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王立杰  李萌  蔡斯博  李戈  谢冰  杨芙清 《软件学报》2012,23(6):1335-1349
随着Web服务技术的不断成熟和发展,互联网上出现了大量的公共Web服务.在使用Web服务开发软件系统的过程中,其文本描述信息(例如简介和使用说明等)可以帮助服务消费者直观有效地识别和理解Web服务并加以利用.已有的研究工作大多关注于从Web服务的WSDL文件中获取此类信息进行Web服务的发现或检索,调研发现,互联网上大部分Web服务的WSDL文件中普遍缺少甚至没有此类信息.为此,提出一种基于网络信息搜索的从WSDL文件之外的信息源为Web服务扩充文本描述信息的方法.从互联网上收集包含目标Web服务特征标识的相关网页,基于从网页中抽取出的信息片段,利用信息检索技术计算信息片段与目标Web服务的相关度,并选取相关度较高的文本片段为Web服务扩充文本描述信息.基于互联网上的真实数据进行的实验,其结果表明,可为约51%的互联网上的Web服务获取到相关网页,并为这些Web服务中约88%扩充文本描述信息.收集到的Web服务及其文本描述信息数据均已公开发布.  相似文献   

《IT Professional》1999,1(1):29-34
Want to multicast real time applications over IPv4 without upgrading? Two protocols can help right now. New protocols are a response to the growing variety and volume of traffic on the Internet and intranets. The developers of IPv6 specifically refer to supporting a future in which low-power, handheld devices may tap into the Internet, as may refrigerators, soda machines, and electric meters. They acknowledge that any protocol developed will be viable only if it remains compatible with current standards and plans for incremental change-few companies can afford to change their systems all at once. Protocols such as IPv6, RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol), and RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) are attempting to take the Internet into the future while meeting the needs of users today  相似文献   

Recently maturing technologies for digital multimedia and the Internet exhibit a powerful synergy with the potential to provide a whole range of new applications and tools. Not only do multimedia and Internet technologies offer enhancements to one another, but their combination suggests entirely new communication paradigms. This paper reviews the state of the art in Internet multimedia from the perspectives of the developer, the network administrator, the content provider and the user, and then investigates some of the up-and-coming application areas: participatory publishing, enriched multimedia databases, integration of the WWW with broadcast media, and universal messaging systems. Remaining challenges, such as missing authoring features, multimedia information management, network latency, and browsing issues, are then discussed.  相似文献   

Lawton  G. 《Computer》1997,30(10)
Internet technologies have fundamentally changed the way machines can gather, store and share information. Devices can now transmit important information and instructions via the Internet. Now the standardization of Internet protocols and competition among Internet service providers (ISPs) have driven down the price of Internet connectivity, so vendors are beginning to incorporate it into a wide range of devices. Developers can now put Internet connectivity into a variety of devices, including factory machinery, VCRs and hand-held appliances. In addition, low-cost communications technologies, such as wireless, promise to let users connect these devices inexpensively to intranets. Moreover, because Web browsers are so common, developers can provide sophisticated low-cost interfaces by supporting Web servers in their products. It is easy for developers to create such applications because they are so familiar with Internet tools  相似文献   

While the Internet has become the dominant platform for individuals and organizations to exchange information with other parties, the regulation of the Internet in which laws and technology come to play have never reached an international common ground. Nations, due to their root theories, legal perspectives and cultural differences, tend to regulate the Internet in their own way. This article first surveys the models for Internet regulation, then examines some social, cultural, political and economical differences in perspectives between the European Union and the United States that impact Internet regulation. Important regulatory issues such as electronic commerce, privacy and data protection, intellectual property rights and content regulation are discussed. The insight provided in this work could help policy makers of the leading nations in the cyberspace to improve their mutual understanding in the quest for establishing a global legal environment for the Internet.  相似文献   

