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Sperm-specific K+ ion channel (KSper) and Ca2+ ion channel (CatSper), whose elimination causes male infertility in mice, determine the membrane potential and Ca2+ influx, respectively. KSper and CatSper can be activated by cytosolic alkalization, which occurs during sperm going through the alkaline environment of the female reproductive tract. However, which intracellular pH (pHi) regulator functionally couples to the activation of KSper/CatSper remains obscure. Although Na+/H+ exchangers (NHEs) have been implicated to mediate pHi in sperm, there is a lack of direct evidence confirming the functional coupling between NHEs and KSper/CatSper. Here, 5-(N,N-dimethyl)-amiloride (DMA), an NHEs inhibitor that firstly proved not to affect KSper/CatSper directly, was chosen to examine NHEs function on KSper/CatSper in mouse sperm. The results of patch clamping recordings showed that, when extracellular pH was at the physiological level of 7.4, DMA application caused KSper inhibition and the depolarization of membrane potential when pipette solutions were not pH-buffered. In contrast, these effects were minimized when pipette solutions were pH-buffered, indicating that they solely resulted from pHi acidification caused by NHEs inhibition. Similarly, DMA treatment reduced CatSper current and intracellular Ca2+, effects also dependent on the buffer capacity of pH in pipette solutions. The impairment of sperm motility was also observed after DMA incubation. These results manifested that NHEs activity is coupled to the activation of KSper/CatSper under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is a plasma membrane protein ubiquitously present in humans. It regulates intracellular pH by removing an intracellular proton in exchange for an extracellular sodium. It consists of a 500 amino acid membrane domain plus a 315 amino acid, regulatory cytosolic tail. Here, we investigated the effect of mutation of two amino acids of the regulatory tail, Ser785 and Ser787, that were similar in location and context to two amino acids of the Arabidopsis Na+/H+ exchanger SOS1. Mutation of these two amino acids to either Ala or phosphomimetic Glu did not affect surface targeting but led to a slight reduction in the level of protein expressed. The activity of the NHE1 protein was reduced in the phosphomimetic mutations and the effect was due to a decrease in Vmax activity. The Ser to Glu mutations also caused a change in the apparent molecular weight of both the full-length protein and of the cytosolic tail of NHE1. A conformational change in this region was indicated by differential trypsin sensitivity. We also found that a peptide containing amino acids 783–790 bound to several more proximal regions of the NHE1 tail in in vitro protein interaction experiments. The results are the first characterization of these two amino acids and show that they have significant effects on enzyme kinetics and the structure of the NHE1 protein.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ exchangers are essential for Na+ and pH homeostasis in all organisms. Human Na+/H+ exchangers are of high medical interest, and insights into their structure and function are aided by the investigation of prokaryotic homologues. Most prokaryotic Na+/H+ exchangers belong to either the Cation/Proton Antiporter (CPA) superfamily, the Ion Transport (IT) superfamily, or the Na+-translocating Mrp transporter superfamily. Several structures have been solved so far for CPA and Mrp members, but none for the IT members. NhaA from E. coli has served as the prototype of Na+/H+ exchangers due to the high amount of structural and functional data available. Recent structures from other CPA exchangers, together with diverse functional information, have allowed elucidation of some common working principles shared by Na+/H+ exchangers from different families, such as the type of residues involved in the substrate binding and even a simple mechanism sufficient to explain the pH regulation in the CPA and IT superfamilies. Here, we review several aspects of prokaryotic Na+/H+ exchanger structure and function, discussing the similarities and differences between different transporters, with a focus on the CPA and IT exchangers. We also discuss the proposed transport mechanisms for Na+/H+ exchangers that explain their highly pH-regulated activity profile.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer-associated deaths in men over 60 years of age. Most patients are killed by tumor metastasis. Recent evidence has implicated a role of the tumor microenvironment and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) in cancer cell migration, invasion, and metastasis. Here, we examine the role of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) and uPA in DU 145 prostate cancer cell migration and colony formation. Knockout of NHE1 reduced cell migration. The effects of a series of novel NHE1/uPA hexamethylene-amiloride-based inhibitors with varying efficacy towards NHE1 and uPA were examined on prostate cancer cells. Inhibition of NHE1—alone, or with inhibitors combining NHE1 or uPA inhibition—generally did not prevent prostate cancer cell migration. However, uPA inhibition—but not NHE1 inhibition—prevented anchorage-dependent colony formation. Application of inhibitors at concentrations that only saturate uPA inhibition decreased tumor invasion in vivo. The results suggest that while knockout of NHE1 affects cell migration, these effects are not due to NHE1-dependent proton translocation. Additionally, while neither NHE1 nor uPA activity was critical in cell migration, only uPA activity appeared to be critical in anchorage-dependent colony formation of DU 145 prostate cancer cells and invasion in vivo.  相似文献   

