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A common mechanism in which glucocorticoids participate is suggested in the pathogenesis of such metabolic diseases as obesity, metabolic syndrome, or Cushing’s syndrome. The enzyme involved in the control of the availability of cortisol, the active form of the glucocorticoid for the glucocorticoid receptor, is 11β-HSD1. Inhibition of 11β-HSD1 activity may bring beneficial results for the alleviation of the course of metabolic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome or type 2 diabetes. In this work, we obtained 10 novel 2-(adamantan-1-ylamino)thiazol-4(5H)-one derivatives containing different substituents at C-5 of thiazole ring and tested their activity towards inhibition of two 11β-HSD isoforms. For most of them, over 50% inhibition of 11β-HSD1 and less than 45% inhibition of 11β-HSD2 activity at the concentration of 10 µM was observed. The binding energies found during docking simulations for 11β-HSD1 correctly reproduced the experimental IC50 values for analyzed compounds. The most active compound 2-(adamantan-1-ylamino)-1-thia-3-azaspiro[4.5]dec-2-en-4-one (3i) inhibits the activity of isoform 1 by 82.82%. This value is comparable to the known inhibitor-carbenoxolone. The IC50 value is twice the value determined by us for carbenoxolone, however inhibition of the enzyme isoform 2 to a lesser extent makes it an excellent material for further tests.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that eventually leads to dementia and death of the patient. Currently, no effective treatment is available that can slow or halt the progression of the disease. The gut microbiota can modulate the host immune system in the peripheral and central nervous system through the microbiota–gut–brain axis. Growing evidence indicates that gut microbiota dysbiosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD, and modulation of the gut microbiota may represent a new avenue for treating AD. Immunotherapy targeting Aβ and tau has emerged as the most promising disease-modifying therapy for the treatment of AD. However, the underlying mechanism of AD immunotherapy is not known. Importantly, preclinical and clinical studies have highlighted that the gut microbiota exerts a major influence on the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. However, the role of the gut microbiota in AD immunotherapy has not been explored. We found that immunotherapy targeting tau can modulate the gut microbiota in an AD mouse model. In this article, we focused on the crosstalk between the gut microbiota, immunity, and AD immunotherapy. We speculate that modulation of the gut microbiota induced by AD immunotherapy may partially underlie the efficacy of the treatment.  相似文献   

Therapeutic glucocorticoids (GCs) are powerful anti-inflammatory tools in the management of chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, their actions on bone in this context are complex. The enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) is a mediator of the anti-inflammatory actions of therapeutic glucocorticoids (GCs) in vivo. In this study we delineate the role of 11β-HSD1 in the effects of GC on bone during inflammatory polyarthritis. Its function was assessed in bone biopsies from patients with RA and osteoarthritis, and in primary osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Bone metabolism was assessed in the TNF-tg model of polyarthritis treated with oral GC (corticosterone), in animals with global (TNF-tg11βKO), mesenchymal (including osteoblast) (TNF-tg11βflx/tw2cre) and myeloid (including osteoclast) (TNF-tg11βflx/LysMcre) deletion. Bone parameters were assessed by micro-CT, static histomorphometry and serum metabolism markers. We observed a marked increase in 11β-HSD1 activity in bone in RA relative to osteoarthritis bone, whilst the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFα upregulated 11β-HSD1 within osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In osteoclasts, 11β-HSD1 mediated the suppression of bone resorption by GCs. Whilst corticosterone prevented the inflammatory loss of trabecular bone in TNF-tg animals, counterparts with global deletion of 11β-HSD1 were resistant to these protective actions, characterised by increased osteoclastic bone resorption. Targeted deletion of 11β-HSD1 within osteoclasts and myeloid derived cells partially reproduced the GC resistant phenotype. These data reveal the critical role of 11β-HSD1 within bone and osteoclasts in mediating the suppression of inflammatory bone loss in response to therapeutic GCs in chronic inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

