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The spectral degree of coherence and of polarization of some model electromagnetic beams modulated by a polarization-dependent phase-modulating device, such as a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator, acting as a random phase screen are examined on the basis of the recent theory formulated in terms of the 2 x 2 cross-spectral density matrix of the beam. The phase-modulating device is assumed to have strong polarization dependence that modulates only one of the orthogonal components of the electric vector, and the phase of the phase-modulating device is assumed to be a random function of position imitating a random phase screen and is assumed to obey Gaussian statistics with zero mean. The propagation of the modulated beam is also examined to show how the spectral degrees of coherence and of polarization of the beam change on propagation, even in free space. The results are illustrated by numerical examples.  相似文献   

The closed-form propagation expression for the kurtosis parameter of flattened Gaussian beams (FGBs) in passage through paraxial ABCD optical systems is derived on the basis of the propagation equation of FGBs and analysed with numerical examples. A comparison of our results with those obtained by using the propagation law of irradiance moments is made, showing the advantage of the method used in this paper.  相似文献   

A closed-form analytical expression is derived for a partially coherent dark hollow beam (DHB) propagating through an arbitrary real ABCD optical system in a turbulent atmosphere. The average intensity of the beam in the output plane is investigated in the presence of, respectively, a thin lens image system and a two-lens system along the optical path. For a special thin lens image system, the partially coherent DHB and the fully coherent DHB have the same evolution properties, and the comparative analysis is made between the propagation of the focused DHB and the collimated DHB for direct propagation in turbulence to show the effect of the thin lens on the average intensity. As for the two-lens system, the effects of the lens systems, the structure constant in the turbulent medium and the parameters of the incident beam on the average intensity are evaluated and illustrated. The result shows that different lens systems and propagation parameters can evidently affect the evolution properties of the beam.  相似文献   

Ridley KD  Jakeman E 《Applied optics》2010,49(32):6364-6375
We investigate the effect of finite bandwidth of the incident radiation on scattering by thin layers that introduce random phase or amplitude variations. In particular, we calculate the scintillation index of the propagating radiation for smoothly varying and fractal phase screens and for random telegraph wave and checkerboard amplitude screens. Increasing the bandwidth of the incident radiation reduces the fluctuations of the scattered intensity over the whole propagation path, except in the case of the smoothly varying phase screen, where geometrical optics features in the pattern persist in the focusing region.  相似文献   

According to the extended Huygens–Fresnel integral, the expressions for the on-axis spectrum of partially coherent Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) rectangular array beams passing through ABCD optical systems have been derived. The generalized Fresnel number of the system, the spatial coherent parameter of array beamlets and the array beam parameters including the number of beamlets and the separation distance between beamlets have been taken as the characteristic parameters to compare the spectral shifts of GSM array beams for the two types of the superposition, i.e. the correlated superposition and the uncorrelated superposition. In particular, the effect of characteristic parameters on the on-axis relative spectral shifts has been discussed in detail. The results show that the spectral intensity of GSM array beams for the two types of the superposition passing through ABCD systems depends on the source spectral density S 0(ω), the spatial coherent parameter of array beamlets β, the generalized Fresnel number of the system F and the array beam parameters. Furthermore, for the uncorrelated superposition, the spectrum of GSM array beams only exhibit the blue-shift, whereas for the correlated superposition, GSM array beams exhibit the spectral switch and the number of spectral switches increases with the increase of array beam parameters in the near field due to the interference between beamlets. In particular, the effect of the array beam parameters on the on-axis relative spectral shift is more obvious.  相似文献   

Polarization correlation functions that characterize the rate of change of the instantaneous polarization state of an arbitrary fluctuating electromagnetic beam were recently introduced. In this work, we describe techniques that enable the measurement of these functions leading to the determination of the so-called polarization time of a random field.  相似文献   

