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A. Rybalko E. Rudavskii S. Rubets V. Tikhiy V. Derkach S. Tarapov 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2007,148(5-6):527-534
The correlation between the relative mechanical motion of normal and superfluid components of He II and its electrical characteristics
has been observed for the first time. Three types of experiments in which the relative velocity of the components V
was excited by different methods (second sound, torsion oscillator, and heat flux) are discussed. An electrical response
of the system was registered in superfluid liquid in all the cases. 相似文献
The models proposed to describe experimentally observed NMR signature of an A-like superfluid phase in aerogel environment are considered. Some new routes to verify the ability of various approaches are proposed. The behavior of a “robust” phase in presence of a strong magnetic field is also considered. 相似文献
Starting from an effective action for the order parameter field, we derive a coupled set of generalized hydrodynamic equations
for a Bose condensate in an optical lattice at finite temperatures. Using the linearized hydrodynamic equations, we study
the microscopic mechanism of the Landau instability due to the collisional damping process between the condensate and noncondensate
atoms. It is shown that the Landau criterion for the stability of a superfluid in a uniform system is modified due to the
presence of the periodic optical lattice potential. 相似文献
We consider the dynamics of a dark soliton in an elongated harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. A central question
concerns the behavior at finite temperatures, where dissipation arises due to the presence of a thermal cloud. We study this
problem using coupled Gross-Pitaevskii and N-body simulations, which include the mean field coupling between the condensate and thermal cloud. We find that the soliton
decays relatively quickly even at very low temperatures, with the decay rate increasing with rising temperature. 相似文献
We study population dynamics of a trapped spin-1 Bose gas above the Bose-Einstein transition temperature. Starting from the semiclassical kinetic equation for a spin-1 gas, we derive coupled rate equations for the populations of internal states. Solving the rate equations, we study the dynamical evolution of spin populations. We also estimate the characteristic timescale in which the system reaches equilibrium. Finally, we briefly discuss the extension of the theory to Bose-condensed phase below the Bose-Einstein transition temperature, and discuss the static equilibrium condition for the spin-1 system. 相似文献
The collective excitations that minimize the Helmholtz free energy of a population-imbalanced mixture of a 6Li gas loaded in a quasi one-dimensional optical lattice are obtained. These excitations reveal a rotonic branch after solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation under a generalized random phase approximation based on a single-band Hubbard Hamiltonian. The phase diagram describing stability regions of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov and Sarma phases is also analyzed. 相似文献
We study dynamics of quantized vortex lattice formation in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate with a square blue-detuned
optical lattice by solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. This dynamics depends on the depth of the optical lattice. Vortices
tend to form a triangular lattice under the rotation, while an optical lattice likes to pin vortices at their peaks. Such
a competition of two effects makes this system more interesting and complicated. 相似文献
We consider a gas of two-component fermionic atoms coupled to bosonic molecules via photoassociation in an optical lattice.
The system consists initially of bosonic molecules only, assumed to be in a ground state corresponding to either a Mott-Insulator
phase or a Superfluid phase. We show that in the strong fermion-fermion interaction limit the dissociation dynamics is governed
by a spin-boson lattice Hamiltonian. In the framework of a mean-field analysis based on the Gutzwiller ansatz, we then examine
the crossover of the dissociation from a regime of independent single-site dynamics to a regime of cooperative dynamics as
the molecular tunneling increases. We also show that the observation of Rabi-like oscillations between atomic and molecular
populations detects the number statistics and coherence properties between different lattice sites, and then provides useful
information on the many-body ground states and interactions in the system. 相似文献
Toshihiro Sato Tomohiko Ishiyama Tetsuro Nikuni 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2007,148(3-4):369-374
We study vortex lattice structures of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating lattice potential by numerically solving
the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. By rotating the lattice potential, we observe the transition from the Abrikosov
vortex lattice to the pinned vortex lattice. We investigate the transition of the vortex lattice structure by changing conditions
such as angular velocity, strength, and lattice constant of the rotating lattice potential. 相似文献
We study sound propagation in a Bose-condensed gas confined in a highly elongated harmonic trap at finite temperatures. Our analysis is based on Zaremba-Nikuni-Griffin (ZNG) formalism, which consists of Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the condensate and the kinetic equation for a thermal cloud. We extend ZNG formalism to deal with a highly-anisotropic trap potential, and use it to simulate sound propagation in the two fluid hydrodynamic regime. We use the trap parameters for the experiment that has reported second sound propagation. Our simulation results show that propagation of two sound pulses corresponding to first and second sound can be observed in an intermediate temperature. 相似文献
Yoji Ohashi 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2007,20(7-8):609-612
We investigate the superfluid carrier density ρ
in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas at finite temperatures. Including pairing fluctuations within the
gaussian fluctuation approximation, we determine the superfluid order parameter Δ, Fermi chemical potential μ, as well as ρ
, in a consistent manner. In the weak-coupling regime, the normal fluid density ρ
is dominated by quasi-particle excitations associated with the dissociation of Cooper pairs. As one approaches the BCS-BEC
crossover regime, effects of pairing fluctuations on ρ
become strong. In the strong-coupling BEC regime, ρ
is shown to be dominated by Bogoliubov phonon in a molecular Bose superfluid. 相似文献
