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Hydrogen safety has attracted extensive concern in severe accident analysis especially after the Fukushima accident. In this study, a similar station blackout as happened in Fukushima accident is simulated for CPR1000 nuclear power plant (NPP) model, with the computational fluid dynamic code GASFLOW. The hydrogen risk is analyzed with the assessment of efficiency of passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) system. The numerical results show that the CPR1000 containment may be damaged by global flame acceleration (FA) and local detonation caused by hydrogen combustion if no hydrogen mitigation system (HMS) is applied. A new condensation model is developed and validated in this study for the consideration of natural circulation flow pattern and presence of non-condensable gases. The new condensation model is more conservative in hydrogen risk evaluation than the current model in some compartments, giving earlier starting time of deflagration to detonation transition (DDT). The results also indicate that the PAR system installed in CPR1000 could prevent the occurrence of the FA and DDT. Therefore, HMS such as PAR system is suggested to be applied in NPPs to avoid the radioactive leak caused by containment failure.  相似文献   

In this study, the radioactivity of noble gases during loss of coolant accidents in containment is simulated by using CPR1000 nuclear power plant simulator in Ningde Fujian China. A simple fission product release model along with two real-time simulation methods are used for the modeling of the radioactivity transportation in the containment. In addition, an accurate method to simplify multi-nuclides into a single equivalent nuclide is presented. The characteristics of the lumped parameter method and the distributed parameter method for modeling containments are compared. Meanwhile, a shortcoming of the current containment modeling tool in the 3KeyMaster platform is discussed. The simulation results of noble gases gap release fractions are in agreement with the results of Sandia National Laboratories in SAND2008-6664 for high burnup cores.  相似文献   

Some kinds of break in the reactor coolant system may cause the coolant to exit rapidly from the failure site,which leads to the loss of coolant accident (LOCA).In this paper,a stress analysis of an AP1000 reactor containment is performed in an LOCA,with the passive containment cooling system (PCCS) being available and not available for cooling the wall's containment.The variations in the mechanical properties of the wall's containment,including elastic modulus,strength,and stress,are analyzed using the ABAQUS code.A general two-phase model is applied for modeling thermal-hydraulic behavior inside the containment.Obtained pressure and temperature from thermal-hydraulic models are considered as boundary conditions of the ABAQUS code to obtain distributions of temperature and stress across steel shell of the containment in the accident.The results indicate that if the PCCS fails,the peak pressure inside the containment exceeds the design value.However,the stress would still be lower than the yield stress value,and no risk would threaten the integrity of the containment.  相似文献   

The highest thermal-hydraulic pressure in the containment occurs when reactor coolant in the first loop and steam in the secondary loop discharge simultaneously,and when the maximum amount of energy from reactor unit enters to containment volume.In this paper,we investigate temperature and pressure variations in the VVER1000 containment compartments owing to concurrent break in the pipelines of the primary and secondary loops.A two-phase,multicellular model is applied in the presence of non-condensable gases.Convection and conduction through the main heat structures inside the containment are also considered.The predicted results agree well with available data.Maximum values of pressure and temperature in the containment are then calculated and compared to the design values.If LOCA and MSLB occur simultaneously,the maximum pressure would exceed the design value and integrity of the containment would be threatened.  相似文献   

为进一步提升核电厂安全性,核电厂用户提出了15%安全裕量的要求。为提升CPR1000核电厂大破口失水事故(LBLOCA)安全裕量,从改动最小、收益最大的角度出发,提出了两种改进措施:增加安注箱水体积和采用热棒统计分析方法(HRSM)。利用CATHARE程序,对安注箱水体积增加进行敏感性计算,以得到水体积增加量的最优值;热棒统计法中,对3个很大程度上影响计算结果的输入参数进行了抽样,并对计算结果进行统计分析,得到95%95%值(95%置信度下95%概率值)。结果表明,在采用上述两种改进措施后,CPR1000核电厂的LBLOCA安全裕量提升了6.5%。  相似文献   

