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Biological ammonium oxidation was carried out in two inverse turbulent bed reactors fed with synthetic mineral wastewater containing a high ammonium concentration (100 mg N-NH4+/L). Both reactors were started-up and operated in the same conditions except for the solid carrier concentration: the solid hold-up ratios applied, defined as the ratios of static to expanded bed height, were 0.1 and 0.3 in reactors R10 and R30 respectively. These two solid hold-up ratios generate different particle-to-particle collision frequencies and, therefore, detachment forces. The influence of solid hold-up on biofilm growth and nitrifying performance was studied from a macroscopic (i.e. nitrate and/or nitrite production) and microbiological point of view. After 60 days of operation, both reactors contained the same amount of biomass. However, R10 produced only nitrate while nitrite accumulated in R30. A comparison of microbial populations in the reactors showed that R10 contained both ammonium and nitrite oxidizing populations such as Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira, whereas in R30, ammonium oxidizing populations were much greater than those of nitrite oxidizers. The major ammonium-oxidizing organism was not the same in both reactors.  相似文献   

A simple kinetic model has been developed for describing nitrite oxidation by autotrophic aerobic nitrifiers in a CSTR reactor, in which mixed (suspended and attached) growth conditions are prevailing. In this work, a critical dimensionless parameter is identified containing both biofilm characteristics and microbial kinetic parameters, as well as the specific (per volume) surface of the reactor configuration used. Evaluation of this dimensionless parameter can easily provide information on whether or not wall attachment is critical, and should be taken into account either in kinetic studies or in reactor design, when specific pollutants are to be removed from the waste influent stream. The effect of bulk dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration on the validity of this model is addressed and minimum non-limiting DO concentrations are proposed depending on the reactor configuration.  相似文献   

Poor sanitation and insufficient disposal of sewage and faeces are primarily responsible for water associated health problems in developing countries. Domestic sewage and faeces are prevalently discharged into surface waters which are used by the inhabitants as a source for drinking water. This paper presents a decentralized anaerobic process technique for handling of such domestic organic waste. Such an efficient and compact system for treating faeces and food waste may be of great benefit for developing countries. Besides a stable biogas production for energy generation, the reduction of bacterial pathogens is of particular importance. In our research we investigated the removal capacity of the reactor concerning pathogens, which has been operated under thermophilic conditions. Faecal coliforms and intestinal enterococci have been detected as indicator organisms for bacterial pathogens. By the multiple regression analysis technique an empirical mathematical model has been developed. The model shows a high correlation between removal efficiency and both, hydraulic retention time (HRT) and temperature. By this model an optimized HRT for defined bacterial pathogens effluent standards can be easily calculated. Thus, hygiene potential can be evaluated along with economic aspects. In this paper not only results for describing the hygiene potential of a thermophilic anaerobic bioreactor are presented, but also an exemplary method to draw the right conclusions out of biological tests with the aid of mathematical tools.  相似文献   

Microbial oxidation of ferrous iron may be available alternative method of producing ferric iron, which is a reagent used for removal of H2S from biogas. In this study, a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) system was employed to oxidize ferrous iron to ferric iron. In the submerged MBR system, we could keep high concentration of iron-oxidizing bacteria and high oxidation rate of ferrous iron. There was membrane fouling caused by chemical precipitates such as K-jarosite and ferric phosphate. However, a strong acidity (pH 1.75) of solution and low ferrous iron concentration (below 3000 mg/I) significantly reduced the fouling of membrane module during the bioreactor operation. A fouled membrane module could be easily regenerated with a 1 M of sulfuric acid solution. In conclusion, the submerged MBR could be used for high-density culture of iron-oxidizing bacteria and for continuous ferrous iron oxidation. As far as our knowledge concerns, this is the first study on the application of a submerged MBR to high acidic conditions (below pH 2).  相似文献   