The Internet infrastructure and Internet-based business today still suffer from various attacks like Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks or worm propagations. A necessary first step in order to cope with such large-scale attacks is to provide an Internet-wide detection of such ongoing attacks, i.e., a detection that is not limited to single detection systems only. Therefore, collaborative detection systems were developed in the past. They, however, often rely on close trust relationships, which only rarely are available in the Internet. This means that the scope of detection is limited to only a small part of the Internet, mostly to a single administrative domain. This paper, therefore, introduces our newly developed collaborative attack detection that facilitates collaboration beyond domain boundaries without requiring close trust relationships. In-network detection systems are explicitly considered, too. Such systems are located on routers in the core of the Internet and are characterized by limited resources available for detection. Finally, a detailed simulative evaluation of our proposed solution is presented.  相似文献   

There has been a lot of talk over the last couple of years about ‘cyber-terrorism’ — the use of cyberspace by terrorists. All the so-called terrorists experts and consultants are just waiting for any indication of such attacks so they can say, “I told you so. I told you it was coming.” Ah, many of them can hear their cash registers ring as they ply their trade to corporations and government agencies. But alas, the only publicly documented announcement of the use of cyberspace, the Internet, for such an attack really wasn’t — massive E-mails for a denial-of-service attack.  相似文献   

可演进的新一代互联网体系结构研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
吴建平  林嵩  徐恪  刘莹  朱敏 《计算机学报》2012,35(6):1094-1108
当前互联网正处于向新一代互联网过渡发展的阶段.对于新一代互联网体系结构的发展方向,支持革命式路线的研究人员认为应该重新设计,但他们提出的方案难以在目前的互联网实际部署;支持改良式路线的研究人员认为应该在现有互联网的基础上进行修改,但某些修改在一定程度上破坏了互联网的设计原则,影响了新应用的部署.互联网发展历史表明,当前互联网的核心机制和设计原则仍然具有旺盛的生命力,可以适用于新一代互联网,而需要修改的则是部分基本要素(例如IPv4协议向IPv6协议的发展).综合这些方面的考虑,我们认为新一代互联网体系结构的发展应当采用一个称为演进的中间路线:保持互联网的核心和设计原则相对稳定,谨慎地改变约束其扩展的基本要素,以适应和更好地支持未来的应用需求.文中首先分析了互联网体系结构的发展趋势,提出了可演进性的定义,阐述了可演进体系结构的设计原则和设计约束.可演进性的关键是如何确定重要的核心和设计原则,如何划分核心原则和基本要素之间的界限,如何分析研究者们提出的互联网体系结构或者某种协议机制是否符合可演进性.针对这些问题,文中提出了互联网体系结构可演进性评估模型的若干思路.在此基础上,进一步提出了基于IP的可演进网络体系结构实验网络的设计思路,以期为研究人员提供实验和验证体系结构设计的可用平台.该实验平台与现有实验平台的主要区别是强调了进行实验的体系结构和协议机制应当符合可演进性设计原则,使得这些体系结构和协议机制在当前互联网中有可能得到实际部署.  相似文献   

In this study, 1700 primary school pupils (4th, 5th, and 6th grade) of 78 schools in Flanders and their headmasters were questioned about their use of the Internet and their perception and behaviour as to safe Internet use.The results indicate that, next to the expected high level of Internet use at home, there is clear evidence of unsafe Internet use. Exploration of the data reveals that, of the currently taken specific interventions to promote safe Internet use and (un)safe Internet behaviour, only parent control seems to be significantly related to lower degrees of unsafe behaviour. No school-based interventions seem to be associated with the level of unsafe Internet use. The nature of current school-based interventions is discussed and considered to be less effective to expect an impact at the behavioural level. Next to implications for future research, recommendations to reorient school policies and action lines are presented.  相似文献   

