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This paper presents a novel technique for electric load forecasting based on neural weather compensation. Our proposed method is a nonlinear generalization of Box and Jenkins approach for nonstationary time-series prediction. A weather compensation neural network is implemented for one-day ahead electric load forecasting. Our weather compensation neural network can accurately predict the change of actual electric load consumption from the previous day. The results, based on Hong Kong Island historical load demand, indicate that this methodology is capable of providing a more accurate load forecast with a 0.9% reduction in forecast error  相似文献   

The authors present an artificial neural network (ANN) model for forecasting weather-sensitive loads. The proposed model is capable of forecasting the hourly loads for an entire week. The model is not fully connected; hence, it has a shorter training time than the fully connected ANN. The proposed model can differentiate between the weekday loads and the weekend loads. The results indicate that this model can achieve greater forecasting accuracy than the traditional statistical model. This ANN model has been implemented on real load data. The average percentage peak error for the test cases was 1.12%  相似文献   

提出一种基于BP子网络和小波网络的短期负荷预测的级联网络模型.在对气象影响因素与负荷关系深入分析的基础上,采用BP子网络来映射气象等不确定因素的影响.采用小波网络(预测网络)来映射历史负荷值的影响,它结合了小波变换良好的时频局域化性质和神经网络的自学习能力,明显地改善了神经网络难以合理确定网络结构和存在局部最优等缺陷.最后两级网络相互级联组成预测网络.研究算例表明,这种模型是优秀的.  相似文献   

The paper illustrates a part of the research activity conducted by the authors in the field of electric short term load forecasting (STLF) based on artificial neural network (ANN) architectures. Previous experiences with basic ANN architectures have shown that, even though these architectures provide results comparable with those obtained by human operators for most normal days, they evidence some accuracy deficiencies when applied to “anomalous” load conditions occurring during holidays and long weekends. For these periods a specific procedure based upon a combined (unsupervised/supervised) approach has been proposed. The unsupervised stage provides a preventive classification of the historical load data by means of a Kohonen's self-organizing map (SOM). The supervised stage, performing the proper forecasting activity, is obtained by using a multi-layer perceptron with a backpropagation learning algorithm similar to the ones mentioned above. The unconventional use of information deriving from the classification stage permits the proposed procedure to obtain a relevant enhancement of the forecast accuracy for anomalous load situations  相似文献   

One-hour-ahead load forecasting using neural network   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Load forecasting has always been the essential part of an efficient power system planning and operation. Several electric power companies are now forecasting load power based on conventional methods. However, since the relationship between load power and factors influencing load power is nonlinear, it is difficult to identify its nonlinearity by using conventional methods. Most of papers deal with 24-hour-ahead load forecasting or next day peak load forecasting. These methods forecast the demand power by using forecasted temperature as forecast information. But, when the temperature curves changes rapidly on the forecast day, load power changes greatly and forecast error would going to increase. In conventional methods neural networks uses all similar day's data to learn the trend of similarity. However, learning of all similar day's data is very complex, and it does not suit learning of neural network. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the neural network structure and learning time. To overcome these problems, we propose a one-hour-ahead load forecasting method using the correction of similar day data. In the proposed prediction method, the forecasted load power is obtained by adding a correction to the selected similar day data  相似文献   

提出了一种基于HHT的电力系统短期负荷预测模型。针对EMD分解电力负荷时存在模态混叠及对高频IMF预测不准确的问题,采用一阶差分算法对EMD分解进行改进,得到消除模态混叠后的一系列IMF分量及余项。通过对各分量的频谱计算和观察,提取出低频分量,并将其进行重构,各分量选取合适模型进行预测。由于IMF1主要为负荷的随机分量,对其考虑天气、节假日因素,并采用粒子群算法对组合权值进行优化。仿真结果表明此种方法具有较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