Electrochemical oxidation was applied to treat the effluent from bioreactor landfill with leachate recirculation, characterised as poor biodegradability and high NH3-N concentration. In this study, the effluent was electrolysed in a batch reactor with Ti/TiO2-IrO2-RuO2 anode and stainless steel cathode. The oxidation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) during electrolysis was evaluated based on the evolution of molecular weight grade, hydrophilic fractionation (humic acid, fulvic acid and hydrophilic fractions), specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA254) and AOX. The impact of the initial NH3-N concentration on the oxidation was discussed. The results showed that at a current density of 100 mA/cm2, electrolysis time of 1.5 h and electrode gap of 1 cm, NH3-N with an initial concentration of 1.2 g/L could be completely eliminated and 56% of COD with an initial concentration of 1.2 g/L could be removed, which illustrated that the electrolysis-produced chlorine preferentially oxidised ammonia. The electrolysis mainly resulted in the degradation of humic substances and other high molecular DOM, followed by the increase of BOD/COD ratio and decline of SUVA254 of the leachate. The current efficiencies for COD and ammonia oxidation gradually decreased during the electrolysis, with the latter obviously higher than the former. At the optimal electrolysis time of 1.5 h, NH3-N could be totally removed and the BOD/COD ratio could be enhanced to 0.3, which was also favourable to control the AOX at a reasonable level.  相似文献   

Two-step nitrification models are generally calibrated using short-term respirometric batch experiments. Important discrepancies appear between model predictions and experimental observations just after the pulse addition since a fast transient in the OUR profile is experimentally observed. Acceleration of the OUR appears ongoing between the substrate addition and attainment of the maximum OUR value. Among the several phenomena that could contribute to this observation, the most probable cause is the limitation of reducing equivalents required for maximal ammonia monooxygenase activity at the time of substrate addition. Ignoring acceleration would result in large parameter estimation errors from respirometric batch experiments. This work proposes a simple methodology to successfully describe (not to explain) the acceleration phenomenon estimating only two parameters. This methodology consists of introducing a Gaussian-like expression in the model.  相似文献   

A fuzzy inference system using sensor measurements was developed to estimate the influent COD/N ratio and ammonia load. The sensors measured ORP, DO and pH. The sensor profiles had a close relationship with the influent COD/N ratio and ammonia load. To confirm this operational knowledge for constructing a rule set, a correlation analysis was conducted. The results showed that a rule generation method based only on operational knowledge did not generate a sufficiently accurate relationship between sensor measurements and target variables. To compensate for this defect, a decision tree algorithm was used as a standardized method for rule generation. Given a set of inputs, this algorithm was used to determine the output variables. However, the generated rules could not estimate the continuous influent COD/N ratio and ammonia load. Fuzzified rules and the fuzzy inference system were developed to overcome this problem. The fuzzy inference system estimated the influent COD/N ratio and ammonia load quite well. When these results were compared to the results from a predictive polynomial neural network model, the fuzzy inference system was more stable.  相似文献   

Treatment plants may be exposed to a whole range of toxic organic and inorganic compounds that may inhibit the removal of organic matter and nitrogen. In order to secure maximum treatment efficiency, the plant manager has to monitor the toxicity of the influent sewage. With regard to the receiving water the manager also has to make sure that toxicity in the influent is significantly reduced during treatment. Because a whole range of chemicals may be present, chemical analysis may be insufficient and expensive as a control instrument. Instead, direct toxicity measurements are preferable to capture the complexity of the wastewater. The monitoring methods have to be relevant and sensitive for the processes in the treatment plant, i.e. removal of organic matter and nutrients. The methods also have to be simple and inexpensive. The paper reports on recent results from the application of nitrification, algae and Biotox tests, and summarises the experience with monitoring of toxicity. Although the sensitivity of the tests varies with respect to individual chemicals or group of chemicals, the application of a combination of the tests gives a high likelihood of detecting toxic impacts on treatment plants and receiving waters.  相似文献   

