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PURPOSE: Advances in cerebral vascular imaging suggest that patients with critical levels of carotid artery stenosis (> 70%) who have symptoms can be identified accurately and necessary information about the intracranial and extracranial circulation obtained before surgery without conventional angiography. We have used carotid duplex imaging in combination with magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to evaluate 20 patients with symptomatic ipsilateral high-grade carotid stenosis. METHODS: All patients underwent CT and magnetic resonance imaging brain scans, as well as MRA and conventional arteriography of the cerebral circulation. Magnetic resonance angiograms were obtained with two-dimensional phase contrast and time-of-flight techniques. Phase contrast was used for intracranial vascular imaging and for determining qualitative flow velocities and the direction of blood flow in the circle of Willis. Two-dimensional time of flight was used to assess the carotid bifurcations. RESULTS: Twenty patients with symptoms (six with strokes, 11 with transient ischemic attacks, and three with amaurosis fugax) had duplex evidence of high-grade carotid stenoses. Computed tomographic and magnetic resonance brain scans were positive for cerebral infarction in six patients with clinical strokes. Comparison of MRA with conventional angiography was 91% accurate for high-grade stenoses and occlusions (sensitivity 100% and specificity 90% for stenosis; sensitivity/specificity was 100% for complete occlusion). Comparison of duplex imaging with conventional angiography demonstrated 86% accuracy for detection of severe stenosis or occlusion (sensitivity 94% and specificity 89% for stenosis; sensitivity and specificity were 100% for complete occlusion). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that combined use of MRA and duplex imaging is accurate for detection and evaluation of high-grade carotid stenoses in patients with symptoms.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate Doppler ultrasound (US), Helical CT, Magnetic Resonance (MR) angiography in the detection of carotid bifurcation atherosclerotic disease and comparison with angiography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After a Doppler US procedure, 56 carotid bifurcations were included (symptomatic stenosis greater than 60% or asymptomatic stenosis greater than 30%). Helical CT, MR angiography and selective arteriography were performed. Stenosis were measured with NASCET criteria. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated and compared to arteriographics findings for each procedure and each grade of stenosis. RESULTS: Helical CT and MR angiography had their best sensitivity in grade 3 (70-99%), 92%, 100% respectively, their specificity was identical (91%). All the occlusions were depicted by the three procedures. CONCLUSION: Association of Doppler US and MR angiography may replace in the future selective angiography in the evaluation of extracranial atherosclerotic disease. Arteriography would be performed only in case of discordance between these two procedures.  相似文献   

Thyroid cancer is associated with abnormal thyroid peroxidase (TPO) expression as shown by abolition of immunodetection by monoclonal antibody 47 (Mab 47). The purpose of this study was to determine the relation of this abnormality with differentiation and proliferative potential of follicular tumors evaluated by analyzing thyroglobulin (TG) expression and proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) index. TPO, TG, and PCNA immunostaining were performed in a series of 30 thyroid follicular tumors ranging from adenoma to invasive carcinoma. Our findings confirmed that TPO abnormalities and PCNA index were correlated with malignancy, and that PCNA as well as TPO could be used to determine the growth potential of follicular proliferations in fine-needle aspirates. The most discriminant parameter was the ratio between the percentage of Mab-47 and PCNA positive cells. Ratios under 0.6 were correlated with malignancy in 90% of the cases, with only 3 cases of atypical adenomas being misdiagnosed as carcinomas. An inverse correlation was found between TPO and PCNA expression, but TG, which persisted at high levels in several actively growing follicular carcinomas, did not appear directly linked to cellular proliferation. These findings confirm that, unlike a decrease in TG synthesis that merely reflects the progressive loss of differentiation occurring in high-grade proliferations, alteration of TPO is an early marker of thyroid follicular tumors, closely related to acceleration of tumor growth in the first stages of malignant transformation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the ability of clinicians to detect change in the photographic appearance of the optic disk with the performance of a system for digitized image analysis. METHODS: In 11 monkey eyes, a Topcon Imagenet System was used to acquire eight digitized image pairs and four stereoscopic photographs at an