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Many of the trace metals are associated with enzymes involved in vital physiological roles. It would therefore seem reasonable to expect alterations in the levels of certain elements to be associated with cancer. Secondly, their levels would indicate whether or not they have a direct influence on the proton spin—lattice relaxation time (T1), as determined by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR). The results obtained on leukaemic bone marrow and oesophageal cancer were reported earlier. In the present work is reported the data obtained for the levels of the transition elements Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu in human cancers of other regions of the body. The role of trace metals has been discussed from the point of view both of their value as markers of malignancy, and of the elevation of proton spin—lattice relaxation times.  相似文献   

Scalp hair, fingernail and water samples collected from different parts of Egypt are analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and neutron activation analysis.The results for hair show minimum variation of Zn among different regions; a relatively well-controlled dispersion of values (maximum to minimum <2) for Co, Fe, Mn and Se; an overall inter-regional variation of factors of 7, 10, 6, 4 and 6 for the elements Ag, Cd, Cs, Sc and W, respectively; a steady decline in the concentration of Sc from south (Aswan) to north (Alexandria).The findings for nail show a steady decline in the concentration of Fe and Sc from south (Aswan) to north (Alexandria); elevated levels of Cd in samples from Aswan area; and regional variations extending up to factors of 6.5, 3.6, 4.7, 5.0, 4.4, 4.5 and 1.9 for Co, Cr, Cs, Mn, Mo, W and Zn, respectively.No unified relationship is observed between the elemental compositions of hair and nail. For Cr, Cs, Fe, Sb and Sc mean values for hair are lower than in nails. Among the remaining elements the ratio nail/hair is <1 for Ag in Assiut, El Kharga and Alexandria, for Cd in all of the areas with the exception of Aswan, for Co, Mn and Mo in Cairo, for Zn in Cairo and Alexandria, and for W in Alexandria.The data for water samples reflect highest concentration of all the measured elements in the Mediterranean sea; a steady increase of the concentration of Cu in drinking water from south to north and for Nile water a similar trend for Ca and Mg; and elevated concentrations of Sb and Mn in river water.No distinct trend for the interrelationship between water and tissue elemental concentrations could be established for the regions around Cairo, Aswan and Alexandria.  相似文献   

Analysis of carcinogenic methyl chrysenes in a complex sample matrix requires a combination of liquid-liquid partition and column chromatography to obtain a chrysene subfraction. Analytically interfering alkyl benzanthracenes are removed by a combination of a selective Diels-Alder reaction and column chromatography. Application to a coal-liquefaction product revealed 98 ppm of chrysene and 106 ppm of 3-methyl, 102 ppm of the 2-methyl, 64 ppm of the 6-methyl, and possibly 19 ppm of the 4- plus 5-methyl chrysenes.  相似文献   

100 human pineal bodies (56 male and 44 females) were analyzed by means of instrumental neutron activation analysis for trace element concentrations of cobalt, iron, rubidium, selenium, zinc, antimony and cesium.The results indicated that the measured element concentrations are not related to body-surface, age and fresh weight.Moreover, the mean absolute cobalt value from 97 pineal bodies is increased by a factor of 1.43 over the mean absolute concentration value of 257 other areas of the brain. The mean zinc content is found to be 3.7 fold higher than the mean zinc value from 269 other samples of brain.The iron values from various brain areas do not differ from those of the pineal body. Compared to other brain regions pineal selenium is increased and rubidium is decreased.Correlating the different element concentrations to each other, a positive correlation is found for selenium and rubidium, a negative correlation for cobalt and zinc.The present data suggest that the measured trace elements are somehow related to specific roles in the physiology and biochemistry of the pineal body. This is supported by the constancy of element concentration over a wide range of increasing fresh weights of the organ.It is considered that zinc, cobalt and iron are involved as constituents of enzymes in the metabolism of amino acids, peptides and proteins of the pineal body. Moreover the conspicuous high zinc content of this organ may be related to a so far undetected neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted of the organic pollution for seven small New Jersey watersheds representing agricultural, urban, and wooded lands. The 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was used as a main index of organic pollution. Data obtained for a 2·5 yr period indicate background BOD concentrations averaging from 0·5 to 2·0 mg l−1 in all streams, except that a value of 9·0 mg l−1 was obtained for a residential-commercial-industrial area. During or after rainstorms, the BOD loadings, in pounds per day per unit area, averagely became more than ten times as the background amount for all streams. No significant correlation was found between BOD concentration and flow rate, but good correlations were obtained between BOD loadings and flows. The seasonal pattern of BOD loading distribution was examined. Also the frequency distribution of BOD concentrations and loadings were obtained.  相似文献   