This paper presents laboratory-scale experimentation carried out to study enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Two anaerobic aerobic (A/O) sequencing batch reactors (SBR) have been operated during more than one year to investigate the information provided by monitoring pH and electric conductivity under stationary and transient conditions. Continuous measurements of these parameters allow detecting the end of anaerobic phosphorus release, of aerobic phosphorus uptake and of initial denitrification, as well as incomplete acetic acid uptake. These results suggest the possibility of using pH and electric conductivity as control parameters to determine the length of both anaerobic and aerobic phases in an A/O SBR. More valuable information provided by monitoring pH and electric conductivity is the relation between the amount of phosphorus released and the conductivity increase observed during the anaerobic stages and which group of bacteria (heterotrophic or polyphosphate accumulating) is carrying out the denitrification process.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate the inhibitory effect of the xenobiotic 1,2-DCA on nitrification during the cometabolic degradation in a packed bed nitrifying biofilm reactor. This xenobiotic inhibited primarily the conversion of NH4-N to hydroxylamine by binding to the AMO enzyme. It had no inhibitory effect on the conversion of nitrite to nitrate. At high NH4-N loadings, the presence of 1,2-DCA inhibited NH4-N utilisation more severely than at low loadings. The suppressing effect of 1,2-DCA on NH4-N utilisation was found to be reversible due to the ability of cells to recover from inhibition. These results could fill a gap in the literature about the potential use of nitrifying biofilm systems for cometabolic treatment of 1,2-DCA and could be useful in the design of engineered 1,2-DCA remediation/treatment in biofilm reactors.  相似文献   

Until now, only few attempts have been made to assess biofilm models simulating microenvironments in a biofilm. As a first step, we compare the microenvironment observed in a membrane aerated biofilm (MAB) to that derived from a two-dimensional computational model with individual ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) embedded in a continuum EPS matrix. Gradients of oxygen were determined by means of microelectrodes. The change in nitrifying bacterial populations with the biofilm depth was quantified using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in combination with a confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Microelectrode measurements revealed that oxic and anoxic or anaerobic regions exist within the MAB. The oxygen profile predicted by the model showed good agreement with that obtained by microelectrode measurements. The oxic part of the biofilm was dominated by NSO190 probe-hybridized AOB, which formed relatively large clusters of cells directly on the membrane surface, and by the NOB belonging to genus Nitrobacter sp. On the other hand, NOB belonging to genus Nitrospira sp. were abundant at the oxic-anoxic interface. The model prediction regarding AOB and Nitrobacter sp. distribution was consistent with the experimental counterpart. Measurements of AOB cluster size distribution showed that colonies are slightly larger adjacent to the membrane than at the inner part of the biofilm. The sizes predicted by the current model are larger than those obtained in the experiment, leading to the arguments that some factors not contained in the model would affect the cluster size.  相似文献   

Northern Aboriginal communities in Canada suffer from poor wastewater treatment. Treatment systems on 75% of Manitoban Aboriginal communities produce substandard effluent despite the presence of sophisticated treatment systems. A 200-litre, pilot-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) was established on the Opaskwayak Cree Nation to investigate the feasibility of MBRs in mitigating Aboriginal wastewater treatment issues. The pilot system was remote controlled and monitored via the Internet using the program pcAnywhere. The community utilized two existing sequencing batch reactors (SBR) and three sand filters for wastewater treatment. The community wastewater was relatively weak and highly fluctuating which led to poorly settling sludge that readily fouled the sand filters. A comparison study between the MBR and SBR was undertaken from September to December 2003. Operated at a 10-hour hydraulic retention time and 20-day solids residence time, the MBR outperformed the SBR and sand filtration on BOD and suspended solids removal. Furthermore, the MBR showed high levels of nitrification despite relatively cold water temperatures.  相似文献   

