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Under a contract with the National Cancer Institute, we have developed a research interface to an ultrasound system. This ultrasound research interface (URI) is an optional feature providing several basic capabilities not normally available on a clinical scanner. The URI can store high-quality beamformed radio-frequency data to file for off-line processing. Also, through an integrated user interface, the user is provided additional control over the B-mode receive aperture and color flow ensemble size. A third major capability is the ability to record and playback macro files. In this paper, we describe the URI and illustrate its use on three research examples: elastography, computed tomography, and spatial compounding.  相似文献   

Under a contract with the National Cancer Institute, we have developed a research interface to an ultrasound system. This ultrasound research interface (URI) is an optional feature providing several basic capabilities not normally available on a clinical scanner. The URI can store high-quality beamformed radio-frequency data to file for off-line processing. Also, through an integrated user interface, the user is provided additional control over the B-mode receive aperture and color flow ensemble size. A third major capability is the ability to record and playback macro files. In this paper, we describe the URI and illustrate its use on three research examples: elastography, computed tomography, and spatial compounding.  相似文献   

H. Peeters 《OR Spectrum》1981,2(4):235-249
Summary Today's mixed integer programming software packages are still not sophisticated enough to be treated as black boxes. Their efficiency can be augmented considerably by a deep knowledge of their functioning and the degrees of freedom they offer to the user. This paper describes at first the choices of the underlying branch and bound method in seven representative MIP-systems and demonstrates their usage, their profitability and their catches at illustrative examples. An account follows of the procedures and administrative facilities of commercial MIP-modules as far as they are submitted to user influence. An outlook is given on future developments, which can further improve the acceptance and the performance of MIP-software. Finally, some effort assessment criteria are proposed, which help judging the amount of work ahead before and at different stages during the solution process.
Zusammenfassung Heute verfügbare Softwarepakete der gemischt-ganzzahligen Programmierung sind noch nicht fortgeschritten genug, um als Black Boxes behandelt zu werden. Ihre Effizienz kann durch eine gründliche Kenntnis ihrer Funktionsweise und der dem Benutzer angebotenen Freiheitsgrade beträchtlich gesteigert werden. Diese Veröffentlichung beschreibt zuerst die Auswahlmöglichkeiten der zugrundeliegenden Branch und Bound Methode in sieben repräsentativen MIP-Systemen und demonstriert anhand illustrativer Beispiele deren Anwendung, deren Nutzen und deren Fußangeln. Im Anschluß werden Proceduren und administrative Funktionen in kommerziellen MIP-Modulen, soweit sie dem Benutzereinfluß unterliegen, dargestellt. Ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Entwicklungen zeigt, wie sich Akzeptanz und Leistungvon MIP-Software steigern können. Schließlich werden einige Kriterien zur Aufwandsabschätzung vor und in verschiedenen Stadien während des Lösungsprozesses vorgeschlagen.

List of Symbols c vector of objective function coefficients of continuous variables - C matrix of coefficients of continuous variables - d vector of objective function coefficients of integer variables - D matrix of coefficients of integer variables - d 1 distance betweenF as and X 0 * - d 2 distance betweenF as andF bk - d j estimated functional value degradation when lowering the value ofy j by one unit - d j + estimated functional value degradation when rising the value ofy j by one unit - E k estimation of best functional value of any integer solution contained in waiting nodek - F as aspiration level; nodes with functional value worse thanF as are postponed - F ase aspiration level; nodes with estimationE k worse thanF ase are postponed - F bI functional value of best integer solution known so far - F bk best functional value of all waiting nodes - F IT0 functional value of integer optimum - F k functional value of waiting nodek - F 0 functional value of continuous optimum - M big positiv real number - p maximum percentage deviation ofF ITO fromF bI - skj successor nodej - u distance by whichX 0 * is lower thanF bI - X 0 * cutoff value; nodes with functional value beyondX 0 * are finally discarded - x vector of integer variables - y vector of integer variables - y j integer variablej - y j (k) value of integer variablej at nodek - w j associated weight of integer variabley j in a Special Ordered Set - ¯w average weight of a Special Ordered Set - [ ] greatest integer smaller than or equal to the argument  相似文献   