Membrane pyrophosphatases (mPPases) found in plant vacuoles and some prokaryotes and protists are ancient cation pumps that couple pyrophosphate hydrolysis with the H+ and/or Na+ transport out of the cytoplasm. Because this function is reversible, mPPases play a role in maintaining the level of cytoplasmic pyrophosphate, a known regulator of numerous metabolic reactions. mPPases arouse interest because they are among the simplest membrane transporters and have no homologs among known ion pumps. Detailed phylogenetic studies have revealed various subtypes of mPPases and suggested their roles in the evolution of the “sodium” and “proton” bioenergetics. This treatise focuses on the mechanistic aspects of the transport reaction, namely, the coupling step, the role of the chemically produced proton, subunit cooperation, and the relationship between the proton and sodium ion transport. The available data identify H+-PPases as the first non-oxidoreductase pump with a “direct-coupling” mechanism, i.e., the transported proton is produced in the coupled chemical reaction. They also support a “billiard” hypothesis, which unifies the H+ and Na+ transport mechanisms in mPPase and, probably, other transporters.  相似文献   

Deltamethrin (DLT) is a type-II pyrethroid ester insecticide used in agricultural and domestic applications as well as in public health. However, transmembrane ionic channels perturbed by this compound remain largely unclear, although the agent is thought to alter the gating characteristics of voltage-gated Na+ (NaV) channel current. In this study, we reappraised whether and how it and other related compounds can make any further modifications on voltage-gated Na+ current (INa) in pituitary tumor (GH3) cells. Cell exposure to DLT produced a differential and dose-dependent stimulation of peak (transient, INa(T)) or sustained (late, INa(L)) INa; consequently, the EC50 value required for DLT-stimulated INa(T) or INa(L) was determined to be 11.2 or 2.5 μM, respectively. However, neither the fast nor slow component in the inactivation time constant of INa(T) activated by short depolarizing pulse was changed with the DLT presence; conversely, tefluthrin (Tef), a type-I pyrethroid insecticide, can accentuate INa with a slowing in inactivation time course of the current. The INa(L) augmented by DLT was attenuated by further application of either dapagliflozin (Dapa) or amiloride, but not by chlorotoxin. During pulse train (PT) stimulation, with the Tef or DLT presence, the cumulative inhibition of INa(T) became slowed; moreover, following PT stimuli, a large tail current with a slowly recovering process was observed. Alternatively, during rapid depolarizing pulse, the amplitude of INa(L) and tail INa (INa(Tail)) for each depolarizing pulse became progressively increased by adding DLT, not by Tef. The recovery time constant following PT stimulation with continued presence of Tef or DLT was shortened by further addition of Dapa. The voltage-dependent hysteresis (Hys(V)) of persistent INa was differentially augmented by Tef or DLT. Taken together, the magnitude, gating, frequency dependence, as well as Hys(V) behavior of INa exerted by the presence of DLT or Tef might exert a synergistic impact on varying functional activities of excitable cells in culture or in vivo.  相似文献   