We evaluate the hydrogen depletion ability of the hydrogen depletion system for Chinese Pressurized Reactor 1000 (CPR1000),which has been applied in nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors;moreover,we introduce a new device that can continuously monitor hydrogen concentration inside the CPR1000 containment building.Experimental studies show that a moveable hydrogen autocatalytic recombiner alone can sufficiently deplete hydrogen under the condition of a design-basis accident,and 33 passive autocatalytic recombiners placed in the areas of high hydrogen concentration satisfy the hydrogen depletion requirements under the condition of a beyond-design-basis accident.Meanwhile,the hydrogen concentration monitoring system is designed and installed based on the approach of detecting the temperature increase caused by the catalytic reaction of hydrogen.In conclusion,the hydrogen depletion capacity of the CPR1000 meets the requirements,and the system's safety can be enhanced by the improved hydrogen concentration monitoring system.  相似文献   

在CPR1000核电工程项目中存在着诸多参与安全功能的同时受1E和NC级DCS信号控制的非安全级设备,当1E和NC级命令同时到达时,需对1E和NC级DCS命令进行优选处理。本文提出一种优选控制技术,充分考虑不同信号优先级逻辑比较和1E级信号的定期试验回路设计。结果表明,非安全级优选控制技术通过了SL1和SL2抗震试验,为这类非安全级设备的不同级别的控制命令优选处理以及1E级命令的定期试验提供了解决方案。  相似文献   

A generation III+ Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) which relies on natural circulation has evolved from earlier BWR designs by incorporating passive safety features to improve safety and performance. Natural circulation allows the elimination of emergency injection pump and no operator action or alternating current (AC) power supply. The generation III+ BWR's passive safety systems include the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS), the Suppression Pool (SP), the Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS), the Gravity Driven Cooling System (GDCS), the Isolation Condenser System (ICS) and the Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS). The ADS is actuated to rapidly depressurize the reactor leading to the GDCS injection. The large amount of water in the SP condenses steam from the reactor. The SLCS provides makeup water to the reactor. The GDCS injects water into the reactor by gravity head and provides cooling to the core. The ICS and the PCCS are used to remove the decay heat from the reactor. The objective of this paper is to analyze the response of passive safety systems under the Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). A GDCS Drain Line Break (GDLB) test has been conducted in the Purdue University Multi-Dimensional Integral Test Assembly (PUMA) which is scaled to represent the generation III+ BWR. The main results of PUMA GDLB test were that the reactor coolant level was well above the Top of Active Fuel (TAF) and the reactor containment pressure has remained below the design pressure. In particular, the containment maximum pressure (266 kPa) was 36% lower than the safety limit (414 kPa). The minimum collapsed water level (1.496 m) before the GDCS injection was 8% lower than the TAF (1.623 m) but it was ensured that two-phase water level was higher than the TAF with no core uncovery.  相似文献   

The containment is an ultimate and important barrier to keep the radioactivity from release. The integrity of the containment is crucial to control the consequences of either loss of coolant accident or main steam line break accident. A passive containment cooling system concept designed to remove the heat by natural circulation means is proposed, which is composed of a series of heat exchangers, long connecting pipes with relative large diameter, valves, and a water tank. The performance of the system is numerically simulated and the self-developed codes are validated by the experimental data. The influences of several key parameters are investigated on the performance of the system from different aspects. The results confirm that four distinct operating stages could be experienced as follows: startup stage, single-phase quasi-steady stage, flashing speed up transient stage, and flashing dominated quasi-steady operating stage. Furthermore, the mechanisms of the ways through which the parameters influence the behaviors of the proposed system are thus analyzed. Moreover, the feasibility of the system is also commented on the basis of the numerical results.  相似文献   

Since the Fukushima accident in 2011,more and more attention has been paid to nuclear reactor safety.A number of evolutionary passive systems have been developed to enhance the inherent safety of reactors.This paper presents a passive safety system applied on CPR1000,which is a traditional generation Ⅱ+ reactor.The passive components selected are as follows:(1) the reactor makeup tanks (RMTs);(2) the advanced accumulators (A-ACCs);(3) the passive emergency feedwater system (PEFS);(4)the passive depressurization system (PDS);(5) the incontainment refueling water storage tank (IRWST).The model of the coolant system and the passive systems was established by utilizing a system code (RELAP5/MOD3.3).The SBLOCA (small-break loss of coolant) was analyzed to test the passive safety systems.When the SBLOCA occurred,the RMTs were initiated.The water in the RMTs was then injected into the pressure vessel.The RMTs' low water level triggered the PDS,which depressurized the coolant system drastically.As the pressure of the coolant system decreased,the A-ACCs and the IRWST were put to work to prevent the uncovering of the core.The results show that,after the small-break loss-of-coolant accident,the passive systems can prevent uncovering of the core and guarantee the safety of the plant.  相似文献   