intraocular pressure of 10 mm Hg, and then, again, 45 minutes after intraocular pressure was increased to 45 mm Hg. We recently reported detection of global (ten of 11 eyes) and regional (11 of 11 eyes) change in the digitized images of these eyes by using two new statistical strategies for optic disk analysis. For the current study, we evaluated the ability of three clinicians (the authors) to detect a change within the stereoscopic photographs of these 11 optic disks. For each eye, the eight stereoscopic photographs (four at intraocular pressure of 10 mm Hg and four at intraocular pressure of 45 mm Hg) were developed as stereoscopic slides and arranged into four pairs (10/10, 45/45, 10/45, and 45/10 mm Hg). Thus, two pairs represented no change in intraocular pressure (10/10 and 45/45 mm Hg) and the other two pairs represented either an increase or a decrease in intraocular pressure (10/45 and 45/10 mm Hg). The 44 pairs of stereoscopic slides (four pairs for each of 11 eyes) were masked then randomly mixed. On two separate occasions, each clinician evaluated each pair of stereoscopic slides for the presence of absence of optic disk change. RESULTS: Reproducibility between the two readings of each clinician ranged from .50 to .64 (kappa statistic). Clinicians correctly detected change (as detected by image analysis) within 45% to 64% of the 10/45 and 45/10 pairs of stereoscopic slides. Clinicians correctly indentified no change within 86% to 100% of the 10/10- and 45/45-mm Hg pairs of stereoscopic slides. Clinicians correctly identified no change significantly more often than change (P < .01, chi 2 test). Change was not detected consistently by all three clinicians in any of the 11 eyes. CONCLUSION: In a controlled experimental setting, digitized image acquisition with extensive secondary statistical analysis more sensitively detected small short-term changes in the surface of the optic disks of monkeys than did three masked clinicians.  相似文献   

Carotid plaque morphology studied by ultrasound has been used to classify 3 types of bifurcation plaques, producing less than 60% stenosis on duplex scanning: Type A, the homogeneous, highly echogenic plaque; Type B, the heterogeneous (mainly echogenic, B-1 or mainly echolucent, B-2) plaque; Type C, the complex plaque with irregular surface, echogenic and/or echolucent with calcifications. One hundred asymptomatic subjects in each plaque group were included in a prospective 4-year follow-up study to evaluate clinical events and brain damage by yearly cerebral CT and MR scans. After four years 96 subjects with type A plaque, 89 with type B-1 and 67 with type C plaques completed the study. While there were no clinical events or positive cerebral scans in subjects with type A plaques there was a significantly increasing number of cerebral and vascular events in subjects with plaque B and C type with a zero mortality in the plaque A group, a 2.24% mortality in type B plaques and a significantly higher (p > 0.05) mortality (13.4%) in type C plaques. CT and MR scans revealed brain damage which had been totally asymptomatic with MR detecting a larger number of lesions. Also the number of cerebral lesions observed by CT/MR were significantly greater than the number of recorded clinical episodes. ECG stress test revealed a larger number of asymptomatic coronary disease in the C type plaques. In conclusion ultrasound plaque morphology is linked to different incidences of cerebral and cardiac events, brain damage and asymptomatic coronary disease. Also CT and MR may reveal lesions which do not cause signs or symptoms.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the coronary arteries is a particularly difficult task because of the small size of the vessels and cardio-respiratory motion. The authors describe a method of performing of ultrafast MRA of the coronary arteries with a standard MR system and body coil. Each image was obtained within a single breath hold by "segmented Turbo FLASH" sequences using an electrocardiography gate. Clinical application was performed in 20 patients with ischemic heart disease, and a comparison was made with conventional coronary angiography. The imaging time was shortened significantly by our methods. The diagnosis was made by at least two different images to avoid false positives. The results indicated a good correlation between MRA and conventional angiography.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Carotid angiography is associated with a 1% risk of major stroke. Recently, transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) has shown cerebral microemboli during carotid angiography. To determine their significance, we correlated the number of microemboli during angiography with clinical characteristics, angiography findings, and preangiography and postangiography cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: One middle cerebral artery was monitored with TCD in 24 patients during angiography for carotid territory ischemia. The number of microemboli was correlated with angiographic and clinical characteristics. T2-weighted cerebral MRI was performed before and < or = 48 hours after angiography, and the number of new ischemic lesions was determined in a blinded review. RESULTS: Microemboli were seen in all patients, with an average of 51 per procedure (range, 12 to 154). The majority of microemboli had signal characteristics typical of air. Sixteen of the 24 patients had both preangiography and postangiography MRI. One of 24 patients had an angiographic stroke, with a single new thalamic lesion on MRI. No other patient had a new lesion. The microembolus count correlated with the angiographic contrast volume (P < .001) but not with any other radiological or clinical characteristic. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed the presence of numerous cerebral microemboli during carotid angiography. The microembolic signal characteristics and the correlation with contrast volume indicate that introduced air is the cause. These microemboli are usually clinically silent and do not lead to new changes on cerebral MRI.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: MR coronary angiography is most often performed using two-dimensional techniques. Although three-dimensional (3D) acquisitions do have important advantages, they take too long for a single breath-hold and are thus susceptible to respiratory motion artifacts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of a unique respiratory-gated 3D MR angiographic technique in identifying the proximal coronary arteries in patients suspected of having coronary artery disease. In addition, we investigated the capability of this technique to detect proximal stenoses. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We performed a prospective blinded study in 20 patients who were referred for conventional coronary angiography. A cardiac-gated 3D gradient-echo sequence with fat suppression was used. Retrospective respiratory gating was performed using navigator echoes of the diaphragm position. Using multiplanar reformatting, two independent readers blindly analyzed the data sets for visualization of major coronary arteries, lengths of imaged segments, and detection of significant stenoses (> 50% occlusion of the luminal diameter by conventional angiography). RESULTS: Seventy-seven of 80 (96%) coronary arteries were positively identified. In one patient, an anomalous coronary anatomy was readily identified and confirmed by conventional angiography. The average lengths of the imaged segments of the right, left main, left anterior descending, and left circumflex coronary arteries were 58 +/- 13 mm, 9 +/- 5 mm, 59 +/- 16 mm, and 24 +/- 10 mm, respectively. Overall sensitivity for the detection of stenoses was low (38%), with a specificity of 95%. Interobserver agreement was 0.92, with a kappa value of 0.65. CONCLUSION: Respiratory-gated 3D MR angiography allows accurate identification of proximal coronary arteries and may be valuable for 3D imaging of coronary anomalies. Further technical improvements are required to enhance the value of the technique in detecting stenoses.  相似文献   

To compare the efficiency of sperm preparation between the two-layer Percoll gradient and mini-Percoll methods, 50 normal and 33 abnormal semen samples from male partners of infertile couples were studied. The number of recovered spermatozoa, percentage of motility, percentage of normal morphology, and their survival at 24 and 48 hours were assessed. Both Percoll gradient techniques resulted in a significantly higher percentage of motility and percentage of normal morphology compared with the original semen samples (p < 0.0001). The two-layer Percoll gradient showed a higher sperm recovery than the mini-Percoll method (p < 0.001), but the latter resulted in a higher percentage of motility (p > 0.001) and a higher sperm survival rate at 24 hours (p < 0.05) than the former, regarding normal semen samples. These differences did not appear with abnormal semen samples when analyzed as a group. Considering each of the abnormal parameters separately, sperm recovery was significantly higher after the two-layer Percoll gradient in the case of astheno- and teratozoospermia (p < 0.05), but sperm survival at 48 hours was higher after the mini-Percoll gradient in the case of teratozoospermia (p < 0.05). It is concluded that both the two-layer Percoll gradient and mini-Percoll method can be used effectively for sperm preparation. The former yields a higher sperm recovery, but the latter should be considered regarding teratozoospermic samples and semen samples of very low volume.