Mice lacking functional thyroid follicular cells, Pax8−/− mice, die early postnatally, making them suitable models for extreme hypothyroidism. We have previously obtained evidence in postnatal rat neurons, that a down-regulation of Na+-current density could explain the reduced excitability of the nervous system in hypothyroidism. If such a mechanism underlies the development of coma and death in severe hypothyroidism, Pax8−/− mice should show deficits in the expression of Na+ currents and potentially also in the expression of Na+/K+-ATPases, which are necessary to maintain low intracellular Na+ levels. We thus compared Na+ current densities in postnatal mice using the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration as well as the expression of three alpha and two beta-subunits of the Na+/K+-ATPase in wild type versus Pax8−/− mice. Whereas the Na+ current density in hippocampal neurons from wild type mice was upregulated within the first postnatal week, the Na+ current density remained at a very low level in hippocampal neurons from Pax8−/− mice. Pax8−/− mice also showed significantly decreased protein expression levels of the catalytic α1 and α3 subunits of the Na+/K+-ATPase as well as decreased levels of the β2 isoform, with no changes in the α2 and β1 subunits.  相似文献   

Abiotic stresses are increasingly harmful to crop yield and quality. Calcium and its signaling pathway play an important role in modulating plant stress tolerance. As specific Ca2+ sensors, calcineurin B-like (CBL) proteins play vital roles in plant stress response and calcium signaling. The CBL family has been identified in many plant species; however, the characterization of the CBL family and the functional study of apple MdCBL proteins in salt response have yet to be conducted in apple. In this study, 11 MdCBL genes were identified from the apple genome. The coding sequences of these MdCBL genes were cloned, and the gene structure and conserved motifs were analyzed in detail. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that these MdCBL proteins could be divided into four groups. The functional identification in Na+-sensitive yeast mutant showed that the overexpression of seven MdCBL genes could confer enhanced salt stress resistance in transgenic yeast. The function of MdCBL10.1 in regulating salt tolerance was also verified in cisgenic apple calli and apple plants. These results provided valuable insights for future research examining the function and mechanism of CBL proteins in regulating apple salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max) is an economically important crop which is very susceptible to salt stress. Tolerance to Na2SO4 stress was evaluated in soybean plants overexpressing or suppressing the phytoglobin GmPgb1. Salt stress depressed several gas exchange parameters, including the photosynthetic rate, caused leaf damage, and reduced the water content and dry weights. Lower expression of respiratory burst oxidase homologs (RBOHB and D), as well as enhanced antioxidant activity, resulting from GmPgb1 overexpression, limited ROS-induced damage in salt-stressed leaf tissue. The leaves also exhibited higher activities of the H2O2-quenching enzymes, catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), as well as enhanced levels of ascorbic acid. Relative to WT and GmPgb1-suppressing plants, overexpression of GmPgb1 attenuated the accumulation of foliar Na+ and exhibited a lower Na+/K+ ratio. These changes were attributed to the induction of the Na+ efflux transporter SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 1 (SOS1) limiting Na+ intake and transport and the inward rectifying K+ channel POTASSIUM TRANSPORTER 1 (AKT1) required for the maintenance of the Na+/K+ balance.  相似文献   

Febrile seizures (FS) are one of the most common seizure disorders in childhood which are classified into short and prolonged, depending on their duration. Short FS are usually considered as benign. However, epidemiological studies have shown an association between prolonged FS and temporal lobe epilepsy. The development of animal models of FS has been very useful to investigate the mechanisms and the consequences of FS. One of the most used, the “hair dryer model”, has revealed that prolonged FS may lead to temporal lobe epilepsy by altering neuronal function. Several pieces of evidence suggest that Na+/ K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase may play a role in this epileptogenic process. In this work, we found that hyperthermia-induced seizures (HIS) significantly increased the activity of Na+/ K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase five and twenty days after hyperthermic insult, respectively. These effects were diminished in response to AMPA, D2 dopamine A1 and A2A receptors activation, respectively. Furthermore, HIS also significantly increased the protein level of the AMPA subunit GluR1. Altogether, the increased Na+/ K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase agree well with the presence of protective mechanisms. However, the reduction in ATPase activities in the presence of NMDA and AMPA suggest an increased propensity for epileptic events in adults.  相似文献   