Wine production is seasonal, and thus the wastewater flow and its chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations greatly vary during the vintage and non-vintage periods, as well as being dependant on the winemaking technologies used, e.g. red, white or special wines production. Due to this seasonal high variability in terms of organic matter load, the use of membrane biological reactors (MBR) could be suitable for the treatment of such wastewaters. MBR offers several benefits, such as rapid start up, good effluent quality, low footprint area, absence of voluminous secondary settler and its operation is not affected by the settling properties of the sludge. A pilot scale hollow fibre MBR system of 220 L was fed by adequately diluting white wine with tap water, simulating wastewaters generated in wineries. The COD in the influent ranged between 1,000 and 4,000 mg/L. In less than 10 days after the start up, the system showed a good COD removal efficiency. The COD elimination percentage was always higher than 97% regardless of the organic loading rate (OLR) applied (0.5-2.2 kg COD/m3 d), with COD concentrations in the effluent ranging between 20 and 100 mg/L. Although the biomass concentration in the reactor increased from 0.5 to 8.6 g VSS/L, the suspended solids concentration in the effluent was negligible. Apparent biomass yield was estimated in 0.14 g VSS/g COD.  相似文献   

The present study has aimed to quantify the role of pore blocking and cake layer in a laboratory scale hollow fibre membrane module in submerged configuration, The membrane reactor (MBR) was fed with raw wastewater, only screened with a 2-mm sieve, collected from the Palermo WWTP. The MBR was characterised by an operating volume of 190 L and equipped with an aeration system located on the bottom of the reactor. The MBR operated for 65 days. The permeate was extracted by imposing a constant flux through the membrane (21 Lh(-1) m(-2)). The results confirm the importance of pore blocking control during start-up. In particular, it provides a rapid irreversible fouling that takes place at the beginning of the filtration process, before the deposition mechanism. Therefore, low suspended solids concentration in the initial phase causes a fast irreversible fouling. This circumstance creates the need for more frequent chemical cleaning after start-up without inoculum. Finally, the results underline that the cake has a mainly reversible feature.  相似文献   

A potential remediation technique for groundwater contaminated by bromate has been investigated, utilising biological bromate reduction to bromide by augmentation of indigenous microbial populations. This technique, involving addition of a carbon source to contaminated groundwater, is being developed as an ex-situ methodology analogous to commercial denitrification systems, but may also have in-situ applications. Trials have focussed on a laboratory-scale anaerobic suspended growth chemostat system, investigating glucose addition to real groundwater supplies. Steady states for a range of glucose and bromate concentrations demonstrated bromate reduction up to 700 microgl(-1) (50% of 1400 microgl(-1) influent) with glucose excess (above 52 mgl(-1)), but specific reduction rates (up to 2.83 micromol Br.g dry wt(-1) hr(-1) for 1400 microgl(-1) bromate influent) were low compared to denitrification (up to 305 micromol N g dry wt(-1) hr(-1)). More recent enrichment trials have demonstrated reduction of 32 mgl(-1) bromate within a 40 hour residence time with specific reduction rates of up to 160.48 micromol Br.g dry wt(-1) hr(-1), suggesting the presence of high rate bromate reducing bacterial strains.  相似文献   