根据AST方法建立了AP1000LOCA放射性核素活度计算模型,研究事故后安全壳及环境中放射性核素活度的变化。结果表明:事故后安全壳气空间内各核素的放射性活度呈先增大后减小的趋势,40min时达到最大。根据核素性质,将其分为不考虑母核衰变的核素和考虑母核衰变的核素。事故发生40min后,前者在安全壳内的活度指数减小,典型核素有131~135I、83 Krm等,后者由于母核衰变的影响导致其在安全壳内的活度减小趋势放缓,典型核素有85 Kr、133 Xem、133 Xe和135 Xe等。I和Cs由于受自然去除机制的去除作用,事故几小时后其向环境的累积释放量增长非常缓慢;对于Kr和Xe,半衰期较长的核素向环境的累积释放量不断增大,半衰期较短的核素在事故几小时后向环境的累积释放量趋于平衡。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a design of passive cooling system for CPR1000 spent fuel pool(SFP). Our design can effectively manage the SFP temperature not to exceed80 C. Then the transient analysis of the CPR1000 SFP with designed passive cooling system is carried out in station blackout(SBO) accident by the best-estimate thermal-hydraulic system code RELAP5. The simulation results show that to maintain the temperature of CPR1000 SFP under 80 C, the numbers of the SFP and air cooling heat exchangers tubes are 6627 and 19 086, respectively.The height difference between the bottom of the air cooling heat exchanger and the top of the SFP heat exchanger is3.8 m. The number of SFP heat exchanger tubes decreases as the height difference increases, while the number of the air cooling heat exchanger tubes increases. The transient analysis results show that after the SBO accident, a stable natural cooling circulation is established. The surface temperature of CPR1000 SFP increases continually until 80 C, which indicates that the design of the passive air cooling system for CPR1000 SFP is capable of removing the decay heat to maintain the temperature of the SFP around 80 C after losing the heat sink.  相似文献   

Hydrogen source term and hydrogen mitigation under severe accidents is evaluated for most nuclear power plants (NPPs) after Fukushima Daiichi accident. Two units of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) are under operating in China, and hydrogen risk control should be evaluated in detail for the existing design. The distinguish feature of PHWR, compared with PWR, is the horizontal reactor core surrounded by moderator in calandria vessel (CV), which may influence the hydrogen source term. Based on integral system analysis code of PHWR, the plant model including primary heat transfer system (PHTS), calandria, end shield system, reactor cavity and containment has been developed. Two severe accident sequences have been selected to study hydrogen generation characteristic and the effectiveness of hydrogen mitigation with igniters. The one is Station Blackout (SBO) which represents high-pressure core melt accident, and the other is Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LLOCA) at reactor outlet header (ROH) which represents low-pressure core melt accident. Results show that under severe accident sequences, core oxidation of zirconium–steam reaction will produce hydrogen with deterioration of core cooling and the water in CV and reactor cavity can inhibits hydrogen generation for a relatively long time. However, as the water dries out, creep failure happens on CV. As a result, molten core falls into cavity and molten core concrete interaction (MCCI) occurs, releasing a large mass of hydrogen. When hydrogen igniters fail, volume fraction of hydrogen in the containment is more than 15% while equivalent amount of hydrogen generate from a 100% fuel clad-coolant reaction. As a result, hydrogen risk lies in the deflagration–detonation transition area. When igniters start at the beginning of large hydrogen generation, hydrogen mixtures ignite at low concentration in the compartments and the combustion mode locates at the edge of flammable area. However, the power supply to igniters should be ensured.  相似文献   

沉积于一回路系统设备内壁的活化腐蚀产物是压水堆核电厂停堆工况下的主要放射性来源.文中选择CPR1000停堆换料期间放射性浓度较高的活化腐蚀产物58Co作为研究对象,分析该核素在停堆开盖过程中放射性浓度变化的影响因素,并建立相应的放射性浓度计算模型.计算结果表明,一回路净化流量和附着于设备内壁的58Co释放率是影响停堆期间一回路冷却剂58Co放射性浓度变化的主要因素,同时从理论上得出了CPR1000机组停堆净化工序能够使得一回路冷却剂内58Co放射性浓度降至相关停堆放化控制限值内的结论.  相似文献   