A. I. Safonov S. S. Demoukh I. I. Safonova I. I. Lukashevich 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2007,148(3-4):219-224
Seeking for manifestations of superfluidity in 2D spin-aligned atomic hydrogen (H↓) adsorbed on the surface of liquid helium at T∼0.1 K we consider possible acoustic modes in this 2D Bose gas depending on frequency and on characteristic times of energy
and momentum transfer. At high frequencies, the analogues of ordinary and second sound are realized in 2D H↓. At low frequencies, the 2D analogue of the fourth sound is realized: the normal component of hydrogen and ripplons are immobile
and only the superfluid component of hydrogen participates the oscillations. We also estimate the rate of momentum relaxation
between superfluid hydrogen and ripplons, τ
13/3. The most promising for observing the superfluidity in 2DH↓ is the fourth sound, which could be excited, e.g., by ESR. 相似文献
A.C. Fernandes F. Vaz N.M.G. Parreira Ph. Goudeau J.P. Rivière B. Borcea 《Thin solid films》2007,515(13):5424-5429
The main purpose of this work consists in the preparation of titanium oxycarbide, TiCxOy, thin films, in which the presence of oxygen changed the film properties between those of titanium carbide and those of titanium oxide. Varying the oxide/carbide ratio allowed to tune the structure of the films between titanium oxide and carbide and consequently electronic, mechanical and optical properties of the films. The depositions were carried out from a TiC target by direct current, dc, reactive magnetron sputtering, varying the oxygen flow rate. The obtained results showed that the film's properties can be divided into 3 different regimes — i) carbide, ii) a transition zone and iii) an oxide one. X-ray diffraction results revealed the occurrence of a face-centered cubic phase (TiC-type) for low oxygen content, also obtained in the TiC1.6(O) film, with a clear tendency towards amorphization with the increase of the oxygen flow rate. For the highest oxygen contents, the results revealed the development of a mixture of poorly crystallized TiO2 phases. The colour results indicated a strong dependence on the O/Ti ratio. A progressive reduction of hardness and residual stresses with the increase of the O/Ti ratio was also observed. The residual stresses, as well as the film structure, seem to play an important role on the adhesion of the coatings. The static friction coefficient revealed also some correlation with the mechanical properties, but mainly with the surface roughness. 相似文献
A. P. Sebedash J. T. Tuoriniemi S. T. Boldarev E. M. M. Pentti A. J. Salmela 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2007,148(5-6):725-729
Adiabatic melting of 4He crystal to phase separated 3He–4He solution (at T< 2 mK) is probably the most promising method to cool the dilute phase down to temperatures substantially below 0.1 mK. When
started well below the superfluid transition temperature T
of pure 3He, this process allows, in principle, to get the final temperature (T
) several orders of magnitude less than the initial one (T
). This work is the first practical implementation of the method below the T
of 3He. The observed cooling factor was T
=1.4 at 0.9 mK, being mainly limited by the bad performance of the superleak filling line, by incomplete solidification of
4He in the cell, and by the improper thermal contact between the cell wall and the liquid. 相似文献
J. C. Lasjaunias S. Sahling K. Biljakovic P. Monceau 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2003,130(1-2):25-43
We have measured the heat capacity and the heat release of the quasi-1D conductor (TMTSF)2PF6 in its spin-density wave ground state. Below 1K the presence of low-energy excitations is at the origin of slow heat release over time scales from about 1s up to 105s. In a first attempt, we analyzed this behaviour with a modified version of the standard tunneling model used in the case of amorphous solids, introducing a short-time cut-off in the distribution of the relaxation times of tunneling states. A remarkable feature of the heat release in (TMTSF)2PF6 is its high absolute value, which is 3–4 orders of magnitude larger than in structural glasses. The heat capacity contains a Schottky and a quasi-linear term. 相似文献
We present simulation results of the vortex dynamics in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a rotating optical
lattice. Changing the potential amplitude and the relative rotation frequency between the condensate and the optical lattice,
we find a rich variety of dynamical phases of vortices. In particular, when the optical lattice rotates faster than the condensate,
the competition between the pinning force and the interactions by nucleated interstitial vortices leads to the melting of
vortex lattice, yielding a vortex liquid phase. 相似文献
ZnO films with improved crystallinity were grown on a Si (111) substrate by a two-step growth process using low-temperature ZnO buffer layers. The effect of the ambient gas during the temperature elevation and the in-situ thermal annealing after the growth of the low-temperature buffer layers on the optical and structural properties of the films was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence, and transmission electron microscopy. The use of argon as the ambient gas during the thermal treatment of the buffer layer leads to the enhancement of the (0002) diffraction peak intensity at 2θ ∼ 34.4° and the reduction of the full width at half maximum value in the XRD rocking curve, which means that well-defined and c-axis oriented ZnO film was obtained. The relationship between the thickness of the SiO2 layer between the ZnO buffer layers and Si substrates and the structural and optical properties of the ZnO films is discussed. 相似文献
The tunneling model has enjoyed considerable success in describing the low temperature properties of glasses. However, departures
from the tunneling model have been noted in experiments at very low temperatures (below 100 mK). We have measured the change
in the sound speed ΔV/V
0 between 1 and 40 mK in an amorphous silica double paddle oscillator oscillating at 14 kHz. Most importantly, the sound speed
displayed the logarithmic temperature dependence predicted by the tunneling model to a lower temperature than in previous
experiments on amorphous silica. Below 3 mK the sound speed departed from the logarithmic temperature dependence and began
to level off. The leveling off can be explained by either an intrinsic effect or thermal decoupling of the sample from the
thermometer. By heating the oscillator with a gamma source to determine the thermal resistance of the oscillator, it was found
that a relatively large stray heat input (9×10−4 nW) would be needed to cause the leveling off. Further work will be needed to determine whether the leveling off is due to
stray heat or intrinsic physics. 相似文献