提出了采用经验模态分解(EMD)、动态神经网络与BP型神经网络相结合的混合模型进行电力系统短期负荷预测的方法。首先运用EMD将非平稳的负荷序列分解,然后根据分解后各分量的特点构造不同的动态神经网络对各分量分别进行预测,最后对各分量预测结果采用BP网络进行重构得到最终预测结果。仿真结果表明基于该方法的电力系统短期负荷预测具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

电力系统短期负荷预测是电力系统运行管理和实时控制所必须的基本内容,预测结果的准确性对电力系统的安全、优质,经济运行具有重要意义。通过非参数预测法建立电力系统短期负荷预测模型,以此作为Elman神经网络训练的样本集,实现网络样本设计、结构设计与网络训练,充分发挥Elman神经网络动态特性,将改进的遗传算法和Elman神经网络相结合,通过选择,交叉、变异等遗传操作,实现了神经网络权值优化。采用基于遗传优化神经网络的电力系统短期负荷预测新算法,提高了负荷预报精度,具体算例证明了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

电力负荷短期预测的模糊专家系统修正方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对人工神经网络短期负荷预测方法的不足,考虑天气中的日平均气温,天气状况以及特殊事件等影响负荷变化的主要因素,利用专家经验,模仿专家处理问题的方法,设计了一个模糊专家系统,对负荷预测结果进行修正,以提高负荷预测精度,通过合理选择模糊推理规则的原因,有效地减少了规则的数目,使得人工总结专家经验并确定模糊推理规则成为可能,减少了计算量,提高了算法速度。  相似文献   

赵学成  王丽君  赵宇红 《湖南电力》2006,26(1):23-25,56
为提高电力系统短期负荷预测精度,综合模糊逻辑和神经网络的长处构建了基于自适应模糊神经网络的短期负荷预测模型.将该模型和算法应用于地区电网的短期负荷预测,预测效果良好.  相似文献   

提高湖南电网短期负荷预测准确率的分析与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统、深入地分析了影响湖南电网短期负荷预测准确率的主要原因,提出了健全负荷预测管理制度、重点研究预测分析技术、提高预测人员综合素质的建议.  相似文献   

基于蚁群聚类-Elman神经网络模型的短期电力负荷预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在神经网络负荷预测实际应用中,突出的问题是训练样本大、训练时间长、收敛速度慢。针对负荷预测样本代表性问题,建立了基于蚁群聚类的Elman神经网络预测模型。对负荷历史数据进行蚁群聚类预处理,将聚类后的数据作为神经网络的训练样本。其目的是使输入样本具有代表性,改善网络训练时间和收敛速度,有效提高预测精度。通过某发电厂负荷数据的验证,该模型的预测结果精度较好。  相似文献   

针对母线负荷非线性、冲击性波动、有较多“毛刺”、含有较多坏数据等特点,提出一种基于小波变换和混沌神经网络的母线负荷预测方法。该方法通过消除坏数据和噪声对负荷混沌特性分析的影响,能有效提高母线负荷预测的精度。首先对历史数据进行改进的小波阈值去噪,然后对其进行混沌特性分析,重构相空间形成训练样本.最后采用改进的混沌学习算法对网络进行训练,通过对某省某地220kV母线负荷算例分析,显示该方法能显著提高母线负荷预测的精度。  相似文献   

一种实用的短期负荷组合预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史永  王鹏  张粒子 《现代电力》2000,17(1):35-40
组合预测理论的发展正逐渐趋向成熟,其在电力系统负荷预测的研究与实践也逐渐增多。文中分别应用简单平均组合与最优加权组合原理,建立了短期负荷预测的组合模型。模型通过对某省负荷样本数据的分析,采用多角度选取样本,充分利用有限历史数据;同时引入多种数学模型,吸收了各模型所具有的优点。该模型具有预测精度高,建模速度快的特点。某省实际负荷数据的测试证明了模型的实用性。  相似文献   