To determine the mode of action of free chlorine in inactivating coliforms, acid-fast bacteria and yeasts, the uptake of radioactive chlorine was determined. Cell-associated chlorine could be modeled by the Freundlich relationship, with either free available chlorine or hypochlorous acid as an independent variable. Candida parapsilosis and Mycobacterum fortuitum exhibited greater uptake of chlorine at pH 7.0 than at pH 9.14; an opposite effect of pH on uptake was noted with Escherichia coli and may be ascribed to losses in cellular material. This study confirmed that cell-associated chlorine is responsible for the inactivation of vegetative microorganisms by free available chlorine.  相似文献   

The application of flameless atomic absorption analysis to the determination of cadmium, copper and lead in sewage sludges is described. The technique is sensitive and very rapid, since the normal lengthy sample pre-treatment has been virtually eliminated. The method can be potentially extended to a large range of metals in all types of sludges.  相似文献   

The mercury level has been determined in the edible part of 36 marine species (867 specimens) caught from 1975 to 1976 mainly close to the Western Italian coast, the Strait of Gibraltar and in some selected regions of the North Sea. Sample pretreatment was performed after careful preparation by nitric acid pressure decomposition of frozen stored subsamples using up to 2.5 g fresh weight (FW). The analytical method was automated cold vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry after preconcentration on silver wool. Accuracy and precision of the method was checked by interlaboratory intercomparisons and intralaboratory test measurements of repeatability and also the use of Standard Reference Materials. The total mercury (HgT) values obtained ranged from 20 μg/kg FW to ?2,000 μg/kg Fresh weight for the Mediterranean Sea and for some pelagic species showed significantly elevated mercury values compared with organisms from the Atlantic and North Sea. For benthic organisms, however, probably due to dominating local influences, a similar behaviour has not been observed. Evaluation of body weight/mercury concentration ratios showed significant correlations for several species differing between distinct locations.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chromium, nickel and zinc have been determined in the sewage sludges, sewages and effluent of a sewage-treatment works. Treatment at this works is by primary sedimentation prior to biological treatment in a diffused air activated sludge plant. By analysis of composite samples corresponding to a 24-h input of raw sewage to the works, a mass balance of these metals through the works has been estimated. The partition of these metals from raw sewage into settled sewage and primary sludge, and from the settled sewage into the activated sludge and final effluent has been quantified.  相似文献   

The development of a new rapid flameless atomic absorption procedure for the analysis of chromium, nickel and zinc in sewage sludges is described. The technique has previously been found suitable for the analysis of lead, cadmium and copper. Sample preparation has been minimised and multi-elemental analysis of a single sample is possible.  相似文献   

Concentrations of lead, cadmium and copper have been determined in the sewage sludges, sewages and effluent of a sewage treatment works. Treatment at this works is by primary sedimentation prior to biological treatment in a diffused air activated sludge plant. By analysis of composite samples corresponding to a 24-h input of raw sewage to the works, a mass balance of metals through the works has been estimated. The partition of the metals from raw sewage into the settled sewage and primary sludge, and from the settled sewage into the activated sludge and final effluent has been quantified.  相似文献   

M.I. LeProvost  P.N. Chalmer   《Water research》1983,17(10):1309-1316
The effects of a trial discharge of acid-iron effluent, resulting from titanium dioxide production, on the seafloor and epibenthic macroflora offshore from Koombana Bay, Western Australia, were assessed. Approximately 88,0001 day−1 of effluent containing 28 g l−1 of iron and 137 g l−1 of H2SO4 were discharged through a submarine pipeline from February 1976 to December 1977. This amount of effluent, constituting approx. 5% of total production, was intended to provide a guide as to the environmental effects on the seafloor of discharging the total amount of effluent.Preliminary studies suggested that discernible effects of the discharge were likely to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the outfall. Consequently, surveys of the effects of the discharge were conducted by divers in December 1976 and April and December 1977 within 400 m of the outfall. The parameters measured were iron concentration in the surface sediment, number of macroscopic plant species (algae and seagrass) and leaf characteristics of the seagrass, Posidonia ostenfeldii. Additional observations on iron staining of the sediment and the condition of the macroscopic plants were also recorded by the divers.By December 1976, the outfall was surrounded by a zone, with a diameter of approx. 200 m, which was totally denuded of macroscopic plants. Extending further from the outfall was a zone in which some effects of the effluent (e.g. sediment stained by iron, reduction in macroscopic plants) were discernible. The total area of seafloor discernibly affected by the effluent in December 1977 when this study finished was 16 ha. At that time, the affected area may have still been increasing in size, and thus the figure of 16 ha must be considered only as the minimum area likely to have been affected by the discharge.  相似文献   

