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A. Patras  B.K. Tiwari 《LWT》2011,44(1):299-306
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of blast freezing and blanching in combination followed by chilling, on the antioxidant activity (ARP), phenols, ascorbic acid and colour of broccoli, carrots and green beans. No significant changes (p > 0.05) in ARP of blanched frozen (BLFR) broccoli, carrot and green beans were observed. In contrast, UBFR (unblanched frozen) treatments caused a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in ARP and ascorbic acid content of vegetable samples. BLFR treated samples had better retention of antioxidant activity and ascorbic acid as compared to UBLR counterparts at chill storage (4 °C) for 7 days. However, no significant changes were observed in phenol content for all vegetables. Ascorbic acid decreased exponentially for both blanched and unblanched samples. The reaction rate constant (k) increased from 1.06 × 10−1 day−1 to 1.17 × 10−1 day−1 for blanched and unblanched broccoli florets and from 4.6 × 10−3 day−1 to 1.98 × 10−1 day−1 for blanched and unblanched carrots during 7 days storage. Result presented here indicates greater stability of nutritional parameters for BLFR samples compared to UBFR samples during 7 days storage at 4 °C for all vegetables.  相似文献   

The ability of Clostridium botulinum to produce toxin on cubed, packaged melons was investigated relative to microbial spoilage at various incubation temperatures and in different packaging systems. Freshly cut cubes (approximately 2.5 cm3) of cantaloupe and honeydew melons were surface inoculated with a 10 strain mixture of proteolytic and nonproteolytic spores of C. botulinum (10 to 15 cubes per package; approximately 100 total spores per package). To initially evaluate toxin production and spoilage in a passively modified atmosphere, melon cubes were loosely packaged in air in polyethylene pouches, sealed, and incubated at 7 or 15 degrees C for up to 21 days. At various sampling intervals, samples were tested for headspace oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, pH, presence of botulinal toxin, aerobic and anaerobic plate counts, and counts of yeasts and molds. During incubation, headspace oxygen levels decreased, headspace carbon dioxide levels increased, aerobic and anaerobic plate counts increased, and the pH remained constant or decreased slightly. Botulinal toxin was not detected in any cantaloupe samples or in honeydew samples incubated at 7 degrees C. Botulinal toxin was detected in some honeydew samples at 15 degrees C after 9 days of incubation, but the toxic honeydews were severely spoiled and considered organoleptically unacceptable. A similar second experiment was performed in which half of the melon cubes were treated with UV light to inactivate vegetative organisms before packaging, and these were incubated at 7, 15, or 27 degrees C. In this second experiment, toxin production occurred in the UV-treated samples at 15 degrees C with gross spoilage and at 27 degrees C with only marginal spoilage. These data indicate that inhibition of spoilage organisms with UV light could result in botulinal toxin formation in packaged melons before overt spoilage.  相似文献   

Modelling the change in colour of broccoli and green beans during blanching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The green colour of vegetables changes considerably during heat treatments like blanching. Green beans from two different countries and growing seasons, and the stems and florets of broccoli were heat-treated from 40 up to 96°C. The colour was monitored with the CIE-Lab system. Expressing the green colour as −a*/b* proved to considerably reduce the observed variance within measuring samples. It can be considered as a kind of internal standardisation. The colour was modelled by a simplified kinetic mechanism of two consecutive reactions: one that increases colour, one that degrades colour. First, all data sets were analysed separately using non-linear regression. The obtained percentage variance accounted for (R2adj) ranged from 75.7 to 90.8%. Allowing separate initial conditions but with the kinetic parameters in common, the data of the same vegetable type (green beans and broccoli separately) could be pooled and analysed together (R2adj=87.4 and 77.2%, respectively). The kinetic parameters obtained were so similar that a complete pooled and generic analysis was possible even for green beans and broccoli together. These findings greatly validate the developed model and indicate that the formation and degradation of visible colour in vegetables is governed by processes related to the colouring compounds (like chlorophyll and chlorophilides), irrespective of the vegetables under study.  相似文献   