Prenatal malnutrition is known to affect the phenotype of the offspring through changes in epigenetic regulation. Growing evidence suggests that epigenetics is one of the mechanisms by which nutrients and minerals affect metabolic traits. Although the perinatal period is the time of highest phenotypic plasticity, which contributes largely to developmental programming, there is evidence of nutritional influence on epigenetic regulation during adulthood. Calcium (Ca) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance syndrome. Cortisol, the most important glucocorticoid, is considered to lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 is a key enzyme that catalyzes the intracellular conversion of cortisone to physiologically active cortisol. This brief review aims to identify the effects of Ca deficiency during pregnancy and/or lactation on insulin resistance in the offspring. Those findings demonstrate that maternal Ca deficiency during pregnancy may affect the epigenetic regulation of gene expression and thereby induce different metabolic phenotypes. We aim to address the need for Ca during pregnancy and propose the scaling-up of clinical and public health approaches that improved pregnancy outcomes.  相似文献   

In early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), amyloid beta (Aβ) accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix and interacts with mitochondrial proteins, such as cyclophilin D (cypD) and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 10 (17β-HSD10). Multiple processes associated with AD such as increased production or oligomerization of Aβ affect these interactions and disbalance the equilibrium between the biomolecules, which contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction. Here, we investigate the effect of the ionic environment on the interactions of Aβ (Aβ1–40, Aβ1–42) with cypD and 17β-HSD10 using a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor. We show that changes in concentrations of K+ and Mg2+ significantly affect the interactions and may increase the binding efficiency between the biomolecules by up to 35% and 65% for the interactions with Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42, respectively, in comparison with the physiological state. We also demonstrate that while the binding of Aβ1–40 to cypD and 17β-HSD10 takes place preferentially around the physiological concentrations of ions, decreased concentrations of K+ and increased concentrations of Mg2+ promote the interaction of both mitochondrial proteins with Aβ1–42. These results suggest that the ionic environment represents an important factor that should be considered in the investigation of biomolecular interactions taking place in the mitochondrial matrix under physiological as well as AD-associated conditions.  相似文献   

A huge effort has been devoted to developing drugs targeting integrins over 30 years, because of the primary roles of integrins in the cell-matrix milieu. Five αv-containing integrins, in the 24 family members, have been a central target of fibrosis. Currently, a small molecule against αvβ1 is undergoing a clinical trial for NASH-associated fibrosis as a rare agent aiming at fibrogenesis. Latent TGFβ activation, a distinct talent of αv-integrins, has been intriguing as a therapeutic target. None of the αv-integrin inhibitors, however, has been in the clinical market. αv-integrins commonly recognize an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence, and thus the pharmacophore of inhibitors for the 5-integrins is based on the same RGD structure. The RGD preference of the integrins, at the same time, dilutes ligand specificity, as the 5-integrins share ligands containing RGD sequence such as fibronectin. With the inherent little specificity in both drugs and targets, “disease specificity” has become less important for the inhibitors than blocking as many αv-integrins. In fact, an almighty inhibitor for αv-integrins, pan-αv, was in a clinical trial. On the contrary, approved integrin inhibitors are all specific to target integrins, which are expressed in a cell-type specific manner: αIIbβ3 on platelets, α4β1, α4β7 and αLβ2 on leukocytes. Herein, “disease specific” integrins would serve as attractive targets. α8β1 and α11β1 are selectively expressed in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and distinctively induced upon culture activation. The exceptional specificity to activated HSCs reflects a rather “pathology specific” nature of these new integrins. The monoclonal antibodies against α8β1 and α11β1 in preclinical examinations may illuminate the road to the first medical agents.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is a group of heterogeneous metabolic disorders characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia mainly due to pancreatic β cell death and/or dysfunction, caused by several types of stress such as glucotoxicity, lipotoxicity and inflammation. Different patho-physiological mechanisms driving β cell response to these stresses are tightly regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs), a class of negative regulators of gene expression, involved in pathogenic mechanisms occurring in diabetes and in its complications. In this review, we aim to shed light on the most important miRNAs regulating the maintenance and the robustness of β cell identity, as well as on those miRNAs involved in the pathogenesis of the two main forms of diabetes mellitus, i.e., type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, we acknowledge that the understanding of miRNAs-regulated molecular mechanisms is fundamental in order to develop specific and effective strategies based on miRNAs as therapeutic targets, employing innovative molecules.  相似文献   