Salt tolerance is a target trait in plant science and tomato breeding programs. Wild tomato accessions have been often explored for this purpose. Since shoot Na+/K+ is a key component of salt tolerance, RNAi-mediated knockdown isogenic lines obtained for Solanum galapagense alleles encoding both class I Na+ transporters HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 were used to investigate the silencing effects on the Na and K contents of the xylem sap, and source and sink organs of the scion, and their contribution to salt tolerance in all 16 rootstock/scion combinations of non-silenced and silenced lines, under two salinity treatments. The results show that SgHKT1;1 is operating differently from SgHKT1;2 regarding Na circulation in the tomato vascular system under salinity. A model was built to show that using silenced SgHKT1;1 line as rootstock would improve salt tolerance and fruit quality of varieties carrying the wild type SgHKT1;2 allele. Moreover, this increasing effect on both yield and fruit soluble solids content of silencing SgHKT1;1 could explain that a low expressing HKT1;1 variant was fixed in S. lycopersicum during domestication, and the paradox of increasing agronomic salt tolerance through silencing the HKT1;1 allele from S. galapagense, a salt adapted species.  相似文献   

The vacuolar (H+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) of insect, which is composed of membrane-bound V0 complex and peripheral V1 complex, participates in lots of important physiological process. Subunit H, as a subunit of V1 complex, plays a vital role in bridging the communication between V1 and V0 complexes and interaction with other proteins. Yeast subunit H has been successfully crystallized through expression in E. coli, but little is known about the structure of insect subunit H. In this study, we cloned, expressed and purified the subunit H from midgut of Mythimna separata Walker. Through RACE (rapidly amplification of cDNA ends) technique, we got 1807 bp full length of subunit H, and to keep the nature structure of subunit H, we constructed Baculovirus expression vector with His-tag in the C-terminal and expressed the recombinant protein in insect sf9 cells, thereafter, purified the recombinant protein by Ni-NTA columns. Results of SDS-PAGE, western blotting and mass spectrometry showed that the recombinant protein was successfully expressed. The method of expressing and purifying M. separata subunit H will provide a foundation for obtaining the crystal of subunit H and further study of the design of novel insecticides based on its structure and function.  相似文献   