The efficiency of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) with the combination of mild heat treatment on peroxidase (POD) and lipoxygenase (LOX) inactivation in carrots, green beans, and green peas was investigated. In the first part of the study, the samples were pressurized under 250–450 MPa at 20–50 °C for 15–60 min. In the second part, two steps treatments were performed as water blanching at 40–70 °C for 15 and 30 min after pressurization at 250 MPa and 20 °C for 15–60 min. Carrot POD was decreased to 16% residual activity within the first 30 min at a treatment condition of 350 MPa and 20 °C and then it decreased to 9% at 60 min. When the carrots were water blanched at 50 °C for 30 min after HHP treatment of 250 MPa at 20 °C for 15 min, 13% residual POD activity was obtained. For green beans, the most effective results were obtained by two steps treatment and approximately 25% residual POD activity was obtained by water blanching at 50 °C for 15 min after pressurization at 250 MPa and 20 °C for 60 min. An effective inactivation of POD in green peas was not obtained. For carrots, LOX activity could not be measured due to very low LOX activity or the presence of strong antioxidants such as carotenoids. After pressurization at 250 MPa and 20 °C for 15 or 30 min, water blanching at 60 °C for 30 min provided 2–3% residual LOX activity in green beans. The treatment of 250 MPa for 30 min and then water blanching at 50 °C for 30 min provided 70% LOX inactivation in green peas.  相似文献   

Summary The concentrations of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine in cell-wall and cytoplasm of fresh and processed green beans and carrots were measured by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis in the scanning transmission electron-microscope. Fresh green beans and fresh carrots do not differ in the kind, but in the concentration of the elements that they contain. In the course of blanching and boiling, elements are gradually removed from the tissues. The concentrations measured in the rehydrated tissue correspond to those found in the blanched or boiled samples. Only potassium disappears to a very large extent during rehydration.
Quantitative Messungen des Elementgehaltes in Zellwand und Cytoplasma frischer, blanchierter, gekochter und rehydratisierter Gemüse (Karotten und grüne Bohnen) mit Hilfe der Röntgenmikroanalyse
Zusammenfassung Die Konzentrationen von Kalium, Calcium, Magnesium, Schwefel, Phosphor und Chlor in Zellwand und Cytoplasma frischer und lebensmitteltechnologisch veränderter grüner Bohnen und Karotten wurden mit Hilfe der energiedispersiven Röntgenmikroanalyse im Rastertransmissionselektronenmikroskop ermittelt. Zwischen frischen grünen Bohnen und Karotten gibt es keine qualitativen, wohl aber quantitative Unterschiede im Elementgehalt. Beim Blanchieren und Kochen erfolgt eine graduelle Herauslösung der Elemente. Die in der rehydratisierten Trokkenware ermittelten Konzentrationen entsprechen in etwa denen der blanchierten oder gekochten Rohware. Lediglich Kalium wird durch den Rehydratisierungsvorgang weitgehend entfernt.

The present study was supported by grant No. 4518 of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen e.V. and Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie e.V.  相似文献   

Two categories of vegetables (carrots and green beans) that are widely used in the manufacture of canned food were surveyed for their spore contamination. Samples were recovered from 10 manufactures spread over all producing areas in France. Two samples over 316 raw vegetables collected were found positive for botulinum neurotoxin producing Clostridia spores as tested by PCR-based GeneDisc assay. Both positive samplestested positive for the type B neurotoxin gene (bont/B). In parallel, heat-resistant spores of thermophilic bacteria that are likely to be associated with canned food spoilage after prolonged incubation at 55 °C were surveyed after specific enrichment. Prevalence varied between 1.6% for Moorella thermoacetica/thermoautotrophica in green bean samples and 8.6% for either Geobacillus stearothermophilus or Thermoanaerobacterium spp. in carrot samples. Vegetable preparation, e.g. washing and edge cutting, considerably reduced spore contamination levels. These data constitute the first wide examination of vegetables specifically cultivated for industrialpurposes for their contamination by spores of thermophilic bacterial species.  相似文献   

Green beans (cv. Moncayo) were blanched at 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 and 97 °C for 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 min. Pectinesterase (PE) activity was highest in cell-wall-bound extracts of beans blanched at 70 °C/10 min. The lowest water-soluble pectin fraction, the highest EDTA-soluble pectin fraction and the lowest degree of esterification of the EDTA-soluble fraction were all recorded for the same temperature/time combination; these effects can therefore be attributed to PE activity. Chemical changes did not affect initial firmness of the beans, which was practically constant after blanching at 65, 70, 75 and 80 °C. Simple first-order models were adequate to establish softening kinetics for beans blanched at 85, 90 and 97 °C. In this temperature range, Kramer maximum force was the mechanical parameter that best characterised bean softening by blanching. For all temperatures, short-time blanching increased the coloration and total chlorophyll content of the samples with respect to fresh control, thus precluding the use of simple models. In the treated beans, the ascorbic acid content was consistently lower than in the control and decreased continuously with increasing time. Microphotographs showed no appreciable differences in morphology between fresh and blanched beans at 65, 70 and 75 °C, which would explain the similarity of mechanical behaviour in these samples. Blanching at 85, 90 and 97 °C caused loosening and swelling of the cell walls owing to breakdown of the pectic material, which again helps to explain the observed loss of firmness.  相似文献   