Cardiac fibrosis is a pathological process associated with the development of heart failure. TGF-β and WNT signaling have been implicated in pathogenesis of cardiac fibrosis, however, little is known about molecular cross-talk between these two pathways. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of exogenous canonical WNT3a and non-canonical WNT5a in TGF-β-activated human cardiac fibroblasts. We found that WNT3a and TGF-β induced a β-catenin-dependent response, whereas WNT5a prompted AP-1 activity. TGF-β triggered profibrotic signatures in cardiac fibroblasts, and co-stimulation with WNT3a or co-activation of the β-catenin pathway with the GSK3β inhibitor CHIR99021 enhanced collagen I and fibronectin production and development of active contractile stress fibers. In the absence of TGF-β, neither WNT3a nor CHIR99021 exerted profibrotic responses. On a molecular level, in TGF-β-activated fibroblasts, WNT3a enhanced phosphorylation of TAK1 and production and secretion of IL-11 but showed no effect on the Smad pathway. Neutralization of IL-11 activity with the blocking anti-IL-11 antibody effectively reduced the profibrotic response of cardiac fibroblasts activated with TGF-β and WNT3a. In contrast to canonical WNT3a, co-activation with non-canonical WNT5a suppressed TGF-β-induced production of collagen I. In conclusion, WNT/β-catenin signaling promotes TGF-β-mediated fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition by enhancing IL-11 production. Thus, the uncovered mechanism broadens our knowledge on a molecular basis of cardiac fibrogenesis and defines novel therapeutic targets for fibrotic heart diseases.  相似文献   

Cancer pain may be the consequence of physical nerve compression by a growing tumor. We employed a murine model to study whether gabapentin was able to regulate tumor growth, in addition to controlling hyperalgesic symptoms. A fluorescent melanoma cell line (B16–BL6/Zs green) was inoculated into the proximity of the sciatic nerve in male C57BL/6 mice. The tumor gradually compressed the nerve, causing hypersensitivity. Tumor growth was characterized via in vivo imaging techniques. Every other day, gabapentin (100 mg/Kg) or saline was IP administered to each animal. In the therapeutic protocol, gabapentin was administered once the tumor had induced increased nociception. In the preventive protocol, gabapentin was administered before the appearance of the positive signs. Additionally, in vitro experiments were performed to determine gabapentin’s effects on cell-line proliferation, the secretion of the chemokine CCL2, and calcium influx. In the therapeutically treated animals, baseline responses to noxious stimuli were recovered, and tumors were significantly reduced. Similarly, gabapentin reduced tumor growth during the preventive treatment, but a relapse was noticed when the administration stopped. Gabapentin also inhibited cell proliferation, the secretion of CCL2, and calcium influx. These results suggest that gabapentin might represent a multivalent strategy to control cancer-associated events in painful tumors.  相似文献   

The primary function of the endothelial cells (EC) lining the inner surface of all vessels is to regulate permeability of vascular walls and to control exchange between circulating blood and tissue fluids of organs. The EC actin cytoskeleton plays a crucial role in maintaining endothelial barrier function. Actin cytoskeleton reorganization result in EC contraction and provides a structural basis for the increase in vascular permeability, which is typical for many diseases. Actin cytoskeleton in non-muscle cells presented two actin isoforms: non-muscle β-cytoplasmic and γ-cytoplasmic actins (β-actins and γ-actins), which are encoded by ACTB and ACTG1 genes, respectively. They are ubiquitously expressed in the different cells in vivo and in vitro and the β/γ-actin ratio depends on the cell type. Both cytoplasmic actins are essential for cell survival, but they perform various functions in the interphase and cell division and play different roles in neoplastic transformation. In this review, we briefly summarize the research results of recent years and consider the features of the cytoplasmic actins: The spatial organization in close connection with their functional activity in different cell types by focusing on endothelial cells.  相似文献   

