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In this paper, a human action recognition method is presented in which pose representation is based on the contour points of the human silhouette and actions are learned by making use of sequences of multi-view key poses. Our contribution is twofold. Firstly, our approach achieves state-of-the-art success rates without compromising the speed of the recognition process and therefore showing suitability for online recognition and real-time scenarios. Secondly, dissimilarities among different actors performing the same action are handled by taking into account variations in shape (shifting the test data to the known domain of key poses) and speed (considering inconsistent time scales in the classification). Experimental results on the publicly available Weizmann, MuHAVi and IXMAS datasets return high and stable success rates, achieving, to the best of our knowledge, the best rate so far on the MuHAVi Novel Actor test.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new silhouette-based gait recognition method via deterministic learning theory, which combines spatio-temporal motion characteristics and physical parameters of a human subject by analyzing shape parameters of the subject?s silhouette contour. It has been validated only in sequences with lateral view, recorded in laboratory conditions. The ratio of the silhouette?s height and width (H–W ratio), the width of the outer contour of the binarized silhouette, the silhouette area and the vertical coordinate of centroid of the outer contour are combined as gait features for recognition. They represent the dynamics of gait motion and can more effectively reflect the tiny variance between different gait patterns. The gait recognition approach consists of two phases: a training phase and a test phase. In the training phase, the gait dynamics underlying different individuals? gaits are locally accurately approximated by radial basis function (RBF) networks via deterministic learning theory. The obtained knowledge of approximated gait dynamics is stored in constant RBF networks. In the test phase, a bank of dynamical estimators is constructed for all the training gait patterns. The constant RBF networks obtained from the training phase are embedded in the estimators. By comparing the set of estimators with a test gait pattern, a set of recognition errors are generated, and the average L1 norms of the errors are taken as the similarity measure between the dynamics of the training gait patterns and the dynamics of the test gait pattern. The test gait pattern similar to one of the training gait patterns can be recognized according to the smallest error principle. Finally, the recognition performance of the proposed algorithm is comparatively illustrated to take into consideration the published gait recognition approaches on the most well-known public gait databases: CASIA, CMU MoBo and TUM GAID.  相似文献   

A complete, fast and practical isolated object recognition system has been developed which is very robust with respect to scale, position and orientation changes of the objects as well as noise and local deformations of shape (due to perspective projection, segmentation errors and non-rigid material used in some objects). The system has been tested on a wide variety of three-dimensional objects with different shapes and material and surface properties. A light-box setup is used to obtain silhouette images which are segmented to obtain the physical boundaries of the objects which are classified as either convex or concave. Convex curves are recognized using their four high-scale curvature extrema points. Curvature scale space (CSS) representations are computed for concave curves. The CSS representation is a multi-scale organization of the natural, invariant features of a curve (curvature zero-crossings or extrema) and useful for very reliable recognition of the correct model since it places no constraints on the shape of objects. A three-stage, coarse-to-fine matching algorithm prunes the search space in stage one by applying the CSS aspect ratio test. The maxima of contours in CSS representations of the surviving models are used for fast CSS matching in stage two. Finally, stage three verifies the best match and resolves any ambiguities by determining the distance between the image and model curves. Transformation parameter optimization is then used to find the best fit of the input object to the correct model  相似文献   

Silhouette-based occluded object recognition through curvature scale space   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A complete and practical system for occluded object recognition has been developed which is very robust with respect to noise and local deformations of shape (due to weak perspective distortion, segmentation errors and non-rigid material) as well as scale, position and orientation changes of the objects. The system has been tested on a wide variety of free-form 3D objects. An industrial application is envisaged where a fixed camera and a light-box are utilized to obtain images. Within the constraints of the system, every rigid 3D object can be modeled by a limited number of classes of 2D contours corresponding to the object's resting positions on the light-box. The contours in each class are related to each other by a 2D similarity transformation. The Curvature Scale Space technique [26, 28] is then used to obtain a novel multi-scale segmentation of the image and the model contours. Object indexing [16, 32, 36] is used to narrow down the search space. An efficient local matching algorithm is utilized to select the best matching models. Received: 5 August 1996 / Accepted: 19 March 1997  相似文献   

Conventional human action recognition algorithms cannot work well when the amount of training videos is insufficient. We solve this problem by proposing a transfer topic model (TTM), which utilizes information extracted from videos in the auxiliary domain to assist recognition tasks in the target domain. The TTM is well characterized by two aspects: 1) it uses the bag-of-words model trained from the auxiliary domain to represent videos in the target domain; and 2) it assumes each human action is a mixture of a set of topics and uses the topics learned from the auxiliary domain to regularize the topic estimation in the target domain, wherein the regularization is the summation of Kullback-Leibler divergences between topic pairs of the two domains. The utilization of the auxiliary domain knowledge improves the generalization ability of the learned topic model. Experiments on Weizmann and KTH human action databases suggest the effectiveness of the proposed TTM for cross-domain human action recognition.  相似文献   

