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John Donne(1572-1631),the forefather of English Metaphysical poetry,is one of the most influential poets of the Renaissance.This essay ventures into Donne’s love poems"A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning"and"The Flea"and comes out convinced that the poems abounds in conceits,taking the"compass"and"flea"as examples.The studies of his conceit help to promote understanding of John Donne from a fresh perspective and provide the readers with a larger space for the recreation.  相似文献   

张红卫 《中国园林》2007,23(8):76-80
伊恩·汉密尔顿·芬利是著名的诗人和现代艺术家,他以独特的形体诗在当代艺术界享有很高的声誉。芬利也以优秀的园林作品——小斯巴达园而成为著名的园林设计师,他将自己的形体诗与园林结合起来,创造了具有浓郁文化特色的新时代"文人园林"。其作品的文化内涵对于当代的园林设计具有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   

In the 17 th century, English literature is noted by the metaphysical poems. "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"(hereinafter referred to as "A Valediction") is a metaphysical poem which is based on the theme of two lovers about to part for an extended time written by the famous poet John Donne. "A Valediction" is known for its conceits and analogies to describe the couple's relationship. Dating back 1400 years, the period of the founding of the Western Jin Dynasty is marked by the declining of the Confucianism and the rising of the Huang Lao philosophy(a branch of Daoism) following with the initial stage of Metaphysics. The poem "14th of the Scholar Joining the Army"(hereinafter referred to as "Joining the Army") is a metaphysical poem composed in 2nd century by Ji Kang, one of the celebrated representatives of fourcharacter and initial Metaphysical Poets in Chinese history. This essay tries to analyze the characteristics of the English metaphysical poems and the Western Jin Dynasty metaphysical poems by comparing and contrasting two see-off poems of the two representatives respectively from two different cultures.  相似文献   

"Ode to the Nightingale" is one of the masterpieces of John Keats. The great poem has described on hearing of the beautiful songs of nightingale, the melody inspires the poet's internal expectation of freedom and getting rid of all of the miseries and sadness of life. It can be felt in the poem that emotional changes of the poets and his greatness of his soul in the conflict between the beautiful world with the nightingale and the real world. He is the nightingale of his own life.  相似文献   

从中国传统文学艺术对历史城市规划、建筑艺术的大量反映、描写和歌颂中,可以发现两者之间相互渗透融合并相互促进、共同发展的规律。文学浓缩、升华了城规艺术、建筑艺术,而城市规划与建筑从文学中获得启发和感悟,从而具有更宽广的视野和更高的灵性;与此同时,城市规划与各种建筑,也成为了诗歌等文学艺术手段及众多文学家抒发主观意境的重要载体。许多历史城镇与建筑因此而扬名千古,并得以存续到如今。  相似文献   

李时珍是我国16世纪伟大的医学家和药物学家,他的《本草纲目》是中国科学技术发展史中的不朽巨著。他对荷花情有独钟,在《本草纲目》中以7000字的篇幅详细论述了莲的释名、地理分布、种质资源、栽繁技术、食用药用。特别对莲各部器官的药物医疗功效,在前人研究的基础上删繁补缺、勘订讹误,提出了自己独到的见解。李氏对莲之爱,表达了一个人民医药学家的高尚情操。他出身于世医之家,有世交师长,生长在莲藕之乡,这些是造就一代伟人的重要历史背景。  相似文献   

诗歌与建筑的联系可以是形似(相似的形式结构),也可以是神似(相似的概念或情感的表达)。文章将讨论约翰·海杜克的诗与他设计的建筑的关系,旨在证实海杜克运用了这两种媒介在表达了“弦外之音”的同时,事实上也运用了类似的手法。这些手法虽然表达神的原理是相同的,但不是严格意义上的形似。文章讨论海杜克的两首诗歌与一个建筑作品的关系。两首诗歌是:德松维夫人和奥斯陆室。建筑作品是墙宅之二。  相似文献   

A Good Boy     
<正>Zhao Ming is a little boy from a small town. At school, he studies very hard. He likes sports and he is very strong. At home, he often helps his parents with some housework. His parents love him very much.Last Sunday, his parents were out. He got up early. After breakfast, he did his homework  相似文献   

My Uncle     
<正>My uncle is a college teacher.He teaches law.He is very kind and humorous.Every time he comes to my home,he brings me some candies and beautiful gifts.I love to talk with him and his words always make me laugh.He knows a lot and I can also learn a lot from him.I love my uncle very much.I want to become a college teacher like my uncle in the future.  相似文献   

<正>My favourite film star is Kim Soo Hyun.He is famous all over the world.Kim Soo Hyun was born on 16 February,1988.He was born in Seoul,South Korea.In 2007,he started acting.He is tall and handsome.He is an experienced actor and he is good at singing and dancing.Since his first scene play The Pickled Cheese  相似文献   

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