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Three-dimensional parametric neutronics calculations using the Monte Carlo code MCNP-4C have been performed for a DEMO-type reactor based on the Helium-Cooled Lithium-Lead (HCLL) blanket. The aim of the analysis was to minimize the radial blanket thickness, while ensuring tritium self-sufficiency and to assess the shielding performance of the reactor in terms of the radiation loads to the super-conducting toroidal field (TF) coils. It was found that tritium self-sufficiency can be achieved with a breeder zone thickness reduced to no more than 55 cm at a 6Li enrichment of 90%. Assuming a 6Li enrichment of 60%, a breeder zone thickness of 60 cm is required to achieve the target TBR of 1.10 which is assumed to be sufficient to cover potential tritium losses and uncertainties. With regard to the shielding performance it was found that the design limits for the radiation loads to the TF-coil can be met with radial blanket thicknesses of 75 cm, 60 cm and 55 cm utilizing a two-component shield of Eurofer steel and tungsten carbide between the breeder zone and the vacuum vessel. The blanket variants with larger radial breeder zone show better shielding performances due to the reduced Eurofer shielding material acting as gamma radiation emitter in between the breeder zone and the vacuum vessel. In particular the radiation dose absorbed in the Epoxy insulator was shown to be the most critical quantity in this regard.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1380-1385
China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) is an ITER-like superconducting tokamak reactor. Its major radius is 5.7 m, minor radius is 1.6 m and elongation ratio is 1.8. Its mission is to achieve 50–200 MW of fusion power, 30–50% of duty time factor, and tritium breeding ratio not less than 1.2 to ensure the self-sufficiency. As one of the breeding blanket candidates for CFETR, a water cooled breeder blanket with superheated steam is proposed and its conceptual design is being carried out. In this design, sub-cooling water at 265 °C under the pressure of 7 MPa is fed into cooling plates in breeding zone and is heated up to 285 °C with saturated steam generated, and then this steam is pre-superheated up to 310 °C in first wall (FW), final, the pre-superheated steam coming from several blankets is fed into the other one blanket to superheat again up to 517 °C. Due to low density of superheated steam, it has negligible impact on neutron absorption by coolant in FW so that the high energy neutrons entering into breeder zone moderated by water in cooling plate help enhance tritium breeding by 6Li(n,α)T reaction. Li2TiO3 pebbles and Be12Ti pebbles are chosen as tritium breeder and neutron multiplier respectively, because Li2TiO3 and Be12Ti are expected to have better chemical stability and compatibility with water in high temperature. However, Be12Ti may lead to a reduction in tritium breeding ratio (TBR). Furthermore, a spot of sintered Be plate is used to improve neutron multiplying capacity in a multi-layer structure. As one alternative option, in spite of lower TBR, Pb is taken into account to replace Be plate in viewpoint of safety. In this contribution, study on neutronics and thermal design for a water cooled breeder blanket with superheated steam is reported.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1190-1194
The generation of tritium in sufficient quantities is an absolute requirement for a next step fusion device such as DEMO due to the scarcity of tritium sources. Although the production of sufficient quantities of tritium will be one of the main challenges for DEMO, within an energy economy featuring several fusion power plants the active control of tritium production may be required in order to manage surplus tritium inventories at power plant sites. The primary reason for controlling the tritium inventory in such an economy would therefore be to minimise the risk and storage costs associated with large quantities of surplus tritium. In order to ensure that enough tritium will be produced in a reactor which contains a solid tritium breeder, over the reactor's lifetime, the tritium breeding rate at the beginning of its lifetime is relatively high and reduces over time. This causes a large surplus tritium inventory to build up until approximately halfway through the lifetime of the blanket, when the inventory begins to decrease. This surplus tritium inventory could exceed several tens of kilograms of tritium, impacting on possible safety and licensing conditions that may exist.This paper describes a possible solution to the surplus tritium inventory problem that involves neutron poison injection into the coolant, which is managed with a tritium breeding controller. A simple PID controller and is used to manage the injection of the neutron absorbing compounds into the water coolant of a stratified blanket model, depending on the difference between the required tritium excess inventory and the measured tritium excess inventory. The compounds effectively reduce the amount of low energy neutrons available to react with lithium compounds, thus reducing the tritium breeding ratio. This controller reduces the amount of tritium being produced at the start of the reactor's lifetime and increases the rate of tritium production towards the end of its lifetime. Thus, a relatively stable tritium production level may be maintained, allowing the control system to minimize the stored tritium with obvious safety benefits. The FATI code (Fusion Activation and Transport Interface) will be used to perform the tritium breeding and controller calculations.  相似文献   