针对现有互联网应用更多侧重于青少年而面向老年人特别是中国老年人的研究相对较少、已有老年人互联网应用实践均将老年人作为一个孤立群体看待的问题, 根据中国老年人的特点提出了老年人门户概念, 基于技术接受模型设计了老年人门户, 并进行了门户研发实践。老年人门户不仅为老年人提供信息、产品、交流、娱乐等互联网服务, 还提供老人定位防丢失等多种应用服务。在老年人门户中, 老年人的角色不仅是用品和服务的接受者, 同时是可以发挥主观能动性的服务提供者。实践结果证明, 老年人门户解决了现有老年人网站存在的孤岛问题, 架起了老年人与家庭、社区、社会相联系的桥梁, 可有效提高老年人的幸福指数。未来, 基于老年人门户的老年人数据挖掘和智能分析结果对于老年学研究、政府决策、非政府组织和企业发展均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目前我国各大高校都在争先恐后进行提高思政教育程度的项目,提高对象不仅针对学生,辅导员的思政教育工作也被列入此项目,我国大部分高校已开始完善互联技术与辅导员思政教育工作相结合的思维,并想运用互联网技术,整体提升高校的思政教育水平。此篇文章既叙述在互联网环境下高校辅导员进行思政教育工作的重要意义,又对各大高校在互联网环境下进行思政教育工作所面临的困难和挑战开始了进一步研究。  相似文献   

For developing countries, such as Chile, we study the influential factors for adoption and usage of broadband services. In particular, subsidies on the broadband price are analyzed to see if this initiative has a significant effect in the broadband penetration. To carry out this study, machine learning techniques are used to identify different household profiles using the data obtained from a survey on access, use, and users of broadband Internet from Chile. Different policies are proposed for each group found, which were then evaluated empirically through Bayesian networks. Results show that an unconditional subsidy for the Internet price does not seem to be very appropriate for everyone since it is only significant for some households groups. The evaluation using Bayesian networks showed that other polices should be considered as well such as the incorporation of computers, Internet applications development, and digital literacy training.  相似文献   

Most demonstrations of the validity of Internet-based research methods are based on replications of well-known experimental phenomena on the Internet. However, in order to test whether the lack of control over the experimental conditions usually found in Internet studies has an effect on the quality of data, it would be more interesting to show that the Internet cannot only be used to replicate common and well-documented effects, but also less-known experimental findings or elusive phenomena that tend to occur only in very specific conditions. The present experiment explores one such effect, namely augmentation in associative learning, and shows that it can be readily found in the laboratory and on the Internet.  相似文献   

Cyber–Physical convergence, the fast expansion of the Internet at its edge, and tighter interactions between human users and their personal mobile devices push towardan Internet where the human user becomes more central than ever, and where their personal devices become their proxies in the cyber world, in addition to acting as a fundamental tool to sense the physical world. The current Internet paradigm, which is infrastructure-centric, is not the right one to cope with such emerging scenario with a wider range of applications. This calls for a radically new Internet paradigm, that we name the Internet of People (IoP), where the humans and their personal devices are not seen merely as end users of applications, but become active elements of the Internet. Note that IoP is not a replacement of the current Internet infrastructure, but it exploits legacy Internet services as (reliable) primitives to achieve end-to-end connectivity on a global-scale. In this visionary paper, we first discuss the key features of the IoP paradigm along with the underlying research issues and challenges. Then we present emerging networking and computing paradigms that are anticipating IoP.  相似文献   

This study explores the multimodality of Internet use as a critical indicator of digital inequalities. Rather than relying on traditional measures of user/nonuser and information/entertainment uses, this study focuses on a broad scope of online activities and investigates them collectively. Results show that the more modes of Internet activities people are engaged in, the more advanced uses they will add to their online behaviors. Female, older, poorer, and less educated only use the Internet for very limited basic applications, which are associated with fewer political communication and participation. While previous research concludes that the type of Internet activities matters, this study suggests that it is the number of types that matters in examining potential inequalities and their social consequences.  相似文献   

