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The concept of intelligent electricity grids, which primarily involves the integration of new information and communication technologies with power transmission lines and distribution cables, is being actively explored in the European Union and the United States. Both developments share common technological developmental goals but also differ distinctly towards the role of distributed generation for their future electrical energy security. This paper looks at options that could find relevance to New Zealand (NZ), in the context of its aspiration of achieving 90% renewable energy electricity generation portfolio by 2025. It also identifies developments in technical standardization and industry investments that facilitate a pathway towards an intelligent or smart grid development for NZ. Some areas where policy can support research in NZ being a “fast adapter” to future grid development are also listed.This paper will help policy makers quickly review developments surrounding SmartGrid and also identify its potential to support NZ Energy Strategy in the electricity infrastructure. This paper will also help researchers and power system stakeholders for identifying international standardization, projects and potential partners in the area of future grid technologies.  相似文献   

This paper explores the trends in the deployment and integration of distributed generation in Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The study concentrates on the regulation of renewable energy generation with a focus on grid access and connection mechanisms. The high rate of distributed generation penetration is mainly based on the early support that these countries gave to the expansion of renewable energy generation – mainly wind and solar – within their respective national policies. Germany and Denmark are the ones with the most sophisticated support schemes, which have shown a dynamic design over time. In terms of connections, Germany has the most favorable connection regime which provides not only priority connection but also priority grid access for generation units that produce electricity from renewable energy sources. Sweden guarantees equal treatment among different technologies (i.e. a non-discrimination principle). High connection costs have been observed specially in Germany and Denmark. The costs of network upgrades are usually socialised across demand customers. However, integration issues should be taken into consideration in order to avoid expansion of distributed generation in a way which unnecessarily raises total system costs, via high connection costs.  相似文献   

Philip Vogel   《Energy Policy》2009,37(9):3665
Distributed generation units are desirable from an environmental point of view but also have an impact on the costs of electricity grids at the distribution and transmission level. Therefore, investment planning has to consider all benefits and costs of DG to build DG sources at sites where they are economically efficient. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task in an unbundled industry where distribution and generation of electricity are not planned by one single institution. For this reason, this article analyses possible policy options for giving incentives to distributed generation and focuses on the long-term investment signals related to DG.  相似文献   

传统配电网一般都是单一电源的辐射状网络,继电保护按照辐射型网络进行设计和整定。随着分布式发电(DG)的接入,辐射式的网络将变为一种遍布电源和用户互联的网络,使得配电网中的潮流分布发生根本变化。详细分析了分布式发电对原有配电网中的电流保护,距离保护以及对重合闸等传统继电保护所带来的影响;最后根据DG接入电网位置的不同以及容量不同提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

The amount of decentralised electricity generation (DG) connected to distribution networks increases across EU member states. This increasing penetration of DG units poses potential costs and benefits for distribution system operators (DSOs). These DSOs are regulated since the business of electricity distribution is considered to be a natural monopoly. This paper identifies the impact of increasing DG penetration on the DSO business under varying parameters (network characteristics, DG technologies, network management type) and argues that current distribution network regulation needs to be improved in order for DSOs to continue to facilitate the integration of DG in the network. Several possible adaptations are analysed.  相似文献   

With development of distributed generation(DG), configuration of optimization equipment is crucial for absorbing excess electricity and stabilizing fluctuations. This study proposes a two-layer configuration strategy coordinates active cyber control and the physical energy storage(ES) system. First, an upper economic model is developed. Based on chanceconstrained programming, an operation model accounts for inherent uncertainty are then developed. Under constraint of voltage risk level, a lower operation model is developed. Finally, a solution based on differential evolution is provided.An IEEE 33 bus system simulation was used to validate efficacy of model. The effects of risk level, equipment price, and chance-constrained probability were analyzed, providing a foundation for power consumption and expansion of cyberphysical systems.  相似文献   