提出了以硫酸法钛白生产的中间产物偏钛酸为原料均匀沉淀法工业生产纳米TiO2的工艺路线,生产规模确定为500t/a,产品品种为锐钛矿型和金红石型.介绍了间歇搅拌釜式水解工艺、多孔陶瓷膜洗涤、隔膜压滤机过滤、旋流动态煅烧炉-旋转闪蒸干燥组合煅烧的工艺设计方案和主要设备的选型,对存在的问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The reflection of longitudinal acoustic waves from the interface between a solid and a strongly dissipative medium was theoretically studied. It is shown that the reflection coefficient and the reflected signal phase significantly depend on the coefficient of ultrasound absorption in the dissipative medium. An algorithm for restoring the time variation of the dissipative medium viscosity during solidification is proposed, which is based on the results of measurements of the amplitude reflection coefficient for a pulsed ultrasonic signal. The reflection and transmission coefficients are determined for the ultrasound wave amplitude, velocity, pressure, and intensity. An expression is derived for the acoustic energy absorbed upon reflection from a dissipative medium. A frequency dependence of the amplitude and generalized phase of the signals reflected from and transmitted through the interface are restored from the results of spectral calculations. The theoretical results are confirmed by experimental data on the reflection of acoustic pulses from an organic glass-epoxy compound resin interface measured during solidification of the latter medium. According to these data, the reflection coefficient and the reflected acoustic pulse duration decreased upon solidification of the epoxy compound.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent research and development of clay-based polymer nanocomposites. Clay minerals, due to their unique layered structure, rich intercalation chemistry and availability at low cost, are promising nanoparticle reinforcements for polymers to manufacture low-cost, lightweight and high performance nanocomposites. We introduce briefly the structure, properties and surface modification of clay minerals, followed by the processing and characterization techniques of polymer nanocomposites. The enhanced and novel properties of such nanocomposites are then discussed, including mechanical, thermal, barrier, electrical conductivity, biodegradability among others. In addition, their available commercial and potential applications in automotive, packaging, coating and pigment, electrical materials, and in particular biomedical fields are highlighted. Finally, the challenges for the future are discussed in terms of processing, characterization and the mechanisms governing the behaviour of these advanced materials.  相似文献   

针对预冷过程中输送系统和发动机流道内沸腾传热和两相流动过程,建立一维二流体模型。以某液氧煤油发动机为原型,对不同气枕压力、排放管径和空中排放时间条件下排放预冷过程进行仿真,分析进出口温度以及流量特性的变化情况,结果表明增大排放管径和排放压力均可以增强预冷效果,而空中排放预冷时达到同样预冷效果所需的推进剂量则与管径大小无关,并且预冷效果受到地面状态的影响。  相似文献   

The experimental test of novel ultrasound (US) investigation methods can be made difficult by the lack of flexibility of commercial US machines. In the best options, these only provide beamformed radiofrequency or demodulated echo-signals for acquisition by an external PC. More flexibility is achieved in high-level research platforms, but these are typically characterized by high cost and large size. This paper presents a powerful but portable US system, specifically developed for research purposes. The system design has been based on high-level commercial integrated circuits to obtain the maximum flexibility and wide data access with minimum of electronics. Preliminary applications involving nonstandard imaging transmit/receive strategies and simultaneous B-mode and multigate spectral Doppler mode are discussed.  相似文献   

郭芳  胡兵 《声学技术》2012,31(2):198-203
低频超声具有治疗价值,近年来随着低频超声研究的深入,其作用机制尤其空化效应逐渐被广泛接受。文章围绕透皮给药,促进慢性伤口愈合及抗肿瘤治疗三个方面,介绍低频超声的研究进展。今后如何将低频超声更好地运用至临床工作中,且在保证安全性的基础上进一步提高原有治疗效果将是研究者未来共同努力的方向。  相似文献   

The dielectric response of a commercial polyvinylchloride is examined in terms of the cluster model of dielectric relaxation, and compared with a sample from which the plasticizer had been extracted. An interpretation of the approach to the glass transition in terms of scaling concepts is outlined and related to the hierarchical dynamics of the cluster model. In this picture the dynamics goes over naturally to the dynamics on small size scales. The plasticizer is shown to contribute a quasi-d.c. electrical transport above the glass transition, which at higher temperatures causes the formation of an electrode barrier layer.  相似文献   

李全义  卢涛  秦艳  李发琪 《声学技术》2011,30(3):237-240
用纳米铁磁性颗粒胶合体制作界面层,用同一剂量高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)在该界面层下方不同深度定点辐照.结果显示:焦点上缘与声学界面重合时,HIFU所致焦斑/损伤点(lesion)的体积增大,说明声学界面能够提高治疗效率;当焦点距离界面层10mm时,焦点处HIFU所致焦斑/损伤点的大小和形态与对照组相似,而界面处出现另一...  相似文献   

The interface crack with a contact zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical method is applied to the contact zone model of the finite length interface crack problem. The results are valid for small contact zone lengths due to interpenetration of the crack faces. Qualitative results obtained in [1] are confirmed. Also where possible numerical comparisons are made with the work of Comninou et al. [2, 3, 4, 5] and reasonable agreement is obtained.
Résumé On a appliqué une méthode analytique au modèle de zône de contact dans le cas d'un problème de fissure d'interface de longueur finie. Les résultats sont valables pour des longueurs de la zône de contact faibles, dues à une interpénétration des faces de la fissure. Des résultats qualitatifs obtenus dans la référence [1] sont confirmés. En outre, il a été possible de procéder à des comparaisons numériques avec les travaux de Comninou et al. [Réf. 2 à 5] et un accord raisonnable a été obtenu.

