. Dose-dependent stimulation of MHC class II and ICAM-1 expression was not restricted to primary human renal tubular epithelial cells but was also detected in SV40 transfected cells. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of MHC class II and ICAM-1 is crucial for antigen presentation by and lymphocyte adhesion to renal tubular epithelial cells. Modulatory effects of 1,25-D3 on immune accessory function of renal tubular epithelial cells may be of clinical significance in renal diseases.  相似文献   

A. baumannii is a multiresistant bacteria which is recognised as responsible for nosocomial infections and hospital outbreaks. The control of these outbreaks depends on the strain's typing and on the fight's policy against nosocomial infections. An outbreak of A. baumannii is occurred to patients who were hospitalized in Centre Hospitalier de Versailles. To investigate this outbreak, we have determined the biotype (Bouvet's method), the succeptibility pattern (disk diffusion and agar dilution results were analysed with the hierarchical classification and main component analysis) and the total DNA macrorestriction pattern (Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis using SmaI restriction enzyme). A risk factors for A. baumannii acquisition were delineated in case-control study. During 2 years, 38 patients have been infected or colonized to A. baumannii. Thirty two patients were hospitalized in ICU. We studied 38 non repetitive clinical isolates and 9 strains of the patient's rooms. Four biotypes were defined by the Bouvet's typing method. Fourteen groups were obtained when succeptibility results were analysed with the hierarchical classification and 6 with the main composant analysis. The molecular typing permit us to define 4 epidemic and 6 sporadic strains. All the epidemic strains were isolated on ICU hospitalized patients. Our study has shown wide contamination in patient's rooms (Water tap, dry surfaces, patient's mattresses...). Environmental objects have been a major risk factor for A. baumannii acquisition. The control of this outbreak has been possible by application of hygienic measures (hands washing, isolment, meticulous cleaning of the ICU and environmental controls). No new case is occurred in the last year. Typing methods and case-control study are necessary to investigate cross-infections and take efficient measures against these outbreaks.  相似文献   

MHC-restricted T cells are thought to contribute to clinical demyelination in MS and other circumstances. The step-by-step mechanisms involved and ways of controlling them are still being defined. Identification of the MHC+ cells in the CNS in situ has been controversial. This chapter reviews MHC expression in neural tissue, including normal, pathological, experimental, and developing tissue in situ and isolated cells in vitro. A basic pattern is defined, in which MHC expression is limited to nonneural cells and strongest class I and II expression are on different cell types. Variations from the basic pattern are reviewed. Ways of reconciling divergent findings are discussed, including the use of "mock tissue" to help choose between technical and biological bases for divergent findings, the potential contribution of internal antigen to the in situ staining patterns, and the possibility that class I upregulation is actively suppressed in situ. Functional implications of the observed patterns of MHC expression and ways of confirming the function of each MHC+ cell type in situ are described. It is suggested that modulating MHC expression in different cell types at different times or in different directions might be desirable.  相似文献   

The role of B lymphocytes in initiating and maintaining a CD4+ T cell response has been examined using a variety of strategies, but remains controversial because of weaknesses inherent to each of the approaches. Here, we address this issue by measuring CD4+ T cell priming both in mutant mice devoid of B cells and in chimeric animals lacking major histocompatibility complex class II molecules specifically on B cells. We find that peptide and some protein antigens do not require B cells expressing class II molecules, nor B cells themselves, to efficiently prime. This could be demonstrated by the usual lymph node proliferation assay, a rather indirect in vitro measure of priming, and by a direct ex vivo assay of population expansion and activation marker expression. Interestingly, one protein antigen, conalbumin, could not prime in the absence of B cells, but could in the presence of B cells devoid of class II molecules. This finding constrains the possible mechanisms whereby B lymphocytes contribute to the initiation of a CD4+ T cell response, arguing against the importance of surface immunoglobulin-mediated antigen presentation by B cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC) class II deficiency is an autosomal recessive primary immunodeficiency disease in which MHC class II molecules are absent. It is a genetically heterogeneous disease of gene regulation resulting from defects in several transactivating genes that regulate the expression of MHC class II genes. The mutations responsible for MHC class II deficiency are classified according to complementation group (a group in which the phenotype remains uncorrected in pairwise fusions of cells). There are three known complementation groups (A, B, and C). METHODS: To elucidate the genetic defect in patients with MHC class II deficiency that was not classified genetically, we performed direct complementation assays with the three genes known to regulate the expression of MHC class II genes, CIITA, RFX5, and RFXAP, and the relevant mutations were identified in each patient. RESULTS: Mutations in the RFXAP gene were found in three patients from unrelated families, and the resulting defect was classified as belonging to a novel complementation group (D). Transfection with the wild-type RFXAP gene restored the expression of MHC class II molecules in the patients' cells. CONCLUSIONS: Mutations in a novel MHC class II transactivating factor, RFXAP, can cause MHC class II deficiency. These mutations abolish the expression of MHC class II genes and lead to the same clinical picture of immunodeficiency as in patients with mutations in the other two MHC class II regulatory genes.  相似文献   