国内移动互联网产业规模越来越大,已成为互联网公司和运营商不可忽视的业务拓展领域。首先,分析了移动互联网与传统互联网的相同点和不同点。两者都具有开放性、免费性和对广告的依赖性,但移动互联网又有其特点,如移动性、局限性、强关联性及私密性。然后,分析了目前移动互联网巨头的商业行为,分析表明,目前获得巨大利益的都是平台提供商。只有当业务平台足够广阔,能够提供全方位的价值服务时,商家才能盈利。移动互联网界最大的平台无疑是运营商自己的平台,因此运营商最有可能成为最大的赢家。最后,结合其他运营商的经验,分析了目前中国移动公司在移动互联网方面的发展方向。  相似文献   

田莉霞 《软件》2020,(4):67-71
随着信息化社会的来临,各种互联网技术应运而生,数字信息已然成为当今社会中商家必争的宝贵财富资源。众多数字信息中,怎样帮助用户精准筛选出有效信息是当前搜索引擎所面临的巨大挑战。传统的互联网搜索仅仅是基于本文的链接,搜索时仅单纯的给出包含搜索词的网页,让用户去网页中寻找答案,这种检索方法耗时耗力,还不能准确给出用户想要的答案。由此谷歌率先提出以知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)为技术基础的的搜索引擎,这是搜索引擎界的一次重大变革。它以图的形式表现客观世界中的概念和实体及其之间关系,现如今广泛应用于语义搜索、智能问答、决策支持等智能服务领域。本文针对什么是知识图谱、如何表示构建知识图谱及知识图谱的主要应用作了详细阐述,希望更多的读者可以了解知识图谱及其对人工智能发展的巨大贡献。  相似文献   

This study explored adolescents’ opinions about how Internet use supports the achievement of their developmental tasks. Qualitative data were collected in focus groups interviews with 127 Italian Internet users (11–20) attending middle and high schools. Discussions were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. Results showed that the Internet plays important functions in identity formation, personal autonomy, and relationships outside the family. It allows teens to develop their own interests, to identify with others and, at the same time, differentiate from others. The Internet is also an arena in which adolescents develop and practice autonomy. The Internet can be a source of conflict with parents, because of parents’ concerns about Internet use. However, the Internet can also be a meeting ground with parents. Finally, participants indicated the Internet is used to form close relationships with peers. Gender and age differences are discussed. Although the study is cross-sectional and relies only on adolescent report, findings illustrate how the conceptual framework of developmental goals may be helpful for understanding how the Internet can affect adolescents’ lives.  相似文献   

伴随着互联网的迅猛发展,在互联网上应用的浏览器越来越多,最常用的是IE,NETSCAPE等Web浏览器。然而,人们最方便的交流方式就是对话,因此语音浏览器在网上的应用将会越来越多。本文介绍一种基于Voice Browser的语音同框架,语音介绍了Multimodal Browser。它使人们可以用多种交互方式进行交流,还可以将各种电子设备用多模态方式接入互联网。本文还讨论了它们的技术难点及解决方法。最后介绍了它们的优点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

The widespread use of the Internet and the convenient mechanism it provides, such as easy access, easy downloads, and easy copy and paste functions have made many types of unethical behaviors easier, particularly those involving students in academic settings. Among the issues in ethics within the academic environment that can be triggered by the Internet are fraudulence, plagiarism, falsification, delinquency, unauthorized help, and facility misuse. Given these issues, the study seeks to investigate the extent to which students at a public university in Malaysia engage in such unethical behavior and their relationship with the big five personality model. This study was conducted using a survey method of 252 students in three different academic faculties. The results of factor analyses confirm and refine the reliability of the scales for both big five personality variables and unethical Internet behaviors as conceptualized through Internet triggered academic dishonesty (ITADS). The findings indicate that personality traits such as (1) agreeableness, (2) conscientiousness and (3) emotional stability are significantly and negatively correlated with unethical Internet behavior in university students. Significant differences in facility misuse are also observed between the three academic faculties investigated. This research should provide significant contributions to educators in designing the computer ethics curriculum and in allowing for educational institutions as well as other organizations in developing relevant policies and guidelines on matters pertaining to academic conduct, utilization of computers and Internet, and recruitment exercises.  相似文献   

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