Carbamazepine (CBZ, Tegretol®) is an anticonvulsant used in the treatment of epilepsy and neuropathic pain; however, several unwanted effects of this drug have been noticed. Therefore, the regulatory actions of CBZ on ionic currents in electrically excitable cells need to be reappraised, although its efficacy in suppressing voltage-gated Na+ current (INa) has been disclosed. This study was undertaken to explore the modifications produced by CBZ on ionic currents (e.g., INa and erg-mediated K+ current [IK(erg)]) measured from Neuro-2a (N2a) cells. In these cells, we found that this drug differentially suppressed the peak (transient, INa(T)) and sustained (late, INa(L)) components of INa in a concentration-dependent manner with effective IC50 of 56 and 18 μM, respectively. The overall current–voltage relationship of INa(T) with or without the addition of CBZ remained unchanged; however, the strength (i.e., ∆area) in the window component of INa (INa(W)) evoked by the short ascending ramp pulse (Vramp) was overly lessened in the CBZ presence. Tefluthrin (Tef), a synthetic pyrethroid, known to stimulate INa, augmented the strength of the voltage-dependent hysteresis (Hys(V)) of persistent INa (INa(P)) in response to the isosceles-triangular Vramp; moreover, further application of CBZ attenuated Tef-mediated accentuation of INa(P)’s Hys(V). With a two-step voltage protocol, the recovery of INa(T) inactivation seen in Neuro-2a cells became progressively slowed by adding CBZ; however, the cumulative inhibition of INa(T) evoked by pulse train stimulation was enhanced during exposure to this drug. Neuro-2a-cell exposure to CBZ (100 μM), the magnitude of erg-mediated K+ current measured throughout the entire voltage-clamp steps applied was mildly inhibited. The docking results regarding the interaction of CBZ and voltage-gate Na+ (NaV) channel predicted the ability of CBZ to bind to some amino-acid residues in NaV due to the existence of a hydrogen bond or hydrophobic contact. It is conceivable from the current investigations that the INa (INa(T), INa(L), INa(W), and INa(P)) residing in Neuro-2a cells are susceptible to being suppressed by CBZ, and that its block on INa(L) is larger than that on INa(T). Collectively, the magnitude and gating of NaV channels produced by the CBZ presence might have an impact on its anticonvulsant and analgesic effects occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge has been widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, due to the pharmacological action of its active components such as the tanshinones. Plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase plays key roles in numerous physiological processes in plants. However, little is known about the PM H+-ATPase gene family in S. miltiorrhiza (Sm). Here, nine PM H+-ATPase isoforms were identified and named SmPHA1–SmPHA9. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the genetic distance of SmPHAs was relatively far in the S. miltiorrhiza PM H+-ATPase family. Moreover, the transmembrane structures were rich in SmPHA protein. In addition, SmPHA4 was found to be highly expressed in roots and flowers. HPLC revealed that accumulation of dihydrotanshinone (DT), cryptotanshinone (CT), and tanshinone I (TI) was significantly reduced in the SmPHA4-OE lines but was increased in the SmPHA4-RNAi lines, ranging from 2.54 to 3.52, 3.77 to 6.33, and 0.35 to 0.74 mg/g, respectively, suggesting that SmPHA4 is a candidate regulator of tanshinone metabolites. Moreover, qRT-PCR confirmed that the expression of tanshinone biosynthetic-related key enzymes was also upregulated in the SmPHA4-RNAi lines. In summary, this study highlighted PM H+-ATPase function and provided new insights into regulatory candidate genes for modulating secondary metabolism biosynthesis in S. miltiorrhiza.  相似文献   

DNA G-quadruplexes (G4s) are non-canonical four-stranded DNA structures involved in various biological processes in eukaryotes. Molecularly crowded solutions and monovalent cations have been reported to stabilize in vitro and in vivo G4 formation. However, how K+ and Na+ affect G4 formation genome-wide is still unclear in plants. Here, we conducted BG4-DNA-IP-seq, DNA immunoprecipitation with anti-BG4 antibody coupled with sequencing, under K+ and Na+ + PEG conditions in vitro. We found that K+-specific IP-G4s had a longer peak size, more GC and PQS content, and distinct AT and GC skews compared to Na+-specific IP-G4s. Moreover, K+- and Na+-specific IP-G4s exhibited differential subgenomic enrichment and distinct putative functional motifs for the binding of certain trans-factors. More importantly, we found that K+-specific IP-G4s were more associated with active marks, such as active histone marks, and low DNA methylation levels, as compared to Na+-specific IP-G4s; thus, K+-specific IP-G4s in combination with active chromatin features facilitate the expression of overlapping genes. In addition, K+- and Na+-specific IP-G4 overlapping genes exhibited differential GO (gene ontology) terms, suggesting they may have distinct biological relevance in rice. Thus, our study, for the first time, explores the effects of K+ and Na+ on global G4 formation in vitro, thereby providing valuable resources for functional G4 studies in rice. It will provide certain G4 loci for the biotechnological engineering of rice in the future.  相似文献   

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