On the basis of the generalized diffraction integral formula for misaligned optical systems in the spatial domain, an analytical propagation expression for the elements of the cross-spectral density matrix of a random electromagnetic beam passing through a misaligned optical system is derived. Some analyses are illustrated by numerical examples relating to changes in the spectral degree of polarization and in the spectral degree of coherence of an electromagnetic Gaussian-Schell-model beam propagating through such an optical system. We find that the degree of polarization in the neighboring areas of the focal plane is oscillating, and the effect of misalignment on coherence is not so evident as that on polarization.  相似文献   

We propose an approach to the generation of nondiffracting quasi-circularly polarized beams by a highly focusing azimuthally polarized beam using an amplitude modulated spiral phase hologram. Numerical verifications are implemented in the calculation of the electromagnetic fields and Poynting vector field near the focus based on the vector diffraction theory, and the polarization of the wavefront near the focal plane is analyzed in detail by calculating the Stokes polarization parameters. It is found that the electric field, magnetic field, and Poynting vector field can simultaneously be uniform and nondiverging over a relatively long axial range of ~7.23λ. In the transverse plane, the ellipticity and azimuthal angle of the local polarization ellipse varies from point to point. No polarization singularity and phase singularity are found at the beam center, which makes the bright spot possible.  相似文献   


Coherence properties are discussed of light which emerges from two pinholes after it has passed through a moving diffuser. The results are used to show how the correlation function of the heights of the diffuser surface and the speed with which the diffuser is moving may be determined from simple interference experiments.  相似文献   

Within the framework of complex ABCD-matrix theory, exact theoretical expressions are derived for the space-time-lagged cross-covariance functions of the fields valid for arbitrary (complex) ABCD-optical systems, i.e., systems that include Gaussian-shaped apertures and partially developed speckle. Specifically, we show and discuss the results for the three generic systems, i.e., free-space propagation, Fourier transform configuration, and imaging. To cope with various surface structures of varying rms surface heights, we apply two models in addition to employing the usual model for surfaces giving rise to fully developed speckle. The theoretical results found for free-space propagation are supported by interferometrically obtained data.  相似文献   

By introducing a hard aperture function into a finite sum of complex Gaussian functions, an approximate analytical expression for a Gaussian beam passing through a paraxial ABCD optical system with an annular aperture has been derived. The results could be reduced to the case of circular black screen or circular aperture. Some numerical simulations are also performed and illustrated for the propagation characteristics of a Gaussian beam through a paraxial ABCD optical system with an annular aperture, a circular black screen or a circular aperture.  相似文献   

On the basis of the generalized diffraction integral formula for an ABCD optical system in the spatial domain, a propagation law for the generalized Stokes parameters of a stochastic electromagnetic beam passing through an ABCD optical system is obtained. We describe the Stokes parameters of the source as linear combinations of the elements of the cross-spectral density matrix, and study the changes in the spectral degree of polarization and in the state of the polarization ellipse of a stochastic electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam propagating through a gradient-index fiber with the help of generalized Stokes parameters and the cross-spectral density matrix. The medium has significant effect on the change of the spectral degree of polarization. However, when the correlation coefficients of the source satisfy the relation delta(xx)=delta(yy)=delta(xy)=delta(yx), the medium does not influence the spectral degree of polarization.  相似文献   

In studies of radiation from partially coherent sources the so-called quasi-homogeneous (QH) model sources have been very useful, for instance in elucidating the behavior of fields produced by thermal sources. The analysis of the fields generated by such sources has, however, been largely carried out in the framework of scalar wave theory. In this paper we generalize the concept of the QH source to the domain of the electromagnetic theory, and we derive expressions for the elements of the cross-spectral density matrix, for the spectral density, the spectral degree of coherence, the degree of polarization, and the Stokes parameters of the far field generated by planar QH sources of uniform states of polarization. We then derive reciprocity relations analogous to those familiar in connection with the QH scalar sources. We illustrate the results by determining the properties of the far field produced by transmission of an electromagnetic beam through a system of spatial light modulators.  相似文献   