The in vitro binding of bile acids by okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), beets (Beta vulgaris), asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), eggplant (Solanum malongena), turnips (Brassica rapa rapifera), green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), carrots (Daucus carota), and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis) was determined using a mixture of bile acids secreted in human bile at a duodenal physiological pH of 6.3. Six treatments and two blank incubations were conducted, testing various fresh raw vegetables on an equal dry matter basis. Considering cholestyramine (bile acid-binding, cholesterol-lowering drug) as 100% bound, the relative in vitro bile acid binding on dry matter (DM) and total dietary fibre (TDF) basis was 1–16% and 2–54%, respectively. Bile acid binding for okra was significantly higher than for all the other vegetables tested. For beets, binding values were significantly higher than for asparagus. Binding values for asparagus were significantly higher than for eggplant, turnips, beans green, carrots and cauliflower. These results point to the health promoting potential of okra > beets > asparagus > eggplant = turnips = green beans = carrots = cauliflower, as indicated by their bile acid binding, on a dry matter basis.  相似文献   

Summary By morphometric analysis of transmission electron-micrographs the degree of cell wall swelling in rehydrated vegetables (carrots and green beans) was examined as a function of various blanching, dehydration and storing parameters. The results show a clear correlation between food technology parameters and cellular morphology of the samples.
Morphometrische Messungen der Zellwandquellung bei rehydratisierten Karotten und grünen Bohnen: Der Einfluß verschiedener Blanchier-, Trocknungs- und Lagerparameter
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe morphometrischer Messungen an transmissionselektronen-mikroskopischen Bildern wurde der Grad der Zellwandquellung bei rehydratisiertem Trockengemüse (Karotten und grünen Bohnen) in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Blanchier-, Trocknungs- und Lagerbedingungen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse lassen eine eindeutige Korrelation zwischen lebensmitteltechnologischen Verfahren und der Zellmorphologie der Proben erkennen.

The present study was supported by grant No. 3668 of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen e. V. and Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie e. V.  相似文献   

Results are presented of the effect of freezing followed by thawing (air and water immersion, both at environmental temperature) and cooking (traditional boiling in a covered pot) on quality profile (in terms of objective texture, colour, chlorophylls and pheophytins and sensory attributes) and structure of green beans (cv. Win). Freezing was carried out at three different rates by forced convection with liquid nitrogen vapour. Kramer shear cell (KSC) and Warner–Bratzler (WB) tests were used for objective assessment of the texture. The highest parameter values occurred in beans frozen at the highest rate and air-thawed at the slowest rate. Also, minimum alteration of the rheological behaviour of cooked beans was achieved by freezing at the highest rate. The best parameter for assessing the texture of frozen green beans after thawing and cooking was the Warner–Bratzler slope (S WB). Coefficients of softening estimated for S WB in the thawed beans showed that the texture of the beans frozen at −24 °C was almost four and almost five times softer than that of the beans frozen at −70 °C, for air and water thawing respectively. Frozen and thawed green beans were darker than fresh control, whereas freezing prior to cooking produced lighter-coloured beans than direct cooking. The freezing rate affected colour parameters differently depending on the process that followed. When beans were thawed, increasing the freezing rate produced lighter-coloured beans, whereas when beans were cooked, increasing the rate produced darker-coloured beans. No difference was found in sensory assessments between cooked samples frozen at −24 °C, −35 °C and −70 °C, which probably reflects the panellists' mixed preferences for quickly and slowly frozen samples. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed different degrees of mechanical damage to tissue structure, which accounted for the rheological behaviour of the beans.  相似文献   

The effect of initial head spaces of air, 4.9% CO2/2.1% O2/93% N2 and 5% CO2/95% N2 on the microbial flora of shredded carrots was studied at 4 and 10°C. The microbial flora of shredded carrots comprised lactic acid bacteria, pseudomonads and yeasts. Lactic acid bacteria were the predominant organisms in all samples. The pH dropped during the storage of carrots and this was more pronounced at 10°C. The concentration of different organic acids such as lactic, acetic, tartaric, citric and succinic increased in all samples stored under modified atmosphere packaging conditions at both temperatures. The spoilage of carrots stored under 5% CO2/95% N2 was delayed, as indicated by the changes in their texture, colour and odour, compared with those samples stored under air or 4.9% CO2/2.1% O2/93% N2.  相似文献   

