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甘肃省甜菜种子繁育经过不断发展,确定了成县,徽县露地越冬采种基地和“南育北繁”的靖远,榆中采种基地,为省内外繁育了十多个二倍体,多倍体品种和雄性不育杂交种,为甜菜制糖工业提供了合格的生产用种。  相似文献   

我国甜菜露地越冬采种从70年代末开始到现在已有20年的发展历史,这一期间经历了探索、扩大布点、生产示范和全面应用几个阶段,在良种繁育方面取得了显著的成效。近年来,生产上已基本形成了鲁西南、苏北、皖北、晋南、陕南及甘肃陇南等地甜菜露地越冬采种区,并且通过科技工作者和良繁技术人员不断研究与探索,总结出了母根育成,冬前移栽(或春移栽)、露地越冬、返青管理等一整套种子生产繁育技术措施;使甜菜露地越冬采种事业在原有基础上又发展到一个新的阶段。l露地越冬采种的优越性。 甜菜露地越冬采种,在我国甜菜良种繁育事…  相似文献   

研究了露地越冬采种甜菜生育规律和丰产优质配套技术的要点及其内在联系,得出了甜菜种子生产及下代原料产量和质量上露地越冬比窑藏越冬更为优越的结论,对加速我国中部地区最佳繁殖带(点)甜菜商品种子集约化生产基地建设提出了理论和实践依据及切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

甜菜种子产量和发芽率波动的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东省是我国甜菜南繁采种的一个重要地区。多年来 ,由于种种原因 ,甜菜种子的产量和发芽率年与年之间 ,采种户之间差别很大。本文通过调查 ,分析甜菜种子产量及发芽率波动的原因并讨论了采取的对策。1 种子产量和发芽率波动的原因1 .1 干热风西南干热风是我国中部地区较为普遍存在的自然现象 ,无论甜菜采种是露地越冬采种还是窖藏越冬采种 ,在甜菜种株盛花期如遇西南干热风 (气温在 32℃以上 ,大气相对湿度在 40 %以下 ) ,对甜菜种子的产量和质量都有严重影响。表现在种球千粒重小 ,发芽率低 ,千粒重与常年相比下降 2 .5g左右 ,发芽率降…  相似文献   

甜菜露地越冬采种种子产量的高低,质量的优劣不仅受其本身遗传因素的制约,也受环境的影响。现根据试验结果从栽培技术方面入手,试论提高我区甜菜露地越冬种子产量和质量的有效途径。一、不同土质对甜菜露地越冬采种产量和质量的影响我区土壤以淤土、砂淤两合土、砂碱土、砂僵黑土为主。试验资料表明,各类土壤对种  相似文献   

【孙正庭报导】全国第二届甜菜露地越冬采种学术座谈会1983年4月26—28日在陕西省浦城县召开。参加会议的有陕西、山西、山东、河北、安徽、江苏、辽宁、内蒙和黑龙江等省区的代表。会议交流了各省区甜菜露地越冬采种经验。代表们认为露地越冬采种是一项充分利用我国中部地区自然水热资源优势,促进我国甜菜种子事业进步的一项重要措施。我国中部地区  相似文献   

从1963年以来将《甜菜糖业》发表的科研文章来看,甜菜种子方面的科研文章仅占7.5%,远不及甜菜原料科技方面的研究。虽然如此,但就种子科研成果对甜菜种子事业和其生产方面所起的作用,确是令人振奋的,现就此提出点个人看法。 1、关于甜菜露地越冬采种文章报导篇幅多,即每四篇种子文章就有一篇是露地越冬采种文章。研究试验时间长,从50年代末开始试验,至今仍在研究中。推广应用效果好,凡种甜菜的省区都在搞露地越冬采种,面大量多收效显著。其发展趋势将要取代冬季窖藏母根春  相似文献   

冬栽露地越冬采种区的气象条件山东省甜菜露地越冬采种区主要在鲁南滕县和胶东半岛的高密、掖县及荣城县等地区。该采种区的气候特点是:纬度线在北纬35°—37°,无霜期长,冬季暖和,有利于母限越冬。开花期温度适宜,日照充足,雨量少,授粉好。种子成熟期气温比开花期高,阳光充足,雨量偏少,有利于种子成熟和收获。  相似文献   

我国地域辽阔,自然条件各异,中部地区(北纬33—35°)适宜甜菜露地越冬采种。进一步加强甜菜露地越冬采种技术研究和良种繁育管理工作,充分利用这一自然优势,不仅对国内发展甜菜种子生产提高制糖工业经济效益具有重要意义,而且开发对国外繁育甜菜种子也是十分可能的。本文仅就这方面谈一点我们的看法和设想。  相似文献   

以适期早播、培育壮苗为基础,合理密植、创造丰产枝型为中心,平衡水肥为保证,适期收获、科学晾晒脱粒为关键,构成露地越冬采种甜菜优质丰产综合技术。由于综合技术针对性强,措施可行,易于操作,使采种甜菜的生长发育与生长环境相协调,达到采种甜菜种子生产优质丰产高效益的目的。  相似文献   