林继铭  贾宝山  刘宝亭 《核动力工程》2004,25(3):275-278,283
采用MELCOR程序比较了大亚湾核电站在全厂断电事故下.恢复供电后不同喷淋模式对事故进程的影响。结果显示,采用较短的喷淋持续时间和适宜的喷淋投入时间,能较明显地避免氢燃或降低氢燃的强度,从而延迟安全壳内压力到达限值的时间。  相似文献   

核岛主系统设备吊装是核电站核岛设备安装工作的重要环节。而重型设备吊装工艺方法复杂、技术难度大、安全技术高,需要耗用大量的人力物力。因此,核岛重型设备的吊装是核电站建设的重大关键技术问题。在核电蓬勃发展的今天,总结成熟的吊装技术,创造新的吊装工艺,推动核电重型设备吊装技术的发展,有着积极的现实意义。重型设备吊装技术作为一种社会财富,应该加以总结、提高和推广,以起到提供借鉴,开阔思路,指导吊装施工的作用。  相似文献   

核电厂大LOCA始发严重事故下氢气源项的敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭连城  曹学武 《核动力工程》2007,28(5):69-74,108
采用MELCOR程序,以600MW级核电厂为研究对象,在以大破口失水事故为始发事件的严重事故中,针对不同的破口尺寸及破口位置对堆芯内锆-水反应及堆腔内熔融堆芯与堆腔混凝土之间的相互作用(MCCI)中氢气源项的影响进行敏感性分析.结果表明,在大破口始发的严重事故中,不同的破口尺寸对氢气源项的影响不大;而在破口尺寸相同的情况下,破口发生在主管道热段时,产氢速率的峰值最大;破口发生在主管道冷段时,累积的总产氢量最大.  相似文献   

以中国改进型三环路压水堆(CPR1000)堆内构件的螺栓联接拧紧力矩作为问题研究的出发点,探讨堆内构件的螺栓联接件翻版设计中,以国标米制替代统一英制的具体步骤和方法,列出了在转化设计中必须考虑的影响螺栓联接拧紧力矩大小的螺栓结构要素,以确保CPR1000堆内构件螺栓联接结构的可靠性,避免在反应堆运行过程中因螺栓联接结构的松动或紧固件脱落而威胁到反应堆的安全运行.  相似文献   

In the ITER wet bypass scenario, water leakage, air ingress and hot dust (Be, W, and C) in the vacuum vessel could generate combustible hydrogen-air-steam mixture. Hydrogen combustion may threaten the integrity of the ITER VV and lead to radioactivity release. To prevent hydrogen energetic combustion, nitrogen injection system in VV and hydrogen recombination system in the pressure suppression tank (ST) were proposed. The main objectives of this analysis are to study the distribution of hydrogen-air-steam mixtures in the ITER sub-volumes, to investigate the feasibility of the nitrogen injection system to fully inert the atmosphere in the VV and to evaluate the capability and efficiency of the hydrogen recombination system to remove hydrogen in the ST. 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code GASFLOW was used to calculate the evolution of the mixtures and to evaluate the hydrogen combustion risks in the ITER sub-volumes. The results indicate that the proposed hydrogen risk mitigation systems will generally prevent the risks of hydrogen detonation and fast deflagration. However, the atmosphere in ITER sub-volumes cannot be completely inerted at the early stage of the scenario. Slow deflagrations could still generate quasi-static pressures above 1 bar in the VV. The structural impact of the thermal and pressure loads generated by hydrogen combustions will be investigated in future studies.  相似文献   

黄兵 《中国核电》2016,(4):340-343
描述了VVER-1000机组水压试验过程与步骤,结合上游设计文件、标准规范,通过与田湾一期、国内典型机组的比较,提出了试验验收准则、试验压力和温度要求、控制方法,总结了田湾3号机组初始一回路水压试验的准备与注意事项,对于水压试验程序的编制及试验的执行具有指导作用,可供后续同类型机组的水压试验和调试工作参考。  相似文献   

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