Broccoli and green asparagus were cooked using boiling water, steam, microwave oven and combi oven with overheated steam and combination of hot air with overheated steam (only broccoli). Vegetables were analysed for chlorophylls a and b, carotenoids, total polyphenols, antioxidant activity, colour parameters and sensory properties. Cooking in the combi oven with overheated steam was an effective method to achieve the highest levels of polyphenols and antioxidant activity, but it negatively influenced the contents of chlorophylls in both vegetables and carotenoids in asparagus. Boiling and cooking in the combi oven with overheated steam or hot air and steam ensured the best and comparable sensory properties of broccoli. Asparagus showed a lower susceptibility to heat treatments than broccoli as none of the treatments applied caused significant differences in colour redness and yellowness, polyphenol content and sensory properties of this vegetable.  相似文献   

Previously there was no available information on the levels of indicator bacteria and the prevalence of pathogens in fresh lettuce grown in organic and conventional farms in Spain. A total of 72 lettuce samples (18 farms for 4 repetitions each) for each type of the agriculture were examined in order to assess the bacteriological quality of the lettuces, in particular the prevalence of selected pathogens. The lettuce samples were analyzed for the presence of aerobic mesophilic, psychrotrophic microorganisms, yeasts and moulds, Enterobacteriaceae, mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, Pseudomonas spp. and presumptive Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. The mean aerobic mesophilic counts (AM) were 6.35 ± 0.69 log10 cfu g−1 and 5.67 ± 0.80 log10 cfu g−1 from organic and conventional lettuce, respectively. The mean counts of psychrotrophic microorganisms were 5.82 ± 1.01 log10 cfu g−1 and 5.41 ± 0.92 log10 cfu g−1 from organic and conventional lettuce, respectively. Yeasts and moulds (YM) mean counts were 4.74 ± 0.83 log10 cfu g−1 and 4.21 ± 0.96 log10 cfu g−1 from organic and conventional lettuce, respectively. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were present in low numbers and the mean counts were 2.41 ± 1.10 log10 cfu g−1 and 1.99 ± 0.91 log10 cfu g−1 from organic and conventional lettuce, respectively. Pseudomonas spp. mean counts were 5.49 ± 1.37 log10 cfu g−1 and 4.98 ± 1.26 log10 cfu g−1 in organic and conventional lettuce, respectively. The mean counts for Enterobacteriaceae were 5.16 ± 1.01 log10 cfu g−1 and 3.80 ± 1.53 log10 cfu g−1 in organic and conventional lettuce, respectively. E. coli was detected in 22.2% (16 samples) of organic lettuce and in 12.5% (9 samples) of conventional lettuce. None of the lettuce samples was positive for E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. From the samples analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) a pattern with two different groups (conventional and organic) can be observed, being the highest difference between both kinds of samples the Enterobacteriaceae count.  相似文献   

The application of high pressure processing (HPP) has shown its potential to reduce quality losses of many fruit and vegetable products in comparison to other traditional technologies such as cooking. To identify further opportunities of the application of high pressures in vegetable pieces, the sensory perception and correlation to quality parameters were investigated on carrot sticks (used as model product) submitted to high pressure treatments (600 MPa, 2 min) and compared to other traditional treatments such as sous-vide (90 °C, 5 min), cooked (100 °C, 20 min) and unprocessed (raw). The results indicated that HPP carrots were not different from sous-vide carrots in many parameters such as: sweetness, green flavour and crunchy texture. Furthermore, high pressure carrots showed significantly higher intensity perception of orange colour and fibrousnesses to the rest of the treatments, while similar brightness to cooked carrots and green odour to raw.Throughout 14 days of storage at 4 °C, there was clear evidence that HPP samples could be preserved better in comparison to the rest of the treatments by not presenting any production of acetic acid (used as quality deterioration reference).Overall, sensory evaluation showed correlations to many quality measurements in this study, indicating similarities in hardness versus crunchiness perception and juiciness versus moisture perception between HPP and sous-vide samples. GC/MS and GC/MS-O results were also in agreement in most cases when identifying carrot volatile changes between the different treatments and the identification of the development of new compounds formed.Finally, the tissue structure observed by using Cryo-SEM microscopy, supported the similarities (between HPP and sous-vide) and differences (between treatments) of the quality parameters analysed in this research.