We study the changes in the degree of polarization of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam, as the beam propagates through the turbulent atmosphere. We demonstrate that, within the framework of the Tatarskii model of the turbulent atmosphere, the degree of polarization of the beam changes appreciably at relatively short propagation distances in the atmosphere. In the long-propagation distance limit, however, we find that the degree of polarization of the beam tends to the value that it has in the source plane.  相似文献   

Digital information in optical data storage systems can be encoded in the intensity, in the polarization state, or in the phase of a carrier laser beam. Intensity modulation is achieved at the surface of the storage medium either through destructive interference from surface-relief features (e.g., CD or DVD pits) or through reflectivity variations (e.g., alteration of optical constants of phase-change media). Magneto-optical materials make use of the polar magneto-optical Kerr effect to produce polarization modulations of the focused beam reflected from the storage medium. Both surface-relief structures and material-property variations can create, at the exit pupil of the objective lens of the optical pickup, a phase modulation (this, in addition to any intensity or polarization modulation or both). Current optical data storage systems do not make use of this phase information, whose recovery could potentially increase the strength of the readout signal. We show how all three mechanisms can be exploited in a scanning optical microscope to reconstruct the recorded (or embedded) data patterns on various types of optical disk.  相似文献   

On the basis of the generalized Collins formula and the expansion of the hard-aperture function into a finite sum of complex Gaussian functions, an approximate analytical formula for a hollow Gaussian beam propagating through an apertured paraxial stigmatic (ST) ABCD optical system is derived. Some numerical examples are given. Furthermore, by using a tensor method, we derive approximate analytical formulas for a hollow elliptical Gaussian beam propagating through an apertured paraxial general astigmatic ABCD optical system and an apertured paraxial misaligned ST ABCD optical system. Our results provide a convenient way for studying the propagation and transformation of a hollow Gaussian beam and a hollow elliptical Gaussian beam through an apertured general optical system.  相似文献   

The unified theory of coherence and polarization and the propagation law of 2 × 2 cross-spectral density are employed to investigate spectral changes of the polychromatic stochastic electromagnetic vortex beam propagating in turbulent atmosphere. It is shown that the spectral changes of a polychromatic stochastic electromagnetic vortex beam in turbulent atmosphere differ from those of the beam without vortex. Specially, the on-axis relative spectral shifts exhibit not only blue-shift, but also red-shift. It is also shown that the topological charge, the correlation length and the refractive index structure constant influence the spectral changes of polychromatic stochastic electromagnetic vortex beams in a turbulent atmosphere.  相似文献   

The phase-space representation of stationary random electromagnetic fields is developed by using electromagnetic spatial coherence wavelets. The propagation of the field's power and states of spatial coherence and polarization results from correlations between the components of the field vectors at pairs of points in space. Polarization domains are theoretically predicted as the structure of the field polarization at the observation plane. In addition, the phase-space representation provides a generalization of the Poynting theorem. Theoretical predictions are examined by numerically simulating the Young experiment with electromagnetic waves. The experimental implementation of these results is a current subject of research.  相似文献   

We correct a mistake in the expression of the coupled power into an optical fiber that led to some erroneous conclusions in Opt. Lett. 34, 2829 (2009) and J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 26, 2452 (2009).  相似文献   

Paraxial propagation of a partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beam through aligned and misaligned ABCD optical systems is investigated based on the generalized Collins formula for treating the propagation of a partially coherent beam through such optical systems. Analytical formulas for the cross-spectral density of a partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beam propagating through such optical systems are derived. As an application example, we derive the propagation formulas for a partially coherent flattened Gaussian beam by expressing it as a superposition of a series of partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beams by using polynomial expansion. The focusing properties of a partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beam focused by a thin lens are studied as a numerical example.  相似文献   

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