目的 在人体行为识别算法的研究领域,通过视频特征实现零样本识别的研究越来越多。但是,目前大部分研究是基于单模态数据展开的,关于多模态融合的研究还较少。为了研究多种模态数据对零样本人体动作识别的影响,本文提出了一种基于多模态融合的零样本人体动作识别(zero-shot human action recognition framework based on multimodel fusion, ZSAR-MF)框架。方法 本文框架主要由传感器特征提取模块、分类模块和视频特征提取模块组成。具体来说,传感器特征提取模块使用卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)提取心率和加速度特征;分类模块利用所有概念(传感器特征、动作和对象名称)的词向量生成动作类别分类器;视频特征提取模块将每个动作的属性、对象分数和传感器特征映射到属性—特征空间中,最后使用分类模块生成的分类器对每个动作的属性和传感器特征进行评估。结果 本文实验在Stanford-ECM数据集上展开,对比结果表明本文ZSAR-MF模型比基于单模态数据的零样本识别模型在识别准确率上提高了4 %左右。结论 本文所提出的基于多模态融合的零样本人体动作识别框架,有效地融合了传感器特征和视频特征,并显著提高了零样本人体动作识别的准确率。  相似文献   

The understanding of human activity is one of the key research areas in human-centered robotic applications. In this paper, we propose complexity-based motion features for recognizing human actions. Using a time-series-complexity measure, the proposed method evaluates the amount of useful information in subsequences to select meaningful temporal parts in a human motion trajectory. Based on these meaningful subsequences, motion codewords are learned using a clustering algorithm. Motion features are then generated and represented as a histogram of the motion codewords. Furthermore, we propose a multiscaled sliding window for generating motion codewords to solve the sensitivity problem of the performance to the fixed length of the sliding window. As a classification method, we employed a random forest classifier. Moreover, to validate the proposed method, we present experimental results of the proposed approach based on two open data sets: MSR Action 3D and UTKinect data sets.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method that leverages reasoning capabilities in a computer vision system dedicated to human action recognition. The proposed methodology is decomposed into two stages. First, a machine learning based algorithm – known as bag of words – gives a first estimate of action classification from video sequences, by performing an image feature analysis. Those results are afterward passed to a common-sense reasoning system, which analyses, selects and corrects the initial estimation yielded by the machine learning algorithm. This second stage resorts to the knowledge implicit in the rationality that motivates human behaviour. Experiments are performed in realistic conditions, where poor recognition rates by the machine learning techniques are significantly improved by the second stage in which common-sense knowledge and reasoning capabilities have been leveraged. This demonstrates the value of integrating common-sense capabilities into a computer vision pipeline.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a machine learning approach for subject independent human action recognition using depth camera, emphasizing the importance of depth in recognition of actions. The proposed approach uses the flow information of all 3 dimensions to classify an action. In our approach, we have obtained the 2-D optical flow and used it along with the depth image to obtain the depth flow (Z motion vectors). The obtained flow captures the dynamics of the actions in space–time. Feature vectors are obtained by averaging the 3-D motion over a grid laid over the silhouette in a hierarchical fashion. These hierarchical fine to coarse windows capture the motion dynamics of the object at various scales. The extracted features are used to train a Meta-cognitive Radial Basis Function Network (McRBFN) that uses a Projection Based Learning (PBL) algorithm, referred to as PBL-McRBFN, henceforth. PBL-McRBFN begins with zero hidden neurons and builds the network based on the best human learning strategy, namely, self-regulated learning in a meta-cognitive environment. When a sample is used for learning, PBL-McRBFN uses the sample overlapping conditions, and a projection based learning algorithm to estimate the parameters of the network. The performance of PBL-McRBFN is compared to that of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) classifiers with representation of every person and action in the training and testing datasets. Performance study shows that PBL-McRBFN outperforms these classifiers in recognizing actions in 3-D. Further, a subject-independent study is conducted by leave-one-subject-out strategy and its generalization performance is tested. It is observed from the subject-independent study that McRBFN is capable of generalizing actions accurately. The performance of the proposed approach is benchmarked with Video Analytics Lab (VAL) dataset and Berkeley Multi-modal Human Action Database (MHAD).  相似文献   

Ren  Ziliang  Zhang  Qieshi  Gao  Xiangyang  Hao  Pengyi  Cheng  Jun 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2021,80(11):16185-16203
Multimedia Tools and Applications - The multi-modality based human action recognition is an increasing topic. Multi-modality can provide more abundant and complementary information than single...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a boosting EigenActions algorithm for human action recognition. A spatio-temporal Information Saliency Map (ISM) is calculated from a video sequence by estimating pixel density function. A continuous human action is segmented into a set of primitive periodic motion cycles from information saliency curve. Each cycle of motion is represented by a Salient Action Unit (SAU), which is used to determine the EigenAction using principle component analysis. A human action classifier is developed using multi-class Adaboost algorithm with Bayesian hypothesis as the weak classifier. Given a human action video sequence, the proposed method effectively locates the SAUs in the video, and recognizes the human actions by categorizing the SAUs. Two publicly available human action databases, namely KTH and Weizmann, are selected for evaluation. The average recognition accuracy are 81.5% and 98.3% for KTH and Weizmann databases, respectively. Comparative results with two recent methods and robustness test results are also reported.  相似文献   