Technologies for promoting quality of organizational services to the developmentally disabled have been evolving over the past several decades. Feedback reinforcement and, often, goal-setting, powerful change tools, generally are incorporated within behavioral interventions. Despite their promise, wide-scale application of these strategies often is impeded by natural and informal organizational contingencies. In an attempt to combat such impediments, a structure of interlocking contingencies was designed to train and support managers' provision of effective feedback to their subordinates, peers, and superiors. The system included formal scheduling of feedback, reinforcement and goal setting in a way that attempted to (a) minimize financial costs, time and effort; (b) empower participants by involving them in designing the specifics of the system; and (c) promote momentum by encouraging dense schedules of feedback. Within a period of less than 6 months, supervisors, managers, and professional specialists conducted brief audits and delivered nearly 9,000 written feedback reports to workers serving 129 clients, with the result that staff-client interactions and client engagement levels increased substantially. Future research should replicate these methods under more rigorous experimental conditions and formally assess some of the system's spillover into realms such as gains in clients' skill levels, and staff and public acceptance.  相似文献   

MHC-I binding peptides and beta 2 microglobulin (beta 2-m) can upregulate the MHC-I heavy chain expression on certain peptide transporter mutant cells. We have further studied this with normal cells and non-mutant cell lines. No MHC-I upregulation was seen with normal, resting or activated T cells. On mouse cell lines P815 and B16, both peptides and human beta 2-m gave an additive upregulation response. With the human small cell lung carcinoma H82, an optimal HLA.A2 binding peptide (GILGFVFTL) gave an upregulation response, whereas beta 2-m alone or in combination with this peptide had no effect. However, beta 2-m potentiated the response of H82 cells to a slightly longer peptide. Using mutant RMA-S cells, it was found that both Brefeldin A (BFA) and chloroquine, but not leupeptin, inhibited MHC-I upregulation response to both peptide and beta 2-m. In contrast to chloroquine, BFA also gave a reduction of background membrane MHC-I expression, presumably due to a block in Golgi transport. Human beta 2-m, which binds to RMA-S cells, and which is known to internalize into endosomes, did not reappear on the cell surface. When Db on RMA-S cells was upregulated by human beta 2-m, the sensitivity of these cells to Db restricted CTL cells increased. Even if beta 2-m did not upregulate the overall MHC-I expression on normal cells, it may still quantitatively increase the expression of optimally presented peptides and endosomal recycling many be important in this process.  相似文献   