以不同时间和功率的微波对老化甜菜种子进行预处理,对盆栽条件下甜菜幼苗叶片Rubisco含量、蛋白水解酶活性、内源性H2O2水平、抗氧化酶活性及相关性进行了研究。结果表明,微波能不同程度的影响老化甜菜种子萌发后幼苗体内的早期碳氮代谢及物质转化,其影响强度因微波处理时间和生化指标的敏感度不同而异。400W8-13S微波处理,显著缓解了因种子老化造成的氧化胁迫,降低了心O,水平,SOD、APX的同步高水平表达及APX的持续作用,有机调控了老化甜菜种子幼苗体内ROS的产生和清除之间的动态平衡。400W13-18S微波处理,蛋白水解酶活性最低,说明该剂量的微波辐射通过对H2O2的去毒作用,降低了蛋白水解酶的活性和对这一分子信号的敏感性。ROS水平的变化,钝化了蛋白水解酶系统,从而减缓了Rubisco的降解,并激活了Rubisco相关基因的表达,使叶片中主要执行光合作用的可溶性蛋白Rubisco合成增加。在设定处理组合中,中火400W瞬时处理13s为促进老化种子苗期发育的最佳处理。  相似文献   

香料烟的光合生理特性初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以克撒西巴斯马(XanthiBasma)、柯马蒂尼巴斯马(KomotiniBasma)为供试品种,研究了香料烟在云南保山香料烟产区的光合特性,研究表明,香料烟的光合速率日变化呈现典型的双峰型,这可能与气孔限制有关,其光合饱和点较高,在1600μmol·m-2·s-1左右。不同品种间的光合速率差异较大,在供试的7个品种中,杰尼克的光合速率最高,卡拉巴格拉的最低。  相似文献   

Water stress during the reproductive phase, especially during seed development, is considered detrimental for chickpea yield. In the present study, the relative sensitivity of Desi and Kabuli chickpea types to water stress during seed filling was assessed in terms of effects on quantitative and qualitative aspects of seed yield. Leaves of both types experienced stress injury (evaluated as electrolyte leakage) to the same extent and possessed almost similar values of water potential at the end of 14 days of water stress. The stressed plants of Kabuli type lost more chlorophyll and had less photosynthesis than Desi type. At maturity, Desi type showed more diminution of vegetative dry matter due to stress over control than Kabuli type. On the other hand, Kabuli type showed a proportionally greater reduction in seed weight per plant, average seed weight, average seed size, number of pods (single‐ and double‐seeded) and harvest index. The stressed seeds of Kabuli type showed 48 and 46% reduction over control in starch and protein content compared with 25 and 40%, respectively in Desi type. The accumulation of soluble sugars was relatively greater due to stress in Kabuli (47%) than Desi type (23%). Fat and fiber content declined by 39 and 35% over control in Desi seeds because of stress whereas Kabuli type showed 46 and 67% decreases, respectively. Protein fractions, namely albumins, globulins, glutelins and prolamins, decreased in stressed seeds of Kabuli by 32, 40, 16 and 15% over control relative to 40, 48, 30 and 28%, respectively, in Kabuli type. The activities of sucrose synthase, invertase and soluble starch synthase were inhibited to a higher extent in Kabuli seeds than Desi seeds under stress. Kabuli seeds showed significantly more reduction in the accumulation of amino acids such as phenylalanine + tyrosine, tryptophan, valine, alanine and histidine and minerals (Ca, P, Fe) due to stress compared with Desi type. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The position of soybean seeds on the stem axis brings about differences in seed filling during seed development, which contributes to different seed size and results in determining the quality of seeds for food usage. The quality differences between the large and small seeds are reported. RESULTS: The proportion of large seeds was higher at the apical portion while small seeds predominated at the basal portion of the soybean stem axis. The contents of lipids, starch, soluble sugars and soluble proteins were higher in large seeds as compared to those in small ones. The proportion of membrane lipid components, on a 10‐kernel basis, was higher in large seeds. The proportion of palmitate and oleate was also higher in large seeds. SDS‐PAGE analysis showed that glycinin (11S) proteins of 46 and 32 kDa were at higher concentrations, while 158 and 20 kDa were at lower concentration in large seeds in comparison to small seeds. Likewise, β‐conglycinins (7S) of 75, 62 and 46 kDa were higher in large seeds compared to small ones. CONCLUSION: Segregating the seeds of apical from the basal portion of soybean plant at harvest is expected to improve the germination, growth, yield and food‐processing aspects. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

六种植物籽果仁油的提取及油质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆豫  李伟杰  张振辉 《食品科学》2005,26(9):437-439
采用CO2超临界萃取分别对柚子籽、桔子籽、樟树籽、哈密瓜籽、西红柿籽和茶叶树籽等6种果仁提取它们的油脂,并用气相色谱法分析它们各自脂肪酸组成。萃取结果表明,上述各油料均有较高的出油率,出油率在22%以上。脂肪酸含量分析结果表明,它们的亚油酸含量较高(大于25%),其中哈密瓜籽仁的砸油酸含量高达64.19%。根据测定结果对它们的开发前景作了讨论。  相似文献   