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: More data on the efficacy and safety of ciprofloxacin in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients are needed. METHODS: One hundred eight pediatric cystic fibrosis patients (ages 5 to 17 years) with acute bronchopulmonary exacerbations entered a randomized multicenter trial designed to compare the safety and efficacy of antipseudomonas therapy with oral ciprofloxacin (15 mg/kg twice daily; maximum dosage 750 mg twice daily) or intravenous ceftazidime plus tobramycin (CAZ/TM) for 14 days. RESULTS: Clinical improvement was observed in 93% of patients treated with oral ciprofloxacin and in 96% of those receiving parenteral therapy. Transient suppression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was achieved in 63% of patients at the end of the course of iv CAZ/TM therapy and in 24% receiving ciprofloxacin. Ultrasound examination and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging scans showed no evidence of cartilage toxicity in any of the ciprofloxacin-treated patients. Musculoskeletal adverse events were reported with similar frequency in the two groups of patients (7% in the group receiving ciprofloxacin therapy and 11% in the IV CAZ/TM group). The only sustained musculoskeletal symptom was a case of synovitis in a patient receiving parenteral CAZ/TM. CONCLUSION: Ciprofloxacin thus appears to be safe and effective for use in young patients with bronchopulmonary exacerbation of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of demographic and clinical factors on prognosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we studied a cohort composed of 566 patients in Huashan Hospital between 1959 and 1992 who were followed up to June 30, 1993. The survivorship was examined through life table analysis. The results showed that the survival rate from the time of SLE onset was 93% at 1 year, 73% at 5 years, and 60% at 10 years. On univariate analysis, we found that the following factors worsened the probability of survival: male, neuropsychiatric manifestations, pleurisy-pericarditis, hematological disorders, renal involvement, hypocomplementemia, abnormal electrocardiograph, and high corticosteroid dose of treatment. The time that the C3 depression occurred in the course of SLE affected the survival more significantly than did its decreased levels. The earlier the occurrence of C3 depression, the lower the patient's survival probability. On multivariate analysis, the independent risk factors were male gender, abnormal electrocardiograph, hypocomplementemia, and high corticosteroid dose of treatment. All of these indicated that clinical features of SLE might have value as predictors for its prognosis and that the occurrence of the decreased C3 in the early course of SLE might be the most important factor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Evaluate cartilaginous healing in rabbits in response to surgically created thyroid cartilage fractures. Compare healing between laryngeal fracture repair techniques. STUDY DESIGN: Animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Laryngectomy specimens were analyzed at 10 weeks, following paired wire fixation (n = 7) and miniplate fixation (n = 7) of thyroid cartilage fractures. RESULTS: Cartilaginous unions were present in all seven of the miniplated repairs, while fibrous unions were present in six of the wired repairs. The measure of distraction at the fracture site was significantly greater in the wired repairs compared with the plated repairs (P = .005). Furthermore, in five of seven miniplated repairs no distraction at the healed fracture site was present. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate the ease, tolerability, and superiority of the miniplate fixation technique for the thyroid cartilage fractures, based on a rabbit model.  相似文献   

Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury to the intestinal mucosa occurs in several commonly encountered clinical situations, such as necrotizing enterocolitis and nonocclusive mesenteric insufficiency. No clinically feasible technique is available for mucosal preservation during ischemia. The goal of this work was to determine whether the continuous intraluminal flow of oxygenated perfluorocarbon (PFC) could protect mucosal integrity and function in a rat model of intestinal I/R injury. Rats were subjected to ischemia by clipping the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) for 60 minutes. Reperfusion was achieved by release of the clip for 120 minutes. Animals were divided into 4 groups: Sham (laparotomy alone), I/R (I/R alone), I + PFC/R (PFC was administered during the ischemic interval only), I/R + PFC (PFC was delivered only during reperfusion). Tissue sections were examined blindly to assess mucosal integrity, and mucosal dissacharidase activities were measured to assess function. Oxygenated PFC, when administered during ischemia alone, ameliorated I/R-induced mucosal injury; however, when it was delivered during reperfusion alone, the mucosal injury worsened. When oxygenated PFC was administered throughout I/R, the degree of mucosal injury was similar to the I + PFC/R group, and dissacharidase activities were preserved when compared with the I/R group. Intraluminal perfusion of oxygenated PFC during ischemia preserves mucosal function and integrity, and may offer a new treatment modality for a variety of mesenteric ischemic disorders.  相似文献   