Contour maps of complex relative permittivity within the range –170 to +175° C and 0.1 Hz to 3 MHz are presented for a commercial polybutylene terephthalate. The interdependence of and, as required by the Kramers-Krönig relations, is particularly apparent. Individual dispersion regions are attributed to- and-relaxation processes and to Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars polarizations. Possible explanations are proposed for the structure which is apparent in the-peak.  相似文献   

超声多普勒信号平均频率估计方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了一些常用的超声多谱勒信号平均频率估计法,并引入一种新的估计法:基于Teager算法的平均频率估计,然后分别对计算机模拟的多普勒信号和流速校刻系统的多普勒信号进行平均频率的估计和比较,给出了不同估计方法的优缺点和适用范围。  相似文献   

A new quality of bone ultrasound research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) methods have strong power to predict osteoporotic fractures, but they are also very relevant for the assessment of bone quality. A representative sample of recent studies addressing these topics can be found in this special issue. Further pursuit of these methods will establish micro-QUS imaging methods as tools for measuring specific aspects of bone quality. Once this is achieved, we will be able to link such data to the clinical QUS methods used in vivo to determine which aspects of bone quality cause QUS to be a predictor of fracture risk that is independent of bone mineral density (BMD). Potentially this could lead to the development of a new generation of QUS devices for improved and expanded clinical assessment. Good quality of basic science work will thus lead to good quality of clinical patient examinations on the basis of a more detailed assessment of bone quality.  相似文献   

网页界面优化设计的分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
秦岁明  马冬梅 《包装工程》2006,27(2):280-281,290
网络是现代化的、最能影响人们生活方式的信息传媒系统.以感性工学理论为指导,针对网页界面优化设计的相关文献进行整合探讨,并在此基础之上进一步分析论述了网页界面优化设计的内容、方法,为设计学理论与计算机技术相结合的网页界面优化设计构建了科学的设计方法体系.  相似文献   

This study deals with a linear elastic body consisting of two solids connected by a thin adhesive interphase with a small thickness ε. The three parts have similar elastic moduli. It is proposed to model the limit behavior of the interphase when ε→0. It has been established [1], using matched asymptotic expansions, that at order zero, the interphase reduces to a perfect interface, while at order one, the interphase behaves like an imperfect interface, with a transmission condition involving the displacement and the traction vectors at order zero. The perfect interface model is exactly recovered using a Γ-convergence argument. At a higher order, a new model of imperfect interface is obtained by studying the properties of a suitable (weakly converging) sequence of equilibrium solutions. Some analytical examples are given to illustrate the results obtained.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of a versatile, open-architecture research data acquisition system using a commercially available medical ultrasound scanner. The open architecture will allow researchers and clinicians to rapidly develop applications and move them relatively easy to the clinic. The system consists of a standard PC equipped with a camera link and an ultrasound scanner equipped with a research interface. The ultrasound scanner is an easy-to-use imaging device that is capable of generating high-quality images. In addition to supporting the acquisition of multiple data types, such as B-mode, M-mode, pulsed Doppler, and color flow imaging, the machine provides users with full control over imaging parameters such as transmit level, excitation waveform, beam angle, and focal depth. Beamformed RF data can be acquired from regions of interest throughout the image plane and stored to a file with a simple button press. For clinical trials and investigational purposes, when an identical image plane is desired for both an experimental and a reference data set, interleaved data can be captured. This form of data acquisition allows switching between multiple setups while maintaining identical transducer, scanner, region of interest, and recording time. Data acquisition is controlled through a graphical user interface running on the PC. This program implements an interface for third-party software to interact with the application. A software development toolkit is developed to give researchers and clinicians the ability to utilize third-party software for data analysis and flexible manipulation of control parameters. Because of the advantages of speed of acquisition and clinical benefit, research projects have successfully used the system to test and implement their customized solutions for different applications. Three examples of system use are presented in this paper: evaluation of synthetic aperture sequential beamformation, transverse oscillation for blood velocity estimation, and acquisition of spectral velocity data for evaluating aortic aneurysms.  相似文献   

We derive the general form of hydrodynamic boundary conditions for the planar super-normal interface. The results are applied to4He-II-solid, and to superfluid3He-vessel wall.  相似文献   

The functional coupling of populations of chick embryo dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons to planar arrays of microelectrodes has been characterized both experimentally and via computer simulatiors. Spontaneous electrical activity recorded with a multichannel automated workstation is compared with simulated activity, whose signal-to-noise ratio has been systematically varied by simulating changes in the strength of the neuron-to-substrate abhesion. The importance of this approach for the design of optimized neuro-electronic prostheses and for the development of new tools for in vitro screening tests is briefly discussed.This paper was accepted for publication after the 1995 Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials, Oporto, Portugal, 10–13 September.  相似文献   

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