11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type1 (11βHSD1) regulates the conversion from inactive cortisone to active cortisol. Increased cortisol results in diabetes, hence quelling the activity of 11βHSD1 has been thought of as an effective approach for the treatment of diabetes. Quantitative hypotheses were developed and validated to identify the critical chemical features with reliable geometric constraints that contribute to the inhibition of 11βHSD1 function. The best hypothesis, Hypo1, which contains one-HBA; one-Hy-Ali, and two-RA features, was validated using Fischer's randomization method, a test and a decoy set. The well validated, Hypo1, was used as 3D query to perform a virtual screening of three different chemical databases. Compounds selected by Hypo1 in the virtual screening were filtered by applying Lipinski's rule of five, ADMET, and molecular docking. Finally, five hit compounds were selected as virtual novel hit molecules for 11βHSD1 based on their electronic properties calculated by Density functional theory.  相似文献   

Transmembrane glycoprotein integrins play crucial roles in biochemical processes, and by their inhibition or activation, different signal pathways can be disrupted, leading to abnormal physiological functions. We have previously demonstrated the inhibitory effect of glyphosate herbicide’s active ingredient on cell adhesion and its αvβ3 integrin antagonist effect. Therefore, it appeared particularly exciting to investigate inhibition of glyphosate and its metabolites on a wider range of Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) binding integrins, namely αvβ3, α5β1 and αllbβ3. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess how extended the inhibitory effect observed for glyphosate on the integrin αvβ3 is in terms of other RGD integrins and other structurally or metabolically related derivatives of glyphosate. Five different experimental setups using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were applied: (i) αvβ3 binding to a synthetic polymer containing RGD; (ii) αvβ3 binding to its extracellular matrix (ECM) protein, vitronectin; (iii) α5β1 binding to the above polymer containing RGD; (iv) αllbβ3 binding to its ECM protein, fibrinogen and (v) αvβ3 binding to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain. Total inhibition of αvβ3 binding to RGD was detected for glyphosate and its main metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), as well as for acetylglycine on α5β1 binding to RGD.  相似文献   

Dysbiosis contributes to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis, and oral bacteriotherapy represents a promising preventative and therapeutic opportunity to remodel gut microbiota and to delay AD onset and progression by reducing neuroinflammation and amyloid and tau proteins aggregation. Specifically, SLAB51 multi-strain probiotic formulation positively influences multiple neuro-chemical pathways, but exact links between probiotics oral consumption and cerebral beneficial effects remain a gap of knowledge. Considering that cerebral blood oxygenation is particularly reduced in AD and that the decreased neurovascular function contributes to AD damages, hypoxia conditioning represents an encouraging strategy to cure diseases of the central nervous system. In this work, 8-week-old 3xTg-AD and wild-type mice were chronically supplemented with SLAB51 to evaluate effects on hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), a key molecule regulating host-microbial crosstalk and a potential target in neurodegenerative pathologies. We report evidence that chronic supplementation with SLAB51 enhanced cerebral expression of HIF-1α and decreased levels of prolyl hydroxylase 2 (PHD2), an oxygen dependent regulator of HIF-1α degradation; moreover, it successfully counteracted the increase of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) brain expression and nitric oxide plasma levels in AD mice. Altogether, the results demonstrate an additional mechanism through which SLAB51 exerts neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects in this model of AD.  相似文献   

Recently, various immunosuppressant drugs have been shown to induce hair growth in normal hair as well as in alopecia areata and androgenic alopecia; however, the responsible mechanism has not yet been fully elucidated. In this study, we investigate the influence of mycophenolate (MPA), an immunosuppressant, on the proliferation of human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs) and on the growth of human hair follicles following catagen induction with interferon (IFN)-γ. IFN-γ was found to reduce β-catenin, an activator of hair follicle growth, and activate glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β, and enhance expression of the Wnt inhibitor DKK-1 and catagen inducer transforming growth factor (TGF)-β2. IFN-γ inhibited expression of ALP and other dermal papillar cells (DPCs) markers such as Axin2, IGF-1, and FGF 7 and 10. MPA increased β-catenin in IFN-γ-treated hDPCs leading to its nuclear accumulation via inhibition of GSK3β and reduction of DKK-1. Furthermore, MPA significantly increased expression of ALP and other DPC marker genes but inhibited expression of TGF-β2. Therefore, we demonstrate for the first time that IFN-γ induces catagen-like changes in hDPCs and in hair follicles via inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, and that MPA stabilizes β-catenin by inhibiting GSK3β leading to increased β-catenin target gene and DP signature gene expression, which may, in part, counteract IFN-γ-induced catagen in hDPCs.  相似文献   