The main limitation of transcranial colour-coded duplex sonography (TCCD) is the inadequate acoustic window, which prevents transtemporal identification of the basal cerebral arteries in up to 30% of cases, especially in the elderly. TCCD with different colour-coding techniques, including frequency-based colour-flow (CFD) or power (PD) Doppler sonography, used alone or in combination with contrast media, were used in 23 patients with middle cerebral artery (MCA) stenosis. In 10 patients a contrast medium (400 mg/ml SHU 508 A) was administered because of inadequate colour-coded visualisation with TCCD. The data were compared with angiographic methods. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) revealed 2 low-grade, 11 middle-grade and 10 high-grade stenoses in the M1 segment. With TCCD, we found a 7.7% higher blood flow velocity (systolic peak velocity) than with transcranial duplex sonography without colour-coding because of visual angle correction and a 20% higher systolic peak velocity using contrast enhancement. CFD did not differ from PD in identification of low- and middle-grade MCA stenoses, but PD alone revealed two more cases of high-grade stenosis than CFD. The contrast medium increased diagnostic confidence in 8 of 10 cases. Only 2 of 23 MCA stenoses (9%) could not be shown using TCCD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We compared the results of conventional angiography, carotid Doppler, and magnetic resonance angiography volume flow rates to determine the clinical utility of volume flow rate assessment of blood flow to the anterior circulation in patients with carotid occlusive disease. METHODS: From 11 symptomatic patients, a total of 22 extracranial carotid arteries were studied with all three techniques. The studies were independently read, and regression analysis was used to compare the measurements. RESULTS: Carotid Doppler measurements of the distal extracranial carotid arteries were proportional to the inverse of the extracranial carotid volume flow rate (r = .53, R2 = 29%, P < .01), volume flow rates were proportional to the inverse of measured percent stenosis on angiography (r = .84, R2 = 71%, P < .01), and Dopplers were proportional to angiography (r = .94, R2 = 90%, P < .01). Symptomatic Doppler systolic velocity was significantly higher (P < .002), symptomatic measured stenosis was significantly higher (P < .002), and symptomatic volume flow rate was significantly lower (P < .01) than their respective asymptomatic-side values. These preliminary observations, however, may well change once a large data set, especially one in which more patients with high-grade carotid stenosis are included, is studied. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of carotid volume flow rates by magnetic resonance angiography quantifies flow reduction secondary to atherosclerotic occlusive disease. The easily obtained flow data add both documentation of arterial flow characteristics related to internal carotid stenosis and information regarding the adequacy of collateral pathways.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Comparison and characterisation of different lymphocyte subsets in the endometrium of endometriosis patients and in healthy women on every day of the menstrual cycle with special emphasis on the CD4:CD8 ratio in the endometrium. METHOD: Immunohistochemical staining of 253 endometrial biopsies of infertile women with and without endometriosis with Anti-Leu4 (CD3), Anti-Leu3a (CD4), Anti-Leu2a (CD8), Anti-Leu7 and Anti-Human-B-cell (CD22) using the immune peroxidase reaction. Identification and counting of positive lymphocyte were performed on cryostat sections. RESULTS: Endometrial lymphocyte subsets show equal quantity and distribution in endometriosis patients and in the control group. After a peak in the early proliferative phase the absolute number of T lymphocytes decreases while a predominance of T-suppressor/cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD8) compared to T-helper/inducer lymphocytes (CD4) occurs towards the end of the menstrual cycle. CONCLUSION: Endometrium as the potential parent epithelia of endometriosis lesions seems not to be altered in its lymphatic cell content compared to healthy women. Furthermore, endometrium is clearly characterised as part of the mucosa associated lymphatic tissue (MALT). T lymphocytes show specific quantitative changes due to different phases of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to elucidate the prevalence and degree of asymptomatic occlusive lesions in the carotid and intracranial arteries in Japanese patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). METHODS: We performed carotid and intracranial MR angiography (MRA) on 67 patients (49 men, 18 women; age range, 40 to 78 years; mean age, 60.1 years) who had received selective coronary angiography for the clinical diagnosis of IHD. On the basis of these images, degree of stenosis in the regions of the bilateral carotid artery bifurcation and five regions of the intracranial arteries, ie, bilateral intracranial portions of the internal carotid arteries and the middle cerebral arteries and the basilar artery were estimated. RESULTS: Stenosis of more than 25% narrowing of the