After distinct selectivity evaluation of different anion resins for the sulphate-chloride and phosphate-chloride systems, resin affinities for the sulphate-phosphate system have been measured Experimental determinations show that selectivities are strongly dependent on resin basicity and solution pH.As for the basic causes of selectivity, both hydrostatic and electrostatic interactions appear to be determinant. The following overall selectivity sequence: phosphates > sulphates chlorides is demonstrated for commercial, weak base resins, with prevailingly IIary amino type functional groups.The dephosphation of conventionally treated urban sewages by resins of this type is proposed, using sodium chloride as regenerant.  相似文献   

Denitrification by a mixed bacterial population of medium containing 1000 mg NO3-N1−1 and acetate as carbon source was studied in batch, a single stage continuous flow stirred reactor (CFSTR) and a two stage CFSTR at 30°C. The optimum pH for denitrification, nitratase, nitrite reductase activities and growth was found to be 7.5 in batch culture. A single stage CFSTR growth limited by nitrate had an optimum denitrification rate of 0.13 mg NO3-N mg−1 cells h at a residence time of 8 h. The experimentally observed carbon to nitrate ratio (mg CH3 COO-C mg−1 NO3-N)was 1.7 for the dilution rates of 0.02–0.18 h−1. For the second stage CFSTR, bacteria growing at the maximum rate of 0.25 h−1 and not limited by nitrate had a denitrification rate of 0.24 mg NO3-N mg−1 h. Dissolved oxygen (up to 9.5 mg 1−1) did not effect denitrification rates in the second stage CFSTR. As the second stage CFSTR runs progressed extensive wall growth occurred and concurrently the output gas contained increasing quantities of nitrous oxide. A development from this study would be a two stage CFSTR with wall growth in the second stage which would make an efficient nitrate removal process.  相似文献   

This study deals with the person-to-person variation in the levels of lead and cadmium in the blood of 6437 subjects (2883 men and 3554 women). The lead level (Pb-B) is clearly higher in men than in women, and the cadmium level (Cd-B) is a little higher in men than in women. Only the Pb-B varies according to age for both sexes. The results reveal that the consumption of alcohol could play an important part in the variation of lead and cadmium levels in the blood; the consumption of alcohol is associated with an increase in Pb-B but a decrease in Cd-B. These variations involving alcohol consumption remain significant regardless of smoking habits. On the other hand, an increase in Pb-B and Cd-B has been noted among smokers and, to a lesser degree, among former smokers, compared with non-smokers.  相似文献   

Fluride pollution caused by the factories processing natural phosphates 10 km south of Safi affects animals and plants. Fluoride concentrations are 4–10 times higher in contaminated plants than in plants from the non-polluted areas. Fluoride levels of 700 ppm, 280 ppm, 75 ppm, 25 ppm, and 1.6 ppm were found in grass, forage, straw, barley caryopses and drinking water, respectively. The ingestion of polluted plants and the inhalation of fluoride (as gases and dusts) induce a high daily intake in animals which show important signs and lesions of dental fluorosis. Serious toxicity signs were also observed in plants.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a proposed California mandatory annual vehicle inspection/ maintenance (I/M) program in reducing reactive hydrocarbon (RHC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions is evaluated in this report. Emission factors are derived from California in-use light duty passenger vehicle data by simple linear regression analysis for pre- and post-maintenance conditions. Percentage reductions in emissions are calculated, based on assumed vehicle fleet mixes, and compared with estimates from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the California South Coast Air Basin Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). Future year estimates of RHC and NOx emissions predict smaller RHC reduction than the CARB in both 1982 and 1987. NOx reduction is underpredicted by the CARB in 1987. A comparison of reductions determined in this study with the South Coast Air Basin AQMP shows that the RHC reductions expected are equivalent; the AQMP NOx reduction is significantly lower. These results have significance in meeting future air quality goals for Southern California, and point out the effectiveness of an I/M program in reducing total RHC and NOx emissions from light duty passenger vehicles.  相似文献   

The mixture of calcium alginate, ferrihexacyanoferrate(II) and potassium iodide, which efficiently decreases fission product retention, had no influence on 115mCd toxicokinetics in rats. This mixture, however, caused increased whole body retention of 203Hg after oral administration. It is assumed that iodine in the mixture might be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

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