This work presents an evaluation of the development of Stirling engines and the advantages and the main obstacles against their widespread introduction in energy-generation practices. It also shows how the economic, technical and environmental characteristics presented by these engines support their insertion in the energy sector. An economic and environmental evaluation of this technology aiming at introducing it in the Brazilian energy scenario is also presented. Changes in legislation, financing and technology within the next few years must encourage the implementation of alternative generation technologies that present lower environmental impacts. Also, tendencies and economical studies are presented, trying to find the optimal condition for this technology to be feasible. The option regarding the trading of carbon credits when biomass is used as fuel is analyzed as well.  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in distributed generation (DG). This paper reviews the different technological options available for DG, their current status and evaluates them based on the cost of generation and future potential in India. The non-renewable options considered are internal combustion engines fuelled by diesel, natural gas and microturbines and fuel cells fired by natural gas. The renewable technologies considered are wind, solar photovoltaic, biomass gasification and bagasse cogeneration. The cost of generation is dependent on the load factor and the discount rate. Gas engines and Bagasse based cogeneration are found to be the most cost effective DG options while wind and biomass gasifier fired engines are viable under certain conditions. PEM Fuel cells and micro turbines based on natural gas need a few demonstrations projects and cost reductions before becoming viable. A strategy involving pilot projects, tracking of costs and dissemination of information is likely to result in DG meeting 10% of India's power needs by 2012.  相似文献   

This paper presents different approaches to find out and address some rules for distributed generation (DG) integrated mesh type networks, which can be used in the management of future power systems. There are so many influencing factors of efficiency in the integration of DG that we need to analyze these influencing factors obviously. Hence, carefully planning plays a key role in tackling these challenges in the future power systems. In contrast to the majority of existing observations, we focus on the case where the underlying states are multiple and single DG allocations with changing conditions. In several previous studies, the best single bus has been investigated under the specified conditions. However, it follows from the results of this study that all issues concerning DG strongly depend on power network structure and DG locations, and it is worth to note that the best location changes with penetration levels. Also, it is observed that the all buses show different characteristics in terms of DG integrations under the different cases, moreover their optimum size and power factor are different. It means that optimum bus in a network changes with the conditions. On the other hand, the problematic buses can be occurred in voltage profile after the DG integration. As a result, an investigation of rule of thumb approach is performed for evaluation of performance enhancement of DG integrated meshed networks. The results are also used to discuss the integration of DG management strategies under various operating conditions.  相似文献   

High penetration of wind generation in electrical microgrids causes fluctuations of tie-line power flow and significantly affects the power system operation. This can lead to severe problems, such as system frequency oscillations, and/or violations of power lines capability. With proper control, a distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM) integrated with superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is able to significantly enhance the dynamic security of the power system. This paper proposes the use of a SMES system in combination with a DSTATCOM as effective distributed energy storage (DES) for stabilization and control of the tie-line power flow of microgrids incorporating wind generation. A new detailed model of the integrated DSTATCOM-SMES device is derived and a novel three-level control scheme is designed. The dynamic performance of the proposed control schemes is fully validated using MATLAB/Simulink.  相似文献   

An increase in the distributed generation of electricity necessitates investments in the distribution network. The current tariff regulation in the Dutch electricity industry, with its ex post evaluation of the efficiency of investments, average benchmarking and a frontier shift in the x-factor, delays these investments. In the unbundled electricity industry, the investments in the network need to be coordinated with those in the distributed generation of electricity to enable the system operators to build enough network capacity. The current Dutch regulations do not provide for a sufficient information exchange between the generators and the system operators to coordinate the investments. This paper analyses these two effects of the Dutch regulations, and suggests improvements to the regulation of the network connection and transportation tariffs to allow for sufficient network capacity and coordination between the investments in the network and in the generation of electricity. These improvements include locally differentiated tariffs that increase with an increasing concentration of distributed generation.  相似文献   

分布式电源对杭州配网保护的影响及准入容量的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布式电源具有投资少、见效快、节约土地、清洁更环保等优点,作为未来能源结构的一个重要组成部分,已得到人们的普遍认可。分布式电源的接入对整个电力系统的影响巨大而深远,同时给系统的运行带来一系列技术问题。文章详细分析了分布式发电对配网保护的影响及准入容量的计算。  相似文献   