diameter of the target arteries was found in 15 patients (22.4%) in the extracranial carotid arteries and in 11 patients (16.4%) in the intracranial arteries. Most of the stenotic lesions were mild. The incidence of extracranial carotid stenosis and the severity of coronary atherosclerosis showed a significant correlation. The mean age of the patients with intracranial arterial lesions was statistically higher than those without intracranial lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that asymptomatic occlusive lesions in the carotid and intracranial arteries are fairly common in Japanese patients with IHD, although the degree of stenosis is relatively mild. Coexistence of carotid atherosclerosis should be suspected in IHD patients with severe coronary atherosclerosis, and the possibility of atherosclerosis in the intracranial arteries should be considered in aged IHD patients.  相似文献   

Twenty-one arteriovenous malformations were prospectively evaluated using magnetic resonance angiography and compared with stereotactic angiography. The goals were to establish the feasibility of magnetic resonance angiography, compare it to stereotactic angiography, employ magnetic resonance angiography in follow-up, and semiquantify flow. A correlative evaluation between flow and response to stereotactic radiosurgery was carried out. Phase contrast angiograms were obtained at flow velocities of 400, 200, 100, 60, and 20 cm/sec. The fractionated velocities provided images that selectively demonstrated the arterial and venous components of the arteriovenous malformations. Qualitative assessment of the velocity within the arteriovenous malformations and the presence of fistulae were also determined by multiple velocity images. In addition, 3-dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiograms were obtained to define the exact size and shape of the nidus. This technique also permitted evaluation of the nidus and feeding arteries for the presence of low flow aneurysms. Correlation between the two imaging modalities was carried out by subjective and semiquantitative estimation of flow velocity and estimation of nidus size. The following velocity parameters were employed: fast, intermediate, slow, and none (arteriovenous malformation obliterated). In 19 of 21 (90.5%) arteriovenous malformations, magnetic resonance angiography was equal or superior to stereotactic angiography for flow quantification and visualization of the nidus. Only 2 of 21 arteriovenous malformations were better demonstrated by stereotactic angiography than by magnetic resonance angiography (failure rate of 9.5%). The nidus size in one case was clearly underestimated by stereotactic angiography and would have resulted in a geographic miss without magnetic resonance angiography. Seven post-radiosurgery arteriovenous malformations were evaluated for follow-up with both magnetic resonance angiography and stereotactic angiography. In 6 of 7 arteriovenous malformations, magnetic resonance angiography response matched stereotactic angiography response. Correlation of flow with outcome was carried out for 14 arteriovenous malformations using magnetic resonance angiography only. Interestingly, all nine arteriovenous malformations with intermediate or slow flow demonstrated partial or complete obliteration; whereas only 3 of 5 fast flow arteriovenous malformations achieved a response with a median follow-up of 10 months. This early analysis suggests that slower flowing arteriovenous malformations may obliterate faster after stereotactic radiosurgery and flow parameters could be employed to predict response. In conclusion, magnetic resonance angiography permits semiquantitative flow velocity assessment and may therefore be superior to stereotactic angiography. An additional advantage of magnetic resonance angiography is the generation of serial transverse images which can replace the conventional CT scan employed for stereotactic radiosurgery treatment planning.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare high-resolution 2D TOF with high-resolution 3D TOF in the study of internal carotid artery disease. Sixty-four patients with clinical signs of cerebrovascular insufficiency were studied with a superconductive 1.5 T magnet using two techniques: 2D and 3D TOF. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was the gold standard. The 2D TOF technique was performed using the following parameters: TR/TE/FA/MA 49 ms/9 ms/60 degrees/512 x 256; the 3D TOF was performed with the following parameters: TR/TE/FA/MA 50 ms/8 ms/20 degrees/512 x 256. The 2D TOF agreed with DSA in 116 of 128 diagnostic judgments (90%) and overestimated seven times. The 3D TOF technique agreed with DSA in 125 of 128 diagnostic judgments (97%) with one overestimation and two underestimations. There was no statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) between the two different techniques. Our study confirms the high reliability of the methodology carried out with the high-resolution 2D and 3D technique.  相似文献   

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