Using a lymphocyte binding assay, we have previously demonstrated that the CD4 protein can mediate cell adhesion by direct interaction with MHC class II molecules. In this report, we have used this assay to test whether synthetic peptides, corresponding to DR beta sequences, could inhibit CD4-class II adhesion. A peptide derived from sequences within the beta1 domain (DR beta 41-55), as well as two peptides derived from sequences within the beta 2 domain (DR beta 121-135 and DR beta 141-155), were shown to inhibit CD4-class II adhesion. Inasmuch as a site for CD4 binding in the beta 2 domain had been previously documented, these studies were designed to investigate the role of the beta 1 domain as an additional site of interaction with CD4. Sixteen site-specific mutations were engineered within the beta1 domain of DR beta 1*0101. Several mutations were shown to disrupt CD4-dependent T cell activation. Based on these results, we propose a model for the molecular interaction of CD4 with MHC class II proteins in which both the beta 1 and beta 2 domains of class II interact with the two amino-terminal Ig-like domains of CD4.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that efficient selection of the mature CD4+ T cell repertoire requires a functional interaction between the CD4 coreceptor on the developing thymocyte and the MHC class II molecule on the thymic epithelium. Mice expressing a class II protein carrying the EA137/VA142 double mutation in the CD4 binding domain develop fewer than one-third the number of CD4+ T cells found in wild-type mice. In this report we describe the functional characteristics of this population of CD4+ T cells. CD4+ T cells that develop under these conditions are predicted to be a CD4-independent subset of T cells, bearing TCRs of sufficient affinity for the class II ligand to undergo selection despite the absence of accessory class II-CD4 interactions. We show that CD4+ T cells from the class II mutant mice are indeed CD4 independent in their peripheral activation requirements. Surprisingly, we find that CD4+ T cells from the class II mutant mice, having been selected in the absence of a productive class II-CD4 interaction, fail to functionally engage CD4 even when subsequently provided with a wild-type class II ligand. Nevertheless, CD4+ T cells from EA137/VA142 class II mutant mice can respond to T-dependent Ags and support Ig isotype switching.  相似文献   

The assembly of a human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule was investigated in a cell-free system capable of the synthesis, sequestration, and processing of the protein chains. As assessed by the conformation-sensitive monoclonal antibody L243, the formation of HLA-DR alpha/beta heterodimer required cotranslation of alpha and beta mRNA in the presence of both oxidized glutathione and canine pancreas endoplasmic reticulum (ER) vesicles. The assembly of alpha/beta dimer could also be initiated by the post-translational addition of oxidized glutathione. Using the post-translational assay system, we investigated the effect of the depletion of ER lumenal content proteins on the folding and assembly of the MHC class II chains. Both the rate and extent of folding of alpha chain and beta chain and the post-translational assembly of alpha/beta dimer is greatly reduced in the depleted ER vesicles. Conversely, the extent of aggregate formation is increased. Upon reconstitution of the depleted ER vesicles with lumenal proteins, the folding of alpha chain is accelerated and the assembly of alpha/beta dimer is increased.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of neurobrucellosis in a 25-year-old woman with visual impairment, bilateral hearing loss, hyperprolactinaemia and meningitis. MRI revealed a sellar and suprasellar mass with enlargement of the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

Binding of antigenic peptides to MHC class II (MHC-II) molecules occurs in the endocytic pathway. From previous studies in B lymphocytes, it is believed that most but not all of the newly synthesized MHC-II molecules are directly targeted from the trans-Golgi network to endosomal compartments. By using pulse-chase metabolic labeling followed by cell surface biotinylation, we show here that in contrast to an EBV-transformed B cell line and human monocytes, the majority of newly synthesized MHC-II molecules (at least 55 +/- 13%) are first routed to the plasma membrane of dendritic cells derived from human monocytes. They reach the cell surface in association with the invariant chain (Ii), a polypeptide known to target MHC-II to the endosomal/lysosomal system. Following rapid internalization and degradation of Ii, these alphabeta Ii complexes are converted into alphabeta-peptide complexes as shown by their SDS stability. These SDS-stable dimers appear as soon as 15 to 30 min after internalization of the alphabeta Ii complexes. More than 80% of alphabeta dimers originating from internalized alphabeta Ii complexes are progressively delivered to the cell surface within the next 2 h. Depolymerization of microtubules, which delays the transport to late endosomal compartments, did not affect the kinetics of conversion of surface alphbeta Ii into SDS-stable and -unstable alphabeta dimers. Altogether, these data suggest that newly liberated class II alphabeta heterodimers may bind peptides in different compartments along the endocytic pathway in dendritic cells derived from human monocytes.  相似文献   

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