There is growing interest in installing anaerobic digesters (ADs) on farms to use animal wastes as a biomass resource for both economic value and environmental benefit. This potential expansion prompts the need for land suitability assessment. In this paper, a GIS model is proposed for land-suitability assessment of potential energy systems featuring an AD coupled with an energy generator. A variety of environmental and social constraints, as well as economic factors are integrated in the model to help determine the optimal sites for installing such systems. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method is employed to estimate the factors’ weights in order to establish their relative importance in site selection. The model is then applied to Tompkins County, New York as a case study for demonstration. A siting suitability map was produced to identify those areas that are most suitable for distributed bio-energy systems using dairy manure. The results showed that this GIS-based model, by integrating both spatial data and non-spatial information, was capable of providing a broad-scale and multidimensional view on the potential bio-energy systems development in the area of study to account for environmental and social constraints as well as economic factors. The model can be modified for evaluating other biomass resources.  相似文献   

Hydrogen (H2) fuel obtained via thermo-catalytic ammonia (NH3) decomposition is rapidly attracting considerable interest for portable and distributed power generation systems. Consequently, a variety of reactor technologies are being developed in view of the current lack of infrastructure to generate H2 for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. This paper provides an extensive review of the state-of-the-art reactor technology (also referred to as reactor infrastructure) for pure NH3 decomposition. The review strategy is to survey the open literature and present reactor technology developments in a chronological order. The primary objective of this paper is to provide a condensed viewpoint and basis for future advances in reactor technology for generating H2 via NH3 decomposition. Also, this review highlights the prominent issues and prevailing challenges that are yet to be overcome for possible market entry and subsequent commercialization of various reactor technologies. To our knowledge, this work presents for the first time a review of reactor infrastructure for distributed H2 generation via NH3 decomposition. Despite commendable research and development progress, substantial effort is still required if commercialization of NH3 decomposition reactor infrastructure is to be realized.  相似文献   

This paper aims to study the application of distributed generation technologies on a naval energy system, investigating the best operating strategy for energy management throughout an annual load profile. The thermo-economic analysis is performed considering electrical and thermal load demands referred to hotel and service loads of a cruise ship (around 6 MWel), both variable with the season and the period of the day, taking into account the off-design curves and cost functions for the different generators. Four different solutions are investigated, comparing the operative strategies in terms of energy efficiency, CO2 emissions and annual costs.The analysis is performed with dedicated software for the thermo-economic time-dependent analysis, developed by the University of Genoa. The thermo-economic approach has general validity, thus it can be also applied to different kinds of ships, even considering different technologies for energy generation and storage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present an assessment and evaluation model for the prioritization of distributed generation (DG) technologies, both conventional and renewable, to meet the increasing load due to the growth rate in Iran, while considering the issue of sustainable development. The proposed hierarchical decision making strategy is presented from the viewpoint of either the distribution company (DisCo) or the independent power producer (IPP) as a private entity. Nowadays, DG is a broadly-used term that covers various technologies; however, it is difficult to find a unique DG technology that takes into account multiple considerations, such as economic, technical, and environmental attributes. For this purpose, a multi-attribute decision making (MADM) approach is used to assess the alternatives for DG technology with respect to their economic, technical and environmental attributes. In addition, a regional primary energy attribute is also included in the hierarchy to express the potential of various kinds of energy resources in the regions under study. The obtained priority of DG technologies help decision maker in each region how allocate their total investment budget to the various technologies. From the performed analysis, it is observed that gas turbines are almost the best technologies for investing in various regions of Iran. At the end of the decision making process, a sensitivity analysis is performed based on the state regulations to indicate how the variations of the attributes’ weights influence the DG alternatives’ priority. This proposed analytical framework is implemented in seven parts of Iran with different climatic conditions and energy resources.  相似文献   