Industrial Relevance

Previous reports on HPP for food applications indicated that this technology will only be commercially successful if added value is achieved or if the product characteristic can be retained at a higher level as compared to thermally/traditionally processed foods. This work provides information on textural and chemical (volatile) changes as well as the sensorial perception of carrots which have undergone high pressure processing, as well as how those changes compare to the quality of both raw and thermally processed carrots. These results may be generally applicable to what could be expected to happen to other ‘hard’ tissue vegetable products produced by high pressure processing, over a refrigerated storage time of 14 days.  相似文献   

Cof. canephora var. robusta. The coffee types were not significantly different in peptide content, but were significantly different in peptide composition. Peptides with weakly acid pI values were mainly found in the Cof. robusta samples. In comparison, peptides from Cof. arabica samples ranged evenly from the weakly acidic up to the weakly basic pH range. The apparent molecular masses of the peptides in the two groups of samples lie between 4 kDa and 10 kDa. The cysteine content of the peptides was relatively high. Model roastings permitted the assumption that peptides make a contribution to coffee flavour. Peptides are already available in freshly harvested coffee. Model tests have suggested that processing after the coffee harvest has an influence on peptide composition but not on the amounts of peptide. All coffee samples contained some extractable proteases. The electrophoretically obtained enzyme patterns of Cof. arabica and Cof. robusta were different. Received: 6 September 1999  相似文献   

Characterisation of coffee quality based on bean quality assessment is associated with the relative amount of defective beans among non-defective beans. It is therefore important to develop a methodology capable of identifying the presence of defective beans that enables a fast assessment of coffee grade and that can become an analytical tool to standardise coffee quality. In this work, a methodology for quality assessment of green coffee based on near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is proposed. NIRS is a green chemistry, low cost, fast response technique without the need of sample processing. The applicability of NIRS was evaluated for Arabica and Robusta varieties from different geographical locations. Partial least squares regression was used to relate the NIR spectrum to the mass fraction of defective and non-defective beans. Relative errors around 5% show that NIRS can be a valuable analytical tool to be used by coffee roasters, enabling a simple and quantitative evaluation of green coffee quality in a fast way.  相似文献   

Strains of Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacillus plantarum, Weissella soli/Weissella koreensis, Enterococcus faecalis, Pediococcus pentosaceus and Lactobacillus fermentum were identified from raw carrots, French beans and marrows by partial 16S rRNA gene sequence. L. plantarum M1, Leuc. mesenteroides C1 and P. pentosaceus F4 were selected based on the rates of growth and acidification in vegetable juice media, and used as the autochthonous mixed starter for the fermentation of carrots, French beans or marrows. An allochthonous starter, consisting of the same species, was also used for fermentation. A two-step fermentation process (1 day at 25 degrees C and 7 days at 15 degrees C) in brine (1% w/v) followed by storage at room temperature in olive oil until 40 days was set up. Unstarted vegetables subjected to the same treatments were used as the controls. Cell numbers of lactic acid bacteria in the started vegetables were ca. 10,000 (autochthonous starter) and 1000 (allochthonous starter) times higher than unstarted samples throughout the process. When fermented with the autochthonous starter, carrots, French beans or marrows were characterized by the rapid decrease of pH (<4.5), marked consumption of fermentable carbohydrates, and inhibition of Enterobacteriaceae and yeasts. Fermentation with the allochthonous starter did not acidify and inhibit bacteria and yeasts so rapidly. After 40 days, carrots, French beans and marrows fermented with the autochthonous starter had significantly (P<0.05) higher total concentration of vitamin C (ascorbate+dehydroascorbate) with respect to those fermented with the allochthonous starter and, especially unstarted vegetables. The same was found for the indexes of color. Firmness of both started vegetables was higher than unstarted vegetables. Sensory analysis differentiated started vegetables. Carrots and French beans fermented with the autochthonous starter were, especially, appreciated for fragrance. Appearance was the sensory attribute that mainly distinguished marrows fermented with the autochthonous starter.  相似文献   

During storage of green coffee beans at increased temperature and at constant humidity reducing sugars present in original beans react with free amino acids with formation of colourless unstable products. Additional reducing sugars and free amino acids are produced by hydrolysis of polysaccharides and proteins, respectively. The second stage of storage is characterized by only slight changes in the content of free amino acids and sugars but by intensive browning reactions. This latter stage was characterized by deterioration of sensory quality of coffee beverage, especially of its odour. Lysine combined in protein was involved in browning reactions via colourless intermediary products.  相似文献   

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