用80%乙醇、95%甲醇、正丁醇、乙酸乙酯、氯仿、石油醚等溶剂分别提取南、北芡实中抗氧化活性物质,比较了不同提取物对体外清除DPPH.、羟自由基(.OH)及超氧自由基(O2.-)的效果,并利用GC-MS对南、北芡实抗氧化提取物中主要成分进行了分析。试验结果表明:不同溶剂的芡实提取物都具有抗氧化作用,但能力存在差异。南芡95%甲醇提取物清除DPPH.能力最佳,而北芡正丁醇提取物清除能力最佳。二者80%乙醇和95%甲醇提取物均具有较好的清除DPPH.、羟自由基(.OH)、超氧阴离子自由基(O2.-)能力。GC-MS分析结果表明,南、北芡实抗氧化提取物的主要成分和含量不同,但均含有甾醇类和生育酚类化合物;另外还有多种含不饱和键的酰胺类、酯类等物质。南芡95%甲醇、80%乙醇和石油醚提取物中生育酚类化合物和绝大部分甾醇含量高于北芡;北芡正丁醇和乙酸乙酯提取物中生育酚含量高于南芡。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of some legume seeds is reviewed. It was found that soy (Glycine soja), field beans (Vicia faba), Vicia sativa and Lens culingris (red seeds) have the highest protein content. There were only minor differences in amino acid composition except for glutamic acid. The lysine content of legume seeds was high. Lysine is the most limiting essential amino acid in cereal proteins, therefore cereal products can be improved nutritionally by addition of legume seed flour. Examination of polar lipids by thin layer chromatography revealed that lecithin, phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl inositol were the major components. However, Lupinus angustifolius contained two unknown polar lipid classes.--In contrary to previous literature the ripe legume seeds contained only a very small amount of galactosyl diglycerides; however legume seeds contain higher amounts of the compounds. The conection between biosynthesis of linolenic acid and the presence of galactosyl diglycerides in higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Different chemical components were analysed in the seeds and in testa ofVicia faba. The seeds contain a relativ high crude protein (27,5%), a low crude fatt (3,36%) content; and the lignin concentration is low (2,65%). The testa of the seeds has a very high fibre concentration and is a significant Ca-source (1,86 g/kg). The higher macroelement concentrations in the seeds were measured from K, P and Mg. The main microelements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) have significant higher concentrations in the seed than in the testa. The amino acid composition of seeds is positiv (compared to data of white lupine), the rate of essentiell amino acids is good. The concentrations of the examined antinutritiv organic constituents, especially of alkaloids, are low. On the basis of chemical analysis, the production and utilisation of seeds ofVicia faba is recommended.  相似文献   

The physicochemical characteristics of seeds located in different whorls of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) head at maturity have been studied. The proportion of filled seeds decreased from the peripheral to the central whorl, with a 10‐fold decrease in filled/unfilled seed ratio. The dry weight of seeds and kernels and the oil content of kernels decreased from the peripheral towards the middle and central whorls. However, the dry weight of seeds and kernels in the seed crop was significantly higher and the oil content lower than in the oil crop. The contents of starch, total soluble sugars and reducing sugars were lower in the oil crop than in the seed crop. The starch content of peripheral whorls in the seed crop was much lower than that of central whorls, with accumulation of total soluble sugars and reducing sugars, whereas much less variability was observed with respect to the position of seeds on the sunflower head in the oil crop. The mean proportion of membrane lipids was higher and that of triacylglycerols lower in the seed crop than in the oil crop. The proportions of 16:0 and 18:1 were higher in the seed crop, while that of 18:2 was higher in the oil crop. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The hydrophilic phenolics, lipophilic tocopherols, phytosterols and fatty acids in butterfly pea seeds and petals were determined. The seeds had fifteen phenolics; of them, sinapic acid, epicatechin and hydroxycinnamic acid derivative concentrations were above 0.5 mg g?1. The petals contained a group of ternatins, flavone glycosides and delphinidin derivatives. Both the seeds and petals had four phytosterols and α‐ and γ‐tocopherols. However, the level of β‐sitosterol or γ‐tocopherol in the seeds was much higher than in the petals. Linoleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid in the seeds and petals, while phytanic acid was found in the petals. The effect of lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts of the seeds [lipophilic extract of the butterfly pea seeds (LBS) and hydrophilic extract of butterfly pea seeds (HBS)] and petals [lipophilic extract of the butterfly pea petals (LBP) and hydrophilic extract of butterfly pea petals (HBP)] on decreased HEp‐2 human carcinoma cell viability was evaluated. The effect of HBS or HBP on decreased cancer cell viability was much higher than that of either LBS or LBP, while HBS showed significantly higher effect than HBP. The results indicated that butterfly pea seed and petal extracts could have the potential in functional food development.  相似文献   

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