In order to treat wastewater to a low residual COD-concentration such as 125 mg/L, classical biological treatment is not sufficient for many types of industry. This research focused on the integrated treatment of the wastewater of the paper industry, with a membrane bioreactor (MBR) and an oxidation step. The optimal configuration was examined. Screening tests with different types of oxidation showed that ozonation after biological treatment could reduce the COD with 40% with an ozone dose of 0.4-0.8g O3/g COD. BOD/COD ratio could be increased up to 0.19. Neither combination of ozone with UV and/or hydrogen peroxide nor the process H2O2/UV or (photo-)Fenton reagents gave any improvement in COD reduction or BOD increase, unless the doses were very high. Based on these results, an integrated system MBR-ozonation was designed, with recirculation of MBR effluent over ozonation. This test showed that reduction of COD up to 125 mg/L immediately behind the MBR required a lot of ozone. A technically feasible solution was to discharge the water after an extra ozonation step, which resulted in a high total ozone dosage. The alternative, the consecutive treatment activated sludge-ozonation-activated sludge, did not give a better COD-removal with the same ozone dose as the integrated concept. The economic evaluation proves that the integrated chemical and biological treatment is expensive for the paper industry if a low discharge limit of COD has to be complied with.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of microbes was investigated in a bioreactor system for the treatment of chromate wastewater supplemented with chromate reducing bacteria Enterobacter cloacae strain HO-1. In this study, respiratory quinone profile and PCR techniques were used to analyse the microbial population. The change in microbial community structure and density was observed on the basis of the respiratory quinone profile since the predominant quinone of HO-1 is ubiquinone-8 (Q-8) and the amount of quinone is proportional to the cell mass the quantity of microbes and the Q-8 fraction of the total quinones were increased after cultivation with aeration, while long-term operation brought about a decrease in the fraction of Q-8. In addition, the amount of HO-1 was determined by the PCR amplification rate under conditions where the amplification was exponential to the reaction cycles. The cell density of HO-1 and total microbes determined from these procedures compared well with the numbers of HO-1 cells counted selectively using agar plates containing chromate.  相似文献   

The influences of trace metals in the wastewater and shear stress by aeration were particularly examined to clarify the formation mechanism of nitrifying granules in an aerobic upflow fluidized bed (AUFB) reactor. It was found that Fe added as a trace element to the inorganic wastewater accumulated at the central part of the nitrifying granules. Another result obtained was that suitable shear stress by moderate aeration (0.07-0.20 L/min/L-bed) promoted granulation. Furthermore, it was successfully demonstrated that pre-aggregation of seed sludge using hematite promoted core formation, leading to rapid production of nitrifying granules. From these results, a nitrifying granulation mechanism is proposed: 1) as a first step, nitrifying bacteria aggregate along with Fe precipitation, and then the cores of granules are formed; 2) as a second step, the aggregates grow to be spherical or elliptical in form due to multiplication of the nitrifying bacteria and moderate shear stress in the reactor, and then mature nitrifying granules are produced. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis successfully visualized the change in the spatial distribution of nitrifying bacteria in the granules, which supports the proposed granulation mechanism.  相似文献   

Pilot scale experiments were performed to evaluate the potential of nitrite type nitrification process with an airlift reactor and granular biomass. Initially, oxygen limitation was used as the main control parameter for accumulating nitrite in the effluent. After 30 d operation, the maximum nitrite conversion rate reached 2.5 kgNO2-N m(-3) d(-1), average diameter of the granule was 0.7 mm. Nitrite type reaction continued over 100 d, but nitrate formation increased after 150 d of operation. Once nitrate formation increased, oxygen limitation could not eliminate nitrite oxidising bacteria from granule. To overcome nitrate formation, laboratory scale batch experiments were conducted and it revealed a high concentration of inorganic carbon which had a significant effect on nitrite accumulation. Following this new concept, inorganic carbon was fed to the pilot scale reactor by changing pH adjustment reagent from NaOH to Na2CO3 and nitrite accumulation was recovered successfully without changing DO concentration. These results show that a high concentration of inorganic carbon is one of the control parameters for accumulating nitrite in biofilm nitrification system.  相似文献   

Treatment of toilet wastewater for reuse in a membrane bioreactor.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Toilet wastewater is treated and reused on site at Europe's highest membrane bioreactor (MBR), located in a cable car mountain station in the ski resort of Zermatt. Negative impacts on the sensitive mountain environment are minimised by reusing close to 100% of the treated wastewater for toilet flushing. Besides 100% nitrogen removal, 80% of phosphorus was also eliminated. This paper presents operational results, optimisations of sludge management, decoloration and long-term maintenance of biomass in the very low-loaded summer season. From a global view the experiences and results of the project are of great importance, proposing a solution to a problem existing 100-fold in the Alps as well as in arid regions all over the world: reducing water consumption for sanitation by reuse.  相似文献   

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