Recently, we have presented an exact method (now called “Total Monte Carlo”) to propagate uncertainties of fundamental nuclear physics experiments, models and parameters to different types of criticality-safety benchmarks. We now show that such exact uncertainty calculations are directly relevant to the optimal and safe design of fusion reactors by applying this methodology to a series of fusion shielding benchmarks, namely those connected to the Oktavian, Fusion Neutronics Source and LLNL Pulsed Sphere experiments. Uncertainties on neutron and gamma leakage fluxes for 13 shielding benchmarks are obtained, in the mass range from natMg to natW. Uncertainties for cross-sections, angular distributions, single- and double-differential emission spectra, and gamma-ray production cross-sections are considered in this uncertainty propagation scheme.  相似文献   

A neutronic analysis of the laser-driven inertial-confinement fusion reactor SENRI-I is presented. Three-dimensional Monte Carlo calculations were performed to examine the effects of laser beam ports on the flux distribution, tritium breeding ratio, thermal energy deposition in the blanket, and radiation streaming. A Monte Carlo code was also used for the time-dependent radiation-damage analysis accounting for the time of the flight spread of neutrons and the results are compared to the analysis for the HIBALL design. Induced radioactivity was estimated, based on the one-dimensional transport calculation and depletion analysis. The calculated results reveal the advantages of the SENRI-I design with a thick Li layer compared to other reactor systems employing a dry-wall scheme.  相似文献   

Neutronic calculations were performed to optimize the SENRI blanket in terms of energy multiplication as well as tritium breeding ratio. The blanket employs a thick ( 64-cm) Li layer as breeder/coolant. Three approaches were taken here to achieve the goal: (1) reduction of6Li in the lithium, (ii) replacement of the Li layer by a molten-salt (flibe) layer, and (iii) shipment of excess tritium to a nonbreeding blanket. It was found that the excess tritium produced in the SENRI blanket could be used effectively to obtain additional power by fueling a nonbreeding D-T reactor.  相似文献   

A Water-cooled Pressure Tube Energy production blanket (WPTE) for fusion driven subcritical reactor has been designed to achieve 3000 MW thermal power with self-sustaining tritium cycle. Pressurized water has great advantages in energy production; however the high pressure may cause some severe structural design issues. This paper proposes a new concept of water-cooled blanket. To solve the problem of the high pressure of the coolant, the pressure tube was adopted in the design and in the meantime, the thickness of the first wall can be significantly reduced as result of adopting pressure tube. The numerically simulating and calculating of temperature, stress distribution and flow analyses were carried out and the feasibility of using water as coolant was discussed. The results demonstrated the engineering feasibility of the water-cooled fusion–fission hybrid reactor blanket module.  相似文献   

Nuclear analysis was carried out for the heliotron-H fusion power reactor employing anl=2 helical heliotron field. The neutronics aspects examined were (a) tritium breeding capability, (b) shielding effectiveness for the superconducting magnet (SCM), and (c) induced activity after shutdown. In this reactor design of the heliotron-H, the space available for the blanket and shield is limited due to the reactor geometry. Thus, some parametric survey calculations were performed to satisfy the design requirements. The nucleonic design features of the heliotron-H are as follows. An adequate tritium breeding ratio of 1.17 is obtained when a 10-cm thick Pb neutron multiplier and a 40-cm thick Li2O breeding blanket are used. In this case, the total nuclear energy deposition is 16.10 MeV per 14.06 MeV incident neutron. The performance of the SCM is assured during 2 yr of continuous operation using a 20-cm thick tungsten shield. Biological dose rate behind the SCM at 1 day after shutdown is too high for hands-on maintenance.  相似文献   

A nuclear analysis was carried out for a heavy ion-beam fusion reactor, HIBLIC. The analysis includes the target and chamber neutronics, time-dependent radiation damage in the first wall, and radiation streaming through beam ports. It is found that the reactor chamber is characterized by its high tritium breeding ratio, low radiation damage in the second wall, and low induced activity. To reduce the radiation damage in the superconducting, focusing magnets, tapering the beam ports along the direct line-of-sight component of the source neutron is necessary in the magnet regions and also in the collimator region.  相似文献   

In this paper the total neutron albedo and associated energy distributions for 10 candidate fusion reactor materials have been calculated. The angular distributions of reflected neutrons for monodirectional 14.1 MeV neutrons incident on slabs of Pb, Be, and W are presented and the dependence of albedo on neutron energy and incident angle has been investigated. Finally, the impact on the tritium breeding of the outboard blanket of the choice of material used in the inboard side of the reactor has been assessed. It has been found that the largest total neutron albedos are those of neutron multiplying materials, whilst among non-multiplying materials tungsten yields the largest albedo and B10H14 yields the lowest. Tritium breeding ratio (TBR) calculations have shown the inadequacy of the neutron albedo concept in predicting the impact of inboard materials on the TBR of the reactor.  相似文献   

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