With the development of distributed generation (DG) technologies and the implementation of policies to encourage their applications, building combined heat and power (BCHP) is expected to play a greater role in the commercial buildings in the future. BCHP is a promising efficiency improvement and carbon mitigation strategy, but careful selection of technology and operation mode is required to achieve a reasonable system performance according to energy consumption characteristics of buildings and technical features of equipments. This paper analyzed energy consumption characteristics of four typical commercial buildings in Japan and simulated the energy system performances of four mostly widely adopted DG technologies under different operation mode conditions for the four buildings studied. Various scenarios were evaluated and compared regarding energy utilization efficiency, energy saving and environmental effects, as well as economic efficiency. Results show that the hotels and hospitals are more attractive for BCHP because of their stable thermal load demands and a favorable heat-to-power ratio, which is the most compatible match with available DG technologies. Furthermore, some DG technologies are more suitable for a certain type of building than others because of their technical features more matching with the building’s energy consumption characteristics, as well as the user’s motivation of selecting BCHP. In Japan, during selecting DG technologies, the prior order is gas turbines (GT), gas engines (GE), diesel engines (DE) and phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC) for the hotels, PAFC, GE and GT, DE for the hospitals, PAFC, DE, GE and GT for the stores, as well as DE, PAFC, GE and GT for the offices.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed the application of photovoltaic solar energy as a source of cathodic protection in metallic structures foundations on transmission lines towers. As preliminary studies concerning the need for cathodic protection of the structure, we have measured the resistivity of the soil, the pH and the natural corrosion potential. After the verification of the need for protection against corrosion, the cathodic protection system (CPS) was designed calculating the current to be injected, the PV system and a monitoring system.For analyzing the efficacy of the CPS, a comparison was made between the measurements done in two towers very close to each other, one with a CPS and the other acting as a witness. By comparing the loss in masses of the carbon steel coupons installed around the base of both towers and the measurements of the potentials reached due to the injected current, the efficacy of this system was experimentally demonstrated. In the protected tower, the rate of mass loss experienced a decrease by a factor equal to 2.5.Finally, the economical analysis using the LCC, showed that the usage of CPS has a significant and clear advantage regarding traditional methods.  相似文献   

A small-scale hydropower station is usually a run-of-river plant that uses a fixed speed drive with mechanical regulation of the turbine water flow rate for controlling the active power generation. This design enables to reach high efficiency over a wide range of water flows but using a complex operating mechanism, which is in consequence expensive and tend to be more affordable for large systems. This paper proposes an advanced structure of a micro-hydro power plant (MHPP) based on a smaller, lighter, more robust and more efficient higher-speed turbine. The suggested design is much simpler and eliminates all mechanical adjustments through a novel electronic power conditioning system for connection to the electric grid. In this way, it allows obtaining higher reliability and lower cost of the power plant. A full detailed model of the MHPP is derived and a new three-level control scheme is designed. The dynamic performance of the proposed MHPP is validated through digital simulations and employing a small-scale experimental set-up.  相似文献   

The challenges for a reliable operation of electrical power system have increased due to the presence of multi‐distributed generation units (DGs) in the distribution systems in order to meet the increase of the load demand. Detection of unintentional islanding situation is very important as non‐detection of islanding situation could result in a cascaded failure of the system. If the islanding situation remains undetected, the instability in the islanded part can lead to a complete failure of the electrical power system. This paper introduces a new passive scheme for islanding detection, which is suitable for multi‐distributed generation units based on rotating machines. The proposed method is based on the measurements of the system voltage and frequency to compute two indices called the islanding index and harmonics index. The islanding index is the main index used to discriminate and identify the islanding situation. However, the harmonics index in conjunction with a strategy called speed reduction strategy assists the islanding index to discriminate between islanding situation in case of a close power match and system disturbances. The simulation studies were conducted in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, and various cases have been considered, such as normal operation, islanding operation, sudden load change, DG tripping, separation of some DG units, faults, etc. The novelty of the proposed strategy is that it provides fast detection and has zero nondetection zone compared with the existing detection methods. Moreover, the proposed strategy has no effect on the power quality, and the maximum detection time is almost 350 ms at a close power match. The results indicate that the proposed scheme is successful in discrimination of the islanding conditions from other grid disturbances, revealing its great potential to be able to detect islanding events. Finally, the proposed method is applied only for rotating machine based DGs, such as wind turbines. Wind farms' power generation system based on doubly‐fed induction generators is introduced in this paper as an example of DGs units.  相似文献   

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