Human action recognition (HAR) is a core technology for human–computer interaction and video understanding, attracting significant research and development attention in the field of computer vision. However, in uncontrolled environments, achieving effective HAR is still challenging, due to the widely varying nature of video content. In previous research efforts, trajectory-based video representations have been widely used for HAR. Although these approaches show state-of-the-art HAR performance for various datasets, issues like a high computational complexity and the presence of redundant trajectories still need to be addressed in order to solve the problem of real-world HAR. In this paper, we propose a novel method for HAR, integrating a technique for rejecting redundant trajectories that are mainly originating from camera movement, without degrading the effectiveness of HAR. Furthermore, in order to facilitate efficient optical flow estimation prior to trajectory extraction, we integrate a technique for dynamic frame skipping. As a result, we only make use of a small subset of the frames present in a video clip for optical flow estimation. Comparative experiments with five publicly available human action datasets show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art HAR approaches in terms of effectiveness, while simultaneously mitigating the computational complexity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the task of continuous human action recognition. By continuous, it refers to videos that contain multiple actions which are connected together. This task is important to applications like video surveillance and content based video retrieval. It aims to identify the action category and detect the start and end key frame of each action. It is a challenging task due to the frequent changes of human actions and the ambiguity of action boundaries. In this paper, a novel and efficient continuous action recognition framework is proposed. Our approach is based on the bag of words representation. A visual local pattern is regarded as a word and the action is modeled by the distribution of words. A generative translation and scale invariant probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis model is presented. The continuous action recognition result is obtained frame by frame and updated from time to time. Experimental results show that this approach is effective and efficient to recognize both isolated actions and continuous actions.  相似文献   

Ongoing human action recognition is a challenging problem that has many applications, such as video surveillance, patient monitoring, human–computer interaction, etc. This paper presents a novel framework for recognizing streamed actions using Motion Capture (MoCap) data. Unlike the after-the-fact classification of completed activities, this work aims at achieving early recognition of ongoing activities. The proposed method is time efficient as it is based on histograms of action poses, extracted from MoCap data, that are computed according to Hausdorff distance. The histograms are then compared with the Bhattacharyya distance and warped by a dynamic time warping process to achieve their optimal alignment. This process, implemented by our dynamic programming-based solution, has the advantage of allowing some stretching flexibility to accommodate for possible action length changes. We have shown the success and effectiveness of our solution by testing it on large datasets and comparing it with several state-of-the-art methods. In particular, we were able to achieve excellent recognition rates that have outperformed many well known methods.  相似文献   

针对HOG特征在人体行为识别中仅仅表征人体局部梯度特征的不足,提出了一种扩展HOG(ExHOG)特征与CLBP特征相融合的人体行为识别方法。用背景差分法从视频中提取出完整的人体运动序列,并提取出扩展梯度方向直方图ExHOG及完备局部二值模式CLBP两种互补特征;利用K-L变换将这两种互补特征融合生成一个分类能力更强的行为特征;采用径向基函数神经网络RBFNN对行为特征进行识别分类。在KTH和Weizman行为公共数据库上进行了多组实验,结果表明提出的方法能够有效地识别人体运动类别。  相似文献   

基于骨骼信息的人体行为识别旨在从输入的包含一个或多个行为的骨骼序列中,正确地分析出行为的种类,是计算机视觉领域的研究热点之一。与基于图像的人体行为识别方法相比,基于骨骼信息的人体行为识别方法不受背景、人体外观等干扰因素的影响,具有更高的准确性、鲁棒性和计算效率。针对基于骨骼信息的人体行为识别方法的重要性和前沿性,对其进行全面和系统的总结分析具有十分重要的意义。本文首先回顾了9个广泛应用的骨骼行为识别数据集,按照数据收集视角的差异将它们分为单视角数据集和多视角数据集,并着重探讨了不同数据集的特点和用法。其次,根据算法所使用的基础网络,将基于骨骼信息的行为识别方法分为基于手工制作特征的方法、基于循环神经网络的方法、基于卷积神经网络的方法、基于图卷积网络的方法以及基于Transformer的方法,重点阐述分析了这些方法的原理及优缺点。其中,图卷积方法因其强大的空间关系捕捉能力而成为目前应用最为广泛的方法。采用了全新的归纳方法,对图卷积方法进行了全面综述,旨在为研究人员提供更多的思路和方法。最后,从8个方面总结现有方法存在的问题,并针对性地提出工作展望。  相似文献   

A survey on vision-based human action recognition   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Vision-based human action recognition is the process of labeling image sequences with action labels. Robust solutions to this problem have applications in domains such as visual surveillance, video retrieval and human–computer interaction. The task is challenging due to variations in motion performance, recording settings and inter-personal differences. In this survey, we explicitly address these challenges. We provide a detailed overview of current advances in the field. Image representations and the subsequent classification process are discussed separately to focus on the novelties of recent research. Moreover, we discuss limitations of the state of the art and outline promising directions of research.  相似文献   

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