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近年来,随着CPA(脉冲啁啾放大)等技术的发展,激光功率有了很大提高,超短脉冲激光器及超短脉冲激光与物质相互作用的研究已发展成为当今世界最热门最前沿的领域。日前,基于CPA技术的超短脉冲激光系统已经达到PW(1015)量级。紫外超短脉冲激光在强场物理及惯性约束核聚变快速点火等研究中具有无可比拟的优势,在小型超快中子源、激光化学、激光生物学等众多领域有着广泛应用。 准分子激光器在放大超短脉冲方面具有独特的优势。基于它的气体性质和饱和能量低、超短脉冲放大过程中的非线性效应小,可不采用CPA路线而直接将超短脉冲激光放大到1019W/cm2,甚至更高。它还可以提供一个信噪比高达1010的干净脉冲,这对于激光靶物理实验非 相似文献
紫外超短脉冲的并束一直是国际上的一个难点。虽然各国对如何有效地进行紫外超短脉冲的并束进行了研究,但都没有得到很好的解决方案。 相似文献
将紫外超短激光脉冲经过放电泵浦KrF激光放大器LLG50、“天光一号”电子束泵浦KrF激光预放大器和主放大器进行了3级放大,最终将1 mJ的超短脉冲激光放大到了8 J。建立了超短激光和ASE互相竞争放大的动态模型,分析了ASE对多级放大的影响,并提出了抑制ASE、提高放大效率的方法。 1 相似文献
近年来,超短脉冲激光及其与物质相互作用的研究已发展成为现代物理的一个最前沿领域。提高激光的能量和功率密度以开展强场物理的研究,需采用合适的技术路线进行超短脉冲激光的放大。电子束泵浦KrF激光器口径大、泵浦率高,可直接用于进行超短脉冲激光的放大,一方面可获得高的能量输出,另一方面技术路线简单,解决了传统CPA技术所需的大口径光栅等技术难点,非 相似文献
将756nm、100fs的超短激光在传输一定距离后进行聚焦,在有和没有较严重自聚焦现象产生的情况下,对比分析远场发散角、焦斑大小以及能量集中度。发现在相同的聚焦系统下,激光束在空气中击穿时远场发散角略有增大,同时脉宽度展宽;所能获得的焦斑大小没有明显区别, 相似文献
高功率超短脉冲激光系统有着广泛的应用。本工作研究超短脉冲在啁啾放大过程光谱演化过程,建立了光谱演化的模型,并分析了影响光谱特性的各个因素。通过这个模型对目前本实验室的超短激光系统进行了验证和分析,发现模型和实际结果相符较好,并发现系统并不在最佳工作点,系统输出能量、信噪比对输出光谱的要求不能同时满足。 相似文献
The predominant spectral blueshifting of a sub-picosecond UV laser pulse induced by ultrafast ionization of noble gases was investigated. Spectral measurements were made at various gas densities. Typical quasi-periodic structures in the blueshifted spectrum were obtained. The observations were in connection with the so-called self-phase modulation of laser pulses in the ultrafast ionization process which was simply simulated with an ADK (Ammosov-Delone-Krainov) ionization model. Some quantitative information can be deduced from the measurements and calculations. 相似文献
At recent year, with the development of CPA and other amplification technology, laser intensity achieves great increase and laser power can be high to PW(105) now, this ultrashort pulse lasers offer scientists a route to investigate laser-matter interaction in an absolute new regime.So far the researches on ultrashort pulse laser-matter interaction concentrated on infrared regime, yet ultraviolet laser has the advantage in intense field physics and ICF researches for its short wavelength and less nonlinear effects. KrF excimer is the best medium in UV ultrashort pulse amplification for its small saturation energy and high contrast ratio accessible. 相似文献
By using a one-dimensional self-consistent relativistic fluid model, an investigation is made numerically on relativistic electromagnetic solitons with a high intensity in cold overdense plasmas with an electrons' initial velocity opposite to the laser propagating direction. Two types of standing solitons with zero group velocity are found at the given electrons' initial velocities. One is single-humped with a weakly relativistic intensity; the another is multi-humped with a strong relativistic amplitude. The properties of these two types of solitons are presented in detail. 相似文献
光致荧光显微成像是观测电介质材料超微结构缺陷的有效手段。本工作研究利用KrF激光器照射光学器件表面激发的荧光成像探测光学元件薄膜激光损伤。建立了KrF激光的光致荧光成像系统,并用以进行了紫外光学镀膜损伤的现场测试。测试结果与采用Normaski显微镜的测试结果一致。 相似文献
By numerically solving the relativistic equations of motion of a single electron in laser fields modeled by a Gaussian laser beam, we get the trajectory and energy of the electron. When the drifting distance is comparable to or even longer than the corresponding Rayleigh length, the evolution of the beam waist cannot be neglected. The asymmetry of intensity in acceleration and deceleration leads to the conclusion that the electron can be accelerated effectively and extracted by the longitudinM ponderomotive force. For intensities above 10^19 Wμm^2/cm^2, an electron‘s energy gain about MeV can be realized, and the energetic electron is parallel with the propagation axis. 相似文献
In this report, we start from Lagrange equation and analyze theoretically the electron dynamics in electromagnetic field. By solving the relativistic government equations of electron, the trajectories of an electron in plane laser pulse, focused laser pulse have been given for different initial conditions. The electron trajectory is determined by its initial momentum, the amplitude, spot size and polarization of the laser pulse. The optimum initial momentum of the electron for LSS (laser synchrotron source) is obtained. Linear polarized laser is more advantaged than circular polarized laser for generating harmonic radiation. 相似文献
首次提出了一种新颖的窄脉冲峰值保持方法.其原理是在脉冲激励下形成衰减振荡波,由峰值包络检波后的电流向电容器充电,最终在电容器上保持脉冲峰值信息.该方法解决了保持电容的充电时间常数完全依赖于脉冲宽度的问题.介绍了工作原理,给出了实现电路和实验结果.该电路结构简单、可靠性好,已经在高精度无协作目标激光脉冲测距仪中应用. 相似文献