It was proven that sterols subjected to high-temperature treatment can be concatenated, which results in polymeric structures, e.g., 3β,3′β-disteryl ethers. However, it was also proven that due to increased temperature in oxygen-containing conditions, sterols can undergo various oxidation reactions. This study aimed to prove the existence and perform quantitative analysis of oxidized 3β,3′β-disteryl ethers, which could form during high-temperature treatment of sterol-rich samples. Samples were heated at 180, 200 and 220 °C for 0.5 to 4 h. Quantitative analyses of the oxidized 3β,3′β-disteryl ethers were performed with liquid extraction, solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Additionally, to perform this analysis, the appropriate standards of all oxidized 3β,3′β-disteryl ethers were prepared. Eighteen various oxidized 3β,3′β-disteryl ethers (derivatives of 3β,3′β-dicholesteryl ether, 3β,3′β-disitosteryl ether and 3β,3′β-distigmasteryl ether) were prepared. Additionally, the influence of metal compounds on the mechanism of ether formation at high temperatures was investigated.  相似文献   

Increasing studies suggest that inflammatory processes in the central nervous system mediated by microglial activation plays an important role in numerous neurodegenerative diseases. Development of planning for microglial suppression is considered a key strategy in the search for neuroprotection. Paeonol is a major phenolic component of Moutan Cortex, widely used as a nutrient supplement in Chinese medicine. In this study, we investigated the effects of paeonol on microglial cells stimulated by inflammagens. Paeonol significantly inhibited the release of nitric oxide (NO) and the expressions of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Treatment with paeonol also reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and inhibited an ATP-induced increased cell migratory activity. Furthermore, the inhibitory effects of neuroinflammation by paeonol were found to be regulated by phosphorylated adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase-α (AMPK-α) and glycogen synthase kinase 3 α/β (GSK 3α/β). Treatment with AMPK or GSK3 inhibitors reverse the inhibitory effect of neuroinflammation by paeonol in microglial cells. Furthermore, paeonol treatment also showed significant improvement in the rotarod performance and microglial activation in the mouse model as well. The present study is the first to report a novel inhibitory role of paeonol on neuroinflammation, and presents a new candidate agent for the development of therapies for inflammation-related neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), an endogenously produced gasotransmitter, is involved in various important physiological and disease conditions, including vasodilation, stimulation of cellular bioenergetics, anti-inflammation, and pro-angiogenesis. In cancer, aberrant up-regulation of H2S-producing enzymes is frequently observed in different cancer types. The recognition that tumor-derived H2S plays various roles during cancer development reveals opportunities to target H2S-mediated signaling pathways in cancer therapy. In this review, we will focus on the mechanism of H2S-mediated protein persulfidation and the detailed information about the dysregulation of H2S-producing enzymes and metabolism in different cancer types. We will also provide an update on mechanisms of H2S-mediated cancer progression and summarize current options to modulate H2S production for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a very complex syndrome involving widespread brain multi-dysconnectivity. Schizophrenia is marked by cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dysregulations. Recent studies suggest that inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS) and immune dysfunction could have a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. This hypothesis is supported by immunogenetic evidence, and a higher incidence rate of autoimmune diseases in patients with schizophrenia. The dysregulation of the WNT/β-catenin pathway is associated with the involvement of neuroinflammation in schizophrenia. Several studies have shown that there is a vicious and positive interplay operating between neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. This interplay is modulated by WNT/β-catenin, which interacts with the NF-kB pathway; inflammatory factors (including IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α); factors of oxidative stress such as glutamate; and dopamine. Neuroinflammation is associated with increased levels of PPARγ. In schizophrenia, the expression of PPAR-γ is increased, whereas the WNT/β-catenin pathway and PPARα are downregulated. This suggests that a metabolic-inflammatory imbalance occurs in this disorder. Thus, this research’s triptych could be a novel therapeutic approach to counteract both neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

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