A multilayered-type neural network is attractive for daily electric load forecasting because the neural network can acquire a nonlinear relationship among the electric load data and their factors (weather, temperature, etc.) automatically. This paper discusses first some essential issues to be considered in neural network applications. One is difficulty of obtaining sufficient effective training data, another is the influence of abnormal learning data, and one more is the inevitable outerpolation. For these issues, the following three methods are developed in order to forecast more accurately: (1) a structure of the neural networks for insufficient training data; (2) detection and diminishing the influence of abnormal data; (3) employment of interpolation network and outerpolation network with additional data for outerpolation. Furthermore, to increase the sensitivity between electric loads and factors, (4) removal of base load is developed. Those methods work effectively to decrease the average absolute errors of peak-load forecasting and 24-hour load forecasting to 1.78 percent and 2.73 percent, respectively.  相似文献   

In general, electric power companies must prepare power supply capability for maximum electric load demand because it is very difficult at present to store electric power. It takes several years and requires a great amount of money to construct power generation and transmission facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast long-term load demand exactly in order to plan or operate power systems efficiently. Several methods have been investigated so far for the long-term load forecasting. However, because the electric loads consist of many complex factors, good forecasting has been very difficult. This paper proposes a long-term load forecasting method using a recurrent neural network (RNN). This is a mutually connected network that has the ability of learning patterns and past records. In general, when interpolation is used for unlearned data sets, the neural network provides reasonably good outputs. However, when extrapolation is used, such as in long-term load forecasting, some kind of tunings have been necessary to obtain good results. Therefore, to solve the problem, a method is proposed in which growth rates are used as input and output data. Using the proposed method, successful results have been obtained and comparisons have been made with the conventional methods.  相似文献   

Electric load forecasting using an artificial neural network   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An artificial neural network (ANN) approach is presented for electric load forecasting. The ANN is used to learn the relationship among past, current and future temperatures and loads. In order to provide the forecasted load, the ANN interpolates among the load and temperature data in a training data set. The average absolute errors of the 1 h and 24 h-ahead forecasts in tests on actual utility data are shown to be 1.40% and 2.06%, respectively. This compares with an average error of 4.22% for 24 h ahead forecasts with a currently used forecasting technique applied to the same data  相似文献   

Short-term load forecasting using an artificial neural network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An artificial neural network (ANN) method is applied to forecast the short-term load for a large power system. The load has two distinct patterns: weekday and weekend-day patterns. The weekend-day pattern includes Saturday, Sunday, and Monday loads. A nonlinear load model is proposed and several structures of an ANN for short-term load forecasting were tested. Inputs to the ANN are past loads and the output of the ANN is the load forecast for a given day. The network with one or two hidden layers was tested with various combinations of neurons, and results are compared in terms of forecasting error. The neural network, when grouped into different load patterns, gives a good load forecast  相似文献   

广义回归神经网络模型在短期电力负荷预测中的应用研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍了广义回归神经网络(GRNN)的基本理论,指出其回归的实质就是对平滑参数的优化。考虑到常规差分进化算法容易“早熟,”全局寻优效率偏低,提出了基于优进策略的差分进化算法,利用种群繁衍的有用信息改进子代分布,并引入确定性寻优操作,实现了高效全局搜优。以推广能力作为优化目标,所建的GRNN有很强的非线性拟合能力和优良的预报性能,将其成功地为短期电力负荷预测建模,获得了满意的预测结果。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to short-time load forecasting by the application of nonparametric regression. The method is derived from a load model in the form of a probability density function of load and load affecting factors. A load forecast is a conditional expectation of load given the time, weather conditions and other explanatory variables. This forecast can be calculated directly from historical data as a local average of observed past loads with the size of the local neighborhood and the specific weights on the loads defined by a multivariate product kernel. The method accuracy relies on the adequate representation of possible future conditions by historical data, but a measure to detect any unreliable forecast can be easily constructed. The proposed procedure requires few parameters that can be easily calculated from historical data by applying the cross-validation technique  相似文献   

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